

Having Beth stand over him, Zach's eyes widen for a moment. He hadn't heard her approach. Grinning a bit sheepishly, he picks himself up from the ground and brushes off his jeans.

"It's going great! At least the cloud gazing is." Smiling, he cocks his head, able to see Beth in the daylight for the first time. She seemed happy today. "I'm just glad you showed up. I thought maybe you woulda pegged me for a creep or something and..." He lets his sentence trail off. "I'm not helping much am I?"

He scratches his head. "I better start over. Hi, Beth. Good to see you. I'll let you lead the way to your sister, how's that?"

"Well thats good. I-" Jeff is cut short by the nearby clatter and he winces for Eric's sake. "Oops." Seeing it was under control though, he turns his attention back around only to have Ashlee suddenly leave. Was it him? He hoped not. Though he was a little glad for a moment alone with Stacy.

He clears his throat. "Um... I hope I didn't... offend you or anything last night." He eyes the table then looks back up at her. "I realize I may have acted inappropriately but I didn't mean to."

Having Ashlee suddenly appear at his table, Eric's eyebrows rise. He looks at the fresh cup of coffee then up at her with question. Hearing the reminder of his promise, not only does he feel a strange warmth in his heart, but he finds his lips curling into a genuine smile.

"I guess I did promise, didn't I? Maybe I just need a reminder every once in a while."

Motioning her to sit with him, he adds a little sugar to his coffee and stirs it in. "Thanks, Kiddo." He gives her a sidelong glance. "I wasn't sure I'd be able to make it back to the table with another cup." He rolls his eyes, still feeling a might stupid. It was time to change the subject.

"So how's that school of yours coming along today?"

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