

Looking over to Gage as they drives and he talked Sapphire gave a small nod. One could tell Gage truly hated seeing her hurting, or at odds with her own family. In a way she was thankful that she showed he cared. It only gave her another reason to know why she was doing this and that this was right.

"Thank you Gage, for at least trying to explain my brother actions to me. It doesn't many everything he did ok though."

Tightening her grip on Gage's hand just a little like she herself was almost scared he might suddenly disappear Sapphire looks back to the road. Things changed so quickly and she was angry at her brother but...sadness...it seemd to stay at bay, maybe because her anger ran supreme for now. At least she still had her one friend.

"I'm glad you will be there for me Gage. I'll always be there for you too. I am not one to break my promises."

Finally the drive was up, Gage and Sapphire had made there destination. Today it seemed a little warmer out than normal and would make for a good day at the park. Parking and getting in Sapphire shows Gage around starting with a few lowkey rides before wanting to move to the roller coasters.

"Ok, so...how about we try the SkyMaster next...Its one of my fav roller coasters. But before we do I have to run to the ladys room, wait outside here for me ok?"

Entering the bathroom Sapphire hears her phone go off but ignores it for a moment as she enters the stall and does what she needed to, exiting a few moments later and washing her hands she finally pulls the phone out and reads the new email. 

A fist clenches at her heart, as she can feel her teeth gritting after reading her brothers email. He really was going to keep pushing like this? Shaking her head Sapphire press a few buttons on her blackberry and brings up a black email of her own.

 I guess that's the thing you didn't warn me, you threatened and that's NOT ok. Pull rank on me all you want. I'm not backing down from this.
Exiting the bathroom Sapphire gives a smile to Gage before taking his hand in her own and making there way to the roller coaster.

"Ready to scream a little?"

Giving a long sigh as she listened to her voice mail Hope leans back in her car. After Dalton had called her last night she had been contemplating what to do. Scott hadn't asked for help yet so she didn't want to force it on him, but if his anger got to far out of control what would happen?

Had it been her own error not seeing this bottled up inside Scott? Had she really been so caress to over look it? Would he be ok and ask her for help? Hope new it wasn't her fault but she just felt so helpless in this situation. Maybe she would just keep an outside eye on Scott and see what happened. If anything got worse than she'd step in. 

Dialing Scott back Hope lets out another sigh before finally getting his own voice mail.

"Phone tag now huh? No problem about tonight I'll look forward to it tomorrow."

Starting up her car and pulling out onto the highway Hope takes a few turns going to her next destination stoping her conversation for a moment as she tryed to think of words to say. Finally they come though.

"About your parents for Christmas..I was really looking forward to meeting them for the first time, but I guess there will be other times for that. So if you wish to have something just the two of us than that is completely ok. Just let me know. I'll probably be back to TJY in an hour or so, I'll stop in the office to see ya when I get back."

Heading back to the office Dalton limps a little bit holding his side. He had been able to get around Misty's questions without leading them to Scott. He didnt want his friend to be questions and make matter worse. Now he only needed to avoid Reese as well. Scott had lost controlle just this once, it would be ok, and Dalton would heal. It was only a cracked rib, and a few nice bruises on his face he'd had worse.

Before going into the office Dalton lets out a long sigh and straightens himself up a little bit as he enters. Looking over at Scott at his desk he still felt so bad for his friend. Going around to his own desk he sits and goes for a mountain dew before grabbing another as well and holds it out to Scott.

"You look like you could use this."

Pouring Rain

Gage mulls over what Sapphire was saying, remaining quiet. There were things he wanted to say... words that were on his mind, but he waits to formulate them first. That's what he usually did, so he knew that Sapphire wouldn't think he wasn't listening when he doesn't respond. 

Receiving Sapphire's question, he manages a smile and he nods. She needed this more than he did. "Okay. The amusement park it is. Swing by my place first and I can even get on a nicer smelling shirt." 

Once on their way, the drive was nice and long, giving ample time for thoughts, quietness and light conversation. After a particularly long pause though, Gage begins to speak. He'd thought it through enough now that he was ready to  say what was on his mind. 

"I don't wanna harp on this anymore but... it's unresolved, and I just wanna explain how I'm feeling." He kept his tone gentle, not wanting to rile her up again. 

"Your brother, Saph... he does see how important I am to you. That's why he's fighting so hard. If he thought you didn't care, he wouldn't have anything to worry about."

Stopping again, Gage watches the unfamiliar scenery pass by. "I can't... blame Scott. No, I'm not happy, and to be rightful honest, I'm a little scared of him. I can handle myself but I don't want to hurt anybody and he knows that - it puts me at a disadvantage."

He clears his throat, still thinking. "I know you think he's being selfish... but what the Agency did to him... They pride themselves for getting into people's heads. And I know Scott resisted the assimilation, but there's still a part of him now that's been trained by the Agency whether he likes it or not. And realizing that... it's enough to drive any man mad. If I was in his place, I'd have a gun and be hunting down the people that went after me. He's not. But where does all that anger go? Here I am, Agency scum, and dating his sister no less. It's only natural that he come after me." 

Stopping for a moment, Gage's hand slips over to Sapphire's once again. He was trying to help smooth things over, but he knew that the bottom line was Scott had gone too far. Agency influence or not... he'd mishandled the situation. And Gage knew that Scott had hurt his sister deeply - it wasn't something that would just go away. Most likely, the siblings' relationship would never be the same again. But Gage wished it wasn't so. He didn't like seeing Sapphire upset, especially when he was the source of it all.

"Whatever happens though... I'm here for you. Source of the problem or not... you've done so much for me... maybe now it's my turn." 

Scott listens quietly, though ire still churned deep below the surface. "I know God's the judge, Dalton... I know He's the one that will have justice in the end. But that doesn't take away what I feel. It doesn't take away these things in my head or erase my memories." 

Being led from the bathroom, Scott wanted to feel better... he wanted to let it go and move on. These emotions - they weren't new. But enough inside his head had built up now that the anger had just piled up to the breaking point. He'd been beaten down, broken, scared, restored, and now after everything had settled down, he'd begun to realize the reality of it all, and like a light switch, it had turned on the anger. And now with Sapphire... he just couldn't understand. 

Brought back to reality by Dalton's question, Scott shrugs. "I'll think about it." Walking beside his big friend, he stops and looks up at him. "Go see Rick." Hidden or not, he'd noticed Dalton favoring his side. "I'll be fine now. Thanks for... for helping me. I just... gotta work through this, okay?" 

Stepping ahead of Dalton, he heads back upstairs in the lead, heading down the hallway and back to his office. He knew Dalton would probably stop at the infirmary, so he takes his time settling in behind his desk. Leaning back in his chair, he swivels, his mind reeling.

I'm looking through a window,
Streaked with pouring rain.
The images are blurred by,
Little rivers running down.

I see you standing out there,
The tears are in your eyes.
I reach for you to touch you,
But my fingers meet the glass.

Finally, Scott leans forward, pulling up a blank email and starts typing. 
Sapphire - 
I'm sorry about earlier. But don't ever again corner me like you did today. There are some things that I can't explain so I'm not going to try. I know you can think for yourself and that I can't tell you what to do. But if I didn't warn you about being more than friends with Gage, then I wouldn't be much of a brother. What happens between him and me stays between him and me. If he's any sort of man, he doesn't need you to come after me with threats. Do it again, and I have no problem pulling rank on you. So please... don't. 

Oh, I'm staring back at you.
But you're beyond my reach.
The rain just keeps on pouring down,
Are you still watching me?
The pain I feel is numbing,
Like an ice cold winter breeze.
Oh, the rain skews my perspective...
Or is it my own tears?

Hitting "send," Scott rifles through some papers on his desk, shuffling them and putting them back in his filing drawer. Then picking up the phone, he dials and waits to get the familiar voicemail. He knew calls were usually screened and that was just fine today. "Hope... it's me. I know you're working out of the office today. Look... I've got a lot of work to do and... it's gonna take me longer than I thought. I'm gonna have to take a rain check on supper tonight. We'll um... do it tomorrow. Also, um... I got to thinking about Christmas day and... I know we were gonna go to my parents and all but I was wondering if maybe you and I could just have a quiet time alone. I'd... like that better. So... let me know."

I'm looking through a window,
As I drive away.
The scenery is waving,
Like a storm-tossed memory.

I see you walking there,
A sadness in your eyes.
I reach for you to hold you,
But my fingers meet the glass.

The phone still rests in Scott's hand as he dials another familiar number. "Mom..." He'd reached another answering machine, and again, he was glad. "I know I said Hope and I would come to Christmas dinner, but, um... it looks like at least I won't be able to make it. There's a lot going on and... I hope you're not too disappointed. So... just plan on one less and I'll talk to you soon. Bye." 

Oh, I'm staring back at you.
But you're beyond my reach.
The rain just keeps on pouring down,
Are you still watching me?
The pain I feel is numbing,
Like an ice cold winter breeze.
Oh, the rain skews my perspective...
Or is it my own tears?

Scott rests his head in his hands, rubbing his blind eye with his palm to relieve the soreness. It got worse when he was under stress, and if today had been anything, it was stressful. It was only mid-afternoon, but it felt like it should be late evening with how tired he was. His hands hurt too. After Dalton had bandaged him up, now the pain was finally sinking in. 

Sighing, he fiddles on the computer a few moments before finally going for the phone again. There were too many things on his mind to concentrate on work right now. "Yeah, hey, this is Scott... um... listen... can we get together and talk? Would tonight work? Yeah, it's just... I got some questions about some Agency stuff. Yeah... okay sure. Thanks." 

Please tell me it's the storm.
Tell me the clouds will break.
Tell me the pouring rain will,
Wash away the tears.
Tell me again how storms pass.
And bring the sun again.
Tell me...

Sliding his elbows apart, Scott leans his head down on his desk, closing his eyes. He didn't know when Dalton would be back to his own computer, but right now, he just was so tired. He just wanted to rest. His mind was so full, and now not only was it Agency thoughts battling inside of him, it was thoughts of his sister and the damage that had been done today. It just wasn't fair - none of it was.

Oh, I'm staring back at you.
But you're beyond my reach. 
The rain just keeps on pouring down,
Are you still watching me?
The pain I feel is numbing,
Like an ice cold winter breeze.
Oh, the rain skews my perspective...
Or is it my own tears?

I'm looking through a window,
Streaked with pouring rain.


Pulling over to the side of the road like Gage asked Sapphire sat for a moment before she felt his warm hand on her face. It was a comfort she wanted, and but his words left a sting. This wasnt because of him, this was because of her brother and not being able to see past his own nose.

"No Gage, stop saying that. If I would have been happier I wouldn't have stood up for you in the first place. Your the only friend I got, and if my brother cant see how important you are to me, than that his problem. He's not the only one who deserves to be happy. I do too, and so do you."

Sapphire lets out a long sigh as the throbbing in her head continued. She wasn't angry with Gage, He'd done nothing wrong in this situation. Things would never be ok with her brother after this. She could feel it deep inside, this...this had broken everything. Even if they started getting along again, things wouldnt be the same.

"I told you I wasn't letting you go and I meant it Gage. You gave me a new reason to look forward to getting out of work. I'm not letting go of that."

Letting out another sigh Sapphire gives a smile to Gage. Things would be ok, she new they would be. They always were and she wouldnt give up faith in that yet.

"So anyways, I was thinking we could hit the amusement park. I know of one thats open this time of season, and its about two hours away. Its the best place if I ever new one that when you wanna scream thats the place to go. People wont look at you like your crazy, it gives you the total feeling of being free. Would you like to come with me?"

Continuing to wash Scott's hands Dalton tried to be as gentile as he could. He new Scott was hurt, and hearing his words about what h append Dalton felt even worse. This whole things could of been handled in a better manor but it wasn't, would things ever be the same?

"Scott, it not you who judges these people. God does what he see if fit, and yes I know your hurting a great deal, and I know you hate them but you have to turn to God and trust him. As for Sapphire..she has to see some good in Gage, like Misty saw in Carson. I'm not tell you to agree because I certainly wouldn't ether if it was my sister, but you have to let her make her own disitions or its gonna push her away more. "

Dalton let out a small sigh his breath a little heavy, and hurting with ever breath he took, but he couldn't help his own heart hurt a little more.

"I know you don't think I understand, and maybe I don't but I am worried about because I care. Your like a brother to me and I hate seeing you hurt so much. I wish I could take away all your pain for you."

Taking some bandages from the shelf Dalton wraps Scott's hands at least still the bleeding on his knuckles would stop. Placing an arm about Scott's shoulders Dalton leads him from the room.

"Would you please consider just talking with Hope? No counseling session just talking to her for me?"


Gage receives Sapphire's hand, still confused, his worry lingering. Then noticing her red eyes, his pulse quickens. What was going on?

Finally hearing her words, his heart gives a little lurch. For her to come all the way out here and quit work for the day, it had to be an awfully big deal.  "Oh..." His fingers tighten around hers and for the first time, the tables were turned. It was his responsibility now for the support and comfort. And though it was a foreign feeling, there was an aspect of it that gave him a little sense of joy, knowing that Sapphire felt she could come to him for support. At the same time though, his spirits sank. 

"I'm sorry..." It was obvious what the argument had been about. Moving his gaze to the window, he glares at the scenery before calming down to offer Sapphire a softer look. "If it wasn't for me, none of this would be happening." 

Seeing the park up ahead, Gage points. "Pull over here," he directs. 

Once parked, he unbuckles and turns in his seat, reaching over to cup Sapphire's face so she would look him straight on. "I am sorry," he apologizes again. "I don't want to come between you and your brother. The last thing I want is to be the source of a feud. I... I care enough about you that... if you'll be happier without being involved with me then... I'll let go."

His eyes search hers with genuine concern and care. "I don't want to, because you're my only friend, but I'll do it if it means you'll be happier and you'll be okay with your brother." 

Accepting Dalton's help up, Scott follows numbly to the nearby bathroom. He winces as his knuckles are cleaned, having had no idea he'd been harming himself. "I... I don't know. I just... Sapphire's mad at me and she was all over me for going after Gage and she cornered me and, and..."

He watches the red-stained water swirl down the drain. "...I just snapped. I needed something to hit 'cause I was so angry at my sister for going with a guy who'd been so involved in a place that stole my life."

It sounded selfish... but it's what he felt. It felt like a form of betrayal to him. "I want to kill them, Dalton..." The severity of his words echo in the bathroom. "I can't seem to stop."


Not paying any mind to the grumbling of the office Sapphire continues to stand with her arms crossed watching what he was doing closely. Taking the note pad from the officer Sapphire signs her name quickly before returning it to him. 

As Officer Finkleton calls for Gage Sapphire turns just a little bit watching him, and the other men. Keeping her professional air in check. Watching Gage as he came up the hill she simply kept her arms folded untill she finally took the paper from the officer. 

"Thank you Officer for you time. If the Elite needs anything further we will be in touch. Come on Pelzer lets go."

Sapphire hates calling Gage by just his last name but she had to in this situation. It was the only way to get him out of his work, and if she didn't stay professional than it never would of worked. Walking behind Gage to the car Sapphire waits for him to get in before going around to the driver side and getting in. Starting the car up Sapphire pulls away letting Gage's question go unanswered for a moment. 

Finally getting far enough away the cop couldn't see the care anymore Sapphire reaches up with her one hand and moves her sunglasses to the top of her head revealing her red puffy eyes that shown sure signs she had been crying. Reaching over she takes Gage's hand in her own locking the fingers, not minding at all that they were wet from sweat. Finally she lets out a sigh, She needed to answer Gage before he became to worried.

"My brother and I got into it pretty good today. First time ever, I was just so upset with him and I wasn't going to let him talk about you that way. "

Glancing at Gage in the passenger side of her car Sapphire gives a small smile letting him know, she was ok, and everything would be ok but she just needed him.

"I just wanted to be with you right now, spend the rest of the day with you. That is...if you would like to. I guess today I am asking you for comfort."

Squinting his eyes a little bit and hiding the bit of pain her felt Dalton wouldn't let it show. Scott felt bad enough without knowing he was to badly hurt. A trip to Rick and he would be fine again.

"You sure do pack a punch for a little guy I'll tell you that much. I am ok though. Its ok its ok, you can stop saying sorry. Come on lets clean those knuckles up."

Helping his friend up Dalton winced just a little but didn't draw attachen to it as he lead Scott into the bathroom. Getting some soap and a cloth to clean his knuckled off Dalton study's his friend for a long moment.

"What happened that got you so upset?"


Not even hearing his name being called, Scott's mind was going a hundred different directions at once and some of the things he was seeing didn't even make sense. Feeling a hand on his shoulder sets off inner alarms as panic takes hold. Scott whirls around, fists flying, not caring who it was. Being put in a bear hug from behind, he screams and kicks until everything turns upside down and he lands hard on top of his big adversary.

Breathing heavily, the jolt is enough to knock a sense of reality into him and he blinks, trying to catch his breath as his muscles begin to relax. Dalton? Dalton.... "Oh, dang."

Rolling over to his hands and knees, Scott gives Dalton room on the floor. "I'm... I'm sorry." His heart was still racing, his breathing still rapid. "I... I... I just... it all..." He felt terrible for taking down his friend like that. "I'm sorry," he repeats lamely.

Sinking back to sit on the floor, he doesn't even notice the damage he's done to his own hands. "I just got so.... so mad and... I couldn't stop. Are you ok?" Though now worried about Dalton too, his mind was still reeling. Everything from his anger to the Agency to Sapphire... it was all one muddled mess now.

Officer Bartholomew Finkleton turns and squints at Sapphire skeptically, studying her badge a moment. "Alright." He sighs, shrugging at her request. "They keep taking my men, then the job will just take longer," he mumbles. 

Searching himself for some papers, he fishes a notepad out of his pocket and jots down some information, muttering as he writes. "Johnson.... Elite..." 

While he's conversing with her, the line of men continue their work in the ditch, clearing out a long row of bushes that had become an eyesore. Though it was a halfway chilly day, all men had shed their jackets once the hard work had started, and not one wasn't sweating. 

Bartholomew hands the note to Sapphire to sign and turns around to the men. He gives a shrill whistle then a shout. "Pelzer! Up here, on the double! Come on!" 

Gage had just managed to yank a portion of bush up from the ground, sending earth everywhere. Whirling around as his name is called, he squints to the road, spying Sapphire. His heart stops for a moment. She never came to him while he was working. Was something wrong? Not wasting any time, he leaves his work, ignoring the teasing jeers from the other men. 

Climbing up out of the ditch, his clothes were dirty and sweaty and he wipes his brow with his arm, taking his gloves off. Though he wanted to immediately find out what was wrong, he knew he needed to find out from the officer first what was going on. "Yes sir?" 

"Officer Johnson here needs to take you in for some questioning. I'm releasing you for the rest of the day." Bartholomew rips loose a copy of the signed paper and hands it back to Sapphire. 

Gage nods numbly. "Okay." Questioning? Now he really wanted to know what was going on. Following Sapphire to her car and sliding in the passenger side, he waits until they're in before tossing out any questions. "Saph... what's going on? What happened?"