

As Hunter drifts off to sleep Katie can feel her own eyes starting to close as well. Maybe she was a little tired herself still even though she'd never say anything. And so sleep comes quickly wrap in Hunter's warm grip.

But soon her own sleep had been evaded as Hunter gives a jump and goes tumbling onto the floor. Letting her eyes go wide Katie looks over the edge of the bed at Hunter and does her best not to laugh. It really wasn't funny and she new it.

   "I guess I'm not much of a life saver...I'm sorry."

Coming down off the bed next to Hunter Katie puts a hand to the back of his head to make sure it wasn't bleeding. Letting out a small sigh she felt so bad for Hunter and wished she could do more. But what could she do? This was something Hunter had to figure out, and than work through. The most was was letting him know he was not alone, and she could be there to hold his hand.

   "Maybe we can see about getting you something from Angel to help you sleep?"

Thinking for a second about his question does her best to try and put her thoughts into words. Taking a sip of her coffee she continues to collect her thoughts before finally speaking.

   "Better hours if I can find something else. Might be fun to just try something different, and I'm kinda tired of the smell of alcohol."

It was the truth she was tired of the smell of booze and dealing with drunk people. It never had bothered her before but since she had started changed things and opening up a little more she not did notice it and it was tiring. So changing that might be something nice too but Beth wasn't sure if she wanted to venture that far.

   "I'm just not sure though. I know the people there and don't have to worry about anything. If I found something new I'd have to meet new people and...I don't know. It sounds fun but kinda scary too."

Grace gives a smile at Jared and his comment. She could tell there was something else bothering him but pushing maybe wouldn't be a good thing. So letting it go for now Grace looks back out the window before pulling into a park.

   "Well it seemed like you had this car for a little while but took really good care of it. Maybe to always keep it a new car inside and out. So that would make you a pay attachen to detail kinda guy."

Driving around the little circle of the park Grace stops at the playground that was empty. Looking around and not really seeing anyone she turns the car off and gets out. Going around to Jared's side she offers her arm to help him out but doesn't have his wheel chair ready. They wouldn't need it, not right now.

   "Come on, lets swing on the swings. Don't need your legs to hold on and letting them dangle and move back and forth will be good exercise minus the pain. Not to mention kinda fun."

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