

Not even hearing his name being called, Scott's mind was going a hundred different directions at once and some of the things he was seeing didn't even make sense. Feeling a hand on his shoulder sets off inner alarms as panic takes hold. Scott whirls around, fists flying, not caring who it was. Being put in a bear hug from behind, he screams and kicks until everything turns upside down and he lands hard on top of his big adversary.

Breathing heavily, the jolt is enough to knock a sense of reality into him and he blinks, trying to catch his breath as his muscles begin to relax. Dalton? Dalton.... "Oh, dang."

Rolling over to his hands and knees, Scott gives Dalton room on the floor. "I'm... I'm sorry." His heart was still racing, his breathing still rapid. "I... I... I just... it all..." He felt terrible for taking down his friend like that. "I'm sorry," he repeats lamely.

Sinking back to sit on the floor, he doesn't even notice the damage he's done to his own hands. "I just got so.... so mad and... I couldn't stop. Are you ok?" Though now worried about Dalton too, his mind was still reeling. Everything from his anger to the Agency to Sapphire... it was all one muddled mess now.

Officer Bartholomew Finkleton turns and squints at Sapphire skeptically, studying her badge a moment. "Alright." He sighs, shrugging at her request. "They keep taking my men, then the job will just take longer," he mumbles. 

Searching himself for some papers, he fishes a notepad out of his pocket and jots down some information, muttering as he writes. "Johnson.... Elite..." 

While he's conversing with her, the line of men continue their work in the ditch, clearing out a long row of bushes that had become an eyesore. Though it was a halfway chilly day, all men had shed their jackets once the hard work had started, and not one wasn't sweating. 

Bartholomew hands the note to Sapphire to sign and turns around to the men. He gives a shrill whistle then a shout. "Pelzer! Up here, on the double! Come on!" 

Gage had just managed to yank a portion of bush up from the ground, sending earth everywhere. Whirling around as his name is called, he squints to the road, spying Sapphire. His heart stops for a moment. She never came to him while he was working. Was something wrong? Not wasting any time, he leaves his work, ignoring the teasing jeers from the other men. 

Climbing up out of the ditch, his clothes were dirty and sweaty and he wipes his brow with his arm, taking his gloves off. Though he wanted to immediately find out what was wrong, he knew he needed to find out from the officer first what was going on. "Yes sir?" 

"Officer Johnson here needs to take you in for some questioning. I'm releasing you for the rest of the day." Bartholomew rips loose a copy of the signed paper and hands it back to Sapphire. 

Gage nods numbly. "Okay." Questioning? Now he really wanted to know what was going on. Following Sapphire to her car and sliding in the passenger side, he waits until they're in before tossing out any questions. "Saph... what's going on? What happened?"

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