
One more hour

Taking one of the seats that was at the small table Hope gives an interesting sigh as Alec fills her in a little on what had happened. Giving a surprised look herself that she couldn't help when finding out Alec had given information to Reese.

"How come you had a change of heart Alec? Was it because you wanted out, or do you really see that maybe the Agency wasn't that great after all?"

Hope really was interesting now in the reasoning behind Alec's actions. After so many weeks of not being able to do anything she herself didn't think it would do much good in changing his mind. But maybe something else down the road had.

"I am sorry you have to stay in here and you feel so caged. Maybe now with the information Reese had, you'll be able to leave and start a new life. This could be what he needed to speed things up."

Laughing and Giggling as Mick picks him up BJ's toys seemed long forgotten and now, the though of wanting to get to know Dylan more too. When with his Daddy everything seemed ok.

"Mmmm...I fink I smell french toast cooking. My favorite."

Reaching his little hand up BJ takes it as they head back to the dinning room table where Rosetta had already set out plates for them all. Even getting one ready for Dylan too.

Continuing to help Ty Libby nods when he does good, and help break up the words when he is not sure. Not once did a shout or and a word of discouragement come from her lips. She was bound and determined to help Ty.

"You wont be able to do it, if you keep thinking you can't. It takes time Ty and a lot of practice. This is only the first day you need to give it more time than that because no one can learn everything in only a few hours. Your doing good for your first day, and thats the truth."

Giving Ty's back a gentil rub Libby smiles at him. Leaning her head down just a little bit so she could see into his eyes.

"We can stop for a little bit if you want to rest your noggin. But I'd like to at least get in another hour. We just have to train your brain and keep at it. Than in no time it will come to you. Just...don't give up on me yet ok?"

Libby's eyes were soft and full of understanding knowing this was hard for Ty. She'd had her own problems in school with Math and science. It could be a pretty frustrating thing when you couldn't understand but one big key was not giving up to soon.

Giving a smile thought she was nervous Ryan returns her hand to Reese giving it a shake. She always was nervous around cops, seeing as what her side hobbies was. Though the Elite was a different branch they still were cops to her.

Taking a seat in once of the chairs Ryan holds her hands in her lap and looks across the desk at Reese. Studying his face for a long moment trying to understand what was going on and maybe his intentions. Hearing his questions though Ryan find them a bit odd, but would have no problem meeting them.

"The first time I met Alec was at a bar I often go to. He was drunker than a skunk and I figured he's need a ride home or something. I have a soft spot, and nothing better to do that day so I figured I'd help him out. He'd been babbling about people trying to kill him, and a few other things I didn't understand. Some how I ended up offending him that same day, and we went out separate ways."

Looking away from Reese for a moment and around the large office Ryan took note to the plaques on the wall, and than scans all the books he had. Just taking in her surroundings it was something she often did in places she didn't know. But finally her eyes come back to Reese as she continues.

"I'm friends with Axel, who is friends with Carson and I guess you could say threw the grape vine I found out he was here. As far as our relationship goes, He's only a friend."


Mick chuckles and nods to BJ, knowing that it would take a few more years before the boy understood everything. And that was okay.

"Might be easier to have a big sister," he reasons. "When Jade gets back, you can hang out with her, okay? For now though..."

He gives a little groan as he picks himself up off the floor, grabbing BJ and swinging him around before setting him down by the door. "...we need some breakfast."

"Ah. Dr. Garrison." Alec is sitting on his cot, one leg dangling over the edge, the other drawn up for his arm to rest on his knee. "I should have known they'd send you - top dog thinks I'm crazy." He twirls a finger around his ear.

Sighing, he shakes his head. "How have I been feeling? Trapped. I want out of here just as bad as the first time you talked to me. I really don't know what the benefit was to you even coming down here, unless Reese just wanted you to present some miraculous proof that I wasn't leading him on."

Seeing no understanding in Hope's face, Alec quirks an eyebrow. "Ahh... so he didn't even tell you. Interesting. Letting you come in here clueless?" He tsks the idea. "Dangerous way for him to play."

Leaning back against the wall, he shrugs. "I gave Reese some information on the Agency. Now he's thinking I got a cog loose. Write up whatever you want, I don't care. I just want out of here."

Trying so hard, only halfway into Libby's teaching, Ty gets a headache. He'd been told these very same things how many time? And they made just as little sense to him today as they had then. He tries though, he really does, but it just seems to hit a brick wall in his brain.

Leaning over the book, the rest of his lunch is forgotten as he tries to read with Libby's help. "...h...h...he.... w......." He scrunches his nose. "W...e...ee...ent... went....he went... to... t..... ha, no... the... the... went to the..... pe...pi.....pr..... no... I don't know."

He sighs. It was a R. He thought it was. I looked like a R... maybe. The sound, the sound.... how did it fit together with a P and an A? And there was a K at the end. They'd been sitting here for quite a while now, and he was beginning to feel stupid again. It was a four letter word... only four letters. Surely he could figure this one out.

Looking at it again, he tries once more. "He went to the p....a.... pa.... rrrr.....k." He grimaces. "Paherrk." That wasn't a word that he'd ever heard before. "Oh." Duh. Now he felt stupid again. "Park. He went to the park."

Leaning his elbows on the table, he rests his face in his hands, his palm rubbing his eyes. "It hurts my brain," he mumbles. "I can't do this."

"Ryan, hi." Reese moves forward from around his desk, extending his hand. "Please, have a seat." He gestures to a couple empty chairs before he sits back down behind his desk.

"I hope I'm not disrupting your day too much, I just had a few questions for you."

Leaning forward on his desk, he folds his hands, studying Ryan for several moments, but doesn't offer any information at all as to why she'd been called here or what was going on. "How did you meet Alec, Ryan? What's your relationship with him?"

Something Came Up

A bit surprised by who it was on the other end of the phone Ryan can feel her heart thump. Now thinking maybe something happened with Alec she cant help but worry a little more. Everything seemed good yesterday, and his mood had really changed. Maybe it had all been a show? Had Ryan really got that involved she let her guard down? Obviously she had just from a simple kiss at there last meet...was there really nothing more than pulling the wool over her eyes involved?

Hearing Reese voice again it seemed to snap Ryan out of the trance she had been in as her mind wondered. Sitting up a little straghter again Ryan new Darrel wouldn't mind, as long as she came back before close to finish her work.

"Yeah I can come in no problem. No, No Darrel should have no problem. He's pretty good like that, I'll be in asap."

Hanging up the phone Ryan lets out another sigh before moving away from her bench and standing giving a stretch. Going to the office Ryan gives a knock before poking her head in.

"Hey Darrel, I have to step out for a little bit. I'm really sorry. I'll be back as soon as I can to finish work."

Ryan's face held an apologetic look to Darrel but this was important and she had to go. Leaving the office Ryan goes and grabs her jacket. Throwing Leo a smile and wink Ryan wonders over as she puts her jacket on.

"Hey there...Reese from over at the Elite needs to ask me a few questions. I'll be back in a little bit, make sure you keep these slackers in line ok?"

Leaning down and giving him a quick kiss Ryan heads out of the auto shop and jumps into her car turning on some loud music and heading down to TJY.

It takes no time to TJY, and Ryan new how to get to the lower level already. Not sure what office was Reese though asking someone they point here. Giving a knock on the door Ryan waits thought she had to addmit she was a bit nervous.

Giving a little laugh Libby shakes her head and moves around to the same side of the booth as Ty. Giving a small laugh at his humor Libby was happy he could at least could find a joke in it knowing he was nervouse.

"Ok, we are going to start small. If we just jump into the big stuff we wont get anywhere. So I have some books here we can start with."

Pulling out some of the book they were for about 1 or second grade. Small for most people but if they were going to do this they might as well do it right so she could give the help Ty needed though he might always have a hard time she new he could do it.

"Ok, so most words can be sound out...."

Going though all the small stuff with Ty Libby covers sounding out words, what some different letter sound like when they are together, some spelling rules. Taking him from to back and forth through things Libby did her best to explain.

"...once you get use to putting the letters and sounds together it can be pretty easy. Unless you come across those big long words, and than even I cant figure them out."

Libby gives a small chuckle hoping it help Ty feel a little better. Pulling out another peace of paper it was filled with some easy words to read making a small story.

"Ok, We are going to read this together. You start and I will help you in figuring out the words ok?"

She'd help all she could with pronouncing the words giving him encouragement. She new he could do this with just a little time, and patients.

Continuing to look up at Mick BJ trys to process Micks words. It was hard trying to understand what he was saying at such a young age, and most things that had happened in the past were long forgotten. He remembered Sam but...He'd never known she was his real mom. And all this stuff though he tryed to understand it still left him confused.

"He's my cousin and my brother...? I...I think I understand."

Looking down again BJ looks at the blocks Mick had set up on the ground running his little fingers over them for a moment.

"Ok, I'll try to leave him alone today. I always wanted a brother though."

Making her way down to where Alec was help Hope gives a small knock on the door before she enters the room. Giving a small smile and a nod to Alec as she entered Hope wasnt sure what she was expecting to find.

"Hey Alec. How have you been feeling?"

Reese hadn't said anything to her about what was going on other than there was a change and he wanted her to talk to him. Anything else she didnt know and was going in blind.

Cousins and brothers

"Hello, Ryan, this is Chief of the Elite, Mike Reese. I understand that you've been visiting our prisoner, for lack of better terms, Alec Banks."

Reese leans back in his chair, tapping a pencil on his leg. "Something has come up, and I'd like it very much if you could come in to TJY and speak with me... as soon as possible. I have a few questions for you. I know you're at work, but if your employer has a problem with you taking the time off, I can speak to him and explain this is a legal matter."

Ty smiles as Libby joins him and he nods. "Sure. Food's always good. Can't work on an empty stomach."

Standing up, he waits for Libby to go first and soon, they're both back at the table with some food. Chewing on a french fry, Ty flips open the diver's manual and shakes his head at all the big words. "Ya know... the alphabet song just doesn't help a thing."

He smirks, a humorous glint in his eye. Scanning the words, he continues to eat, furrowing his brow. "For all I know, this could say it's legal to run a red light as long as you blow your horn."

Chuckling, it's obvious that he's trying to be silly to cover up the awkwardness he felt. Wiping a hand on his pantleg, he rolls his eyes and scoots over, patting the empty space on the booth next to him. "Get your butt over here unless we're going to do this upside down."

Hearing what Dylan had said, Mick's jaw tightens. He remains squatted in the doorway, his brow furrowing. "Dylan isn't very happy," he tries to explain, controlling the anger he had for whatever his older son had said.

"I won't ever lie to you and that's a promise." He cocks his head at the innocent little boy, feeling an ache in his heart as he sees the small tear. "You and Dylan... you're brothers... and you're cousins too. That's what makes you special."

Moving a little closer, Mick rocks back to sit on the floor, pulling BJ down into his lap. "A long time ago, when Dylan was born, he lived with me and Jade and his mom. When you were born, you had a different mom who loved you very much... she was my sister... and then you came here, remember? That's when me and mom adopted you. So now you're our son."

He gives BJ a squeeze, showing that his adoption had been a good thing. Reaching down, he moves some duplo blocks around on the floor, representing the people he was talking about. One represented Sam, two for Mick and Rosetta, two more for Dylan and Jade, and one for BJ. Moving them around, he shows first him and Dylan and Jade, then moving to Rosetta, then BJ joining the mix.

"So see... you and Dylan... you were just cousins but now you're brothers too and that makes it even more special."

Mick had always known he would never hide the truth or past from BJ - he was adopted and it would be a fact that was not hidden. But he would always do his best to make up for the subject with as much love as he could give, so BJ would never question where he belonged.

"But Dylan..." He moves the blocks around back to their starting points. "He still sees you as a cousin. So someday, he'll see this like you do - and he will call you his brother too. But we have to be patient with him. He's unhappy and he needs time to... learn we love him."

Petting BJ's head, Mick braces himself with one hand on the floor. "For now though... you just need to leave him alone for a while, okay?" He would talk with Dylan himself later. "He wants to be alone right now so we'll respect that, alright?"


Hearing Darrel call her name Ryan pushes herself out from under the truck she was working on. Sitting up and looks around the auto shop for a moment feeling a bit confused, before a sence of panic takes over her. Was something wrong? Was someone hurt? If it had been Eli he would of called her cell, and Leo was here so it wouldn't be him.

"I'll be right there."

Going back under the truck for a moment Ryan caps off the oil tank she had just finished emptying whipping everything up so when she came back she could continue with what she was doing. Sliding back out from under the truck again and standing Ryan whips her hands on a rag.

Going over to her own work bench Ryan throws the rag down. Picking up the phone Ryan yells back to Darrel.

"I got it Darrel thanks."

Bringing the phone to her ear again Ryan prepars herself for the worst letting out a long sigh.

"This is Ryan McKade.."

Entering the dinnar Libby new she was a little late but hoped Ty had stuck it out waiting for her. Things before leaving her house hadnt been the greatest so she was just hibernating. Listing to the screaming and yell outside her room, had put her into some kind of trance and she lost all track of time. But she was here now..some books she picked up along they way.

Scanning the room and seeing Ty a smile forms on Libby's face. Making her way over to him she slides into the booth opposite the side Ty was on. She would of sat next to him, it would be point things out but for now she didn't want to crowd him right off the bat.

"Hey there. Sorry I am late! Did you want to grab anything to eat or drink before we start?"

Returning the hug to Mick BJ gives him a small kiss on the cheek to before retreating and going back to the dump truck he was playing with. Hearing Mick's question BJ looks up at him as he holds the truck picking at the sticker that was on top.

"Dylan said He wasn't my my brother, and you lie."

BJ continues to pick at the stick on the truck. He didn't understand why Dylan said that or what the reason behind it but it had hurt the little boys heart. A tear formed in his eye as he looks up at Mick again.

"But I told him you dont, and he was my brother because we your my dad and his dad, and Mom is our mom too."

Phone call

Mick nods absentmindedly as he ponders too many things at once. "Alright... thanks."

Hearing BJ's voice raised, he looks over to the other end of the room, his eyebrows lifting. He hadn't even realized that BJ had gone to Dylan at all, let alone started talking to him. Seeing the little boy head off to the toy room, Mick rises from the table, determined to head off any problems before they even started.

"I'll be right back to get some breakfast," he informs Rosetta. Wandering to the other room, he leans on the doorway, a grin on his face as he watches BJ play. "Hey, Bud." He squats down to give BJ a morning hug. "What were you and Dylan talking about?"

Leo returns Ryan's kiss, grinning as she walked away. But once he turns back to his engine, his expression becomes a more pensive one. Had Ryan just seemed... Nah. He shakes his head. It was an imagined vibe, he was sure.

Scott hangs up with Dalton and just lies in bed for at least half an hour before he finally gets up. Showering and getting dressed, he gets ready to leave, stops, then decides to take Domino with him.

Leaving the house, his mind is so far away that his cell phone is forgotten on the kitchen table, along with his lunch plans with Hope. Right now, only one thing was on his mind...

"...it doesn't work that way." Carson wanders into the living room from the kitchen, a glass of water for Scott and a beer for himself. Scott had come looking for him after finding out that Mom and Pop's would be closed for two weeks. Finding out about Scott's nightmare bothered him, but he tried to reassure Scott anyway.

"What the Agency put in your mind... you control, not them." He sits down in his chair again, looking at Scott, who sat on the couch. "You see?"

"Kind of." Scott takes the glass of water and fiddles with it before drinking several sips. Domino sat at his feet, leery about being in this strange apartment, but behaving. "But it was so real. I-"

"It wasn't real, Scott," Carson emphasizes. "It was a dream, brought on by one of your biggest fears - betraying your friends. But it won't happen. Right now, you're struggling to control the information that comes to mind, but you still make your own choices and actions. Take me for example."

He gestures with his arms. "What do you see?"

"Your full name... rank... ID number... scrolling case files... names... pictures...."

"Okay, stop." Carson shows his palm. "You hate me?"

"I... I don't know. I don't want to... I try not to..."

"You can say yes if you want."

"Okay... a part of me does."

"You gonna come slug me?"


"What's stopping you?"

"I know it's... it's wrong. I know I shouldn't hate you, let alone slug you. That's... that's not who I want to be."

Carson cocks his head. "See? You're in control, mate, not the Agency. You've got all that information floating around in your head but you get to decide what to do with it, not them." He nods. "I have total confidence that one day you'll be able to ignore all of it until you want the information. And when you do, you can use it against the Agency. Sure, some of the data you have in your brain will become outdated. But some won't. If you work at it, when you see me, you'll just see me... Carson Banks... not a file full of data."

Reese stares at the spiral notepad in his hand, reading the names, locations, dates and more. "You're serious?"

Alec nods. He stood in his room, arms crossed, looking to Reese who had finally seen him after he'd yelled at Hal through the cameras for another half an hour. "I would have shown you earlier but your watchdog thought I was gonna blow the place up or something." He rolls his eyes. "Take the notepad. It's yours."

Reese is still baffled and looks up to Alec, trying to figure him out. "Forgive me for looking a gift horse in the mouth, but why the change of heart?"

Alec shrugs. "Nobody here tried to blow my head off 'cept your tech guy the night we got into his house."


He shrugs again. "The Agency did."

Reese is still skeptical. "And it took you this long to figure that out?"

"Look, do you want it or not?" Alec frowns. "They'll hunt me down for this - you might as well be grateful."

"How do I know it's not a trap? How do I know what you wrote down is the truth and not some ploy to have my men walk into an ambush? You say you're selling out the Agency, but how do I know that?"

"Beats me. I guess that's where your own brain comes in. Send a scout. I don't care. But I gave you what you wanted."

Reese just can't believe it. Things Alec had written in this notepad would help immensely in their war with the Agency, if they were true. "I just don't get it." This young man before him was the same, yet different. He still had a look of bold defiance in his eye. His stance was still defensive and he was still ready for a fight. Yet something was... different.

"Then don't." Alec searches Reese's face, not surprised by the lack of trust. But he had made this decision yesterday, and it would stand. He didn't fit on either side, but right now, this was his only chance of survival. This was his only chance at escaping prison. People like Ryan didn't exist behind bars. Ryan didn't exist there. And he knew now that he wanted freedom. He'd never really wanted to go to prison but at one point it had seemed better than living on the right side of the street or being hunted by the Agency. Now though, he was searching for something better. Something worth it. And all he knew at this point was that helping the Elite could help him.

Reese shakes his head and tucks the notepad under his arm. "Okay. I will review what you've given me." He turns to leave, but Alec stops him.

"Gonna lock the door again?"

Reese hesitates, his hand already on the knob. But he releases it without looking back and heads upstairs. Pausing in Hope's door, he knocks. "Hope... there's been a change with Alec. I'd like you to take the time to talk to him again. It's a long shot but... I want to know what you think." It had been quite a while now since the last time he'd had Hope try to talk to the young man, but it seemed time to try it again.

Continuing on his way, Reese stops in the control room to talk to Hal, gains some footage, calls Jason, and finally winds up with the right number. Dialing, he waits, while thumbing through the notepad pages. "Yeah, hi, this is Chief of the Elite, Mike Reese. I'm looking for Ryan McKade."

Darrel's eyes widen just a little. This sounded official. "Hold for a moment and I'll see if she's available." Setting the phone aside, he leaves the office and sticks his head into the garage. "Hey, Ryan!" he calls. "Telephone!"

Ty wanders into the cafe scanning the room for Libby. Not seeing her yet, he finds an empty booth near the window and tosses the driving regulation book on the table. It was way over his head at this point, but all he wanted now was to pass his stupid permit test, and if Libby could help him get that far, maybe it was worth finally swallowing his pride.