
One good thing

Having Katie pull out the warm emotions was a strange sensation. They weren't feelings that surfaced by themselves, but they did provide Jason comfort and he appreciated Katie's effort.

Thanks, Hero... I love you too.

Her words meant more to him than he could express. The only thing he could do was share how she made him feel. He didn't often do that. He would share his love and affectionate feelings, but how she made him feel... those were private emotions that he liked keeping to himself. But sometimes a special moment would occur and right now was one of those moments.

Jason slowly opens up just a little more to let Katie know that even though he was going through a tough time right now, she had helped and made him feel good.

Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, he stands up, Trooper right by his side.

I'm gonna walk a while longer then maybe head home. You wanna come over for supper? Just... stay in tonight? You me and Trooper?

Eli's eyes glint with just a twinge of slyness. "At least there's one good thing about second dates." He draws Scarlet a little closer to gain a better view of those deep sapphire pools. "They're not the first."

Cocking his head, he leans in and gives her lips a slow, tender kiss before pulling away, not letting it last too long. "Come on. I think we beat the lunch rush."

Gage flops down on his mattress, sighing as he feels it needs more air. His finger picks at another hole in his jeans and he lets himself fall onto his side as he stares at the other side of the little living room. Another job turned down. He'd quit counting.

Tucking his hands up under his worn-out pillow, he curls up wearily. He'd been so glad to be free. On his own. In charge of his own life for the first time. And now he was failing miserably. Nobody wanted an employee with a record like his. He might have been kept from jail, but he still had a marred record that would follow him the rest of his life. It was a consequence he would deal with always.

Now what? A newspaper still sat on the corner table with want ads circled, cut out and crossed out. Sapphire was coming over today. He'd have to tell her one more time that he hadn't gotten a job. He knew she didn't think any less of him, but it was still discouraging and he just wanted to be able to say, "I got it," to her, just to see that look of approval in her eye.

Rolling onto his back, Gage stares at the ceiling with the familiar water stain. Was there ever going to be more than this?

Mick coils and hangs up his leadrope after putting Remington back in his stall. Ambling down the barn aisle, he glances around for Dan. The fact that Dan had brought Dylan back had not escaped Mick, and he had a few questions. He'd seen Dylan head off to the bunkhouse, but had not followed. Not this time.

Rounding a corner, he spots Dan by the hay bales, so he approaches a bit more quietly than normal. "Dan... a word, if I may."

Gesturing to the younger man, he brings him to the side, out of earshot from the other ranch hands. "So how on earth did you get Dylan to stay?"

Thank you!

Sitting at her desk and finishing all she needed to Katie new shortly here Jason was going to be letting his emotions out and she'd rather not be around people. Heading to Jason's office like she had many time before she enters closing the door behind her. Jason let her use his computer when she just wanted to be alone and he wasn't here. She new better than to snoop not that she really would want too. Now was a time when she did have work to do and being alone while Jason let his emotions out to her was best.

Tensing up just a little as the emotions start to come Katie trys to concentrate on what she was working on. Even though Jason didn't let them come full force and it would hurt a lot more if he did Katie can still feel a little discomfort. Staying quiet as Jason talks Katie just lets his emotions and words come not interrupting just letting him let it all out.

Continuing to type on the computer and search for more stuff Katie finally stops and leans back in Jason's chair as she closes her eyes. Her head was starting to hurt just a little but she new it would be over soon. As much as she needed Jason's emotions to feel her, Jason needed to release his emotions to her.

Feeling the last short burst of emotions and knowing it was over Katie lets out a sigh as she slowly opens her eyes and just looks upward into nothingness. She was silent till now knowing Jason need to let everything. Reaching out and finding Jason's own emotions she gives a small tug on comfort, warmth, and the feeling that she was there for him.

I can see why it would upset you so much and I wouldn't blame you. Its hard when the person we have looked up to our whole life turns out to be not who we though. Sometimes that can be the greatest form of betrayal.

Standing and wondering to the little window that was in the office Katie pulls the blinds back a little bit and looks out. Pausing for a short moment she continues to just let her warm feelings flow twords Jason. She new what it felt like to have someone you look up to disappoint you even if it had happened so long ago she could still remember how she felt and it never felt good. For the longest while she wondered if she would turn into that as well.

No matter what happens Jason your nothing like your Grandfather...I just want you to know that. I love you so much J, and I know its not fair...but not much in life is...we just have to keep looking to the brighter days and remember they are right around the bend.

Scarlet gives her own chuckle at Eli's comment. He was right that really was the most she had said at once to him. She herself found it rather funny.

"Food..is defiantly always an interesting thing to talk about, and I always like to eat."

Pushing her own helmet down onto her head Scarlet wraps her other arm around Eli as he revs the engine before taking off. Just relaxing as she kept her arms around Eli Scarlet enjoyed the ride like she had the other day as well. She dosnt even mind that he take a longer rought than normal. Just riding was almost pure bliss to her, something she enjoyed so much.

Finally getting to the restraint though she didn't say it Scarlet was almost disappointed the ride had come to an end. Taking off her helmet though and getting a waft of the food her stomach growls and the ride is soon forgotten.

Looking down at Eli's extended hand and than back up into his eyes her own shy glint makes itself present once again as she takes Eli's hand and gets off the bike coming up next to him.

"Oh...so this is the second date. I think...I like the sound of that. Thank you!"


Jason lets Katie feel his gratefulness. He didn't like leaving her out, or going his own way, but sometimes it was best. As long as he could have small bouts with venting, he could avoid any major catastrophes and that was his goal.

Giving her hand a little squeeze, he nods. "I might have you join up with me later. I'm gonna go get Trooper and he and I will go for a walk or something. I'll talk to you in a while."

Leaving Katie with a little warm feeling, he turns and heads for the exit, taking his time. Ambling out to his bike, he drives slowly home, then retrieves Trooper and exchanges vehicles. Once in his truck, he really doesn't have a destination in mind. He ends up outside of town on a back road and eventually finds a roadside lot to park in. Getting out, he lets Trooper off his leash and both head down a secluded dirt trail.

Jason picks his way over a few rocks and tree roots, letting Trooper tag along and sniff out the bushes and bramble as they went. After a while of walking and trying to sort through his thoughts, Jason finds a big rock to sit on, leaning back against a tree and closing his eyes.

It was Austin... Austin was the one that made Scott freak out. We almost lost Scott... our friend... because of my grandfather. Makes a guy feel real good, ya know?

Jason's emotions start to boil and he snaps a twig between his fingers. Frustration... irritation... anger. His palm begins to burn and the twig in his hand starts to smoke.

I wish he wasn't my grandfather. I thought... I thought I got over all that. We were actually speaking to each other... It wasn't great, but at least he was forgivable. I thought I could let it all go, and now... I'm just reminded about who he really is... what he did to me. All my life, I figured he was the hero for rescuing me after my abduction... now I see how I didn't get to grow up, partially 'cause of him. My talents were focused for his purposes instead of my future. And lately I've seen a side that's... cruel.

His emotions are joined by melancholy and a bit of sadness, though by now, the twig was ash in his palm. Trooper whines and nudges his arm, feeling the tension and being able to sense his master's turmoil.

Jason winces as the emotions hurt, but he knew he needed to let them out. Closing his eyes tight, he tries not to put too much pressure behind them, knowing Katie was gonna feel the discomfort. It only takes a few moments for the burst to end, and Jason puts his head in his hands as his pulse races and he catches his breath.

It isn't fair, Katie... it just isn't fair.

Eli's lips curl into a smile as he feels Scarlet's little hug. Something about it felt... different. It was an innocent hug, with no strings attached.

Hearing her spiel about where to eat, he can't help but laugh outright and turn halfway to look over his shoulder. "That's the most you've ever said at once, and it's about food. Now I know what to talk about with you."

Grinning, he gives her a wink. "Sounds good to me. I am famished."

Straightening, back around, he puts his helmet back on and makes sure Scarlet's set to go before revving the engine and taking off. It takes a little longer than it should to get to the restaurant... maybe it was because Eli seemed to have forgotten the route... maybe.

Finally getting to the eatery, Eli parks in the lot, shutting off the engine and dismounting his bike. He takes off his helmet and gloves, extending his hand to Scarlet. "Melady. Date two. You ready?"

Nice day

Looking up as Jason comes over to her cubicle Katie gives a smile. She's heard a little about what was said to Dalton and than when Jason went to Reese but she didnt catch it all. It had become habit to try and just ignore the words she heard and when she heard them knowing it was non of her never mind. Even if some stuff did slip thought at least she was trying to mind her own business.

"I'm almost done here with the really important stuff I need to get done. After that I just have to look up a few things online. So you should be ok to leave off some steam without bothering me."

Giving Jason another smile Katie reaches out and gives his hand a little pat. Sometimes Jason got into moods when he just wanted to be by himself. Though it was hard to tell when those times come Katie new a few signs and often reminded herself she didnt need to always be the hero he needed some space too.

"If you need me, or want to do something tonight just let me know. I'm always open for spending time with you."

Sitting on the porch and waiting for Eli to show up Scarlet continued to think of where they could eat as she shifted though her coupons. It was such a nice day out today maybe a light meal, that served outside would be good.

Seeing Eli pull in front of her apartment Scarlet drops her feet form the other chair that had been propped up and grabs her helmet before stuffing the coupons into her pocket. Coming off the porch and closer to Eli Scarlet gives her own half wave before getting onto the back on the bike a smirk forms on her face at his new apparent nickname for her.

"Your not looking so shabby yourself today, than again I don't think you could look shabby ever. Your one of those guys who could be in rags and still look good."

Putting her one arm around Eli Scarlet gives him a half a hug before putting her helmet on her head but not pushing it down yet.

"I was thinking we could eat at Bongiornos today. Its not anything facny but they have the nice seat area we could sit outside and enjoy the sunshine. I also have some coupons from there too. When I'm alone I hardly eat out and when I do its at Jimmy's, and I'd hate for these to expire before I could use them witch would be never so I am gonna take advantage of having someone eat with me. As long as you don't mind."


Dalton's comment about Austin makes Jason's gut twist a little more. It wasn't easy knowing he was the grandson of someone who had betrayed his own. A deeper part of Jason longed to connect with his family, creating an irritating battle inside of him. He tries to set it all aside for now though, not wanting to ruin Katie's day. He'd let it out later after work - if he didn't, he knew he risked an episode and it had been long enough now that he really didn't want to go through that.

"Yeah... yeah, I'll let you know if I hear anything else. Just... keep a close eye on the security around here."

Feeling dismissed, though not wanting to get up yet, Jason lingers a few moments before finally getting to his feet. "I'll see ya later, Hulk."

Back into the hall, the breakroom was forgotten as Jason aims for Reese's office instead. Once there, he knocks, then enters. "Reese... can you do without me the rest of the day?"

Reese lifts an eyebrow skeptically. "What's up?"

"I... could use a few hours at least."

Reese had tried to learn when the warning signs showed in Jason's eyes, and he could see them now. This was one Agent he couldn't push to his limit, lest the whole building be blown up. "Alright. Granted." He cocks his head. "You alright?"

"Yeah... I will be. Just got knocked off kilter there with the whole Austin thing I guess."

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"That you have to go through this." Reese was sincere. Nobody should have a grandfather like that. Jason had been through enough as a child, then to have been exposed and even trained in TJY while still in high-school, then to have that same mentor turn around and stab him in the back... an now needlessly having to think about it every time something about Austin came up... if it were Reese, he would be upset too. "Come back when you're ready, Jase... but not before."

"Thank you." Jason nods his thanks before retreating. Out to the main floor again, he walks by Katie's cubicle, unsure if she'd overheard his conversation or not. Pausing and looking over her wall, he offers a smile, though his emotions didn't match. "I'm gonna take off for a while, maybe the rest of the day. I gotta... blow off some steam, so if you're gonna stick around here, I'll wait until after you're done for the day so it doesn't interfere with your work."

Eli grins and shakes his head as he hangs up the phone with Scarlet. Wandering back into the garage, he finishes up his tasks before grabbing his jacket and helmet. Once on his bike, he fires it up and heads down the street, now knowing how to get to Scarlet's place.

A few red lights make him a couple minutes late, but when he pulls up, he sees her waiting. Giving her a salute with his gloved hands, he thumbs behind him, signaling he wasn't gonna get off, but just wait for her to join him.

He does take his helmet off though so they can decide where lunch will be. Flashing her a smile, he cocks his head a little, eying her as she approaches. "Hey, Red. You're looking as fabulous as ever."