

Hearing the knock on the door Hope looks up giving a smile to Pete. It was different to see him coming to her. Out of all the people in TJY he was one of the more level headed people she new. Seeing the look in his eye though told her something was up.

   "Hey Pete, come on in."

Having Pete tell her that Gunner was still not back Hope cocked her head a little bit. She wondered herself where he went and if he was ok. Maybe he needed time, but to much time could be bad? Hope didn't think he would try and do anything again. Not when he had so much to look forward to and Bree as well but still.

   "I saw him at lunch but it was cut short when he really didn't want to talk anymore. I am not sure where he went. You think he is ok?"

Giving a smile again Misty nods and stands taking the plates and cups into the sink and come back again. Dinner was great and dessert was good too. The game went over good, and helped them all get to know each other more and get comfortable. It was a good time and she was pleased.

   "You're always welcome here Clay. This was a great night and I am sure we all agree. You fit in nicely and I would like to have you again."


Reese slams down his phone in frustration before rising and heading out to Susanne's desk. "Have you found him yet?" 

"No. You didn't want to send anybody to look for him, so there's not much I can do."

"Well call his apartment office to see if his car is there! Call his favorite restaurants! I don't care, just find him!" 

Susanne grits her teeth, keeping silent since she knew it wasn't her that Reese was upset with. "I've done those things and he isn't anywhere I can find." 

Reese growls and runs a hand over his face. "I know he was having a slow day, but leaving for a three hour lunch is ridiculous, let alone shutting his phone off!" 

Just outside, Pete backs away and slowly turns around. He had some paperwork for Reese but...he'd wait. Heading back across the floor, he stops by Gunner's desk and sees leftover food waiting. If Gunner had been gone for three hours, why was his food back here and not him?

Changing directions, Pete heads down the hall instead. Arriving at Hope's office, he taps on the open door. "Hey. Didn't wanna bug you, but Reese is on a rampage trying to find Gunner for some specific case he'd been on. Anyway, I had a hunch you and Gunner had lunch together so I was wondering if you knew where he went from there." 

Gunner remains in his car, having never left his spot near the intersection. A cop had come by, but all it had taken was Gunner's badge for the guy to leave him alone. He wasn't sure how much time had passed, but he really didn't care either. His mind kept him glued here to this spot where his nightmares were conceived.

The stress though had made his body weary to the point of him falling asleep, letting even more time slip by. 

Alec's jaw drops and he puts a hand over his heart. "I'm crushed!"

Clay grins and stands, grabbing Jason's chair and dragging him away from his spot, so he could put his own chair there. "Sorry guys, but...she obviously has good taste." 

Jason and Alec exchange smirks before Jason grabs some more paper. "You're on. And Misty...if you win..."

Alec snickers. "What? You gonna dump her?" 

"I'll...I'll...think of something." 

The evening didn't slow down, nor did the laughter. After several more games though, it was getting late, and all knew that they had to call it a night sometime...

Clay stands and stretches tall, trying not to yawn. "Well, I suppose I should get on over to Rick's before he comes looking for me." 

Jason grins as he rocks back in the kitchen chair. "I bet he's been in bed a good long while already." 

"You have a point." Clay shakes his head and glances at Misty. "Thanks for having me over...I had fun." 

Rosalyn smiles before returning her phone to her pocket and continuing her work. It was hard not to act excited about tonight, but she knew she had to keep it to herself. She'd figure out later how she'd dress nicely and slip away without someone questioning her. It would be nice if she could just be open about it but...it was safer this way. 

Despite her heart being hopeful though, something in the pit of her stomach warned her that today might not turn out the way she wanted.