
White One

Letting out a long sigh Hope leaves the room before making her way to the kitchen and looking in the fridge. Not seeing much of anything she just lets out another sigh looking down at Domino. Something had to be done, this wasn't healthy for Scott at all and she new it.

Spotting Domino's leash Hope retrieves it before clipping it onto her collar. Giving her a little pat to the head she could see how excited she was already to go for a walk.

"Scott, I'm taking Domino for a walk. We will be back."

Exiting the house and hitting the fresh air it felt nice. But Scott words still haunted her. He didn't need mothering. Thats not what she had been doing, she was trying to help because she new being depressed and staying in the dark was not a good thing to do.

Continuing to walk she pulls how her phone dialing Reese direct number waiting for him to answer the phone.

Still standing there glaring at Jason as he walks away Ryan takes a few steps out of the auto shop doors.

"Arrest me than Jason, so you can lock me away like an animal too. And before you can tell me to watch my step maybe you should remember some of the people you have working for you are just like Alec too. Your such a hypocrite."

Turning around Ryan goes back inside irritated, frustrated, and now carrying a migraine with her. She was almost done with work, she just had to make it through the day.

Getting back behind the wheel of the finish car Ryan drives it out of the bay and into the packing lot for pick up before heading back inside to see what one needed to be worked on next.

Laughing again Cassy dosnt even bother to look in the mirror as she whips her face trying to get all the pain off she can.

"Oh yeah.."

Giving a misterous grin she reaches out her reflexs fast and puts a dot of paint on Leo nose. Giving a laugh again her eyes twinkle as she takes a few steps back from Leo herself.

"I have hurd of a brown noser but never a white one."

Ok, I'll tell him.

Looking up at Reese Katie's eyes showed worry that something might not be dier but something did feel wrong.

"Jason, he's in pain. He said he was ok, but He said we can't trust Ryan McKade. Do you think she was really capable of hurting him?"

...I think

Scott scowls as his blanket is taken away from him. "It's too early. And I put a doggy door in for Domino last week."

He pulls his pillow tighter under his head. "I don't need mothering."

Hearing her name, Domino suddenly appears in the doorway, one of her chewtoys hanging from her mouth with a bit of slobber. Excited to see people up, she trots to the bed, putting her front paws up as far as she can and depositing her toy next to Scott's face. Her little stump of a tail wriggled with anticipation of getting her toy thrown across the room for her to chase.

Scott doesn't even open his eyes. Moving one hand, he gives the toy a halfhearted thump, knocking it off the bed.

Domino drops down and looks at it, sighing as if disappointed. Instead of trying again though, she picks it back up and leaves the room again, going to find something else to occupy herself if her master wasn't going to play with her.

Scott senses Hope is still there, so he lifts his fingers in a lame wave. "There's stuff in the fridge if you want breakfast," he mumbles. "... I think."

Leo doesn't notice the time passing much. He didn't mind painting and the music and company were good. Moving right along, he's up and down the ladder, painting up to the ceiling. Coming down several rungs to get more paint, his arm is suddenly swiped with Cassy's brush.

His eyes widen and he looks at her, seeing her start to laugh. Quirking an eyebrow and holding a straight face, he smirks at her. "Gotta hand it to ya - you got good aim."

Taking his free hand and wiping some of the paint off his arm with his fingers, there's no warning as he reaches out and gets Cassy's cheek with a finger, giving her a nice stripe down the side of her face."

He takes a step back and wipes his hand and arm on a rag, cocking his head at her, still keeping a straight face. "You got something..." he gestures to his own cheek. "Might wanna look in a mirror or something."

Not paying enough attention to his back, Jason is thrown forward and to the hard concrete. His mouth hits first, sending pain shooting through his mouth and jaw. Being pressed down by Ryan, his reflexes want to jolt her off his back and follow throw with a nice kick to the gut, but he refrains, hearing her words hurled at him.

Once free, he takes a deep breath, pulling himself up on all fours and seeing blood on the floor where his mouth had been. Touching his lip, it's clear it was his lower lip and bottom teeth that had taken the brunt of it. He spits out a bit more blood before getting to his feet.

I'm fine... just had a wildcat jump me from behind. Tell Reese we can't trust Ryan McKade.

He turns around and looks at Ryan, not quite glaring, but clearly not happy. "Be grateful I don't take you in for attacking an officer. As for my hunch, I guess I was right. Next time you're under suspicion, you're coming down to the station. So watch your step, Ryan. The law has a hard time trusting anybody who will defend a criminal like that."

Wiping his lip again, he turns to leave once more, heading for his truck.

Reese jumps at Katie's yell, his eyes going wide. "What? What happened? What is it?!"

O.O Tackle

Letting out a another sigh Hope looks down at Scott and puts her hands on her hips.

"You can't stay in bed all day Scott. Its un healthy come on, its time to get up."

Hope tugs on the blankets pulling them off of him. Now she was worryed even more because his symptoms were doing down hill to the point he didn't want to get out of bed.

"At least get up and get something to drink so I know you up."

Walking over to the wall next to Leo's Cassy can't help but laugh again. It felt good, laughing and smile Leo certainly had a knack for that.

"Low stuff I think I can handle that. My knee is not liking me much today anyways so not having to go up and down the ladder will be nice."

Starting to pain the walls Cassy is so into what she was doing, making there way over the walls it was actually coming along quite nicely.

A few hours pass and soon Cassy was doing her own little dance moves at the wall while she was painting singing with the music too. Lifting her hand up that had the paint brush in it at the end of one of the songs Cassy misjudges and hits Leo right in the arm sending pain all over him.

Looking up her eyes widen a little as the mess on Leo she just made. Totally shocked for a moment finally her mouth turns up into a smile as a laugh slowly comes out until it was a full on laugh comes out.

"I...am so..sorry Leo."

Still looking at Jason Ryan can feel a small bit of anger rise in her at his words about Alec. Not only because it was just Alec but because that was really not something anyone should be saying, let alone someone who was setting a good example.

Watching Jason walk away Ryan was going to turn but hearing his last words muttered sent her over the top. Charging full speed at Jason's back Ryan tackles him moving quickly she was on the ground on top of him holding her for arm against his neck so he couldn't throw his head back.

"You really shouldn't talk that way about people, specially about someone you know nothing about. Every deserves a second change and you people kept him locked up like an animal for goodness knows how long. It was only a matter of time before this happened. He is human and cant stay in a room forever."

Giving Jason a strong push Ryan moves and gets off of him standing only a few feet away with her arm crossed over her chest. She probably shouldn't have just done that but she couldn't help it. Ryan couldn't just stand there and let him talk like that.

Sitting straight up from the chair that was in front of Reese desk, cutting there conversation off they were having.


Katie eyes search Reese frantically showing something was wrong even though she didnt know what but it was quite the jolt of emotions.

J....J...are you ok? What happened?

Agency dogs

Scott shakes his head stubbornly, still not opening his eyes. "I don't feel like going for a walk. You can."

He tucks his hands under his pillow, not wanting to see the morning light. he didn't feel like being in the light... the dark was safer today. It was most days anymore.

Leo is just finished stirring the paint when Cassy joins him. "Alright, sounds good." Grabbing an extra pan, he pours some of the paint in. "Madam... your paint..." He hands her a brush too. "And your brush."

Standing, he takes the can and a brush for himself and tucks a rag into his back pocket, wandering over to the first wall, bopping his head a little to the music that was playing. "Alright, Mr. Wall, time for a makeover."

Moving the step ladder a little closer, he steps up several rungs so he can reach the high parts. "You take the low stuff I'll take the high stuff," he offers. "That way it's me that'll come crashing down instead of you."

Jason rolls his eyes as Ryan gives him an evasive response. He's ready to leave when she finally answers him though.

He throws up his arms, letting them drop this sides lamely. "Great. Oh well. At least we got some information out of the guy. I guess he's on his own now. Prolly get his head blown off inside of three days."

Pursing his lips, he nods to Ryan. "Thank you for your cooperation. If you see Alec, be sure to let us know."

Turning around, he grumbles under his breath as he heads for the door. "I told Reese he wasn't worth our time... let the Agency dogs have him."

Same thing twice

Watching Scott Hope cringes a little she certainly did want him to have to throw up this morning again. The poor guy did enough of that last night. She did want to try and get him up and moving around though.

"Ok, no breakfast...how about we go for a walk. Domino probably could use the air, and it looks like a nice one out."

Giving Leo a once over Cassy smile grows a little. The down and dirty look seemed to fit him well. Shaking her head a little and letting out a laugh she goes back into the studio area where she was working on taping around the mirrors.

"Yeah there should be a screwdriver over by that cash register there."

It doesn't take long for Cassy to finish taping everything off, leaving the floors untapped since they were just going to be replaced anyways. Making her way over to Leo again she squats down next to him.

"Ok, the tap job is all down. I think we are ready to get dirty now."

Staring back at Jason Ryan doesn't bad an eye. Though on the inside there was a small pin size pang it didn't sting to much. She had a feeling this was coming, and she just wasn't part of the plan, even though she could of gladly went too.

" You realize you just asked me the same thing twice right?"

Ryan turns back to the car she was working on fiddling with a few things before moving around to the driver side ignoring Jason for a moment as she started the car. Hearing the sound of the purring engine Ryan smiles. Getting one again she goes over and shuts the hood before looking back at Jason once more.

"I told you what my part in everything was. I took him half way, after that I don't know anything."

One question

Scott moves a little as Hope rises, making sure he wasn't getting her tangled in the blanket. Pulling the covering closer around himself, he curls up a little tighter. Sinking his head further into the pillow, his good eye was hidden, making him blind to the light.

"I haven't been big on breakfast lately," he responds groggily. "'Less you want me to spend all morning throwing it up."

He knew Hope was only trying to help, but he was miserable and feeling more like hiding himself away for the day rather than getting up and trying to be chipper.

"Great." Leo smiles as he comes in all the way, shedding his jacket and hanging it up on a hook. He was in a white t-shirt and old jeans that had holes in both knees, along with an old pair of tennies - obviously ready for getting dirty.

Wandering in to where they would be painting, he surveys the walls. Things looked a little different than they did last night, having been away from it for a while. "Looks like we got our work cut out for us."

Turning, he grins at Cassy. "Keep taping off and I'll get the paint ready. Got a screwdriver?"

Jason sighs at Ryan's response. "Okay. I just got one question. And I'm just gonna assume you're telling me straight because I'm really not in the mood to have to take you in, alright?"

He looks Ryan in the eye, forcing himself to trust her. "Alec did not come back last night and I have been up all night... literally... trying to find him. Do you know where he went or have any information on his whereabouts?"
Moving her head a little somewhere in the night Hope had fallen asleep. Waking once or twice to check on Scott but the little rest she had was good.

"I work from my house remember. There is no being late."

Still tucked nicely behind Scott Hope felt so comfortable and warm. It was differnt having someone in her arms while she feel a sleep but it was nice non the less.

Knowing she didn't have to at least starts the day. Sitting up in the bed Hope moves to the edge grabbing she shows she had kicked off in the middle of the night. Standing and giving a stretch she turns to Scott and smiles.

"How about I make us some breakfast to start the morning right."

Poking her head from around the one wall Cassy's hair was back forming a nice brade for this fun excursion today, dressed in some old overalls.

"Hey Good Morning."

Coming into the lobby Cassy smiles music playing in the background all ready. Now that she new Leo liked music she was sure to grab some cds from home is case he wanted anything different than the radio.

"I got the paint and tarps all ready so you didn't have to do quite as much work when you got here. I was just now taping off the area's that we do not want to get paint on."

Moving her hear to the music that played in the background of the shop Ryan works on her car only looking up once when seeing someone coming twords her. It was Jason, here at her work, great she could only imagine what kind of interrogation they wanted now.

"Hey Jason. I really hasn't been that long since I saw you last."

Going back to her car and starting to tinker again Ryan listens to Jason's questions. He'd already talked to her brother? Oddly enough she didn't even know he new who Eli was.

Standing up from the car again Ryan leans on it a little and looks at Jason. Giving a shake of her head she reply to Jason.

"Took him half way, he wanted to walk the other half so I didn't get in trouble for giving a lift back. So in answer to your question, No I didn't take him."


"I know you don't mind." Alec opens his car door. "But it's better this way." He tosses her a wink. "Don't get a speeding ticket on the way home, eh?"

Getting out of the car, he closes the door and bangs his palm on the roof to signal Ryan she could take off. Once alone, he heads for the sidewalk.

The night was over and morning close on its heels.

Scott's eyes open wearily, the light hurting them. He didn't know how much sleep he'd gotten through the night, but it hadn't been much. At some point in time, he'd had another nightmare and would have ended up on the floor had Hope not been there to keep him still. He was exhausted. But his mind knew it was morning and wouldn't let him sleep any more right now.

Shifting his weight, he feels Hope still curled behind him. It was awfully comfortable here. And warm. "You're gonna be late for work," he mumbles.

Nine o'clock on the dot, Leo pulls up to Cassy's building. He was sore from yesterday's work, but refreshed today nonetheless. He didn't have to go into the shop and that was a plus, so he was feeling pretty good.

Getting to the door, he goes ahead and opens it a little, sticking his head in. "Hello? Cassy? Your friendly painter is here."

Arriving at J&J's Auto, Jason grumbles to himself as he parks his truck. Without any sleep, he was tired, grouchy and in no mood to be on this assignment. But it was under Reese's request.

Sighing, he ambles into the shop, scanning the workers, and nodding to those he knew, including Axel. It wasn't his friends he was here to see though.

Seeing Ryan, he heads to her, stopping by the car she was working on. "Ryan. Long time no see." His tone was dry. It really hadn't been all that long since he'd seen her. "I spoke to your brother already this morning," he informs. "And he tells me that you took Alec back to TJY last night. Is that true?"

Don't Mind

Ryan gives a a chuckle at Alec's comment about getting beat up. She found it a bit humorous in its own way.

"I do pack a mean punch if I do say so myself."

Turning her head to look at Leo again Ryan shakes it a little at his comment about finishing the way himself.

"If you really wanna walk who am I to stop you. But I am more than happy to drive you the rest of the way. Technically I did nothing wrong but drive you back to where you had to be. So I really don't mind."

Giving a smile to Leo, she'd seem him tomorrow and it would be a nice time in deed like tonight.

"Good Night Leo."

Ambling to the door Cassy gives a wave before turning and letting the door fall shut. Heading back in to clean and than head him herself to get some good sleep in.

Welcoming committee

Alec starts to grin, the same fiery glint shining in his eye. "Well... that's one way of putting it..." A short laugh comes out and he shakes his head. He knew better than to think Ryan was that kind of woman. From day one, he'd seen she wasn't. She'd let him make out with her, but that's where it stopped and he knew it without her saying so. "I don't feel like getting beat up tonight though."

Looking at her a little slyly, he finally moves, his hand going to the door handle. "I think instead, I'll walk the remaining four blocks, so if there's a welcoming committee, you'll be in the clear."

"Nine..." Leo nods. "Sounds good to me. I get to sleep late then."

He heads for the door, stopping one more time to turn around. For a strange, quiet moment, he studies Cassy. "Good night. See you tomorrow."

The door falls shut behind him and he ambles to his car, ready to go home and take a hot shower before bed.

Stop Time

Giving a grin Ryan new good and well that that smirk on his face was. After her question had been out she realized how it must sound.

As Alec press his lips against her Ryan returns the kiss with passion like so many times before. And each time it felt so different like they were kissing again for the first time. Just looking back into Alec's eyes as he pulls away the grin was still on Ryan's face.

"To make out with me some more...or...your going to ask me to let you go!"

Ryan looks back into Alec's eyes searching, waiting to see what he would say. What would be his real reason for asking her to stop here. Ryan could feel her heart thump in her chest as she waited, waited for his answer.

Cassy gives a smile at Leo as she takes his hand and stands up wincing just a little as the pain shoot through her leg. Once up though she was ok and slowly ambled behind Leo.

"You don't need to pitch in. Your helping me out and its the least I can do since I'm not paying you."

Continuing to walk with Leo Cassy tucks her hands in her jean pockets as they get to the door. She was going to clean things up a bit here and than she would be leaving herself so she didn't want to tell Leo to come to early.

"How does nine sound to you? Not to early, not to late!"

Continuing the kiss Dalton enjoyed it so much, he enjoyed Dani's sweet tast, and just having her arms around him. He had someone right here he could take care of, and love...it was an amazing feeling.

Drawing away from Dani again Dalton smiles brushing another peace of hair from her face. Looking down at her and searching her eyes for a long moment before a silly glint formed in his eye.

"Now that you sucked all the life out of me...think we can have some of those cookies?"

Dalton gives a laugh as he shifts on the couch and stands offering his hand out to Dani to help her up. She was so beautiful sitting there, if time could stop he would of willed it just to live in this moment forever.

What time

Alec looks straight out the windshield the corners of his mouth twitching at Ryan's question. Turning his head, he quirks one eyebrow, giving her a knowing look. Leaning in closer, he slips his hand behind her head, tilting to kiss her lips in a sweet, passionate kiss before pulling away.

"Why do you think?" he whispers coyly.

Leo laughs and shakes his head. "I don't know. It should involve food though, of that I'm sure."

Yawning, he stretches out long on the floor. "Mmm... I better get going so I can get to bed so I can get up bright and early to get here in the morning."

Another yawn and he rolls over to stand up, offering Cassy a hand up as well. "I'm not picky about lunch so whatever you want - just let me know so I can pitch in. Something we could eat back here would be good since we don't know how long the painting will take."

Wandering a ways away, he picks up his jacket and puts it on, glancing back at Cassy. "What time you want me here in the morning?"

Scott was too tired to argue. He didn't want Hope to stay, but he could tell by the tone of her voice that she was determined, and he didn't have the energy to fight. Not tonight.

Still weary and feeling sick from this little episode, he reaches down to pull the blanket up over them, returning his hand to Hope's. So much for a quiet evening. Oh, well. Tomorrow was a new day. Tomorrow things could return to normal.

Dani hadn't ever felt this way before. Being here with Dalton sent her heart racing, yet she felt calm and comfortable at the same time. Having him continue to kiss her, she let him, just letting her hands wander around his head and neck to his back and up again, discovering what he liked.

His big hand on her face was so warm. He had a feeling of security about him... one that would make Dani never question if she were safe or not. He wasn't just Hulk... he was her Hulk.


Listing to Alec he did have a point, Reese still needed him to much to do anything that might make him stop talking. Though there was that feeling still in her stomach that fluttered at the though he came to see her.

It was an interesting thought wondering who rated on Alec so far, but it could of been as simple Hal saw him missing, Reese new he'd go to Ryan, he did a check and found out she raced and here we are. But it happened so fast. Ryan did her best not to dwell on it though, it really didn't matter.

Hearing Alec say he wanted her to pull in the lot she wondered why but pulled in anyways. It was abandoned, with a few things she could park her car around so it couldn't been seen. Cutting the engien Ryan turns a little to look at Alec.

"So...why did we stop in the abandon parking lot?"

Still on her stomach Cassy was a little surprised Leo wanted to come back so soon. For sure she though at least he'd want a day or to to relax. But seeing he meant like he really did want to come back she gave a smile.

"Tomorrow, I think I can handle that. Its going to probably take all day but will be so much quicker with someone helping me."

Giving another smile looking away from Leo Cassy just looks at the floor for a long moment. Another laugh escapes her lips looking to Leo again her eyes twinkling slightly.

"So, what should we do for lunch tomorrow since you will be helping me again?!"

Hope continues to hold Scott hearing his comment she doesn't reply right away. She new he might fight that he didn't want her to stay but she wanted to. Just to hold Scott and give him the comfort he needed.

"I'm no going anywhere Scott. My place is right here."

Laying her head down on the pillow next to his Hope was far from tired, so she new she wouldn't fall asleep. Rubbing Scott's arm with her hand she hums softly. This was the least she could do.

Dani's touch was so light running over Dalton's skin it sent chills from head to toe. Letting her soft fingers run over his scars, letting her hands find his pain had for so long, and it was like a soothing close. Knowing she had felt them and she didn't pull her hand away.

Hearing her words even there was a bit of hesitation it still felt good to hear. The new rush of emotions seemed to wash through him like something he never felt. It was warm and tingly.

Being pulled back to the kiss again Dalton's eyes fall shut. His hand cradled Dani's face as the kiss continued. Neather one breaking the moment to wrapped up in it all to even care the movie was being missed, or anything else. This was there night, together.


Dalton's words send a chill down Dani's spine and she stares into his eyes, truly surprised. He... he loved her? Love? She doesn't have time to respond before he's kissing her again and she doesn't resist. Love... was that the feeling she had for him? Was that why she missed him when they were apart and why she always wanted to be around him? Was she really... falling in love with him?

Resuming the passionate exchange, Dani's hand slips under his collar again, feeling his warm skin. She ran her fingers softly to his chest, then his shoulder, feeling scars she'd never seen. Her palm is so smooth it glides over his skin, moving from his shoulder to the back of his neck again. She could totally get lost in this moment and never want to be revived. Love?

Drawing back just a little to catch her breath, she brings her hand up to run down his face. There were people who would find him downright unattractive. He was big and not anything like what Dani would have pictured herself with before. But the more she saw his heart, the more she loved his face. The more she saw his tenderness... care... Christianity... devotion... the more she cared. From the outside, he could be labeled at first glance as a big oaf. But to Dani... knowing what was on the inside... he couldn't be more handsome.

Tracing his cheekbone, she moves her fingertip down to his lips, running over them lightly. "I... I think I love you too," she whispers.

Starting to smile again, she returns to wrapping both arms around him tightly, going back for his kiss.

Leo can feel just a bit of heat coming to his cheeks at Cassy's comment, and for a long moment, he doesn't respond at all, leaving a strange silence as he remains on his back. Finally he does speak though. "Oh, I don't know. Maybe I woulda gone out for a drink that night anyway, or maybe our paths would have crossed some other way."

His eyes give her a sidelong glance. "I don't think I'm all that, but it's nice to be appreciated for once." Taking the piece of paper, he folds it and tucks it into his jeans pocket before returning his hand to the back of his head. "I don't work tomorrow," he offers. "Short notice, but if you're up to it, I got all day to kill."

Scott closes his eyes as another single tear escapes. Curling up tighter, feeling Hope behind him did bring some comfort. And she trusted him. Even in his horrid state where he thought he couldn't control anything, she still trusted him. It made him feel even more rotten for being so weak.

Even in the fog though, part of his mind remained lucid and knew his surroundings and the time. His grip on her hand tightens. "It's late," he manages hoarsely. "You... you need to go."

Alec enjoys the fast right with Ryan, knowing that she was a very skilled driver. He was good, but he didn't have racing experience like she did. Once in town and hearing her question, he looks over to her and shrugs a little. "Oh... I don't know. I don't like being locked up, especially when I'm holding up my end of the deal. I figured if I wanted to go somewhere, I was gonna go."

A wry grin emerges. "Easier to ask forgiveness than permission. Reese wants me too badly now to enforce too harsh a punishment. I've got a bargaining chip now. As long as he thinks I still have information to share, he won't lower the boom. Now coming to get me tonight..." he shrugs again. "Jason got there awfully fast and I'd like to know how, but I don't really care. If Reese wants to waste time with babysitters, it's his loss, not mine."

Seeing an empty lot ahead, he points to it. "Pull over here."

Those words

Giving a smile yet again as she pulled him closer Dalton's eyes close and it just lets the emotions float on. Her sweet kiss on his lips, and her soft hands as they ran though his hair, the noise forming in his throat again. Being so close to Dani it felt so nice, and he had full confidence in himself that no matter how long this moment lasted I would go no farther. He cared a great deal for Dani and could feel himself falling for her. To do anything more, and rune this wonderful feeling he had would be horrible.

As he is pulled in closer to Dani once again Dalton wraps his one arm under her to keep her close to him as well, while his other moves along her cheek, forehead and runs through her hair. This moment, this bliss it was amazing.

Pulling away only just a little Dalton's voice was horse still finding it hard to make the breath Dani had taken from him. Looking down at her, her eyes shimmered, and they sparked with life, giving him the courage to talk.

"I love you Dani."

Coming back in again Dalton's lips meet her letting the moment go on again his emotions, his kiss matching the words he had just said. Once so long ago, the giant had not thought love was for him. But now along the way Dani had changed that and softened his heart.

Still holding Scott Hope runs a hand over his arm. He was so scared, and all Hope could do was hold him letting her comfort wash over to him hoping it would bring a little releaf.

"I'm not scared Scott. I know you wont hurt me."

Moving just a little so she leaned over him Hope gave Scott a kiss to the cheek. Shifting again to lower herself next to Scott she keeps her head close to his.

"...you have control, and you know who I am. I know you wont let yourself hurt me. Scott...I am not scared of you."


Having Dalton move her around on the couch, Dani had one small instance of nervousness. But as Dalton looked down at her and she gazed into his eyes, she knew she could trust him. There was nothing to fear. He was so gentle... so tender... he would never hurt her and of that, she was confident.

Smiling up at him, she brings her arms back around him, pulling him down a little closer, not minding the weight. His kiss to her nose makes her giggle and she closes her eyes, finding his lips with hers again.

One hand slips behind his head to feel his soft hair again, playing with it with her fingers as they kissed. Her other palm ran slowly down his back and up again, enjoying feeling him so close. Her foot moves to rub his leg, too short to find his own feet with hers.

Somewhere in the background she heard the movie still droning, but she couldn't care less. Breaking the kiss for just a moment, her eyes find Dalton's again. "I never thought I could fall for a Hulk," she whispers. "But you keep proving me wrong."

Closing the gap once more, she returns to the kiss.

Scott numbly follows Hope into his bedroom and onto the bed. Curling up in a tight ball, he feels Hope behind him and her arm wrapped around him like a warm blanket of comfort. His hand slides up to find hers, his fingers locking with her own.

"When it happens again," he whimpers, "I don't want to hurt you."


Giving a laugh and a big smile that Leo would come back and help Cassy was excited. Shifting a little she pulls some paper from her pocket and a pen. Turning to lay next to Leo on her stomach Cassy jots down her number, before handing it to him.

"Not sure what your hours look like so when you have time, give me a call and we can work something out. Maybe we can order Chinese or subs that day."

Still laying on her stomach Cassy looks at the dirty floor for a moment before looking back to Leo for a long moment. She hadn't said anything all night, and now she did want to.

"I just wanted you to know I think Miss whats her name is stupid. She lost a real winner. I'm kind of happy thought. If she hadn't I wouldn't have seen you in that bar, and you wouldn't be here now. I'd say I sure did luck out."

Just continuing to hold Scott for a long time Hope rocks him gently. Her hand on his head holding it to her she ran her fingers through his hair.

"I know, I know...shhhh...its ok. Come on, lets get up somewhere more comfortable."

Gently prompting Scott up Hope guilds him slowly around everything her arms still tightly around him letting him know she was there and it was ok.

Finally making it to his bedroom Hope takes him over to the bed gently having him lay down. Shifting just a little bit Hope crawls behind Scott and puts her arm over him still holding him tightly.

"Your safe now Scott, your at home. Domino and I are with you and we wont let anything happen."

Finally making it clear of all the people Ryan puts the gas to it, the car already being warmed up from her race it took off like lighting down the dessert sand. Once again on the road it purred like a kitten.

Hearing Alec's comment a small grin formed on her face. In a way this had been her fault, she'd invited him to come and see her.

"Nah, I'm just trying to keep you from getting in to much trouble with the big cahona back there. You said you wanted to ride with me too, I'm not racing but we are going fast."

Continuing to drive Ryan doesn't slow down till they get a little ways into town. Going slow enough to not be charged with speeding but still going a little over the limit. Quiet for a long moment Ryan finally turned to glance at Alec again.

"What about you? Are you trying to make it so they never let you out to see me again? How come you came Alec without Reese saying it was ok? Did you really want to see me that bad?"

Hearing Dani's soft murmer that she was enjoying herself made Dalton feel good. This is the first time he'd been so intimate with her, let alone anyone so it was good to know he was doing it the right way.

Feeling Dani's hands go under his shirt and onto his skin, he gives a small shutter as a growl of his own forms in his throat showing he approved. He liked the way her soft light touch felt on his own warm skin. Pulling her a little closer with his other arm he deeps the kiss.

Pulling away Dalton turns his head the other way coming back for another kiss. Gently shifting this time on the couch he moves so Dani was now on the couch and he leaned into her gently putting her back down again the cushions and he was leaning over her.

Not going back in right away for another kiss his eyes search hers for a moment asking for permission that this was ok. He didn't want to cross any lines or scare her. Giving the tip of her nose a kiss he braces himself one arm on each side of her holding himself up so most of he weight wasn't on top of her. His eyes never leaving her, moving his one hand to run down the side of her face and than back up again as he brushed a stand of hair from her eyes.


Leo laughs at the thought of the pink pillow. "Mmm... I could do pink, but the princess part... I'm strange, but not that strange. I better decline."

Laughing again, he shifts his head a little to look at Cassy without getting up. "Oh, don't thank me... I needed something different to do anyway."

Hearing about the paint, he lifts his eyebrows. Was she asking him to come back again? Looking back at the ceiling, he grins and puts his hands up and back behind his head. "I have to admit that I'm not half bad when it comes to painting. I guess I could come back and help some more."

Dani falls into the moment with Dalton, enjoying every bit, even his soft words. No one would believe her if she told them how tender he could be, but she knew and she loved it.

Feeling his hand move through her hair, she murmurs her enjoyment. Her own hands move up to his head, her fingers moving through his hair, above his ears and down again. Continuing the kiss, she doesn't worry about time or surroundings, just letting herself enjoy this time.

Her one palm slowly moves down the side of his face to his neck, slipping just inside the open collar of his shirt to rest against his chest. She could feel his heart beating rapidly and it seemed to make her own heart beat even faster.

Buddy buddy with Carson... yeah... that's me alright.

Jason rolls his eyes as he moves through the crowd, scanning for Alec.

Bonding with a Banks is the last thing on my mind.

Feeling the tug on his humor, it brings it to the surface, forcing a slight grin to his face.

Stop that - I'm supposed to be the big bad guy here. I can't do that if I'm laughing.

In truth, he didn't mind though, and gives Katie an extra bit of humor, knowing that she was smiling too.

Receiving Ryan's orders, Alec's eyebrows rise. She wanted to hide him? Take him back herself? He hesitates just a moment before deciding he'd rather ride with her than Jason. Spinning around, he goes straight for her car, slipping into the passenger side.

Eli catches his sister's eye as she tells him to leave, and gives a slight shake of his head. "I'm not the one in trouble." Backing off, his arms stay folded, letting her go, but not joining in. Not this time.

Seeing them drive away, his eyes show disapproval before he ambles in the direction of his bike. Once there though, Jason's already spotted him.

Alec gives Ryan a sidelong glance as they head away from the crowd. "You wanna get yourself in the slammer too or what?"

Scott allows Hope to hold him, too worn out to fight it this time. Sinking into her arms, he just rests his head against her, still quaking from the whole experience. "Every night," he whispers shakily. "Every night."

A tear escapes his eye to roll down his cheek though he wills the rest to be held at bay. Sitting in a heap on the bathroom floor... he couldn't feel much weaker than he did right now.


"Hey Hey...don't say sorry Scott its ok."

As Scott stands Hope trys to help but it did no good as he quickly made his way to the bathroom. Hearing his lose his dinner Hope's heart went out to him. She felt so bad.

Feeling Domino lick her hand Hope rubs the small dogs ears looking down at her and letting out a sigh. Knowing the little dog was just as scared not knowing what was going on.

"Come on lets go comfort Scott too ok!"

Standing Hope makes her way to the bathroom seeing Scott with his head in his hands Scott crawls next to him leaning against the wall and wrapping her arm over his shoulders pulling him twords her.

"It's ok Scott, its not your fault, your ok now. Shhh..."

Hope runs her fingers through Scott's hair just trying to offer him the comfort she could as her soft words tried to lull him as she just held him close.

"He's right you know. If I'm in a race no one drives with me. Throws me off if they do, and this is for money and a reputation thats not something I mess around with. But maybe sometime we will have to go for a joy ride again like the first time I met you."

Ryan gives a grin remember when he had first met Alec and how shaky he had been afterward. Though he had been drunk that could of played a part but Ryan still found it humerus.

Ryan is about to say something more when her own attachen was diverted. Seeing Jason she quirked an eyebrow. Her question was already answered though as Alec explained. He'd risked being caught to come and see her tonight?

"Get in my car Alec before they see you!"

Not missing a beat Ryan drops her arm from around Alec. Her words were serous though her eyes seemed to spark with fire. Looking in her brothers direction she gives him a small nod. She new what she was doing.

"Eli, I want you to get out of here. I'll be home shortly, I have to get Alec back and save him at least some trouble. I am the one who invited him after all."

Turning from her brother Ryan slips into her car waiting for Alec to get in on the other side. Starting he engine she slowly makes her way through the people away from Jason. Once she was clear of everyone she could gun it back to TJY.

Maybe Reese thinks you can bone with Alec since your buddy buddy with Carson.

Katie gives a small laugh of emotion pulling on Jason's humor. She new he was upset and if making a joke on it helped him as all to calm than it was worth it.

Don't worry, I am not going anywhere. We can finish out date when you are done.

Receiving Dani's small kiss as she pulled him twords her Dalton's lips form a grin. He loved getting kiss from Dani, so soft, so sweet. Looking into her eyes as she stared back into his Dalton wondered about the little spark he saw. Than again a bit surprised once Dani moves to be facing him. Not minding at all though his arms went around her wast to hold her in place and make sure she didn't slide off.

Letting the passion of the next kiss wash over him Dalton was a bit shocked once again not having expected this from Dani at all But after a few moments his own eyes fall shut, and his arms seam to relax.

Returning the kiss back Dalton's heart beat so rapped he through for sure it would explode right out of his chest and even with his eyes closed it felt like the room was moving. Pulling away slightly Dalton opens his eyes. Bringing one of his large hands to the side of his face, who would of guessed the Hulk's touch could be so soft. Cradling her face he runs his thumb along her cheek bone with ease. His voice coming out as a whisper.

"I'd be stupid to want to get rid of you."

Turning his head the other way Dalton comes in for another kiss, his finds finding there way to the back of Dani's head as he light rakes them through her hair. His other hand still around her wast holding her close to him. Letting the passion, the moment linger on being totally lost in the moment and not caring about the movie anymore.

Hearing that Leo didnt have such a great day and what happy Cassy's look was one of how sorry she was things had turned out like that. She did feel bad for him, and everything he had to go through with this. But now she would turn her attachen back to there work.

Hours later, laughing, singing, hard work and food later they were finally finished. Flopping down next to Leo Cassy's leg throbbed but it had felt good to have worked on this. Leaning back propped on her arms her eyes scan the mirrors. It really had turned out better than she expected.

Hearing Leo's comment Cassy laughs turning her head to see him as well her eyes meet his and there was a sudden feeling of pride to have had Leo there, with her, helping.

"You know, I just so happen to have a pillow, but its pink and says princess on it."

Giving another laugh the smile of her face grew. After the week of feeling down it defiantly felt nice to be smiling and laughing again.

"I couldn't have done it without your help. Thank you so much again this really means a lot to me. So...when are we starting the paint job?"

Cassy's last question had a humor laced to it, but something else behind it hoped maybe he would really help her again, because she wanted him to be here.