
That Memory

Pleasantly surprised at Grace's willingness to accept and return the affection, Jared dares to deepen his kiss, while keeping it slow and gentle. And it felt like a small piece of Heaven. 

Moving his hand from her shoulder, he runs his fingers softly through her hair before sliding his palm down on her back and pulling her just a little closer.

Eventually drawing back with several more light kisses, Jared remains with his face only inches from hers his palm coming around to cradle her cheek. His heart was racing as for the first time since his depression, he felt alive. And a genuine smile forms. "That memory will definitely stick with me for a while," he whispers. "Thank you."

Even though Misty had said it before, her words still were just as painful as the first time. Still hanging on to the doorway, half for support and half as an effort against Rick wanting him to leave, Carson stares at Misty even when she looks away. And for the first time, he truly wished he didn't have a heart so that this wouldn't hurt so much.

"Come on, Carson." Rick gives him a shove, finally succeeding in getting him into the hall. "Get back into bed." 

Carson's shoulders drop, as does his gaze when he finally relents and trudges back to the spare room. Saying nothing, he remains silent as Rick changes the IV and hooks it up again. And when he's left alone, he turns onto his side with his back to the partially-open door. No one would see the tears escape and soak into his pillow, or see his face contorted in anguish as he withheld from crying aloud.

Rick wanders back into the infirmary, irritated, tired, and feeling sorry for Misty... and Carson a little bit too. Coming quietly over to Misty's desk, he offers her a pat on the shoulder. But what could he even say? "It'll be okay," he assures softly. He didn't know when or how, but he knew it would all work itself out eventually. 

Feeling his phone vibrating in his pocket, Con moves his sights from the computer to see who it was. He didn't usually get calls on his day off unless it was Jamie or work calling him back in. Hearing Nate's voice and what he wanted, he thinks for a few moments.

"I'll have to ask Jamie, but... I think we could work something out. If Jaz is an innocent victim in all this, I'd feel bad about leaving her to fend for herself. I'd suggest TJY but I'm not sure Reese wants to handle another live-in at the moment."

Leaning back in his chair, he nods more to himself than anything. "Let me talk it over with Jamie and call you back, but even if she says no, which I doubt, we'll help figure something else out."

Jaz sits quietly in the living room, half-listening to Nate's end of the conversation. He really did want to help? Even with all that had happened? People still hated Carson even after they'd found out the truth. She had expected t he same reaction for herself - if not worse. But Nate seemed to really care and... it gave her a glimmer of hope. It was small, but it was there. 

one, two, three

Misty is about to reply once again when Rick comes into the room. She was kind of grateful for it in a way. The only thing she would say to Carson was the same thing she had been and it was getting annoying to have to repeat it, and repeat it again.

As Rick trys to get Carson to go and he resists Misty gives a small jump and just looks at him. He was acting like he was ten and it shocked her never seeing him like this before. She really couldn't believe he was this despite and it made her even sadder. A few tears sprang into her own eyes...to see him so down it did hurt but she couldn't change her mind.

   "I already made my desition and told you to leave before Rick got here. I have you one chance many years ago, than two, than three. You need to let go, move on and give me my space. I'm done Carson."

It hurt to say those words but she new they needed to be said. Carson needed to understand that he needed to stop begging because doing that wouldn't change her mind. Flicking away some of he tears Misty looks down at her paper work again trying to start once more.

Just letting Jaz cry and sniffle it didn't bother Nate to much. If she needed to let it out than she did. He understood she was going through a lot and it was not easy so letting her emotions out so they didn't eat away at her was a good thing.

   "I know some people they you wouldn't have to worry about putting in danger. Con is built like a brick house and Jamie has been through a lot and can handle much. Just give me a few minutes to call them and see what I can do."

Letting his hand fall from Jaz's shoulder Nate takes a few steps back before leaving the kitchen and going to the living room. Pulling out his phone he dials Con's number waiting till he hurt his voice.

   "Hey Tank, I was calling because I wanted to asked a question. I have Jaz here and she needs a place safe to stay. Yeah, No she's not involved with the Agency and staying where she is, is not safe for her. Do you think she could stay there for a little while?"

Continuing to look Jared in the eyes and searching them Grace could feel her heart beat even more. She wondered if Jared would be able to hear it himself. As he leans in and teasingly kiss her lips Grace can't help but smile a little bit before returning again for another kiss. Letting her lips press against his. taking in the emotions and the feelings. Grace's hand slips from his cheek to the back of Jared's head as she lets the kiss deepen a little but remain soft as well. 


"Aw, Misty, come on!" Carson ignores her request for him to leave, and comes several steps closer to her desk.

"I did trust you! Don't you understand? It was the Agency I didn't trust - not you, or anybody else around here. I stopped myself from telling you what was going on, not because I didn't trust you with the information, but because I knew that no matter how good an actor anybody else was, the Agency would find out."

Desperation floods Carson's eyes as his tone softens again. "How can you condemn me for wanting to keep you alive? For doing this for your safety... for the baby's safety. That's the only reason I did any of this... because I love you so much that I can't bear the thought of having someone hurt you. I-"

"Carson, what in blazes are you doing?" Rick tosses his clipboard onto the counter and frowns at the scene - unhappy that Carson was visibly upsetting Misty, and annoyed that he was out of the other room.

Carson turns to scowl at him. "I'm talking to my wife," he responds coolly. "Is that a crime?"

"No, but it's pretty close at this point." Rick comes over to him and points to the door. "Back to your room."

"I want to be released."

"Well, sorry. I won't do that yet."

"You can't make me stay."

Rick rolls his eyes. "You couldn't take on a five-year-old in your condition. Let's not make a scene, shall we?"

Carson looks back to Misty. "Please," he begs. "Just give me a chance."

Rick grabs his arm and forces him to turn around, giving him a shove towards the door.

Carson stumbles but catches himself, refusing to give up. "All I want is a chance, Misty... to show you I-"

"Out!" Rick orders, grabbing his arm again but this time not letting go, and manhandling him towards the door.

Carson resists, but has no strength with which to fight, and is unable to match Rick's power. Dragged to the hall, he latches on to the doorframe, clinging to it as he looks back at Misty again. "One chance," he pleads. "That's all I ask... please?"

Rick has about had enough, and struggles to tear Carson loose from the door.

"Stop it!" Carson barks. "Quit dictating her options and give her a chance to answer me!" 

Rick pauses the fight to glance back in at Misty. He'd respect this one wish and let her decide the fate of this encounter. Locking eyes with her while his hands remain on Carson, he waits for her word to either let Carson stay or take him away.

Feeling Nate's hand on her shoulder, Jaz looks up quickly with her tear-filled eyes. He was so kind... she could feel it. His simple touch meant so much right now, that it helps to soothe her a little - enough to slow the tears for now.

Swallowing hard, she shakes her head. "I don't have any friends around here. I don't know anybody at all. Just Carson."

Reaching for another tissue, she blows her nose and dabs her eyes. "I... I bring danger to anybody though." Looking up at Nate again, she doesn't even realize how obvious it is that she wants to accept his offer to find someone for her to stay with. "But if... if you know somebody, I... I'd think about it."

Jared's pulse quickens as Grace brings her hand to his face. Her touch was so soft and light, it sent shivers down his spine. Leaning into her palm just a little his eyes don't leave hers. Her touch... her glance to his lips... he knew he had her permission. 

Still holding her other hand to his chest, he moves in closer, ever so slowly. His lips brush lightly against hers a couple times in a slight tease, testing to make sure she wasn't going to pull away. Once sure she wasn't, he presses his lips to hers more firmly as his free hand slides up her arm to gently rub her shoulder.