

Having Beth stand over him, Zach's eyes widen for a moment. He hadn't heard her approach. Grinning a bit sheepishly, he picks himself up from the ground and brushes off his jeans.

"It's going great! At least the cloud gazing is." Smiling, he cocks his head, able to see Beth in the daylight for the first time. She seemed happy today. "I'm just glad you showed up. I thought maybe you woulda pegged me for a creep or something and..." He lets his sentence trail off. "I'm not helping much am I?"

He scratches his head. "I better start over. Hi, Beth. Good to see you. I'll let you lead the way to your sister, how's that?"

"Well thats good. I-" Jeff is cut short by the nearby clatter and he winces for Eric's sake. "Oops." Seeing it was under control though, he turns his attention back around only to have Ashlee suddenly leave. Was it him? He hoped not. Though he was a little glad for a moment alone with Stacy.

He clears his throat. "Um... I hope I didn't... offend you or anything last night." He eyes the table then looks back up at her. "I realize I may have acted inappropriately but I didn't mean to."

Having Ashlee suddenly appear at his table, Eric's eyebrows rise. He looks at the fresh cup of coffee then up at her with question. Hearing the reminder of his promise, not only does he feel a strange warmth in his heart, but he finds his lips curling into a genuine smile.

"I guess I did promise, didn't I? Maybe I just need a reminder every once in a while."

Motioning her to sit with him, he adds a little sugar to his coffee and stirs it in. "Thanks, Kiddo." He gives her a sidelong glance. "I wasn't sure I'd be able to make it back to the table with another cup." He rolls his eyes, still feeling a might stupid. It was time to change the subject.

"So how's that school of yours coming along today?"

You Promised

Pulling into Brookshire Beth cuts the engine on her car and just sits for a moment. She didn't have Zach's number, and she wasn't sure where to meet him but if she went inside she was sure to find him.

Finally getting out of the car and walking down the sidewalk Beth stops for a moment at a small metal bench and a smile passes over her lips the memories of first meeting Justin passing through her mind. Those were good memories, life changing memories, good memories.

Continuing her walk Beth sees a form laying in the grass and she can make out Zach. He looked comfortable, at least she found him. Her heart started to beat just a little faster as she went over to him and looking down.

"And I though I'd have a hard time finding you. I didn't have to look to far. Hows it going?"

Smiling as Jeff sits down Stacy gives a small laugh at Jeff as he mentions what time it was. One could lose track of time here and not know when was when. Stacy had done it a few times herself. Taking a sip of her coffee she gives a small nod.

"The day is going pretty good here so far. Not problems that are to big. I have to fix a few camera that got messed up in the wind last night but other than that things are on an evan keel."

Stoping for a moment as she hears the shreek from when Eric ran into Becky Stacy cringes a little bit feeling slightly bad for him.

Seeing what happened with Eric Ashlee felt bad. She couldn't imagine how embarrassed he was. Just watching as he forgets the coffee and gets his food she looks back to Jeff giving a small smile.

"I'm doing ok. School went good this morning."

Excusing herself Ashlee gets up dont with her lunch and takes her empty plate to the kitchen placing it in the sink. Looking to the coffee pot there seemed to be enough left for a cup. Grabbing a new one she pours in the coffee and grabs a few packets of suger and some creamer.

Going back into the dinning hall Ashlee walks over to Eric's table and sets the cup down giving a small smile. She really did feel bad for him and she didn't like to see when he didn't smile.

"You promised remember? You promised to keep being yourself and smile. I though maybe getting you your coffee would help with that."


"Is this seat taken?" Jeff smiles and sits down across from Stacy and Ashlee in the dining hall. It was lunchtime the next day, and he'd been helping in the barn all morning without hardly a chance for even coffee this morning. So sitting down for a meal now was a much needed rest. He offers Ashlee a smile too.

"Good..." He looks at his watch. "...Afternoon, apparently." His next glance to Stacy held just a bit of curiosity... perhaps feeling her out after their little parting last night. "And how has the morning treated you two?"

"Ack! Eric!"

Eric skids to a halt, but only after running into Becky as he came out of the kitchen. His coffee was now all over the floor and... all over her too. "Aw man, I'm sorry, Beck." He leans down to clean up his dropped mug at the same time she does and all it does is run their heads together.

Straightening, now with a soaked apron and hurt head, Becky manages to roll her eyes and laugh. "Just clean up the mess ya big goon. Where were your eyes?"

Mopping up the mess with a towel, Eric chooses not to tell her that he'd been looking at a certain table across the room. "I have no idea. Your coffee is too good to waste anyhow."

She chuckles and shakes her head. "No harm done."

A few minutes later, Eric was settled at a table alone back in the corner with his lunch, quietly eating by himself.

Friday. A quarter til eleven o'clock. Brookshire. Zach wanders slowly up the sidewalk, enjoying the sunshine. He didn't remember agreeing with Beth where exactly they'd meet, so he'd arrived early and had been sitting at the main building until he'd wanted to stretch his legs. Would she even show up? He thought so. But he wasn't usually a betting man. If she didn't come, he'd visit his uncle anyway and it would hardly be a wasted trip. Although... he would be a bit disappointed.

Hearing another vehicle, he glances up to see and old pickup pull in and drive to a nearby lot. Nope. Guy driver.

Yawning, Zack glances at his watch again. He probably had a few minutes yet.

Finding a nice sunny spot on the neatly trimmed lawn, he plops down on his back and sprawls out to stare up at the clouds.


Beth can't help but laugh as she stands and gather the plates and bowls. B rated moves had never been her thing till she started watching them with Justin. Now she enjoyed watching them too. Even if some of the stuff was so funny and bad.

"I think that sounds good. I don't have to be up to horrible early tomorrow so I don't mind staying up later than normal."

Pushing the dishes into the sink and filling it with a little water and dish soap Beth just lets them soak for now. She would wash them a little later.

"Munchies as long as you remember the cracked pepper chips and its a date."

Reading the text message Dan gives a small sigh. Something didn't feel right but there was nothing he could do about it. He could only hope that Dylan really was ok and God would take care of the rest. Still there was a helpless feeling and it didn't feel good.


Huddled in the corner of the dark living room, Dylan feels the phone vibrate again and turns to hide the light as he reads the text message from Dan. 'Is everything alright?' He swallows hard and glances to his arm. His hoodie sleeve hid the day-old needle marks.

'You're never too far away.' He bites his lip. He was further away than anybody knew, but not just in miles. Continuing to read just made his gut churn even more. A great ranch... lonely young girl. Dylan kinda missed Ashlee too.

Leaning back into the wall, the darkness, like a blanket, wraps itself around him. He'd been gone from the ranch less than two weeks, and already found himself in this miserable place. A place he'd vowed to himself never to return. But at least no one was yelling at him. Accusing him of things he hadn't done. Staring at him with disdain and distrust.

He pulls his knees up to his chest, blocking out the sound of retching in the nearby bathroom. Apparently the bad booze hadn't mixed well with everything else. A woman's voice purred from down the hall. Dylan buries his head against the wall. A loud thud in the room behind him makes him jump and curl in even tighter. He didn't want to know.

Only when it's quiet again does he flip open the phone again and type with his thumbs...

Re: Text Message
To: Dan
From: Unknown 555-7295

Long story abt the phone. Dont worry abt me.
Im taking care of myself ok.
Thx for txting.


Shutting the phone after pressing "send," Dylan returns to his curled-up position. This time, though, a fresh tear rolls down his cheek. He already wanted his next fix, and hated himself for it.

Even though the conversation doesn't continue, Eric's mind mulls over what Stacy had just said about Ashlee. Would the girl really care that much? He knew the answer. And he knew the answer to whether or not he'd miss her hanging around him too. For once... maybe there was a downside to being on the road. He'd think about it some more.

Seeing Stacy ready to leave, Eric was almost disappointed for a moment, though that alone was enough to confuse him. He stops the swing and looks over at her with a nod. "Okay. I was thinking about bed myself. I should probably head back that way now that-"

He bites his tongue and is thankful for the darkness to hide the crimson in his cheeks. "...now that it's getting late," he ends lamely.

Standing, he reaches up and tips his hat to her. "Goodnight, ma'am."

Justin grins. "B movies are never horrible. They're just.... B movies." Getting the last of his soup with the end of his sandwich, he finishes off his food and licks his fingers. "I don't know..." He shakes his head. "You're spoiling me awful bad with your cooking."

Taking a sip of water, his grin returns. "I can come back tonight if you want." He didn't want her to have to drive an hour late at night to come to his place, but he didn't mind it for himself. "But only if I can bring the munchies."

B Rated

Looking up from his cell and playing another card Dan hears his phone go off again and glances down. He hopped there would be enough chatting and laughing between turns to at least give him a little more time to read Dylan's text and reply once more.

Re: Text Message

To: Dylan
From: Dan

Nah Don't sweat it. I'm up anyways so its not a bother. Even if I was sleeping still would be ok.

Dan takes another turn throwing down a red 5 but forgetting to say Uno he is caught and takes 4 more cards.

Barrowed cell? Is everything alright? I wont let anyone know you texted me but just promise if you need something just let me know. You're never to far away.

"Hey Hey Hey You didn't say Uno Jade. I'm watching you trying to pull a fast one."

I hope you find what your looking for Dylan I really do. Hey if all else fails I hear there is this great Ranch in Texas that would love to have an extra set of hands and I lonely young girl who would like to have her friend back, but till than just take care of yourself alright?

Putting his phone down again Dan lets out a little yelp as her gets a kick from under the table.

"Alright Alright shesh people..."

As Eric draws very silent again Stacy does too. She remembered him talking about working on the road but she didn't realize he wanted to go back to it. She couldn't help the small bit of sadness that hit her thinking about Eric being gone. She'd gotten use to him being around even if they didn't talk much.

"Well I know one little girl that will be pretty heart broken to see her only other friend leave the ranch. So you better not be gone long at a time. She might go through withdrawals."

Becoming silent again for a moment Stacy just lets the rythem of the swing lull her as she moves back and forth with it. She wondered about Eric and why he was so quiet but it was non of her never mind to go butting in about it. Finally giving a streach she turns to bid goodnight to Eric.

"I better get some coffee before I get to comfortable here and pass out. Have a good night Eric."

Placing her bowl on top of her plate Beth was done with her food. There was still a little of each left but her tummy would surly revolt if she had anything else right now. Folding her hands she lets Justin just continue eating not rushing him at all.

"Sounds exciting. If you want I get out of work a little later tonight but not to horrible bad, I rented this horrible B rated movies this morning and I could use someone to laugh at it with me. If you up for it that is."

Strangely Quiet

It just... wasn't bad? Eric was a little surprised Stacy didn't say more than that about her evening with Jeff. Maybe seeing them kiss wasn't what he thought it was, but it sure looked like there was more to it than just "wasn't bad." It was none of his business though, so he wouldn't ask.

As the conversation comes back to Ashlee, he nods in consent. "Okay. I just didn't want to cause any trouble or nothin'."

Asked about his own day, he chuckles. "Oh, there's not too much to tell there. Most days I just try to help and stay outta people's hair. If I can make it to bed without having been in somebody's way during the day, then I did a fair job." In truth, he didn't even have any actual tasks during the day - it was just things he found himself to keep busy. Everybody else had routines and daily responsibilities. But even after he'd been back for this long, he was still finding it difficult to fit back in to things.

"Been thinking about letting Clint fix up my rig. He's been buggin' me about it for weeks. I figured I needed to pay him first but I s'pose if that's gonna happen, I'm gonna need to get the pay somewhere, and that seems a slim chance without my truck." He shrugs. "Once the road gets in a man's blood, it ain't easy to get out again."

It was a poor excuse. The ranch paid him for his work. And there was a large part of him that didn't really want to be on the road again. But at least when he drove, he knew his place.

Glancing down, Eric pushes the swing gently with his foot. It was the first time in a while he felt a little awkward with Stacy and he wasn't even sure why. It was as if all of a sudden he felt he might be stepping on someone's toes. Jeff's perhaps. Maybe getting back on the road really was as good idea.

Caught in a stare, he doesn't realize how quiet he'd become.

Re: Text Message
To: Dan
From: Unknown 555-7295

Thx. Sorry its late. 1st chance im alone with borrowed cell.
Tell Jade hi but pls dont tell anyone else i txted u.
Im a mess. Hate my life. Idk where im headed next.
Fine tho. Alive.


Justin shrugs as he dips another piece of sandwich in his soup. "Gotta run up to Brookshire to see my uncle about a case. Then back home, I guess. Got people I gotta call about their computers." He rolls his eyes. "I keep telling myself I'm not going to provide tech assistance anymore, but somehow I don't think my unpaid bills would like that very much."

He chews thoughtfully before shrugging again. "After that, I don't know. Ma's got rides today so she's taken care of. I gotta make a call to check on Scott. But... otherwise... it's shaping up to be a quiet evening I suppose."


Watching as Eric just looked at her for a long moment Stacy wondered what the blank stair was for. Was he ok? Did he have something no his mind? Did she do something wrong? A million questions run through her mind and for a moment a small feeling of guilt came over her but for what reason she wasn't sure.

Finally having him answer Stacy gives a smile and the feeling of guilt gets pushed away she would try and figure it out another day. Seeing Eric move over on the swing she sits down. It wouldn't hurt to sit for a little bit. She already made her rounds once and things seemed ok for the time being. Not to mention the dinning hall was pretty much in the middle so she could still see everything.

"Yeah it wasn't bad. I felt bad for Ashlee because she wanted to come work with you but I was happy she came."

Continuing to sit Stacy gives a look around still thinking about Eric's earlyer comment about asking her first before asking Ashlee anything. She didn't need to ok it with her first to have Ash work with him it was ok.

"Don't worry about asking me first when it comes to Ash helping you in the barn. I know she loves it and as long as she school work is done first I have no problem at all. Even if something else is planned things can be arranged, and compromises can be made."

Stacy gives a small smile looking to Eric again. The feeling of being guilty seemed to sneak back to her. For some reason she felt a little bad for Eric but she wasnt sure why. Maybe it was a little because she new how much he enjoyed teaching Ashlee how to do things around the ranch and today she had deprived them both of that. Whatever it was though it sucked.

"How was your day, any better?"

New Text Message

To: Dylan
From: Dan

No I don't think its possable your dad could hate
you. He does miss you though.
He wont say it but
you can tell by the look in his eye. Jade told
me to tell
you hi if I talk to you so Hi. How
are you?


Late night message

Off in his own little world, Eric was oblivious to Stacy's presence. Hearing her voice, he visibly jumps and looks up quickly. Realizing who it was, he blinks, almost confused for a moment. He'd thought maybe her evening with Jeff wasn't quite over. It hadn't taken her long to get here. Had she realized he'd seen them? Did it even matter? Why was he so concerned about it in the first place? She was obviously just making her rounds now.

Suddenly realizing she'd asked him a question and all he was doing was giving her a blank stare, he snaps back to attention. "Um... yeah...yeah. Least she headed that way." He grins. "I hope you don't mind I told her after she was done with her school work tomorrow she could come help me again." He thinks about the possibility of perhaps other evenings when Ashlee was wanted elsewhere. "I s'pose I should've asked you first though to make sure that didn't conflict with any other plans. She gets so excited, sometimes I forget."

He straightens in the swing and edges over to one side a little... just in case. "Seems y'all had a good time in town?"

New Text Message
To: Dan
From: Unknown 555-7925

Does dad hate me?

Small Talk

As Jeff comes into for the kiss it was to quick for Stacy to even react. She could feeling her heart skip a few beats. It had been a long time since anyone had shown her affection let alone kiss her. She hadn't been expecting it at all and was really sure what to think about it.

As Jeff turns to leave Stacy just watches him for a moment before turning herself. Not making way to her bunk house though she heads for the dinning hall. It was still early, and she had a few more house to keep watch before bed. Se would definitely be in need of some coffee.

Walking up onto the pouch and hearing the swing creek a little Stacy turns her attachen to it. Seeing Eric she gives a smile and a little wave. He was up late tonight but than again it kind of was a normal thing it seemed for him.

"Hey Eric, its a nice night out today. Did Ash finally make it to bed?"

She new her daughter had gone to see them after they got back and it didn't upset her as long as she was in bed so she could wake up for her school work. That was important to Stacy and she it was important to her daughters future too.

Beth gives another nod to Justin. Even if he didn't take her up on the offer she was still happy to be able too. IT was nice not living in as much fear as she was and keeping herself shut away from everything in the world. Part of her wished Justin had becomes her friend earlyer so not as much life had passed her by but she new God had his reason for placing him here and now. Maybe before she wouldn't have listened to him.

"So what are you planes for today? Anything fun and exciting?"


Justin nods thoughtfully. He appreciated Beth's offer and appreciated her prayers as well. This thing really was bigger than he was, and he needed all the help he could get. "Thanks, Beth. I, um...." He gives her a small smile. "Yeah. Thanks. I'll let you know if I need company." He didn't know if he would take her up on it or not... perhaps he would. But whether or not he did, her offer was nice and it proved how far she'd come.

As Stacy starts to move past him, Jeff's hand remains gently planted on her shoulder to prolong her stay. He finds her gaze like unending pools reflecting the soft moonlight. And his heart skips a beat.

She was thanking him? It brings forth a soft smile. If she'd had half as good a time as he had, it had been worth it.

Releasing her shoulder, his hand slides down to hers, taking it from his arm as his thumb caresses her palm. "You're welcome," he responds quietly.

Cocking his head, he leans closer, planting a brief, soft kiss on her lips. His eyes glint with sheepishness and a hidden smile. Finally backing away, he lets her hand go and gives her a slight nod. "Goodnight, Stacy." And turning, he aims for his bunk.

Eric gives Ashlee a little wave then shakes his head, smiling. He was... glad that she'd wanted to see him tonight.

Sighing a deep sigh of content, he stuffs his hands in his pockets and ambles towards the bunkhouses. Maybe... just maybe he was beginning to find purpose here.

Yawning as he rounds a corner, it takes him a moment to realize he's not alone under the stars. Seeing Jeff just retracting from a kiss a short ways away, Eric skids to a halt. His reaction to turn around and take another route is automatic, and he hopes he hadn't been seen. He didn't want to give something like that an audience. Obviously his brother and Stacy had had a nice evening together. That was good. Stacy needed someone just like Eric had told Ashlee only minutes before. And Jeff needed someone too, so what Eric had just seen was perfectly natural, right?

Instead of going back to the bunkhouses, Eric aims for the dining hall. Maybe he'd wait a few minutes before venturing back that direction.

Stepping up on the porch, he eases down on the porch swing. He could hear some laughter inside from the night owls playing cards, but he decided not to join. He'd go to bed... soon.