
Fly Away

Hoping up on the bed and sitting next to Hunter Katie looks down at her watch. It was only five thirty and she would guess Angel was waking but doubted she would be ready to see anyone till at least seven or eight. She'd hate to bother Angel way to much.

   "I think we should wait and hour or two. Unless you hit your head hard enough you have a concussion. Other than that I'd hate to bother her before her coffee."

Katie gives a small chuckle. She new Angel would never be mad at them for coming to see her and she would never be angry for the time of day but still Katie would feel a little bad if it was not an emergency.

Resting a hand on Hunter's back Katie gives a small smile even if wasn't. Giving it a small rub she is silent for a moment before finally standing and going to the window to look out. Seeing people moving around she new the ranch was coming to life. The same time, every day. For most people here this was life, a never ending vacation.

   "Want to head and get some coffee before work than a little later we can see Angel?"

Looking at Jared Grace smirks a little bit. She new this whole thing was silly but she was bound and determined to get this done and have Jared completely miserable. Not to mention she kind of wanted to swing herself. It had been a long time and she was ready to live that part of life she missed again.

   "I'm not going to drag you silly. That would just be mean, we are going to slowly make out way over there together."

Putting Jared's arm over her shoulder Grace helps him out of the car and lets him put most of his weight on her. It didn't bother her, she didn't complain or act like it was to much. Slowly making her way with Jared to the swings she lets him try to move his legs and when he couldn't she made the extra step for him till finally they where there.

   "Alright I told you it wasn't that far. Let see witch one will work."

Bring a finger from her free hand to her lips Grace thinks as she looks. Till finally she see a swing someone had throw over the bar to make it shorter. That one would work perfect.

   "Here we go this one will work. Now, no trying to fly away on me ok? I'm having way to much fun with you to let ya go now."

Giving a smile to Justin Beth takes the last sip of her own coffee. Standing she throws her strawberry stems out and than takes her bowl and cup to the sink. Rinsing them out she places them in the sink waiting to be cleaned. 

Justin's words of encouragement felt good. He just had a way of doing that. Taking the simplest of words and turning them into something that just made her smile no matter the situation. It was a talent he had and she loved it.

As Justin move closer to her Beth looks up into his eyes. She loved how they were so dark and yet sparkled. They had an alluring nature to them as well that Beth had noticed the first time she had met Justin. That was the one thing she could not escape seeing. 

   "Yes, you can!"

Beth can feel her heart pounding in her chest just from the though of Justin kissing her and she could feel herself get slightly nervous. It wasn't from fear though it was more from never kissing anyone before and her worry of doing it right. She didn't want to look silly infront of Justin.

Too Early?

Hunter knows Katie has nothing to be sorry about, but he appreciates her sympathy. He just didn't understand any of this. It didn't make sense. How could days be so wonderful and nights so awful? 

Leaning to the side, Hunter rests his head on Katie's shoulder, sighing. Something to help him sleep? Maybe that would work. Maybe he just needed to get a really good night's sleep and that would do the trick. 

He nods numbly. "Okay."

After a few quiet moments, he finally straightens again, pulling himself up on the bed once more. Bending down, he retrieves his socks and boots. There was no point in attempting any more sleep. He might as well get going and get to work so he'd have something else to think about. 

"Thanks for trying, Katie." He gives her a nod, although for once, a smile isn't there. "Think it's too early to go see Angel?" 

Justin smiles his encouragement to Beth, glad that she was considering this. Even if she didn't ever actually switch jobs, just that she was thinking about it was good. 

"Well sometimes, meeting new people and learning new things is what makes it fun." He winks at her. "And being scared is only natural. Only cocky people aren't scared and they usually end up falling on their faces." 

Finishing off his bagel and downing the rest of his coffee, Justin sets his dishes in the sink. Moving closer to Beth, he runs his hand over her cheek softly. "Can I kiss you good morning?"

Arriving to the park, Jared is a little surprised and a bit amused as well. "Swing, huh? We'll have to find one high enough..." He did feel rather silly... but he also knew there was no point in arguing. Not with Grace. No, she'd have her way no matter what. 

Staring up at Grace from the open car, he looks to her then the swings a short distance away, then back to her again. "You seriously want to drag me all the way over there?"


As Hunter drifts off to sleep Katie can feel her own eyes starting to close as well. Maybe she was a little tired herself still even though she'd never say anything. And so sleep comes quickly wrap in Hunter's warm grip.

But soon her own sleep had been evaded as Hunter gives a jump and goes tumbling onto the floor. Letting her eyes go wide Katie looks over the edge of the bed at Hunter and does her best not to laugh. It really wasn't funny and she new it.

   "I guess I'm not much of a life saver...I'm sorry."

Coming down off the bed next to Hunter Katie puts a hand to the back of his head to make sure it wasn't bleeding. Letting out a small sigh she felt so bad for Hunter and wished she could do more. But what could she do? This was something Hunter had to figure out, and than work through. The most was was letting him know he was not alone, and she could be there to hold his hand.

   "Maybe we can see about getting you something from Angel to help you sleep?"

Thinking for a second about his question does her best to try and put her thoughts into words. Taking a sip of her coffee she continues to collect her thoughts before finally speaking.

   "Better hours if I can find something else. Might be fun to just try something different, and I'm kinda tired of the smell of alcohol."

It was the truth she was tired of the smell of booze and dealing with drunk people. It never had bothered her before but since she had started changed things and opening up a little more she not did notice it and it was tiring. So changing that might be something nice too but Beth wasn't sure if she wanted to venture that far.

   "I'm just not sure though. I know the people there and don't have to worry about anything. If I found something new I'd have to meet new people and...I don't know. It sounds fun but kinda scary too."

Grace gives a smile at Jared and his comment. She could tell there was something else bothering him but pushing maybe wouldn't be a good thing. So letting it go for now Grace looks back out the window before pulling into a park.

   "Well it seemed like you had this car for a little while but took really good care of it. Maybe to always keep it a new car inside and out. So that would make you a pay attachen to detail kinda guy."

Driving around the little circle of the park Grace stops at the playground that was empty. Looking around and not really seeing anyone she turns the car off and gets out. Going around to Jared's side she offers her arm to help him out but doesn't have his wheel chair ready. They wouldn't need it, not right now.

   "Come on, lets swing on the swings. Don't need your legs to hold on and letting them dangle and move back and forth will be good exercise minus the pain. Not to mention kinda fun."


Katie's touch was soft, warm and oh so nice. Hunter slides his arm to rest over her waist as he closes his eyes and sighs with content. "I promised to behave," he mumbles. "Promised to behave... promised to behave."

Opening one eye, he gives Katie a wry grin before kissing her fingers as they pass near his lips. "I think the shadows are gone," he whispers. In reality, she apparently knew how to relax him all too well, and if he was gonna stick to his word, either she needed to stop or he needed to fall asleep fast.

Tightening his arm around her, he nuzzles his face in closer to hers and heaves another sigh. "Every time, I'm drowning in a black river." His voice is quiet... weary. "I never know how I got there but there's never a way out. I just fight for my life until I can't anymore."

He gives Katie a squeeze. "Maybe this time you'll be my life preserver." Warm and comfortable, he allows his eyes to slowly drift shut. Maybe if he could just keep his mind on something pleasant... like Katie... he could....

All too quickly, he's sound asleep, proving just how tired he really is...

It felt like it could have been hours, when in reality, it had been no more than ten minutes when Hunter's sleep was once again invaded by the dark images and terror. Though not lasting very long, it was enough to wake him with a jolt as he sits up quickly - too quickly, and too close to the edge of the bed. Slipping off the mattress, he lands with a thud on the floor, banging his head on the dresser.

Groaning, he manages to sit up and put a hand to his throbbing head. A curse slips out under his breath and he winces. "I'm losing my mind," he mutters.

Justin chuckles. "Yeah, some people get pretty silly. I had one old lady last week who said her computer just wouldn't do a thing. She'd unplugged it when she'd vacuumed the day before." He rolls his eyes before taking another sip of coffee.

Hearing Beth's comment about a job change, he raises his eyebrows, a bit surprised. She'd never mentioned this before, and it was pretty far out of her box to even be thinking about it. 

"Well, I'm sure you'd be good at a lot of things," he encourages. "Why do you want to change?" 

For a few moments, Jared pretends he hadn't heard Grace. He really wasn't sure of that answer. He'd been trying to remember things for so long, and now all of a sudden it was as if he was trying not to. He didn't understand and he didn't like the way it felt. No, he wasn't okay. 

He slowly nods his head yes before finally turning to look out the windshield again. "Yeah, I'm fine," he fibs as his hands fiddle awkwardly in his lap. "Just feels weird being in here, ya know? My car but I don't even recognize it." 

Forcing a smile to the surface, he shakes his head. "Hit me over the head a few times and I'll always think I've got a new car. Keeps a guy happy." 



Beth gives a small laugh thinking about Justin and when he was on the phone with people about computers. She wondered if her got crazy out of this world questions or if that was only an in the movies kinda thing.

   "Helping people with there computers sounds fun. Than you really get to see how silly people are."

Giving a small chuckle Beth pops another strawberrt in her mouth and chews on it savoring the taste. Maybe the next time she went shopping she would pick some up herself.

   "I was thinking about finding a new job. I...don't know where though. I'm comfortable where I am at."

   "Right...left or right....ummmm...lets go...left."

Grace didn't know where to drive to other than just driving. So not having a destination she would just drive and see where they ended up. Going left Grace glances at Jared out of the corner of her eye as he rummages through the glove compartment. It was cute watching him, he was like a little kid learning something all over again.

Continuing to drive Grace just lets the silence continue not minding it much. Only once does she jump when the music went on. She liked rock music herself but she didn't expect it to be THAT loud. Shaking her head and smiling she just continues to drive enjoying her own excitement of the nice car she was in.

The silence didn't feel to awkward till Grace though she saw Jared jump a little. Than the air seemed to shift a little. Did he remember something? She wasn't sure but it was almost like the silence was thick, almost breath taking.

   "Jared...are you ok?"

Giving a smile and standing with Hunter Katie follows him into his bunk. Watching him lay down on the bed and than offer her a spot Katie just looks at him for a long moment. She had offered and how else would they cuddle? There was nothing wrong with it as long as nothing happened and Katie had no fear.


Coming forward more and laying down next to Hunter Katie positions herself so she is looking at Hunter and she can put her arm around him but also so that if he wanted to he could put his arm around her too. Just watching Hunter Katie felt comfortable and not awkward. 

Bringing her hand to the side of Hunter's face Katie runs her fingers over his eyes and up his cheekbone in a soft swift movement, repeating it a few times to try and relax him. Katie hoped that being there with him he might be able to sleep better. She didn't want him to get sick.

   "Rest now...I'll do what I can to keep the shadows at bay."


Hunter really had no idea if Katie's theory was right or not. Was it really linked to his past? Was it really linked to things he'd left unfinished, ignoring them until they forced their way in and tried to drag him down? Or was he drowning his own self by not dealing with those same things? Or was this stupid nightmare not really telling him anything at all and it was just his imagination gone wild? It mattered little... the bottom line was that he couldn't sleep and this whole thing was really feeling scary. 

Moving his fingers to intertwine with Katie, he finds her offer sweet... and appealing. "Maybe you can break another spell," he responds softly. It was worth a try. Maybe if he could just relax, he could get some good sleep without the disturbing vision. 

Standing up, he pulls Katie with him without saying anything, guiding her inside the bunkhouse with him. Heading for the bed, he flops down on his side. Looking up at Katie, he pats the empty spot in front of him. "Be my security blanket?" He grins, trying to bring humor into this whole thing. "I promise to behave." 

Getting settled in the car, the scent seems to be familiar. Jared didn't remember anything about it, but his senses did seem to know this vehicle. His eyes look around the dashboard, the visors and the floor as if searching for clues.

"Huh? Oh..." He shrugs at Grace's question. "How should I know where to go? I don't even know the options, let alone how to get there." He smirks and points down the street. "That way... or the other way, if you prefer. You're driving, not me."

Leaning forward, he pops the glovebox and takes out the contents. Registration... insurance information... some napkins... a couple pens... a notepad. Interesting. He flips it open to find a short list of phone numbers in his handwriting. He wondered who the numbers belonged to. Maybe it was connected to his job. Finding a road map, he sees that it's been folded so that the state of Nevada is showing. That must have been from when he came here in the first place. Several other cities were circled though - had he been planning to go somewhere else? Or had he already? Or...? Oh look, a stick of gum. It looked ancient. And... a business card? Wait... a woman's name and... His neck grows hot as he stuffs the card back under several other items. Surely not. He'd never... would he?

Stuffing the contents back into the glovebox, he sighs. Turning, he peers into one of the cup holders in the console. Loose change. Quite a bit, actually. At least he'd been a saver, right? That was good. Looking up at the visor, he flips it down to find a selection of CDs. His fingers glide over the titles as recognition tries to flicker. He could almost hear the music... rock?

Now completely lost in thought, he almost forgets about Grace entirely or where they were headed. Reaching for the radio, he turns it on. A CD was already in. And the volume way up. Cringing, he turns it down as the heavy rock music blares. Apparently he liked things loud. Really? He retrieves one of the CDs from the visor, not liking the artwork. Looked like some metal band. He wasn't so sure he wanted to try listening to it with Grace in the vehicle - he had a hunch it wasn't going to be full of pleasant lyrics.

Flipping the visor back up, he then shuts the radio off again and sighs. His eyes catch sight of an air freshener hanging from the rearview mirror. It was the shape of a star and still smelled a little like vanilla. Breathing deeply, he suddenly sees the inside of a gas station. There was a rack full of different air fresheners. He'd wanted pine but they were all out. So he'd opted for vanilla instead. Turning, there was a woman who smiled sweetly. She didn't have a nametag though. She didn't work there. She liked vanilla too. And she reached for it. No, she reached for his hand, pulling him to the counter. Her smile was more than friendly. It was seductive. He liked it and-

Giving a lurch, Jared is suddenly back in the present, his eyes focusing on the road ahead as his heart raced. That was the second memory he had with a woman. But it wasn't the same woman. A reoccurring thought enters his mind but he shoves it back out again. No... no... he wasn't that kind of man. He was sure of it. He couldn't have been.

Turning his head to look out the window, he hides his face from Grace. He wanted to tell her he'd just remembered something, but for some reason, unknown to him, he was afraid to.

"Mmhmm." Justin takes another bite of his bagel, chewing it slowly. "I gotta go into North Springs and meet with that young girl again." Things weren't going all that well and he was desperate for a breakthrough. 

"After that... gotta do some shopping for Ma and... that's about it. Other than come back here and call a couple people about their computer woes." 

Time to

   "Or maybe...there is something wrong with your heart."

Katie reaches out her hand and lays it on Hunters. Her own fingers just gently running over him in a comforting matter. She felt bad for Hunter and couldn't imagine what he was feeling. But nightmares no matter who had them or what there were about were never fun and Katie new that first hand with Jason and living it with him. 

   "Maybe your dream is trying to tell you its time to forgive people in your past and move on before its to late and the whirlpool of emotions cause you to sink with no way of getting back out."

Sinking could of meant in liqueur, anger, wreaking the heart, or simply being unhappy for the rest of his life. Katie didn't know what we was trying to pin point or maybe she was pin pointing them all. But she need know that seeing the tired look in Hunter's eye he was wearing thin.

Sometimes Katie wondered why it was easier for her to give advice than take it. But somewhere alone the line Katie did know that she would have to take her own advice and ask for forgiveness from a few people she new too. but that would be saved for another day.

   "Why don't you go try and lay down and get some more sleep. We all get days off once a while. I'll even sit with you if you like. And no...I don't mind or I wouldn't have said it."

Giving a smile of her own as Jared gets his self turned around and is ready to go. Coming up behind him Grace starts to push forward. Going a little slow this time and just enjoying the day. Life was to short to always rush and Grace would always stand behind than.

Getting back to the house and grabbing the keys Grace helps Jared into the passager seat of the car. Going around to the drive side and getting in Grace takes in a deep breath. It stills smelled like a new car and she only could of guessed Jared took good care of it. 

   "Alright, lets fire this puppy up and see what she's got."

Turning the key and hearing the car growl Grace looks to Jared and gives a smile. She couldn't help the little bit of excitement she felt too. Almost like a little kid on Christmas. It sounded so nice and backing up it felt just as good.

   "Where to first my good sir?"

Hearing all the different fruit to choose from Beth can feel her stomach growl more than she had first expected. Going over and taking a look she goes for the strawberrys and pulls them out. Getting a bowl and putting some in it she returns the container before going to the table and sitting down.

   "Yeah I work till 12 tonight when the other bar tender comes in. I go in at six so its a short day for me. Not that a mind today."

Taking a bit of one of the strawberry's Beth gives a smile. It was tart followed by a nice sweetness. She always liked strawberrys and how the tart and sweetness went together. It almost reminded her of life a little bit too. How two things could go together when they were so different.

   "Do you have anyone to see today?"

Every Night

Hunter wasn't surprised when Katie sat down. She could read him all too well and he knew it. How she did it, he'd never know, but she was good at it. He'd never be able to lie to her - she'd see right through him. 

Her question lingers on the air for several moments. Though falling quiet again, Hunter searches her eyes. He'd figured that she had observed him being tired the last handful of mornings. There were a whole lot of reasons he could give her. But as he'd just concluded... she'd be able to tell they were just excuses. 

Taking a deep breath, he lets it out slowly before leaning his head back against the railing and closing his eyes. "I've been having nightmares," he finally admits. Keeping his eyes closed while telling her was easier. He felt like a little kid afraid of the boogie man. 

"Well... one, actually. Every night... for about a week... and... I can't ever sleep any more afterward. Or if I try to, I just have the nightmare all over again." 

Even now, he was having trouble fending off the frightening images of water and darkness. Opening his eyes again, his gaze was so tired. So weary. He looks back to Katie. "Don't know why, 'cause I didn't think anything was bothering me. I mean I've been having a great time here - not like I'm under a lot of stress or something." He shrugs lamely. "I just can't seem to shake it. Even if I try to take a nap during the day, the dream comes back." He wasn't sure if he wanted to describe it to her or not. He felt rather silly about it - it wasn't even anything really tangible. Drowning in a river. Really? Stupid. 

Sighing again, he finally unfolds his arms, bringing one knee up to his chest. "Brain keeps wandering to the past too, but I don't even know if it's connected or why. None of it makes any sense, other than the obvious - and that's I'm not getting enough sleep." He rolls his eyes. "Maybe there's just something wrong with my head."

Jared's lips upturn into a new smile and he shakes his head. He wasn't sure if Grace really knew the answer or not, but he'd let the matter drop. 

"Okay... yeah, lets go for a ride. I wanna see if that car's a smooth a ride as it looks." He gets his wheelchair backed away from the table and turned around, ready to go. 

"I think my mom's got the keys hanging on the wall in the hallway."

"Fruit, I've got." Justin abandons his bagel for now, going to the fridge. "Let's see.... grapes... strawberries... watermelon... apples... oranges..." Fruit and veggies he always had on hand. "Um... got some pineapple too that's already been cut, and... ah. Peaches. Yeah." He pops back out of the fridge and opens the door wider. "Here - help yourself to whatever you want." That would probably be easier. 

Moving aside, he lets Beth take a look at what she wanted. "You gotta work tonight?" 

Ride now

Looking back at Jared and his comment Grace just searches his face for a few long moments. What made him different? She really wasn't sure herself but she as sure it was something. It was a feeling she got, like she was meant to be here, she was meant to be more than just a  therapist to him. She could feel the tug, and she new it was God's doing. How was she to explain that though when there really was no solid explanation.

   "When I figure it out myself, you will be the first to know."

Giving a crooked smile to Jared and a wink Grace stands gathering the empty bowls and than walking them over to the garbage. Coming back over and looking down at Jared she smile was just a little bit bigger. Maybe his question sparked a little more thought than she'd expected but she was being honest with him.

   "How about we go for that ride now?"

Taking a sip of the coffee it felt good going down. She didn't often drink coffee but when she did it always tasted good to her. Hearing Justin's comment about cooking something Beth thinks for a second if she was hungry or not. She didn't feel like she was this morning but maybe she should eat anyways.

   "Do you have any fruit? I'm not really that hungry just something light would be nice."

Just letting the silence linger for a long few moments Katie waits for Hunter to say more. She new everything was not alright even if Hunter pasted a smile on his face she would still know but she hated seeming noise too so she didn't want to put in where she didn't belong.

Finally as he spoke Katie gives a small nod before sitting down on the bottom step and looking up at Hunter. She felt bad he'd been having a hard time sleeping and she hoped it wasn't due to the hard time her family was giving him since they were only joking around. Something told her though that was not it. It ran deeper, longer, and sure a lot more.

   "Want to talk about it? I've noticed the last few nights its been the same in the morning. Maybe if you talk to someone it will make you feel better?" 


Jared sits back again, seeing that his compliments had gone to the wind. Oh, well. 

Grace's talk of friendship lowers his eyes for a few moments. He really wasn't sure what to think. Why him? She must have a ton of other patients, and surely there were lines she drew, and rightly so, between friends and clients. He did realize now that what she was doing for him really was different than others. But... why? And how could a friendship continue after this anyway? 

Gaining back a new little smirk, he looks up at her again. A flirtatious glint had returned to his eyes. "So... how am I different than your other patients anyway?" He really didn't expect an answer... he just wanted to see if he could get her to blush again. "What makes me so special?"

Justin chuckles at Beth's description of smelling burnt toast. He knew he had crumbs in the toaster that needed to be cleaned out. He just... hadn't yet. 

Leaning back against the counter and taking a bite of his bagel, he studies Beth. He was glad she felt a little better this morning. She looked like perhaps her night hadn't been all that restful, but if he were in her shoes, he'd probably be the same way. 

"Want anything to eat? I'd be happy to make something for ya." 

Hunter's mind continued to wander where he didn't want it to, no matter how hard he tried. Open eyes, closed eyes, it didn't matter. As long as it wasn't sleep though, he was okay. As long as he could keep himself from having that nightmare again. 

Staying on the porch, he lost track of time as he takes in the changing colors of the sky. He'd never really paid that close attention to a sunrise before and hadn't realized all the colors that appeared before the sun even did. There were a lot of things he didn't pay close attention to anymore... things like his feelings... his memories... things he didn't want to deal with. Things he had moved on from and forgotten for years, thinking they were gone forever, only to discover now that they were still there, clawing at his heart. He just didn't understand why, or why now. It didn't seem fair, when he was having such a good time otherwise. Why couldn't he just have a nice relaxing vacation away from Nevada? 

Katie's presence startles him slightly, but he doesn't move, his legs still stretched out across the top step of the porch. "Hey..." 

He offers a wry grin at her comment and question. "Yeah, I'm okay." That was just a standard answer though, void of any feeling of truth. His eyes subconsciously drift to the ground, proving that no, he really wasn't okay. Keeping his arms folded on his chest, he doesn't even realize that his body language spoke of barriers - walls that he had spent years building.

Studying a fly that had landed on the bottom step, he continues to battle with his mind. He needed to get up, get going, start finding something to do. But his body was just too exhausted to move yet. 

Only after realizing that a long stretch of silence had gone by does Hunter remember Katie's still standing there and his eyes finally rise. He doesn't smile though. Not this time. "I didn't sleep very well," he admits. "Trying to wake up without coffee isn't easy."

Not so good

   "I'm hanging in there. Think I'm better today than I was last night, at least I don't feel like my nerves are shot now."
Feeling Justin's hand on her skin Beth gives a small smile. Though his hands where rough his touch was soft and there was a caring gesture that just added to it. She liked it and didn't mind when Justin touched her at all. 

   "The bagel is more than likely the reason it smells like burnt toast. I think its the coffee thats smelling good and calling my name."

Heading over to the counter Beth stops for a second trying to remember where Justin's cups where. Opening the first one and seeing no cups Beth moves to the second one. Reaching in and grabbing one she sets it down. Pouring the coffee into it she takes in a deep breath enjoying this fresh sent. It was definitely the coffee she had smelled.

  "Yep thats what I smelled."

   "Who said your going to be friendless?"

Grace cocks her head looking at Jared. She was hoping the conversation could move off of her and onto something thing else. Though his comment went noted and it did make her feel good. This just happened to be a good opening for doing so. Studying his face Grace lets out a small almost unnoticeable sigh.  Jared really though she wasn't going to stay his friend after this?

   "I told you even when you walk again I am still going to be your friend. I don't take all my patents, out for ice cream, and drive the car for them. Thats only what I do with my friends."

Setting her spoon down in the ice cream bowl that was now empty Grace was stuffed. She couldn't remember the last time she'd had this much ice cream but she sure had enjoyed it. Just getting to taste all the different flavors was a real treat one many might frown on but to Grace seeing Jared enjoy it was worth it.

   "Phew I think I had to much but man oh man was it good."

Up a little earlier than normal Stacy stops as she see movement at one of the bunks. Just standing in the shadows she is very still. Finally seeing the figure in the moonlight though as they sat down on the pouch she relaxes a little bit. It was only Hunter. He must have woke early, or never gone to bed yet. Either way she wasn't needed and all was well, now she could continue on.

Heading to the mess hall it was the normal place to go first thing in the morning. Everyone did because they new coffee would be waiting. It was like clock work almost...whoever was up first at five would make the coffee and the rest would come, once the pot was empty the next person would make more. It never failed to be there waiting for them.

Passing Hunter's bunk Katie stops and takes a few steps backwards. Looking at Hunter she gives a smile before wondering a little close. Though once getting there she eyes search his face and she gives a little worry.

   "Hey there. I'd say good morning but something tells me its not so good. You ok?"


A knock at the door startles Jeff from his nap. He'd slept late then had found himself back in bed for the afternoon. He'd been told it would be natural to be tired for a while, but it was still a bit discouraging.

"Just a minute," he mumbles. Dragging himself from bed, he rubs his eyes and yawns before finally getting to his feet. Opening the door, he can't help his surprise at seeing Cindy, and isn't even sure what to say.

Seeing Jeff in his socks and his hair a bit disheveled, Cindy can immediately see that he'd been sleeping. "Oh, I'm sorry... I woke you, didn't I?"

"Um... yeah, but that's okay." Jeff cocks his head. The last time they'd parted, it had been awkward to say the least. He'd figured Cindy wouldn't want anything to do with him after that. "Can I... help you?"

"Yes. I mean, well, no." Cindy holds up a small plate of cookies. "I made a batch of oatmeal chocolate chip cookies and ended up with too many. I know they're one of your favorites so... I thought you might like these."

Jeff raises an eyebrow, but he accepts the plate, his mouth already watering. "You thought right. Thanks."

"You're welcome." Cindy clasps her hands, shifting her weight a bit awkwardly. "Um, I guess I just wanted to say sorry, too. You know... for before... and what I said."

Jeff gives her a half a smile. "Naw... you were right."

"Maybe. But I didn't need to say it like I did. I didn't want to hurt your feelings."

She had. But Jeff had concluded it had been deserved. "It's okay. I didn't mean to offend you. I suppose a guy like me is just bound to make those blunders sometimes."

Cindy's mouth forms a warm smile and she reaches out to put a hand on his arm. "You're very special, Jeff, and you have one of the biggest hearts I know. Don't ever think you have nothing to offer a woman... and not just a woman who's in need." She gives his arm a little squeeze. "Don't limit yourself because you think you're weak. It's your body that's weak, not your spirit. And if a woman judges you because of a physical weakness, then she's not the one for you anyway."

A lump rises in Jeff's throat. "Thanks, Cindy," he responds quietly. "We're okay then?"

Cindy chuckles. "Of course we are. You're my friend and I don't want that to change." Letting him go, she backs up, ready to leave. "I'll see you at supper."

"Okay." Watching her leave, Jeff holds the plate of cookies and tries to figure out the strange emotions churning within him. She was right - he'd thought a woman in need would be the only kind that would find him useful. But... maybe she was right about the other stuff too. She might not be interested in anything more than friendship with him... but maybe he did still have a chance with someone else... someone out there... someone he hadn't found yet.

Turning back inside, Jeff returns to his bed... but only after he'd eaten a cookie.

Keeping his arms slung over Katie's shoulders, Hunter grins. "Apples have my vote too. Sounds like fun." 

Though his eyes were tired, he holds his smile, just meeting Katie's gaze for several long moments. Was it just him, or was she getting prettier every day? "Of course... just about anything with you would sound fun," he admits. 

Leaning in a little closer, he wonders if perhaps she might allow him one more time a sweet kiss like they'd shared the day before. He'd promised himself he wouldn't push things too fast, and he'd wait for Katie's next move but... having her this close, just inches away with those bright eyes and that warm smile... 

"Hey, you two going riding?"

Hunter backs up a step, letting his arms slide from Katie as he clears his throat. Looking over at Jim, he nods. "Yeah. That okay?"

"Oh sure." Jim nods. "I just wanted to tell you that I think that saddle Mick had you use yesterday got moved and it's sitting on the bench." He chuckles. "I didn't want you to spend all your time hunting for it." 

Hunter chuckles. "Got it. Thanks." Alone with Katie again, he gives her a look that mixed slyness and sheepishness. "I'll, um... go get Bonzai." 

...It was a fun ride, and though Hunter's legs did hurt, especially with Bonzai's rough gait, it really wasn't all that long before the pain subsided enough for him to settle in and enjoy the ride. They took it slow - of which he was thankful. He might have been put through his paces yesterday and could remember a lot about riding, but there was a lot he had yet to recall and even more to learn. He was quite content just taking a nice slow pace. And... it gave him better opportunity to talk with Katie too, chatting and laughing. They dismounted in the grove of apple trees to enjoy the fresh treat, walking together as they led the horses. There was a warm breeze, carrying the sweet scent of apples and... Hunter really couldn't imagine a much more peaceful place to be. Getting back to the ranch several hours earlier, it was perhaps later than planned, but Hunter wouldn't have traded it for the world...

...Time at the ranch stopped for no one, even if some wished it would. Every day the sun rose then set again, greeting each morning with warmth and bidding its farewell as the moon took over again...

"...Well yeah, he's been a great help." Eric sets one foot on a chair in the break room, taking a sip from his water bottle. He looks to Mick inquisitively. "Why?"

Mick shrugs, seated at the table with his own water. Several days had passed, and after a morning of fencing, both were due a short rest. "Just asking, I guess."

"Hasn't he helped you?"

"Oh yeah, tons." That was the truth. Hunter had helped out more these past handful of days than most of the hired help. He'd worked with Katie almost every day, he'd assisted almost all the guys in some way or another, and he'd certainly lent a hand to Mick whenever needed. Just yesterday they'd been out baling hay for several hours and had gotten the job done, thanks to Hunter's stamina - the young man hadn't even complained about his sunburn.

Eric quirks an eyebrow. "Then why the hesitance?"

Mick shrugs. "I dunno. I mean I think it's great he's so willing to help out, but I've hardly seen him relax at all. He's just constantly working."

"Now that I've noticed," Eric agrees. "At first I thought he was just still trying to prove he wasn't a city slicker, but the last few days, it's like he's just... driven. Yesterday I thought he looked exhausted but he just shrugged it off and pitched in to help some more. 'Course I didn't argue."


"You think something's wrong?"

"Naw." Mick takes a swig of his water. "Just remembering, that's all."

Eric smiles a little and gives an understanding nod. "Keeping busy is the best way to forget."

"Or try to."

"At least he's sticking around. If something's bothering him, he could just as easily take off and forget about it."

"Yeah. " Mick nods in thought. "I think there's several things keeping him here."

"Like what?"

"Well I do think he enjoys being around the horses."

Eric chuckles. "I still can't believe he's still riding Bonzai. He said yesterday it doesn't bother him anymore."

Mick sips his water, laughing as well. "Maybe Bonzai finally found the right rider for him. Hunter does seem to have a knack. He's not the greatest rider in the world, but he seems to have picked up quickly on things. I wouldn't want to put him on a green horse but I'd trust him to exercise most of the reliables."

"Oh yeah, definitely. Give him a few more weeks and I bet he'd handle the green ones too." Eric cocks his head. "So it's just the horses he's interested in?"

"Naw, I think there's more. I think he likes the hard work - whether he's using it to run away from something or not. He made the comment to me the other day that he missed doing physical work." Mick shrugs. "And... there's a certain young lady that I think's got a hold on him too."

Eric quirks an eyebrow. "Yeah, I've kinda got that impression myself."

Mick grins. "I suppose that's a good a reason as any to stick around. Doesn't sound like he's got that much back in Nevada, calling him back too quickly."

"Think he's okay? I mean, for Katie?"

"I think he's got a few issues, and I get the impression he's not right with God. But if he can sort through all that... I think he has a lot of potential to be a fine man." Mick shrugs. "I do like him and everybody else seems to have taken to him too."

"Including me," Eric admits. "He's a lot of fun."

"Mm-hmm." Mick finishes off his bottle of water and tosses it into the corner box of recyclables. "Well... shall we get back to work?"

"You bet." Eric straightens and finishes his water as well. "I'll meet you out on the fence."

"Where are you going?"

Eric gives him a sheepish grin. "A guy's gotta say to his girl once in a while or she might think he forgot about her."

Mick grins and rolls his eyes. "Last time I saw her, she was helping Ashlee with her homework on their porch."

Eric's cheeks flush and he pulls his hat down a little further before leaving the break room. "Okay, thanks."

"You're welcome..." Mick stands alone for a moment, smiling to himself. Eric rarely talked about Stacy, but it was common knowledge now that those two were a couple. And Mick was glad. His brother-in-law had really seemed to brighten up lately and he wasn't about to interfere with that.

Sighing, he heads out of the barn, aiming for the fence that was only half-done...

...People were busy. Fellowship was sweet. Work was hard. Accomplishments made the work worthwhile. The ranch did indeed seem to be a haven from the world...

Jay eventually said goodbye to go home - but only with a promise to return soon. Jeff continued to recover, though it was slower than he preferred. He did avoid going to the barn too much though, giving in to taking it easy once more and resting often. The others all continued each day as usual - some days busier than others. And Hunter - he remained as well, his time at the ranch passing by a week and continuing on...

...Water surges around Hunter, the pressure crushing down on him. It was dark. Black. Cold. Being jerked along by the river's current sent a terror racing through Hunter's veins. His lungs begged him for air. He tried to find the surface, but there was no light to guide him. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew he'd been here before. He knew all he needed to do was wake up. But it didn't remove the fear.

Kicking and clawing at the rushing water did nothing but exhaust his muscles to the point of pain. There was nothing he could do. There was no up or down. There was no end to this evil river. Fighting until he could fight no more, his lungs finally have their way, opening up to inhale not air, but water.

Crying out, Hunter's eyes fly open to stare into the dark bunkhouse. Shaking all over, he was drenched in sweat, his heart racing...


Moaning in frustration, Hunter puts his head in his hands, rocking slightly. Why? Why was this happening? He didn't understand. For a week solid, he had been plagued with the same nightmare. Each time it was the same. Each time it was a dark river and he woke up just short of drowning.

Rising from bed, Hunter goes to the bathroom. Taking off his sweaty clothes, he steps into the shower to let cool water run over him. What was happening to him? Why was he having nightmares? There was nothing bothering him. Nothing was going wrong. On the contrary, he'd never had such a good time. Being at the ranch was like sunshine for the soul. He'd gone riding with Katie almost every day, he'd helped with chores, he'd gotten to know the guys better... the only thing he hadn't done was go to church with everybody else a couple days ago - it had felt strange to be almost alone at the quiet ranch for those few hours, and he'd felt just a twinge of guilt for not joining Katie with the others, but he just hadn't felt ready to touch that one yet, and thankfully no one gave him a bad time.

As far as he and Katie went, things couldn't be better. There hadn't been any kiss since that first time - not that he hadn't tried. It just seemed every time, they were interrupted, so he'd stuck to holding hands, sitting together at meals and he'd quickly obtained the habit of a goodnight hug before parting every night - and maybe just a kiss on the cheek. She seemed content, so he felt confident he was going at the right pace... if there was ever to be more between them, which... maybe deep down he did hope for.

So why the nightmares? Why was he being plagued with such horrible images and feelings? Despite the days being so good, the nightmares had permeated his mind to the point that the only way to rid himself of those awful pictures was to keep himself busy. He'd attempted a nap a couple days ago, only to fall too close to yet another nightmare. Rest was coming harder and harder as he tried to fight his way out of whatever this was. At least in keeping busy he'd gotten over his saddle soreness and had been able to pitch in with the work, helping the guys.

Bracing himself on the shower wall, Hunter closes his eyes, hanging his head to feel the cold water hit his neck and back. All of a sudden, his father's face enters his mind. No! Hunter's eyes fly open and he straightens, splashing some more water on his face. That was another thing that had been bothering him. No matter how busy he kept himself during the day, he was not only plagued with images from his nightmare, but all of a sudden, the past had been creeping up on him. What had set that off, he had no idea. He had caught himself thinking about anything from his childhood to his father, to Kyle, to anything in between. It was ridiculous, and in all honesty, he felt like he was going crazy. He had to beat it. Whatever this was, it would go away, he was sure.

Finally shutting off the water, he dries himself off and wanders back into the other room to pull on some clean clothes. He wasn't dressing for bed again though - he donned his jeans and pulled on his cowboy boots - the ones he'd bought a few days ago in town. They already looked worn with all the work and riding he'd been doing, and he liked that.

Only now does he glance at the clock. Four-thirty. Like always. His nightmares worked like clockwork, and he'd been up at this hour for a whole week, losing more sleep than he'd care to think about. But it didn't matter. He wouldn't be able to get back to bed - or if he did, he'd just be scared out of his wits again. Even so, it was too early for chores and even too early for him to go get a cup of coffee. As it had been every  day.

Wandering outside in his bare feet, he eases down to sit sideways on the porch step and leans back against the railing. His tired gaze wanders to the gray sky, and he didn't realize the dark circles that had formed all this week were still evident below his eyes. He'd just... sit here until he saw someone else stir. 

Seeing Grace blush, it takes Jared off guard. It felt strange to suddenly have the upper hand - she usually had a quick comeback for him, not a genuine response like that. Cocking his head, Jared just studies her for a moment, a softer smile forming on his lips. She was more than a therapist... she was a woman. 

"Well I don't know why you only have a few friends." Lowering his head a little, he tries to see Grace's eyes, waiting until she looked up at him again. "I know I give you a hard time some days but... you're very good at what you do." 

He gestures at the table full of all the empty bowls. "I may not remember much and I may not know much about your profession, but... I've got a feeling that if I woulda ended up with a different physical therapist, I wouldn't be sitting here now, and...I know I wouldn't be smiling near as much."

Finishing the last bit of his ice cream, he licks the spoon a final time. "To tell you the truth... I've been tempted not to try so hard some days, 'cause I know once I'm on my feet, I'll be friendless again and I guess that's kind of a depressing thought."

Hearing the shriek, Justin gives a start. Glancing into the living room though, he sees that Beth is just fine and Danitza was still there. Since she seemed okay, Justin leaves her be, returning to his bagel and letting Beth decide when she wanted to get up. 

Joined in the kitchen just a few moments later, he smiles. "Well it must be the coffee you smell, unless you have a nose for a plain toasted bagel. I've got more if you want one or I've got eggs... there might be some bacon. Whatever you'd like. Oh, and there's some fruit juice, like always." 

Stepping towards her, he reaches out to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. She looked like she'd had a rough night, and he wished there was more he could do. "You doin' okay?" 


Watching Hunter and laughing Katie makes a dash for her own bunk. She didn't know if she would beat Hunter or not but trying would be fun. It at least was a little challenge and get them to hurry at the same time. Not that Katie didn't want to enjoy the shower too but the excitement of going riding seemed to over power that.

The shower wasn't nearly as long as Katie normal took but she didn't mind. Leaving her bunk and making a dash for the barn she was surprised to find it relatively empty. Looking around again she thought for sure Hunter would of made it here before her, but seeing he wasn't Katie gives a small chuckle.

Staring forward Katie is stopped by the arms that goes around her. Hearing Hunter's voice she and feeling herself being pushed against his chest Katie can't help the small chills she felt. Not struggling to get free Katie just leans her head back on Hunter's chest for a moment before tilting her head back to see him and smiling.

   "Rotten egg you are not. At least you don't smell like one anymore and neither do I soo...I guess I can go easy."

Finally moving a little so Katie could turn around and see Hunter her smile was bright and now that she was clean it seemed to be a little brighter without the dirt and grim to mask it. Searching Hunter's face something was different, maybe wrong but she wasn't sure what. Could it still just be a sign of Hunter being tired?

   "So we have some options for snacks. Go to the mess hall and get some veggies, or on our route of riding we can stop by the apple trees and pick some of them. I personally and voting for the apples."

 Getting a strange look for the lady behind the counter Grace didn't much care. She thought this was going to be fun and Jared was game for it so what anyone else thought really didn't matter. Finding a table and setting there stuff down it takes a few moments to carry the ice cream over but in no time they were settled and digging in.

Taking a lick of her spoon Grace chuckles her eyes giving a genuine sparkle that she was having fun. She liked Jared's company and she enjoyed watching him try new things and figure out what he liked to eat. It was fun and to her she was happy to be able to spend the time with Jared.

   "I have to day no I've never had anyone say that before. Not that I am over flowing with friends to start with but the few I do have, have never said anything. Now you have though so...I thank you. I'm happy you like my ideas."

Looking down at her bowl Grace's cheeks turn a slight red color. Why she was blushing she wasn't sure but Jared's comment had made her feel really good and flattered. Just knowing he was really enjoying himself and didn't think this whole thing was silly.

Caught somewhere between awake and sleep Beth's breathing becomes a little more heavy. She'd tossed and turned all night but never woke up. Her body now was still from tension as if she had been trying to shut something out but awaking did not come.

Feeling something wet on her face Beth's eyes slowly open. Seeing the two eyes looking straight back at her Beth gives a jump and sits up quickly giving a small little Shrek. Looking around quickly she tries to remember where she was. This was not her house...this was not her bed.

Slowly everything comes back to her as she remembers she had spend the night as Justin's and this was his couch. Looking doing at Danitza Beth trys to give a small smile and puts her hand down for the dog to smell. Giving her a pat on the head and a little rub behind the ears she relaxes just a little.

   "Hey Girl, sorry if I scared you, you just startled me too."

Swinning her feet around Beth stands and gives a stretch. Hearing someone in the kitchen Beth could guess it was Justin. Wondering into the kitchen she peeks around the corner before entering making sure it really was him.

   "Something sure does smell good."