

Hearing Jason call her Hero Katie gives a soft smile. It had been a long time since she was called that, and just hearing Jason say it made her feel warm inside. Another little thing she'd keep to herself and get much joy out of it.

   "Nah, I think he's tearing apart himself more than anything else."

Katie looks to the waiting room for a long moment. She really did feel bad for Carson and wished things could be easier. He needed someone as much as Misty needed someone, and yet he was left with hardly anything.

   "We all deal with sadness a different way, maybe Carson's not sure what to do with that sadness and it just comes across as anger. I dont think He's really mad at you J."

Misty looks at Alec her eyes so full of sadness. How could he think this was his fault? He didn't know this was going to happen, and even if he was inside, it might not have changed anything. No this wasn't Alec's fault at all, and if she was to blame someone it would be maybe the same family, but a completely different person.

   "It's not your fault Alec."

Her voice was soft, sad, but she really did want him to know that this was not on him. The last thing she wanted was for Alec to blam himself. 

   "Please don't think it is. Your not the Banks that is to blame."

Shifting her hand to Alec's she gives it a soft squeeze before letting go and closing her eyes. She felt so tired, and alone even though Alec was right there and she new other people were in the hall waiting for her. This just all seemed like a dream.

   "I'm just going to rest. I feel so tired."

Taking the rifle Victoria started to check it. Looking busy was always a good thing around here, specially when she was talking to Garrett. How she wished though that there talks to be a little more normal. Less about work, not holding a gun, plan, or drink in her hand at the same time. This was normal and she longed for something more, never understanding why it just couldn't be. 

   "I'm sure it will be that last option. I've never understood why my Grandfather likes to do what he does, but it sure does never fail thats the option he goes with. Unless they really have worn out there usefulness, and  with Misty and Carson not being together anymore, that might possibly be an option."

Looking over Garrett's face for a brief moment Victoria can see something different behind the coldness. She wondered about it but did say anything. Movement out of the corner of her eye forced her to look back down at the gun.

   "I guess better dead, than alive to rune it for us all. I guess deep down somewhere..."

Victoria looks around for a moment as someone walks by before continuing to talk.

  "...I kind of feel bad for Misty."

She didn't know why she felt bad, but there was a pain in her own heart for the woman who lost her baby. Maybe it was losing her own mother that made her feel slight sympathy, but it something no one else would see, and she keep locked away.