
Silly gleam

Alec pulls himself up so he can sit straighter as Ryan comes in. He offers her a groggy smile, thinking a bit more clearly than when she'd left. "Nothing better than a food-bearing hottie to wake up to."

He swings his head around to see Misty walk away, then looks back to Ryan, tossing her a wink. "Thanks for coming back." His ankle was starting to hurt again, so the distraction would be nice.

"I think I mighta said some things a while ago that didn't make much sense." He bites his lip, as something rare flashes in his eye - a silly gleam. Was it still the affects of the medication, or was it a genuine stab at humor?

Glancing at the food and movies, he quirks an eyebrow. "Action movies, huh? I could go for some action." Reaching over, he grabs her jacket to yank her down to his level, his lips curling into a sly grin. "We can't let the actors have all the fun." Pressing his lips to hers, he lets a long kiss linger before letting her straighten up again. "Food sounds good too though."

Ty grins a little as he finishes his pizza and nods. "Thanks." He didn't know what he was going to do... if he'd just let things lie or actually go to Rick, and if he did, whether he'd have Libby there with him or not.

Wiping his hands on a napkin, he downs the rest of his drink and stands up. "Well... back to the grindstone." It was obvious that he didn't want to talk about himself any longer, and he did need to get to work now. He was tired, running on only a little bit of sleep, but it would have to do.

After putting his dishes in the sink, he wanders back by the table, leaning down to give Libby a kiss on her head. "Wyatt will be home soon so you won't be alone for long. You're safe here. But I'm just a call away."

"Ah..." Leo shifts his tools in his hands for a moment, studying the sidewalk before looking back up to Cassy once more. Pot roast... she'd brought for him...

"Um... okay." She was just being nice like always. Leo nods. "I guess I am kinda hungry." He grins a little. "Getting too dim to work out here anyway, so I suppose it's quitting time. I'll stick around for a little while."

And he did. After getting everything put away and cleaned up, he found himself sitting on the dance floor that he insisted was more comfortable than the table in the back room. So with legs stretched out and plate in hand, he enjoys the supper Cassy had warmed up.

"Mm... this is good," he compliments. The meat seemed to just melt in his mouth. "I didn't know you could cook like this."


Continuing to think and nod a little Libby takes another sip of her drink. She understood what Ty was saying it could be hard being told you had a flaw or something wrong with you. No matter how little or how big it was.

"I understand what your saying but what if whats wrong can be fixed and you do nothing? Than your selling yourself short for the great things you can do out there. Driving, a better job, reading...I don't want you to miss out on those things."

Giving a smile she did care so much about everything that Ty was miss, though she didn't want to bush him, and she didn't care about him any less because he couldn't read she only new how much it bothered him and hated seeing him like that.

"I can be there you when you ask if you want, its the most I can do for you."

Cassy rolls her eyes at Leo before putting her hands on her hips and just looking at him. He new good and well she had nothing else to do.

"If I had something else to do I'd tell you and if I did I'd probably just end up dragging you along so we could come here after anyways."

Giving a light tap to the ladder Cassy giggles again to the though to pulling Leo by the arm and him following. To her it was kind of a silly picture. Smiling again and giving another nod of satisfaction Cassy sets the image aside.

"Well whenever your done out here I brought some left over pot roast I made last night for you and I can warm it up so you have something nice to eat."

Hearing Alec's voice Misty stands and goes over to the bed giving a smile. Checking everything over quickly to make sure he was doing ok she gives a small nod.

"Its still today. You were only asleep for about a half hour. Fell asleep right after Ryan left. Here hand some water."

As if almost knowing she was being talked about Ryan appears in the doorway carrying a bad of Long John Silvers. Giving a grin and a half wave Ryan comes over to Alec and Misty.

"Sorry it took so long, I really didn't know what I wanted all I could think of was dessert."

Ryan gives a wink at Alec before setting the bag down on the little table and pulling everything out.

"So I got some fish and a few other things we can just kind of pick from. I also got a few action movies to watch."

Knowing Ryan was back and they would want there time together Misty gives a smile and wonders back over to her desk to sit down again and work a little more before going home to Carson.

Still today?

Ty chews his pizza slowly, thinking about Libby's question. He shrugs. "I don't know... I guess I'm scared to see Rick."

He scoffs a little at himself, giving her a silly grin. "Stupid, I know. I guess I'm just..." He shrugs again and takes another bite of pizza.

"I'm afraid he's gonna tell me it's something that can't be fixed. Or I really do have some reading problem that's permanent. Or something. I don't know."

Leo's smile widens and he nods. "Okay. I never pass up fun and food either." He gestures to the building. "I still wanna come early and work on this though - take advantage of my day off, or else this'll never get done."

He picks up the few tools he had and looks back at Cassy. "Unless you don't want me to since you have to be here to open up whenever I come. I don't want it interfering with your other plans either."

Alec opens his eyes. Had he fallen asleep? He must have. Misty was surely glad of that. He furrows his brow. Why had she wanted him asleep anyway? And where was Ryan? She'd gone for food, right? Oh, and a movie or something... maybe? He couldn't quite remember.

Sitting up a little bit, he looks a the clock. He couldn't have been a sleep for more than twenty minutes. He felt kinda fuzzy still. Had he been talking a lot? He wasn't sure. "Misty?" he mumbles, "Is it still today, or is it the day after yet?"