
Axel, I'm sorry!

Jess takes the napkin and watches as Quinn leaves. Watching as well and making sure he got into his car. Sitting back and looking down at the napkin for a long moment just studying it. Carson words break through her thoughts as she turns and looks at him. Giving a nod she new she had to call Axel because if anything bad happened and she hadn't Jess would feel she was the one to blame.

"Yeah I was just about to call him now. Thanks Carson for helping me out there, I just kind...froze."

Giving a smile to Carson Jess pulls out her phone and dials Axel's number. She had no idea what she was going to say to him but she had to do it. Hearing his voice on the other end of the cell a smile coming across her lips.

"Hey there Hun. I'm sorry to bother you at work but there....was something that happened today I needed to tell you about even if I didn't want to. There...was a guy who came in today and saw the dog tags you gave me. He was quite interested in them, and he had a set just like them. He said he said his name was Quinn, your brother Axel."

Jess lets the silence linger for a moment clearing her own throat and looking down at the napkin.

"He gave me his number for you but I thought I should tell you so in case he was gonna start trouble you new he was here."

Taking a bit of the pie herself Beth gives a smile just enjoying the taste. It did tastes different this time around but it was nice, and it really did feel good having someone over to enjoy it with her.

"I have a hole book full of different recipes my mom had wrote down. She always said it was so one day when we had our own family's we could share a little of our childhood with them."

Beth picks at her pie for a moment for scooping another peace and eating it before looking at Justin again a small little flicker of light in her eye.

"I'm happy she did write them down. I always liked her cooking. Maybe you can come over again another time and I can make something else from it for you. I bet you'd like her chicken parm."

Too late

Hearing Jess' words, Quinn's shoulders drop a little, tension showing in his eyes. For the longest moment, he just studies her eyes as if searching for something deeper... something more. His gaze was much like that of his brother's - luring and cryptic. "Well, I guess there's always two sides to a story, aren't there?"

Carson clears his throat, reinserting himself in the conversation. "It's apparent that you realize we do know Axel. But as Jess just pointed out, we see no reason to give you direction as to where he is. Neither of us would feel comfortable with that."

Thinking for another moment, Quinn shrugs lamely. "I guess I can't blame you. I'd probably be the same way if I were in your spot. Axel's obviously made some loyal friends. I just wonder why he needs such strong protection."

"It's not protection. It's respect."

Quinn nods. "Alright... fine. I'll look elsewhere. In the meantime though..." He finds a pen and grabs a napkin, scribbling out a phone number, then sliding the napkin to Jess. "If you see him... at least give him this number. I'm only passing through though so if he wants a chance to talk, he's got just a couple days. If I don't hear from him, I'll assume that I'm as dead to him as he's been to me these past years."

Giving Jess a last glance, he straightens and nods to Carson. "I'm sorry to have bothered both of you. Thanks for the coke."

Carson doesn't move, but watches as Quinn leaves, making sure he does get into his car and drives away. Glancing to Jess, he's quiet for only a moment. "You need to tell Axel about this right away - I wouldn't wait. If Quinn has other ideas, Axel needs to know, and tonight might be too late."

"Well... it's delicious." Justin takes another bite of pie and chews slowly so he can savor the taste. "Funny how recipes can be a way in which to remember someone by. Stuff like that can't ever be erased - it just keeps getting passed down and there is always love attached."

Now sitting sideways in the corner of the couch, he leans his head on the back cushion and watches Beth for several seconds. "And now it's your recipe too. We get dealt things all the time and everything is handed down to us one way or another... but in the end, we're the ones adding this or that to make it ours." Was he still talking about food, or life?

He smiles and takes another bite. "You're going to spoil me."


Dalton gives a little sigh. He wanted so bad to be able to wave a magic wand and make his friend better but its just want possible. All he could do was sit, wait, and continue to be a friend that Scott needed.

"I'll let them both know for you."

Though he didn't like the subject change Dalton new Scott could only take so much and Dalton didn't want to give him an over drive. Leaning back in the chair again his eyes roam around the room coming to the applesauce and cheese again.

"So you think I should clean that up or leave it there for Mary?"

As the movie comes to a close Beth sits up a little and gives a stretch. It had been a long while since she sat through a whole movie without moving so her body was a little stiff. Taking her plat and Justin's Beth stands starting to clear some stuff up.

"Alright...it's pie time."

Bringing the items to the kitchen Beth gets two more plates and cuts the pie dishing it out. The pie had turned out better than the first time and she was pleased. Coming back to the living room and sitting down again Beth hands Justin his plate. Giving a smile.

Taking a bite Beth closes her eyes for a moment just enjoying the pie. It tasted so good, and was a very nice treat.

"My mom used to make pie too all the time. She'd let me help her, thats how I learned how to make it. This is her recipe I use."

As Carson comes closer Jess relaxed a little bit. He was one of her close friends and she new with him around no harm would come to her. He was good like that. Looking between Carson and this other man as they talked Jess kept quiet as she took everything in.

Hearing that he new Axel her heart raced a little bit. For all she new it could be someone who was trying to hurt him for the past and Jess didn't want that to happen. So could they trust this man or not she really didn't know.

But when hearing his own name Jess can't help the little bit of shock on her face as she looked to Carson and than back to Quinn. Axel talked little of his brother and from what he had said she new it was painful for him to talk about so she never pushed it. There was a bit of hesatation in Jess voice but she spoke anyways.

"Axel hardly ever talks about you because it's to hard. All I know is you abandoned your brother when he needed you the most. Why could you possibly want to talk to him now?"

No she's wouldn't tell Quinn to find Axel brother or not. Not without asking Axel himself first and getting his thoughts on it. It wasn't for her to decied...it was for Axel.


Scott fiddles with the hem of his blanket, his eyes down as Dalton speaks. Part of him wanted so badly to embrace those thoughts.... the thoughts that there really was hope... that he wasn't alone... that here was a friend who understood at least for the most part. Yet part of him continued to wage war, trying to convince him that the fight wasn't worth it.

He'd felt like he belonged once... it seemed so long ago. He could still recall the most perfect time in his life. He'd had a stable position at TJY... he'd been happy... he'd been engaged... he'd known what he wanted and the world didn't seem so scary anymore. He'd gone from a nerd to being himself and it had felt wonderful. Then everything had fallen apart and it never had been quite right anymore. Could those feelings really ever be regained? Was Dalton right?

A silent tear rolls down his cheek and he quickly swipes it away. "Tell Sapphire hi from me when you go back, okay?" It was an obvious topic change, but he did it anyway. There were too many things to think about... too much crowding his mind... he couldn't keep talking about it all now.

Reaching out, he takes another small sip of Mountain Dew. His nausea was returning and so was a headache. "And... and tell Hope I say to get better too."

Enjoying the meal and the movie, Justin remains relaxed, eventually setting aside his empty plate and leaning back, still cross-legged. Laughing at the humor in the movie, he notices Beth's quiet laughter too, and he's glad to hear it.

As the credits finally roll, Justin knows that Beth still has the pie waiting, and he wonders if the dessert will end the evening, or if she would open up to him any more. Either way, he would go with the flow. He had all night, or could go home too, if that's what she wanted.

"Your boyfriend?" The man's eyes widen just a little bit more, seeming to be more from awe than plain surprise. "Were they his?"

"Excuse me." Carson steps closer, his arms folded over his chest. He look to Jess and gives her a little nod to let her know it was okay. "Can I help you?"

The man rises and turns to see Carson, noting the uneasy look in his eye. "I'm sorry - I was just inquiring about this woman's dogtags and where she got them."


"Well..." The stranger backs off a little, his eyes narrowing slightly. "What's it to you?"

Carson doesn't budge, but simply lifts one eyebrow. "This is my restaurant. Anybody causes trouble, I ask them to leave." He wasn't threatening, and his tone was not angry. This guy could be perfectly innocent, but around here, Carson didn't take any chances.

"Hey, I wasn't trying to cause any trouble." The man holds up his hands. "I just noticed the dogtags and wondered where they were from."

"What's it to you?"

The man looks between Carson and Jess for a moment. "Are you... are you her boyfriend?"

Carson can't suppress the slight laugh that surfaces. Yes, a while back he had been. But anyone who didn't know them wouldn't see the humor. "No, I'm not. But I am her friend and as such, I tend to look out for her wellbeing. See... a strange man approaching a pretty young woman like this..." He purses his lips. "Innocent or not, you're not doing yourself any favors."

"Look, I'm sorry." The man looks to Jess, apology in his eyes. "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I just... I needed to know about the tags."

By now, Carson was more concerned for Axel than he was Jess. There were still crazies out there, after him for his past, and if someone had found him here, Carson wasn't willing to take a backseat. Axel was probably his best friend and he wouldn't want to find out later that this guy had bad motives. "How about you tell us why you wanted to know about them? Then maybe we can trust you."

"Carson!" Dani calls from the kitchen. "Your-"

Carson holds up a hand but doesn't turn around, and hollers over his shoulder. "Busy! Take care of it." His eyes remain on the stranger. "So... who do you think those dogtags belong to?"

"Well, I don't know who this girl's boyfriend is, but those tags originally belonged to Axel Thornton."

Carson looks to Jess, then back to the man again. "Are you looking for him?"

"No. Well..." The man hesitates, a confused mixture of emotions in his eyes. "I wasn't. But... that's only because I thought he was in prison."

Carson thinks for a moment, then nods towards the door. "I think you better leave."

"No, wait... please. I'll just find out somewhere else, but I can tell that both of you know Axel, and apparently you're trying to protect him. It's commendable, but I have no ill intent. Believe me. Please... I don't want to spend my time digging when I could just hear it from you."

Carson's eyes narrow as he studies this stranger. There was something familiar about him... He looks to Jess again, wondering how she felt about all of this, then back to the man. "Who are you?"

The stranger hesitates. "My name is Quinn." Reaching into his t-shirt, he pulls out a set of dogtags that matched the ones Jess was wearing. "Quinn Thornton. Axel's my brother."

Carson can't stop the surprise that passes over his face. He knew very little about Axel's brother... only that they'd been best friends up until Axel's conviction. Carson had never even known a name, but that was always a very private part of Axel's life that he didn't talk about and Carson had respected that. But as little as he did know, he wasn't convinced that there was no ill intent here. Quinn had abandoned his brother years ago... what good could he possibly want now? Carson's gaze drifts back to Jess with question... did she want to tell this man more? She knew Axel's story too. Did she trust Quinn? Or should Carson send him away?

If I can, You can!

Dalton sits in the chair unmoving continuing to watch Scott, and listen to his words. His expression didn't change much other than to show he was listen and new what Scott said. But he did not hold a look of anger or irritation for Scott in the least bit.

Watching as Scott took a bit of his toast inside Dalton was nodding to himself. It was a start if anything that Scott took that bit, its was the most food Dalton had seen him eat in a long time.

"You do have a place Scott. Your place is at home with your friends, and if you ever wanted to go back TJY, and if you don't want to go back there than you could get a job else where. You do fit in with you friends family, and with Hope. Its a continues road we walk down finding new things."

Thinking for a second again Dalton finally looks away and down at his large hands for a moment. In a way he new how Scott felt with not fitting in. Maybe thats why they seemed to get along so well. Both of them were different, outcast maybe some would say, but accepted.

"It's not easy for me to fit in either Scott. I have a hard time with my size and my scars. People see me and they want to run the other way because of how I look. Finding the right place, finding the right place is never easy Scott, but when you find them in the end it's an amazing feeling and you've felt it before. All hope Scott is not lost, and if a big Hulk of a guy like me can do it. So can you!"

Giving a chuckle at the dogs Beth brings her feel up onto the couch folding them under her, her plate resting on the arm rest. Taking a fry and dragging it through some ketchup Beth gievs a smile happy to know Justin liked it.


Standing the movie Beth continues the meal as the movie starts to play. At the funny parts she smiled, and laughed a little but a little was better than nothing.

Sitting quietly at one of the tables at Mom and Pop's Jess was content with her sandwich as she was already reading a book. Today was a slow day no work for her, but Axel was working so to pass the time she deiced to come here and grab something to eat and just hang out.

Not paying much attachen to what was going on around her Jess doesn't notice the man who had squatted down in front of her until he'd been there for a little bit. Lowing the book and giving a little jump Jess hands automatically go to the dog tages she was wearing. She's never left without them knowing how important they were to Axel and now how important they were to her.

Moving back just a little bit Jess couldn't help but be a little nervous at the man's presence. She didn't know who he was and his behavior was just a little strange to her. Was he someone she new once? Someone she'd ripped off? Jess wracked her brain coming up with nothing. Maybe if she just told him he'd go away.

"My boyfriend gave them to me."

Looking over the mans shoulder for a moment Jess saw Carson coming over. She new this guy was not threatening but he still made her nervous being so close to her anyways. What did he want from her? She couldn't help the little bit of cerousity.


Settling into the living room, Justin sits down on the couch next to Beth, but makes sure she has plenty of space. Hearing her quiet prayer, a little smile comes to his lips and he bows his head, murmuring a soft "amen" as she ends.

At her cue to dig in, he rubs his hands together in anticipation. "Say no more."

Danitza's head rises up from the floor and she looks at Justin with a little bit of drool running from her mouth. He shakes a finger at her. "If you think I'm going to give up this food to you, you are sorely mistaken."

Old habits die hard, and they also take over any precautions of being proper. With his shoes slipped off, Justin pulls his legs up to sit cross-legged on the couch and sets his plate in his lap. Going for his hamburger first, he takes a bite and chews slowly, enjoying it. "Mm-mm..." He gives Beth a thumbs up before he can speak again. "Ya done good... tastes great."

Scott usually looked Dalton in the eye, but today, he had a hard time. Staring at his food tray, he listens, even if it doesn't seem like it. Not his time? God's reason? Scott had admitted to no one that lately he'd begun to question God. He'd been abducted by the Agency, beaten, starved, tortured and worse, then once he was brought back to the living, he'd undergone more mental anguish, just to think he'd recovered then backslide into an even deeper pit, sending him to a mental hospital where he'd gone half mad from a nervous breakdown and brain overload, and all to wind up in this point in time where the data still was controlling him, and even his brain was trying to kill him with an eating disorder. Yeah, it felt like a reason to stay alive, alright.

Without realizing it, Scott's hand had balled into a fist, clenching his blanket tightly. There was anger inside of him that had not been allowed to surface. Complaints he wanted to hurl at the wind. He wanted to hit someone or something and wanted to kick and scream his way out of this miserable place.

Dalton's words do sink in though... the ones about the people who cared. He missed his friends... he missed his family. Part of him though, was unsure if he'd even be able to face them after this. He knew that being at Brookshire wasn't his fault, but having been in a mental hospital, it... to him, it was embarrassing. What would people think of him after this? Would they treat him the same? Or differently? Where would he go, anyway? He was out of a job... his photography had gone into the trash the day he'd thrown his camera away. His camera.... he missed it.

"But what's my purpose, Dalton?" His voice comes out quiet... strained... weak. "Even if I ever get out of here... what's the point? I... I have nowhere to belong now. It's all just... meaningless."

Despite that thought, he takes hold of a slice of toast and takes a good-sized bite out of the corner, gagging just to make it go down. A sip of Mountain Dew helps.

A tall man, appearing to be nearing thirty, leans on the counter at Mom and Pop's and enjoys a cold coke. Turning, he scans the peaceful restaurant and the faces. A family in the corner... a couple of guys - probably on their lunch break from work and... a single young woman near the window. She was a pretty blonde - looked quiet.

A closely trimmed beard kept his appearance rugged, his hair with a reddish tint just a little long. His olive cargo pants and gray t-shirt gave him a look of someone who might enjoy the outdoors, while his eyes had a somewhat tired glint to them.

Finishing off his coke, he leaves the money on a counter, along with a nice tip for the cute redhead that had helped him. Heading for the door, he throws another glance in the female customer's direction. But this time, his eyes linger, and his feet stop. His gaze zooms in on the chain hanging around her neck, and the dogtags that were attached. Even from this distance, he could see what the lettering was on one of them and his for a moment, he stands in shock.

Shaking it off, he takes the couple steps to the woman's table and squats down lower than her eye level. His gaze lingers on the dogtags until he looks up at her face, his eyes full of wonder and urgency. "Where did you get those dogtags?"

Back in the kitchen, Carson dries a pan as he looks out onto the floor. Seeing the strange man lower himself by Jess' table, his guard goes up. This man wasn't familiar, and the car outside had out-of-state plates. Carson would bet that Jess did not know him. So who was he and what did he want?

Feeling a bit of protectiveness, Carson sets down the pan and slings the towel over his shoulder, ambling out towards the table. If he was concerned for nothing, he'd just ask Jess if she needed anything else for lunch.