
Free Ride

As Hunter steps in front of her Katie takes a few steps back to try not to run into him. Swaying for just a moment Katie regains her balance and than lets out a small laugh. She might have been drunk but she still had sense enough to know not to drive.

   "I was going to walksh...but a free ride...thats...even better. I might have gotten lost."

Taking Hunter's arm she links hers with his leaning into him just a little bit. She thought he was being mighty sweet.  In a way she was thankful because she had a friend to keep her safe right now, and care.

   "Ash long as your a gentil...men...your place sounds nice."

Taken in by Garret's kiss Victoria wraps her arms around him and just melts into his arms. His comfort, his love, she needed it at the moment. Returning the kiss she let as much passion flow as she could. Letting her hand run through his hair She just keeps the kiss deep all her emotions being put into it.

Holding Carson Misty new tonight it was him that needed the love and comfort. She new this was what he needed and she had no problem offering it. They shared it with each other, this was how it was.

   "Shhhh...there is nothing to be sorry for...It's going to be ok."

Running her other hand through Carson's hair Misty buried her head into his shoulder hugging him just a little bit tighter. She would try to chase the shadows away, she would keep him safe tonight.


 Maybe on a different night, Hunter would have been able to let go of Katie's words. Maybe he would have been able to laugh them off as a dark joke. But something about how she said them tonight only served to increase his concern. If she were sober, perhaps his worry wouldn't be quite as intense. But her drunkenness on top of depression was not a good combination. Once again, he felt that same twinge of guilt for letting her join him in a bar at all. 

"Katie, hold up..." Paying the bartender quickly, he follows Katie's route out the door, just quick enough to get to her before she could get into her car. 

Sliding in front of her, he gives her a smile. "How about I drive, hmm?" There was no way he was letting her get behind the wheel. "Home won't be so bad once you get there..." Or would it? There were other people living with her but would they even know what kind of shape she was in, or check on her?

"Or... my apartment is just a couple blocks down. Wanna come over for a while?" He holds up his hands. "I promise to be a gentleman."

Just remaining seated on the ground, Garret wraps his arms around Victoria even a little tighter. "Normal..." 

Resting his head on her shoulder once more, his face was buried against her neck and hair. He breathes deeply, smelling her sweet scent and wishing with every fiber that they weren't here. He knew nothing else. She knew nothing else. They fought wars and came back here - that was their life. On the outside, it was all a lie. And even on the inside, much of it was a lie as well. Would there ever be truth? Peace? 

Eventually lifting his head again, he searches Victoria's eyes before leaning in and kissing her lips gently. Pulling back, it's only to tilt his head and kiss her again with more passion. He didn't care if he should be getting back to his quarters, seen by cameras. He didn't care if anybody would start to wonder where he was. He just wanted to be with Victoria and nothing else. 

His grip around her loosens and one hand comes up to rub her back. He had no more words. Words meant so little. All he had were his feelings and the only way he could show her was through his affection. Not letting the kiss break just yet, he lets it grow deeper, allowing his mind to forget all else, if only for a few moments. 

Returning Misty's kiss lightly, Carson nods. He'd go back to bed even though he wasn't convinced he'd be able to sleep.

Slowly walking with her back to the bedroom, he slides back in bed and pulls the blankets up again. This time though, he curls into Misty, letting her be the one to hold him instead of the other way around. This time, he just needed to feel her there with him and know he was okay. 

"Thank you," he mumbles into the pillow. "And I'm sorry."


   "Hey....are you trying to use one of your pick up lines on me again?"

Katie's words were slightly slurred  and she herself new maybe it was time to go. But home was not the place she wanted to be. There memories of Jason lingered, memories of how there love had grown, the memories of everything and she didn't want to face it.

   "I'm not ready to go home Hunter. There...shadowsh and fhosts linger. There will be the echo of the voice telling me...life is not worth living. Home...I don't want to be there."

Hopping off the bar stool Katie's expression changed. It looked more sad now at the though of Jason and everything sinking in again. She felt so low, so unimportant...and being in a drunken state didn't help much with her thinking process. Taking Hunter's arm and giving it a pat Katie turns a little.

   "I was taken for a fool for sure Hunter. All this time he was telling me about how hanging out with just you looked bad, and look what he did. He made me look bad anyways. Maybe I should find a tall bridge and just..."

Katie words trail off as she lets go of Hunter's arm and starts her walk to the door. She felt like crap, and she didn't want to be here or there anymore but still those words wouldn't slip from her mouth. Even if I bridge was looking mighty comfortable right now.

Thinking about Garret's question for a long moment Victoria wasn't sure what to say. It was a question she had asked herself more than once but there was never really an answer. Was there a life outside this? Would they ever really know it?

   "One can hope and wondered but for us I don't think we will ever know it."

Looking up at Garret and searching his face Victoria's heart was breaking for more reason than one. Her mother, Garret, herself...would they always have this life? It was hard to think of anything else. She hated it here, but she loved it here..the conflicting feeling were enough to drive a person mad. 

   "For one day...I'd like to be normal, but I think its to late for that too."

Moving to the side of Carson Misty's heart breaks for Carson. She could only imagine what it must be like for him to have such things to remember. Was that why Carson was so distant, tired, what that why he was drunk tonight? After all this time could the past be sneaking up on him.

   "Oh Carson..."

Taking his hands in her own even if they were wet Misty brings them up to her lips and gives them a soft kiss. Her eyes giving so much compassion, and love twords him in just that single look. She cared so much for him and loves him with everything she was. To see him hurting...it hurt her.

   "I love you my sweet warrior...You've come so far."

Letting his hand go and bringing it to the side of his face her fingers brush lightly over his sing as she tilts her head a little and leans in for a soft kiss.

   "Come on, lets go back to bed....maybe we can chase those shadows away."


"Yeah... this is one of the spots." Hunter gives Katie a wry grin as she wobbled and laughed. In a way it was kind of funny - with any of his other friends, seeing them get drunk was quite the form of entertainment. But for some reason, tonight... it seemed more sad than funny. Katie was being pretty silly, but... maybe if it wasn't  because she was hurting so badly, then it might seem more amusing. 

Shoving aside his bottle that had its label almost completely peeled off now, Hunter sighs. It was getting pretty late, and his backside was getting stiff from sitting here so long. "How about we call it a night, huh?" He nods towards the door. "I'll drive you to your place." She was going to have a nice hangover the way it was - he might as well try and get her to ease off before she drank any more. 

There was an amount of relief that seeped into Garret's veins as Victoria confirmed her love. He couldn't imagine being in her position. He knew it wasn't his "fault" about her mother, but he had still done his job and it was amazing that she wouldn't hold that against him. 

As she hugs him, he slips his arms around her too and just holds her tightly. Rocking back, he sits on the ground, pulling her into his lap and just keeping her in his arms. They should be able to sit together on a balcony under the stars, or in front of the fireplace in one of the sitting rooms. But it was the threat of death that kept them hidden in the shadows on the cold earth instead of somewhere they could be warm and comfortable expressing their affection.

"Life would be hopeless without you..." Garret rests his head on Victoria's shoulder, fighting against the rising emotions that tempted tears to fall. "Thank you... for loving me. I don't know what I'd do without that." 

Drawing in a shaky breath, he pulls back just enough to see her eyes once more. "Are we to always live like this? The rest of our lives?" 

Feeling Misty's hand on his shoulder, Carson doesn't move, but simply shakes his head. "No..." His voice was strained and hoarse. Finally he turns off the water and grabs a towel to dry his face. Taking a deep breath, he leans back against the bathroom wall, his eyes staring off into nothingness. 

"Seeing my family murdered the first time was bad enough." He swallows hard. "But seeing it over and over... and over..." He closes his eyes, fighting his emotions. The nightmare had been even more violent than reality.

"I thought I'd never have to relive that again." Lifting his hands, he stares at them trembling and he shakes his head, trying to laugh it off. "If only Medridge knew what a good job he did. He'd be pretty proud of himself."


   "Maybe...maybe but for tonight...tonight I can continue to wallow in misery and you can...be my company."

Katie hurt, she was miserable, she wanted to call Jason and say she was sorry but than thinking about what she had seen again with him and Sandy reminded her there was anger there too. It sucked loving someone, hating someone, feeling crushed inside. It had been a long time since Jason made her feel that way. 

As the night went on and another beer was consumed is was that beer that did Katie in. She couldn't help but laugh at the dumbest of things. Everything just seemed funny and she couldn't help it. Her speech was less than perfect even though her concentrated and tried to make it so it didn't work.

   "SHooooo....this...this ish y'o normal shpot to hang out....out?"

Hearing her own speech makes her laugh again as she shakes her head and puts her hand on Hunter's arm. She felt so silly, but at the same time she wasn't thinking about unwanted things either so it made it nice as well. Maybe for this one night, this is just want she needed.

Sitting on the swing this had been her perch all day. Victoria didn't much feel like dealing with anyone or having the eyes of the other servants on her. She just wanted to sit quietly, morn her mother, and shed tears. They had been long dried up by now though and there was nothing left to cry. The silver locked hung around her neck now the place it would make its home. Now she sat continuing to wait maybe Garret would show up.

Picking up on the sound of walking Victoria once again new it was home before even looking. It would bring a smile to her face any other day but today she just didn't feel much like smiling though she did feel happy Garret was now there with her.

   "I was hoping you would come here tonight."

As he walks around and bends down in from of her Victoria looks back deep into his eyes. Sometimes that was the only way for them to share there emotions. To read each other deeper was to look deeper. The window to the soul was through ones eyes.

Bringing her hand out her soft fingers trace Garret's face. She could see his own torment he was putting himself though. It pained her in more ways than one to see this because she new what he had done really was bothing him. Finally resting in his chin her thumb just rungs over the side of his face. A tiny smile find it was out.

   "I told you the day before last Garret that I don't hate you, and I don't blame you so stop saying it."

Finally slipping off the swing Victoria puts her arms around Garret and pulls him into a big hug. She loved him, she always love him no matter what. This was just another hill they would get over. This was there life.

Laying in the dark Misty waits and waits for Carson to come back to bed. The longer she waited the more the worry sank in. She new he'd had a bad dream it was just easy to tell about what though she didn't know. 

Turning the bed down and getting out Misty grabs her robe from the hook on the wall and puts it on tieing it around herself. Walking to the bathroom she just stands there for a moment before coming up and placing a soft hang on Carson's shoulder.

   "Are you ok Hun?"