

Eric drops his eyes for a moment before returning his sheepish gaze. While his lips were still curled, on the inside he was wondering if Stacy's words hit a little closer to home than he'd like. Was she talking about getting hung up on his speech, or something else? He sets that thought aside to revisit it later.

Gaining her permission to teach Ashlee to ride widens his grin a little. At least with all his bungles, she still trusted him - and for him, that was actually pretty good. The redness slowly fades from his face. "You're welcome. It's the least I can do. I mean..."

His words trail off as he feels her touch on his arm. For some reason, he felt much more sensitive today... like he could feel her warmth all the way through to his skin... as if he'd just been touched by a fuzzy electrical current that ran right up his arm and then down his spine.

Blinking, he tries to get himself back on track. "...with her bein' kinda alone and all." He felt badly, too, that Ashlee didn't have a dad in the picture, but he wouldn't say anything like that, for fear it might be taken the wrong way. "Guess I'll think a little more on teachin' her."

Backing away, his arm slips from her hand and he gives her a slight nod before turning and wandering back to where the hats were again. As he stops and looks at the hats though, the black one in particular, his hand finds its way to the place on his arm where Stacy's palm had been. And once again, he knew there was more to her than the tough outer shell she wore.

...The rest of the morning went without a hitch. There were no mishaps with Dylan, which made everyone feel a little more at ease, and after leaving the tack shop, they all walked a couple blocks to get a bite to eat where Sparky let Dylan stay with Stacy and Jeff while he and Eric went to get grain. Once back, Jeff convinced them to stay for an ice cream cone before heading back to the ranch. Dylan remained quiet most of the time, and though not cracking much of a smile, his eyes proved that he was having a bit of fun and was glad to get away from the ranch for the while.

Wandering to the pickups in the parking lot, Eric aims for the second truck, only to be met by Jeff, who held the door open for him. Stacy was already behind the wheel. While Eric didn't want to be squished in the middle again, he didn't want to make a scene this time, nor did he want any more embarrassing moments. He's just ready to slide in and take his spot when Jeff's words stop him short.

Jeff gives him a silly grin and gestures inside the truck. "In you go, Sexy. Are you going to wear your hat or not? 'Cause that might determine if I need my sunglasses."

Not only did the first comment make Eric bristle, but the second one only reminded him of the awkward spot he'd been earlier in over his "shining" hair. So much for not being embarrassed again. He knew Stacy had heard the comment, and immediately he felt the heat crawling up his neck to spread into his cheeks. And this time... he'd had enough. This time, he just couldn't be sandwiched in the middle again trying to swallow his pride and pretend he wasn't feeling like the local idiot. Jeff had gone too far. Forgetting his decision not to cause a scene, Eric steps to the side, glaring at his brother. "Get in," he hisses.

Jeff lifts an eyebrow, not really sure if that was real anger he saw or not. "That spot's reserved for you, Bro. Remember me and getting carsick?"

"I ain't ever seen you carsick," Eric counters. "And I ain't ever been so embarrassed as you've made me today. If you don't get in and shut up, I'm finding my own ride home."

Jeff's humor is dropped and he furrows his brow. "Hey, cool it. I was just teasing."

"You've been teasin' me all morning and I'm sick of it. I came along today because I had something to buy, not because I wanted to be poked and prodded and made fun of."

"For crying out loud," Jeff defends, "I'm just trying to get you to lighten up."

"I don't need to lighten up," Eric growls, his eyes still glaring. "All I need is a little more respect from my brother, rather than being made a fool of all day. Or is that too much to ask?"

The angry sarcasm sets off Jeff now and he can feel his own anger rising. "You do need to lighten up," he argues. "Ever since you got back, all you've done is mope. You're in a horrid mood and you act like it's the end of the world. Well it isn't, and I'm tired of all your crap. Far be it from me to tease you a little and try to get you to laugh instead of hating everyone and everything."

"You don't need to embarrass me to tease me!" Eric raises his voice.

"I don't know why you are!" Jeff throws his arms in the air. "Get over yourself!"

"Me?! You're the one that needs to grow up!"

"Well if growing up means not having a sense of humor anymore, then I guess you beat me to it."

Eric is tired of the verbal war and throws Jeff one last glare before spinning on his heel and stalking towards the other truck.

Watching him go, Jeff sets a hand on the open door to steady himself while trying to control his shortness of breath. Getting uptight wasn't the smartest thing anymore and his racing heart proved it. He hadn't wanted to get in a fight - he really had just been kidding around. Why couldn't Eric just be... Eric again?

Seeing his brother join Sparky and Dylan, Jeff's shoulders drop a little and he slowly climbs in the passenger seat next to Stacy before buckling in. Giving her a sidelong glance, he purses his lips. "I'm... sorry about that. I guess I didn't know he was that sensitive today. I hope I haven't embarrassed you as much as I've apparently embarrassed him." He really hadn't wanted to make anyone feel awkward. He was just tired of seeing his brother so sad and had only wanted to get him to laugh and have fun. Maybe he really had teased too much. He probably teased everyone too much. But life was too short to take everything so seriously all the time - a fact that he knew better every day.

Looking back at Stacy, he gives her a sorry sort of grin. "I can make it up to you... a little bad singing on the way home... no more jokes for a week... dinner at my place? Er, bunkhouse? I make a mean microwave lasagna. Or we could come back to town for dinner that actually tastes good."

Carson grins as he wipes off the counter again, watching Dalton leave. The big guy was alright, and Dani always seemed happy around him. Carson was pretty sure they'd make a good couple. He had to admit, it sent a little pang to his heart though, thinking about his baby sister getting married. They'd always be brother and sister, but he knew that their relationship would change some, and it would be a little bit of an adjustment. It would be Dalton's job to take care of her, not Carson's. He wondered if that would be easy to let go of or not. Sighing, he turns and heads back to the kitchen. That was one thing he could always count on - life would always change.

Hearing Beth's response, Justin questions what he would do next - he could tell by the tone of her voice that she felt badly. Wasn't it rightly so? She'd gone too far on this one, and probably should feel a bit badly about it. He still couldn't bring himself to reprimand her, though. Not like he did other people.

Looking down at the chocolate again, he goes for a paper towel, wetting it under the faucet to clean up the mess. The movie wasn't even near the end and Beth was suggesting she leave. Part of Justin wanted to stop her to make sure the consequences of this whole thing weren't too great. But part of him would just as soon have her leave. If he couldn't trust her to respect boundaries, maybe their friendship had gone too far.

"Up to you," he finally calls back. Tossing the messy paper towel into the trash can, he picks up the chocolate again and wanders back into the living room. Resuming his seat on the couch, he doesn't look up as he puts some chocolate on the ice cream he really didn't even want anymore.

"More prepared?" Rocky laughs. "What? I don't look prepared to you?" He stands straighter and looks down at himself. He did look a bit disheveled. But it didn't spoil his grin. "If I go home first, Puzzle is gonna expect me to stay, and I'd hate to disappoint him. That and..." He shrugs. "Call me lazy." The laughter still twinkles in his eyes.

"Shall we say... fifteen minutes? Coffee shop across the street?"

No sooner had Ryan curled up with him and Tal was asleep. Normally the floor would be too uncomfortable, despite the soft blanket, but this morning, he was so tired he could have slept anywhere. And maybe having Ryan in his arms helped...

...The sound of soft puppy whimpering rouses Tal from his sleep and he pries his eyes open. Yawning, he sucks in a deep breath of air, only now feeling something heavy on his chest. Glancing down, he realizes it's Ryan's head, and he grins. He didn't know what time it was, but light was shining brightly in the window and the sounds of traffic indicated activity. His gaze drifts lazily to the clock on the wall. It was nearing eleven o'clock. Even with as tired as he'd been, he was surprised he'd slept that long. He must have been extra comfortable.

Glancing at Ryan again, his arm gives her a little squeeze. "Hey," he whispers. "Want some breakfast?" Shifting a little to twist his neck around, he kisses her forehead. Somewhere along the way, fear of her not liking his apartment had dissipated. And somewhere along the way, apprehension had dissipated, too. For right now... this morning... he couldn't be happier.

Reese nods at Nate. "Thank you." He looks to Chance once more. "If you know the Underground so well, you tell me what comes next."

"I need to offer them the trade and then wait. They will probably run it up to the top dog then call me back. If they're desperate, it'll be quick. If they want to make me sweat, they might wait a day or so."

"Then make the offer." Reese holds up his phone. "From here." He nods to Nate. "You're free to go, but keep yourself available."

Kip digests Karla's words, remaining quiet for a long while after she'd spoken. He wasn't asleep though. On the contrary, his mind was going a million miles an hour. It hurt - everything did. He didn't know what was happening to himself... he didn't understand what was going on inside of him and it was scary. Maybe Karla was right? Maybe he should at least try what Kyle had suggested? And if he didn't like it, he didn't have to keep going... and Karla said the others wouldn't think any differently of him. So... was there really any risk to talking to someone?

Rolling onto his side, he faces Karla, closely enough that his forehead rests against hers. He closes his eyes and sighs deeply, draping his arm around her. "Okay," he finally whispers. "I'll tell Kyle I'll do it. But let's forget about it for tonight, okay?"

Pulling her closer, he battles with his mind for peace. And half an hour later, he doesn't even feel a blanket being pulled over the both of them by Gram who pads softly from the room again.

With just a little bit of imagination, the brick, two-story house might look like a fairytale cottage, complete with rounded windows and ivy crawling up the south end. A long driveway set it back into a cozy grove of pines and oaks, far enough from the main road to make one think they were far away from civilization. The front yard was spacious, dotted with tasteful bushes and shrubbery. The backyard was bigger than one might think, half cooled by the shade of trees. A stone path led the way from the broad back porch with a swing, around a vibrant flower garden and to a peaceful respite with a bench and small rock pool.

The inside of the house was just as elegant, though without a huge interior or fancy furnishings, it maintained a homey feel. The wood floor bore small marks - evidence of children's play. The kitchen, though bare, told of happy meals and singing. Living room and dining room both, though void of furniture, held memories of running children, silly shrieks and very simply, the love of family. A sun room in the back had hosted many quiet hours, spent with loved ones, or in prayer. Three upstairs bedrooms still echoed with laughter and the late night whispers of sleepovers.

And Kyle loved telling Alice about it all... his fall down the stairs when he was six, sneaking into the kitchen at midnight for cookies with his cousins, adventures with Phil out the bedroom window that no parent ever knew about, and the tears spilled in the sun room after the death of his dad. His aunt and uncle's house on the edge of town had given Kyle many fond memories that still entered his mind often. As he'd grown older, the time spent here had grown less and less. Life moved in and sleepovers, backyard camping and birthday parties had been outgrown. Then last year, his aunt and uncle had moved out of town to be closer to Kyle's aunt's parents. Today though, he'd had permission to come and had given Alice the grand tour, complete with stories for each room - some sweet, some sad and many funny.

Lying on his back in the front yard and watching the clouds pass over, Kyle squints into the bright sky. After the stress of last night dealing with Kip, today was a slice of heaven. "So... I guess this is the last place I really wanted to show you. Sometimes I wish I was still a kid again so I could come hang out here but... I guess these are just good memories to treasure, ya know?"

He rolls onto his side to look at Alice and a smile spreads from ear to ear. "Cool house though, huh?"

A knock at the door rouses Cindy from her light sleep as she sat in the living room chair with a blanket. She'd been there most of the time since being brought back by Susanne the night before. Not knowing at first what the noise was, she looks quickly to he couch, finding that Jason was still there and still sleeping. He slept most of the time now, and when he did wake, he wasn't always lucid enough for conversation. Rick had sent along some more powerful pain killers that knocked Jason out most of the time - a stark reminder that the end was approaching more quickly every day.

Cindy walks to the couch and reaches down to run a finger through his hair. Oh, to have her son full of life again. Another knock makes her jump and she realizes that's what had woken her. Heading to the door, she hopes it's not someone who just wanted to chat. Everyone meant well, but a few quiet hours had been nice. Opening the door, she looks out only to be met by a stranger. Or was he? It only takes a moment for Cindy's face to pale, her heart leaping into her throat as she simply stares.

Derek swallows hard, bringing Liz a little closer with his arm around her shoulders. "Hi, Cindy."

Cindy blinks and tries to say something, but no words come. She clears her throat and looks down for a moment, finally looking back up at him again. Squaring her shoulders, she takes a deep breath. "Derek. It's been a long time."

"Yes... it has."

Sensing the tension, Liz moves forward and stretches out her hand. "I'm Liz. Jason's sister. He told me a lot about you the last time I was here."

Cindy weakly accepts the handshake and does her best to smile. "I know he enjoyed getting to know you a little bit."

Derek shifts a bit uncomfortably. "We... came to see him... if that's okay."

"Um... he's sleeping at the moment. He, um... well it's..." Cindy swallows again, mustering up her courage while she battled against images from the past that bombarded her mind. Standing before her was the man who she, at one time, had blamed for ruining her life. This was the man that was the father of her sons. This was the man that had abandoned her when she'd needed him the most. Who had taken advantage of her in a vulnerable moment, only to tuck tail and run. And yet... the wounds didn't hurt quite as badly as they used to. Cindy looks between father and daughter, finding it hard not to be bitter against the fact that this girl had her dad in her life, while Jason had had no father growing up. But she knew it wasn't Liz's fault. And right now, Derek had just as much right to see his son as Cindy did. "Come in... please."

Derek's shoulders drop in relief and he offers a gentle smile and nod, following Liz into the house. Cindy leads them to the kitchen, offering them seats at the table as she sits with them. "Jason... is pretty out of it most of the time," she explains. "If you catch him when he wakes, it may or may not even register with him that it's you."

Derek nods. "We understand. I would have come sooner, but we just got word. I think Rick was waiting until he knew for sure that..." He lets his sentence trail off. "Well... he just said maybe now was a good time."

After having cried so many tears, Cindy again struggles to keep her emotions at bay. She had always been strong but this... all of this... it was beginning to take its toll and she wasn't sure how much longer she could stand up under it. "Yes, Rick has been here often to check on Jason. He wants Jason to be at TJY but Jason asked to stay here as long as he could so Rick agreed."

Derek nods again. "That's good. That he gets what he wants... Jason, I mean." An awkward silence follows until he clears his throat. "May I go see him?"

"Yes. He's in the living room." Cindy gestures to the next room.

Derek stands and holds out his hand for Liz to join him and they both slowly find their way to the couch where Jason still lay. Derek takes a knee and Liz quietly lowers onto the edge of a cushion. "Jason?" Derek sets as hand on his son's shoulder.

Jason's eyes flutter open and he looks up at the two blurry faces. He furrows his brow, thinking for a moment, then lifts one eyebrow. "Took you long enough," he teases weakly.

Liz breaks into a smile and she laughs softly. "Yeah well... timing isn't our best quality."

Jason manages a crooked grin as he fights to keep his eyes open. His hand moves to rest on Derek's. "Hey..."

"Hey." Derek forces himself to smile. "We didn't want to interrupt your sleep. We just wanted to say hi and let you know we were here."

"Mm-hmm..." Jason's eyes fall shut but he pries them open again. "Liz... you got a... a toothpick?"

She blinks. "A toothpick?"

"Two." Jason holds up two fingers. "To prop open my eyes."

Liz giggles. "No. But if you're that tired, we'll let you sleep."

"If you do that, you might.... might never get to talk to me." Jason tries not to wince too much as a new wave of pain hits, and he concentrates on the conversation instead as a good distraction. "So what's new... with you guys?"

Derek shakes his head. "Not much. Same old stuff. Figured we were due for a little vacation to Nevada was all."

Jason's mouth curls into a wry grin. "Sure."

Seeing his son's eyes dropping again, Derek gives his shoulder a pat. "You rest now, okay? We'll be around."

"Mm-hmm." Jason gives them both a weak wave.

Liz is reluctant to leave the couch, but she pries herself away to follow her father back to the kitchen, rejoining Cindy.

Cindy does her best to muster up another smile. "Katie spends a lot of time over here too... she and Jason are so close, you know. I'm sure she'll be here after work like usual."



Dalton's eyes study Carson's face as he listens to his words. His heart starts to race, hearing his reply. Did Carson really think that little of him? Did he really not like him all that much? Dalton had thought for sure he wasn't that bad. He'd always walked on God's path the best he could and tried to uphold morals.

Letting out a small sigh, Dalton can feel his heart sink. He really did love Dani and he wanted to be able to take care of her. But without Carson's blessing, it would have to wait for now. He wanted to at least try to get Carson to like him enough for his blessing.

About to turn and leave, Dalton stops as Carson turns around once again. His expression was completely different now than it had been a few moments before. Dalton can't help but cock his head a little bit and as he hears Carson's new words, he lets out a longer sigh that seemed clearer.

"You think you're a funny guy, huh?" He can't help but laugh a little as he sinks down into the stool by the counter. His heart was now racing even more than it had been before. Looking up at Carson, a little of his own humor dances in his eyes as he thinks about how silly he must have looked. "I guess you have to start somewhere with scaring the crap out of your little sister's guy, right? I'm just happy you were joking."

Picking up the small box again and placing it into his pocket gently so it wouldn't get lost, Dalton gives a smile to Carson again before standing and saying his goodbye. He wasn't sure when the time would come that he would ask Dani, but now that Carson gave his ok, when that perfect moment hit, he could.

Stacy can't help the smile that spreads across her face as Eric confirms that those boots would be best for Ashlee. Her daughter wasn't spoiled but she liked getting her the best, or at least right, things when she could.

Tilting her head to the side for a moment as Eric continues to, what seemed like, talk, Stacy does her best to follow along and understand. She can't help though, bringing a hand to her mouth to hide a small laugh. Eric was trying so hard and it just wasn't coming out right at all.

"Don't give up. If you do, then nothing will ever get done. Even if you do get hung up a little bit, it's part of learning, after all." Putting the boots under her arm and glancing in the direction where Sparky and Dylan were, Stacy just focuses on them for a moment as she thinks about Eric's question. It would put a smile on Ashlee's face to learn how to ride, and Eric seemed trustworthy enough. He also knew how to handle a horse, or so it seemed the other day when she watched from afar as he worked the horse in one of the round rings.

"It would be okay with me if you taught Ashlee how to ride. I think she would really like that. It would give her something to do as well, and could even count as gym class for school."

Stacy laughs and shakes her head a little bit thinking about it. "That would make Ash happy, not having to worry about doing anything else for gym besides riding a horse. I think it would be really great, Eric, if you were to teach her. Thank you."

Taking a few steps forward, Stacy stops next to him and gives him a smile, resting her hand gently on his arm as a thanks - a contrast, perhaps, to her rough exterior. She felt it was important for her daughter and herself to fit into the ranch as best as they could, ad so far it seemed easier than she had thought. They had opened their arms to them and treated them just like family. It was a nice feeling and Stacy was glad it had been an easy transition.

Biting her lower lip, Beth is quiet as she just watches and listens to Justin. He didn't have to say he was upset - she could already tell - by the small flicker in his eye. She wasn't good at reading people like Justin was, but she had come to know the different looks he had and what they meant.

"She is ve..." Beth doesn't bother finishing her sentence as Justin changes the subject rather quickly and gets up, leaving the room. Once he is gone, she leans back on the couch and lets out a rather long sigh as she moves the spoon through her melting ice cream.

Justin hadn't yelled at her, but it was easy to see that maybe she'd really messed up on this one, even though she was just trying to do something good. She'd been on a high, feeling good about herself, but now she felt pretty low. It wasn't Justin's fault - maybe it was just her own and she had been overconfident.

"No...that's...that's alright. I don't need any. I...probably should go soon."

The movie wasn't close to being over, but if Justin was angry, she didn't want to stay and invade his space any more than she already had. Perhaps letting him cool off was the best thing right now.

Michaela can't help but laugh and shake her head. If her own contents in her cart had been any more exciting, she would have made a comment. But she just left it alone before she embarrassed herself with her female products.

"Oh, so you really want to go to coffee with me? I figured since you never returned my call...you just liked talking about it more." Leaning on her cart, Michaela's eyes dance with her own silly humor. She missed their talks online and through their blog, even if most people would think it silly - she really liked interacting with Rocky.

"Well, on another note, I just need to pick a salad dressing here and then I am done if you want to grab some now. I am game. Or, we could become more prepared and go later tonight."

Being there with Tal and Holly was an amazing experience and something Ryan would never forget. to see life being created in front of her eyes, it was simply amazing. She looks to Tal several times as a bright smile shone on her face, and her eyes filled with the same amazement and wonder.

As the sky turns colors, and the puppies and new mother fall asleep, Ryan lets out a yawn. It had been a long night filled with excitement to keep her awake, but now, now how tired she felt was starting to sink in.

Looking over at Tal and seeing him curl up on the blanket with the pillow, Ryan gives a small laugh. Few words had been shared tonight, yet it felt like they had had a whole conversation. It was a good feeling - a comforting feeling. Seeing Tal motion for her to come closer, she hesitates for a moment but finally relents as she crawls over to him and snuggles in close. It wasn't long before Ryan was fast asleep, the smile still on her lips.

From inside, Carol just watches Nikki and Pete, a smile forming on her face. It gave her great comfort, knowing Nikki was being taken care of and was happy. She wasn't long for his world and would soon be going home. Knowing her daughter was okay, or at least having the confirmation, was nice.

Slowly making her way back to the living room, Carol slowly sits down in her chair, tired from the short walk. Leaning her head back, she says a little prayer before drifting to sleep.

Entering Reese's office, Nate is a little surprise to see Chance. He'd been out when the whole thing had gone down originally, but he had heard about it and knew who Chance was. "What's up, Boss?"

He puts aside how strange it was that Chance was here, and he turned his attention to Reese. It had to be for a good reason, and as he starts to explain, Nate listens even closer, not missing a detail. Someone's life was depending on this, yet another's life hung in the balance.

One Reese is finished, Nate gives as nod of understanding before looking to Chance again and just studying him for a moment. He wondered himself if this was another trap, but he had to trust Reese on this one.

"Yeah, I can do that. Just let me know where we need to go and when it will happen and I am all over it."

"You are the heartless killers or you wouldn't have killed my father in the first place when he was trying to get out. That is the truth, plain and simple. You intended on killing him and you won."

Not saying anything else, Destiny puts her head down again, letting the woman leave. She was angry, she was scared and she couldn't help but wonder if anyone really was coming for her at all, or if this was the last room she would see.

Looking into Kips eyes, Karla gives a small smile. She could never be mad at him - it was just something that did not seem possible. So giving a smile was her way of conveying that to him.

Listening to everything he had to say about what Kyle had told him today and what he was trying to decide, Karla felt a little sad, but only because she knew how hard this had to be on Kip. Something like this, being told you needed help, was not easy to hear and she knew it.

"I think if you cut out now on something you have a great talent in and love doing, then you're never going to be happy because running away won't make the reason go away."

She is quiet for a moment as she thinks on her words before saying them. Rubbing her fingers along Kip's, she is quiet for a long moment before speaking again. "I know you can get through this and over this hump, Kip. You're stronger than you think and it never hurts to get a little help in doing so. At least you could go and try it out. It couldn't hurt, right? No one will think differently of you because of it. I'll be with you, Kip, every step of the way as long as you let me... I promise."


Good onya

Hearing the bell on the front door of Mom and Pop's, Carson looks out from the kitchen. With Dani off today, Thirteen on break, and Aerith in the back, he wanders out to the counter. "Hey, Hulk." Catching a strange, almost fearful, look in the big man's eye, Carson tenses just a little as he leans on the counter. "What's up?"

Listening, he tenses even more. Why did Dalton want to talk to him alone? He never did. Why did he look so nervous? Was something wrong? As his eyes drift down to the little velvet box, a strange mixture of feelings hit. Swallowing hard, he's about to ask about it, even though he knew good and well what it was. But as Dalton resumes his explanation, he closes his mouth, looking up once more.

Receiving the whole story, Carson's eyes narrow slightly as his jaw tightens. He looks down at the jewelry case then back up at Dalton, his gaze evolving from lighthearted to concerned to stern to angry. "My, blessing, ay?' He purses his lips and starts wiping the counter with his towel, letting a pause linger.

"You think I'd approve? Of someone like you taking my little sister? You working for the Elite... not knowing if you'll come back from a case alive... putting Dani in danger just because she's married to a man who's fighting against the Agency? You think I'd give you my blessing for that?"

Stopping with the towel, he glares up at Dalton, unafraid of the man's size. "Let me tell you something, Dalton," he hisses. "My sister's been through heck and back with her own family, and I'm not about to watch her get thrown from the frying pan into the fire. Maybe I wasn't there for her enough when she was a kid, but I'm here now, and I'm not gonna give any blessing or anything else to some jerk who thinks he can just waltz into her life and get whatever he wants from her." He points a finger at him. "Nobody - and I mean nobody - harms a hair on her head without my wrath coming down on them so hard they wake up in the hospital and don't even know their own name. I tolerate no man getting involved with Dani with impure intentions."

Pausing again, he works his jaw muscles as his eyes flash with a protective ire. "And you have the nerve to ask me to my face if I'd give you my blessing?" He scoffs and shakes his head. Grabbing a dirty glass from the counter, he shifts to set it on the shelf by the kitchen window rather hard, making it clank on the hard surface. Then he turns back around. And in the split second it takes for his gaze to meet Dalton's again, it has changed completely to one with no trace of anger, but only humor that danced in his eyes. "I'm just glad you're not a jerk. 'Cause I'd hate to kill you."

As a grin finally surfaces, he slings his towel over his shoulder and sighs, setting his hands on his hips. Even though a counter separated them, he could see he'd done a good job at scaring the poor giant - maybe disappointed him more than intended. His grin turns into a smile though, and the smile turns into a chuckle. "Of course you have my blessing, ya big galah - not that you need it, but thanks." Reaching over the counter, he gives Dalton's arm a light punch. "Good onya, mate."

Stacy's voice turns Eric back around again, a bit sheepishly, and he looks at the boots in her hand. Stepping closer, he takes one from her and looks it over, nodding. He flexes the leather shafts to make sure they were supple and checks out the heel as well as the toe, bending them a little, to check their durability. Whether he knew it or not, his hands revealed how much he knew about this kind of thing. "Yeah... yeah these would be good. Shouldn't take too much for her to break 'em in." He hands the boot back to her and smiles a little. "I've seen that look in her eye when she's around the horses... I bet she'll be thrilled with her own pair of boots."

About to leave her be, he stops again, wondering if he really wanted to ask the question on his mind. "Um... she - Ashlee - she asked me if I'd teach her to ride. I ain't made up my mind yet, but..." He shrugs. "If I said yes, is that okay with you? I mean, that she ride... lessons from me... I mean ride with... idiot of the hour." Realizing he'd said too much again, the heat is back in his cheeks and he rolls his eyes just as a smile of humor creeps across his lips. "I think I better go buy that hat so I can hide my face." He sighs and leans an arm on the shelf, looking at Stacy with a wry grin. "I give up."

Sensing a bit of timidity in Beth's tone, Justin gives her his full attention. Would she tell him what was on her mind? He takes another bite of ice cream, cocking his head a little. Her times of silence or fear of talking to him were growing fewer and fewer, but it did seem now that he'd been right - her quietness today did have a reason behind it.

As her explanation starts though, Justin just looks at her a bit stunned, finding it hard to believe that he'd heard her correctly. She'd talked with his mother? On her own? Forgetting about his ice cream, he listens more. She'd actually gone to his mother...twice? She'd talked with her about his family's issues, seen his brother and... didn't even tell him until now? Or better yet, she hadn't even asked him if that was okay with him? For someone who dealt with issues of getting out of her box, she'd certainly stepped way out on this one... and perhaps a bit too far.

Justin's facial expression changes slightly, but it wasn't easy to read. If it was anyone else but Beth, he would rake them over the coals for going behind his back and sticking their nose into his family affairs. Sure, he'd talked about his mother and brother and had confided in Beth about how he felt. But it really was nobody's business, and he felt rather invaded. He'd never asked for anyone to come into the situation let alone go and talk to his family without him being present.

Turning away, he concentrates on the television for just a moment and forces himself, through sheer willpower, not to say the words that were ready to leap off the tip of his tongue like daggers ready to attack. No... not with Beth. He knew that she never would mean to do anything that would upset him and it had been very kind of her to try and help. He knew her heart was in the right place. And he also knew that one harsh word at this point could crumble everything he'd built with her. She finally trusted him, and it was at this point that she was most vulnerable - he knew he could not yell at her, lest it turn into something he would later regret. At least he'd found out that his mother didn't hate him and did want to see him - that was something positive that he could dwell on later.

"Thank you for trying to help. That was very kind of you." Justin's eyes remain on the movie. "I'm sure my mother appreciated it." The words tasted bitter in his mouth, but he said them anyway. Glancing at his half-eaten bowl of ice cream, he untangles his legs and stands. "I think I need some chocolate syrup." He doesn't dare look at Beth... not yet. Not until he could remove the irritation.

Setting down his bowl, he heads for the kitchen, retrieving the syrup from the refrigerator. But instead of going straight back to the living room, he leans on the counter for several moments, trying to bypass his emotions. It would all be fine. He didn't like Beth's way of handling this thing and he was not happy with it at all. But it was fine. No harm had come, and at least he could think about seeing his mother again. So there was good... right? It wasn't a bad thing. It was fine... just... fine.

Looking down, Justin realizes that the cap hadn't been on the syrup container very tightly and apparently he'd clenched his fist. Chocolate oozed down the side of the bottle, onto the counter, and dripped onto the floor. He counts to ten and takes a deep breath before calling into the living room to buy some more time. "You want syrup, too?"

Rocky grins and shakes his head as he puts his phone back in his pocket. "Nah... I don't scare that easy. Just got busy."

Fiddling with the bar of the shopping cart, he shrugs. "I've been alright. Can't complain I guess." He glances down into his cart. "I mean... what's better than shopping for toilet paper and Doritos? Life can't get much more exciting than that."

His eyes twinkle as he smiles. "Unless it's going out for a coffee. Are we ever going to do that, or are we just going to stand around talking about it all the time?"

"Huh..." Eli pries his eyes open, lifting his head to look out from under his pillow. By the time he was able to focus on the doorway though, it was empty again. "Puppies," he mumbles. "Tal... puppies... Tal is having puppies.... that makes sense." Flopping his head back down again, he sprawls out, his feet hanging off the bed and his pillow covering his head once more. "Mmhmm... yay..."

Still in the kitchen, Tal hears the front door and knows that it's Ryan. Staying by Holly, he only looks up when Ryan joins him and a smile comes to his face. "Minutes," he replies. Leaning back against the kitchen cupboards, he keeps a watchful eye on his dog. "She's been getting restless. I think she's pretty uncomfortable."

Glancing up at Ryan, he smiles again. "I'm glad you came. I don't make a very good midwife," he teases.

Holly shifts her head and looks to the new company, nuzzling into Ryan's hand. Tal chuckles. "I think she likes you. Ryan, this is Holly. Holly, this is Ryan." The dog sniffs Ryan's hand some more then licks it again as if showing her approval.

After that, no one cared what time it was. Holly was a trooper as her puppies were born, making sure all were taken care of as she licked and nudged the tiny squeaking balls of matted fur. Tal helped in cleaning up the puppies and changing Holly's bedding several times to minimize the mess. The atmosphere was peaceful and quiet - not many words shared, but the experience one to remember. After seven pups were introduced to the world, it seemed that was all, but number eight was a latecomer, and very obviously the runt of the litter. Even tinier than her brothers and sisters, Tal had to coax her to nurse, and she seemed much more tired than the others. But when the whole family - mother and puppies - all fell asleep from exhaustion, so did number eight, so Tal let her be, hoping she made it through the night.

Outside, the sky was gray as pre-dawn roused the earth. But inside the apartment, it still felt like the middle of the night. Tired just from staying up so late and being so intent on the births, Tal sits on the kitchen floor, leaned back against the cupboards, his eyes drooping. Glancing to his side at Ryan, he knew she must be just as tired.

Yawning, he eyes the blanket they'd been sitting on. Crawling on all fours to straighten it out, he grabs an old throw pillow he'd retrieved from the living room a while earlier. Stretching out on the floor only feet from the sleeping dogs, he puts an arm up under his head and lies on his back. With his free arm, he motions to Ryan if she wanted to join him. He was too tired to stay up any longer and if she wanted to stay, he was more than happy to be her pillow for a few hours.

The man's eyes squint just a little at Trey's reactions, only now wondering if perhaps this man didn't even know who his real family was. It had been assumed that the Elite would have revealed it to him by now. But no matter... the main thing was getting the message to Rick.

Trey's sluggish question, results in a wry grin. "No, kid, your father is in Wisconsin. Me... I'm just a delivery guy."

Downing the rest of his whiskey, he stands up and nods to Trey one last time. "Get that note to the doctor and pray he reads it and follows instructions - if you care about your brother living. If not, then I guess I chose the wrong guy." Leaving money on the bar, he turns and leaves the Bullseye without looking back.

Pete appreciated everything about Nikki... and tonight, her extra care was perhaps what he needed, even more than he realized. He nods thoughtfully to her words, hoping they were true - hoping what he'd done with Cindy had been the right thing.

Feeling the little tug, he turns to look at Nikki, battling for just a moment between wanting to deal with this himself and wanting to give in to the comfort offered. It doesn't take but a few seconds for him to decide.

Leaning his head to rest on Nikki's shoulder, he sighs deeply. It was different, letting her be the one to be the strength... yet it was kind of nice, too. "Thanks," he mentions quietly. "Maybe in a few days I will go see her... and I think she'd appreciate anything you'd make."

His hand slips over onto her lap to find her own hand and give it a squeeze. And for the first time, he wondered if sitting here with her... swinging gently... just sharing a quiet moment... was a little piece of the future.

Reese blinks, unsure if he'd heard Chance correctly. "The Underground has Destiny," he repeats. "How do you know this?"

"Because I went to see her. Twice. The second time was just a while ago and her place had been ransacked." Chance had shifted into matter-of-fact mode and wasn't going to let his emotions get in the way. "They left her Agency file and her parents' obituary as a blatant message for me."

Reese was none too thrilled Chance was here, and he wasn't going to get all excited over this either. Not with Chance's past record. "And what was that message?"

"They want me."


"Yes. They've been keeping as good an eye on me as the Elite has. I thought I was under their radar too, but apparently not."

Reese leans back in his chair and sighs. "First off, we still don't know who the Underground really is, thanks to your silence. Second, there's really nothing for us to know you aren't scheming something else. And third, why did you come back to see Destiny?"

Chance shifts his weight uncomfortably, but maintains his poise. "I came back to apologize to her. I'm not scheming anything - I just want to get Destiny back and make sure she's safe. And as far as the Underground goes... I'll tell you everything I know."

Reese still isn't convinced. "Why the change of heart?"

"Because I..." Chance swallows hard. "I'd do anything to get Destiny out of there."

Somehow, Reese could see that Chance was truly being genuine, even if it was a surprise. He really did care about Destiny. But what they'd do about it remained vague. "So you're offering information in exchange for our help."

"Whatever it takes."

"How do you propose getting her out?"

"A trade. They want me - that's the only reason they did all this. So we'll give them me."

"Why don't you just go by yourself then?"

"Backup... and someone to watch her once she's back to make sure she really is safe."

"Then what happens to you?"

Chance bites his lip. "I guess that can't be foreseen."

Reese shakes his head. "There's something about this I really don't like. I feel like I'd be letting the Elite walk right into a trap. Without negotiations... it seems planning is senseless."

"Then we'll start the negotiations." Chance pulls out his cell phone. "I'll call them. Please, Reese... If I walk in alone, they'll just take me and keep Destiny. But if there's someone there from here to make a trade, they'll be less likely to pull that stunt."

Reese thinks during a long pause before he punches a button on his phone. "Nate... come to my office, please." He waits until Nate has come, then offers him a seat, giving him the quick version of why Chance was here and what was happening. "...with Jason out of the game, I'd like you in on this. We need to act fast before anything happens to Destiny. If Chance can set up an exchange, would you bring Destiny back here?"

The woman leaves the food even though Destiny said she didn't want it. "No... we're not going to kill you." Squatting down to be at her eye-level, she cocks her head. "We're not some mob of heartless killers," she explains gently. "What happened to your family was unfortunate and it shouldn't even have happened at all. Bad information and an ill-prepared team member resulted in a much worse scene than intended."

Pursing her lips, she stands again. "And Chance will come. He doesn't easily leave behind that which he's attached to. And believe me when we say we know what he's attached to and what he's not."

Kip wasn't really sleeping, even though he'd been on his bed for the last couple hours. With his face to the wall, it hid his red eyes - obvious evidence that he'd been crying.

Just as he's almost ready to slip into sleep, he hears someone enter his room. He didn't need to ask who it was. He just... knew. Feeling the bed move a little, then having Karla's arm slip around him, he didn't move. His eyes had dried but his heart still ached.

Slowly, one of his hands crawls up to find her fingers and he holds her hand. "I missed you too," he responds quietly. It was all he would say for several minutes, and one might think he actually had fallen asleep until he moves again. Rolling onto his back, he keeps Karla's arm around him and he turns his head to see her face. "I'm sorry I didn't come tonight," he apologizes.

His thumb rubs her hand absentmindedly, letting her palm rest on his chest. "Kyle came. He... he thinks I should see someone like... like a counselor... or something." He turns his head again so he'd be looking up at the ceiling instead of Karla's eyes. "I can't decide if it's true or if I just need to pull out of the band and start something different."



Still looking over the boots, Stacy only looked up to check on Dylan and didn’t dare look back to the hats. She couldn’t believe what she said, let alone to a stranger and her new boss’ brother.

Trying to clear her head from all the nonsense that just went on, Stacy can feel someone come up alongside her. Giving a quick glance to see it was Eric, she does her best to relax.

Hearing him give her a few tips on what boots to buy, Stacy can't help the small smile. Seeing a nice pair of black ones with tan stitching on them, she turns to Eric and holds them up, smiling. "Do you think this is a low enough heel for Ash?"

If they could move past the whole embarrassing moment, that would be okay with her.

Taking a lick of her ice cream and looking to Justin, Beth gives a small smile. Since this morning, she had been trying to come up with the best way to tell Justin she had talked to his mother. Her worst fear was him getting angry and not wanting to be her friend anymore.

"I guess I have been a little quiet, huh?" Drawing quiet again for a moment, she tries to get her thoughts together. She at least wanted to make some kind of sense.

"Well, I was thinking of a way to tell you I visited your mom. I know it wasn't my place but I wanted to help and I know how much you missed her."

Beth studies Justin's face for a moment, trying to read it. If he was getting mad, she wanted to stop, but it was hard to tell. So she might as well continue. "The first meeting was pretty good but it was hard to talk with your brother around. So I gave your mom my number and left."

Taking another deep breath, Beth is quiet for a moment. This was harder to tell him than she thought. "So she called and we met for dessert. She... she knows it was not your own doing you swung at your brother and she misses you. She also said she would like to see you again."

Biting her lip, Beth looks to Justin. She gives a little smile, though her eyes show a little worry.

Entering Mom and Pop's, Dalton glances around. He was meeting Dani for lunch but she didn't seem to be here yet. Even better, Carson was up front. "Hey, Carson. How's it going?"

Dalton had a reason for showing up early, but now he was so nervous. Maybe it was because he knew he was in front of Carson. "I wanted to talk to you about something before Dani showed up."

Reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small velvet box, he puts it on the counter, just looking at it for a long moment before looking up at Carson. "I want to ask Dani to marry me. Not today. Not tomorrow. But when the time is right. I love your sister a lot, Carson, but I am old fashioned, so..."

Dalton takes a deep breath before continuing. If just talking to Carson about this was bad, he could only imagine how it would be when he asked Dani. "I wanted to make sure I had your blessing before I asked."

Looking intently at the salad dressing, Michaela can't decide what kind she liked or wanted. She felt like having something different, but what? Hearing her phone go off, she reaches into her pocket and pulls it out. "Hello."

As Rocky's voice comes over the phone and right behind her, Michaela jumps and turns around, seeing him. She gives a smile, putting her phone away. "Hey, you. I thought maybe I scared you away or something. How ya been?"

She gives a wink as she cocks her head a little.

Reaching over groggily to grab her phone, Ryan glances at the clock. Who in their right mind would be calling her at 3 a.m.? "Yeah, what's going on?"

Hearing Tal and what was going on, Ryan shoots up from bed as her heart races. She couldn't help but be excited. Jumping out of bed still on the phone, she moves around her room, grabbing her shoes and a hoodie, not bothering to change out of her sweatpants.

"Oh my gosh. This is so exciting. I...I'll be right over. Oh, wow... I'm coming."

Hanging up her phone and bolting from her room, she heads for the door but stops. If Eli woke and she was gone, he might worry. Turning back around and heading for his room quickly, Ryan enters, still not being able to help the excitement that bubbled inside her.

"Eli, the puppies are coming! I am going to Tal's." Leaving quickly, she hops into her car and speeds over to Tal's. Getting out and running up the steps, she checks the door and seeing it open, enters. "Tal?"

Entering more and seeing a light on at the far end, Ryan heads that way. Entering the kitchen and seeing Tal and Holly on the ground, she can't help the smile. "Hey there."

Coming over to them both, she sinks down next to them. Running her hand over Holly's belly, she looks to Tal. "How long til you think the first one comes?"

Looking up as the man comes over, Trey's eyes were glazed, but he could understand what the man was saying. "Aw man, I don'th wantto hear it."

Taking another swig of his drink, he picks at the label on his bottle. Hearing Jason's name as his brother, Trey's head shoots up. "Aw no, youth've got to be kidding me. Jas... Jason is... this is a nightmare."

Continuing to listen, Trey's head seemed to spin a little more from this new information and liquor combined. Taking the paper, he fingers it. Jason... his brother, was dying and his mom had been there because of that. For a moment, his mother's face flashed in his head. She had looked so sad.

"I'll give it to them if I remember. Who... who are yous anyways? Please don't tell me you're my father!"

Looking up as the woman enters the room, Destiny doesn't smile back. Everything had happened so fast, her head still felt like it was spinning. "I'm not hungry."

She puts her head back down on her knees. She was scared and just wanted to leave. Would Chance come? Did he know she was gone or think she just didn't want to see him?

"And if he doesn't come, then what? Are you going to kill me like the rest of my family?"

Moving a little closer to Pete, Nikki draped her arm over his stomach and lays her head on his chest as they moved back and forth gently on the swing. Since Pete had come over, she could tell something was wrong, and after the brief rundown, she understood why. To see someone once so strong just break down in front of them had to be hard.

"Sometimes just letting someone cry on our shoulder and lending a listening ear is the best thing you could have done for Cindy. I am sure she is very thankful for that, even if she didn't say it."

Sitting up on the swing and giving a stretch for a moment, she looked over at Pete and felt bad for him. He was strong and she knew it - he wasn't used to feeling like this, but now, now he had been put into the situation where he had seen the hurt in someone else, and how even the strongest person could break when given too much.

Slipping her arm around Pete's neck, Nikki gives a little tug to pull him closer to her. He'd given someone a shoulder today and now it was her turn to provide the comfort and support that he needed. "Maybe in a few days you can go and see how she is doing? I can even make some baked goods for you to bring to her. If anything, it might help a little bit."

Karla looks around the room as Kyle talks. She was disappointed and felt bad that Kip hadn't shown up like he said he would. She worried about him and she knew everyone else did too. maybe she should have stopped by and picked him up?

Once the door was shut and Kyle was gone, Karla wasn't sure what to do next. All she can do is pick at the string on her jeans. She was worried about Kip, not hungry, and she wanted to know he would be alright, not watch a movie. But at the moment, all anyone could do was wait. So she sat quietly waiting.

Looking up at Twila then down to Karla, Alice's heart went out to her. She knew what it was like to care for someone so much that worry came easy and not something you could shake no matter how many times people told you not to. It was a road Alice knew well on many different levels, but she knew it was good, too, that Karla was with her friends, so even if she didn't say she needed them, they were there.

"I think Chinese and a movie sounds like a great plan... as long as it's not another horror movie. I don't think I have quite recovered from the last one yet." In a way, Alice felt like a mother to this group. Not in a bad way and she knew they were old enough not to need it, but it was a feeling anyway, and one she rather enjoyed.

Leaning a little closer to Karla and putting her arm over her friend's shoulder, she gives a little squeeze of comfort, letting her know they were there, and she wasn't alone. It wasn't much, but it was something, and Alice knew Karla would be thankful.

...Hearing Kyle's voice again, Alice looks up from her plate. Hearing everyone's teasing to Kyle, she just smiles and rolls her eyes, giving a small wave to him. Question laid in her eyes though, and she wondered what happened and if everything was okay.

Looking up as Kyle enters the room, Karla looks to him with her own question. She was worried, and at least she wanted to know Kip was okay. Hearing he was, she was a little relieved, but still there was something nagging. More had been said tonight, even if Kyle wasn't saying it, but she wouldn't question that.

Once Kyle was back with his food and leaned down to her, Karla gives a nod and a returned whisper of thanks. After the movie, she would go see Kip, even if it was to just sit there with him for the moment.

And after the movie, she did. Knocking on the bedroom door and entering like she did so many times before, Karla spots Kip on his bed. Slowly shutting the door behind her and walking over to the bed, she sits down on it, curling up behind Kip and putting her arm around him, just holding him. "I missed seeing you today. Just thought you should know that."