

Looking over to Gage as they drives and he talked Sapphire gave a small nod. One could tell Gage truly hated seeing her hurting, or at odds with her own family. In a way she was thankful that she showed he cared. It only gave her another reason to know why she was doing this and that this was right.

"Thank you Gage, for at least trying to explain my brother actions to me. It doesn't many everything he did ok though."

Tightening her grip on Gage's hand just a little like she herself was almost scared he might suddenly disappear Sapphire looks back to the road. Things changed so quickly and she was angry at her brother but...sadness...it seemd to stay at bay, maybe because her anger ran supreme for now. At least she still had her one friend.

"I'm glad you will be there for me Gage. I'll always be there for you too. I am not one to break my promises."

Finally the drive was up, Gage and Sapphire had made there destination. Today it seemed a little warmer out than normal and would make for a good day at the park. Parking and getting in Sapphire shows Gage around starting with a few lowkey rides before wanting to move to the roller coasters.

"Ok, so...how about we try the SkyMaster next...Its one of my fav roller coasters. But before we do I have to run to the ladys room, wait outside here for me ok?"

Entering the bathroom Sapphire hears her phone go off but ignores it for a moment as she enters the stall and does what she needed to, exiting a few moments later and washing her hands she finally pulls the phone out and reads the new email. 

A fist clenches at her heart, as she can feel her teeth gritting after reading her brothers email. He really was going to keep pushing like this? Shaking her head Sapphire press a few buttons on her blackberry and brings up a black email of her own.

 I guess that's the thing you didn't warn me, you threatened and that's NOT ok. Pull rank on me all you want. I'm not backing down from this.
Exiting the bathroom Sapphire gives a smile to Gage before taking his hand in her own and making there way to the roller coaster.

"Ready to scream a little?"

Giving a long sigh as she listened to her voice mail Hope leans back in her car. After Dalton had called her last night she had been contemplating what to do. Scott hadn't asked for help yet so she didn't want to force it on him, but if his anger got to far out of control what would happen?

Had it been her own error not seeing this bottled up inside Scott? Had she really been so caress to over look it? Would he be ok and ask her for help? Hope new it wasn't her fault but she just felt so helpless in this situation. Maybe she would just keep an outside eye on Scott and see what happened. If anything got worse than she'd step in. 

Dialing Scott back Hope lets out another sigh before finally getting his own voice mail.

"Phone tag now huh? No problem about tonight I'll look forward to it tomorrow."

Starting up her car and pulling out onto the highway Hope takes a few turns going to her next destination stoping her conversation for a moment as she tryed to think of words to say. Finally they come though.

"About your parents for Christmas..I was really looking forward to meeting them for the first time, but I guess there will be other times for that. So if you wish to have something just the two of us than that is completely ok. Just let me know. I'll probably be back to TJY in an hour or so, I'll stop in the office to see ya when I get back."

Heading back to the office Dalton limps a little bit holding his side. He had been able to get around Misty's questions without leading them to Scott. He didnt want his friend to be questions and make matter worse. Now he only needed to avoid Reese as well. Scott had lost controlle just this once, it would be ok, and Dalton would heal. It was only a cracked rib, and a few nice bruises on his face he'd had worse.

Before going into the office Dalton lets out a long sigh and straightens himself up a little bit as he enters. Looking over at Scott at his desk he still felt so bad for his friend. Going around to his own desk he sits and goes for a mountain dew before grabbing another as well and holds it out to Scott.

"You look like you could use this."

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