

Turning to head back inside himself Trey stops as Pete does. He couldn't help the look of surprise to his suggestion. Just looking at Pete for a long moment Trey trys to decide if he was being tricked or not. Not sure what to think he finally cross his arms over his chest.

"I thought that was against the rules and I couldn't leave this place? Or do you like to bend the rules sometime because I'm all for that. I looked in the break room and most of it looked very unappetizing. I'd think they would be able to afford some good food for you guys."

Giving a shrug and putting his hands into his pockets Trey plays with his lighter moving it around and around in his hand just waiting to see if Pete really meant what he said.

Thinking again for a moment Beth shifts a little on the bench again it was easy to see she was thinking and working everything over in her mind trying to figure everything out.

"Ok....I'll....come over. It might be....fun to help you."

Standing again Beth takes in a breath of air before turning to Justin again. After she was done visiting with Sarah Beth would come here and wait for Justin again.

"Ok, I'll see you here in a little bit than."

Turning again Beth starts forward again before stopping and turning around again to Justin.

"By the way I put the butterfly in the living room on my table as a reminder."

Wheeling his chair over to Alec and towering over him he moves the paper a little to look at the sheet. Studying the numbers for a long time he works them in his mind. These were not for what he was working on but maybe...it could be a side project.

"Do you know how to access this system that needs to be hacked into? If you can get me there I can probably hack in. Might take me a few days but it would be a fun side project to work on and than surprise Reese with. Might get you on his good side again too."

Looking up from the paper at Alec Dalton's eyes glistened a little. He always loved cracking into him, and hacking systems. It was illegal in a leagal way and he loved doing it.


"Well, you know me..." Alec thumbs through a few more pages. "...always wanting to do what's useful." Though his tone didn't imply he was being sarcastic, anyone who knew him would know that he was.

"Hello. What's this?" He draws out a paper that had a listing on it. To most it would appear as a garbled mess, but he hands it to Dalton. "I don't know how you got a hold of this or who managed to get access to it, but every third line is a backward code for some security files. If you can hack their system and use these, you'll have a goldmine."

"Yeah sure." Justin shrugs. "You can drive, I don't care. Probably better anyway since I'll have the dogs with me in the truck."

He really didn't care one way or the other if Beth came. It was totally up to her and he'd work with her whether she was going to come or just meet him later. He'd be there if she needed to talk, and he'd invite her out a little to get used to doing some things outside her routine, but outside of that, everything was her own choice.

He looks to her, his eyes searching her face as he waited for her answer.

Pete shakes his head a little, almost rolling his eyes. "Be glad they don't have you in the holding cell downstairs - then you could call it a dungeon. You've even got it better than the other guy we've got down there."

Going for the door, his hand rests on the handle before he turns to look at Trey again. "Want to go out and get something fast for breakfast?"


Typing somethings into the computer Dalton gives a side glance to Alec as he sits down at the desk next to him. Going back to his work he is quiet with the music playing in the background to keep his mood passive.

"No one sorted them. Katie and Jamie were going to but they have mountains of work right now. So I took them before they were ready to try and releave them a little stress."

Dalton looks back to the computer again and types a few things in. A smile spreads across his face as what he was doing works and now he was in a little farther than before.

"If you know how they should go your more than welcome to sort them yourself. It would help me out, and you would be doing something useful."

Thinking for a moment Beth shifts a little in her seat. Going to Justin's house? That was....was it to much? Would she be ok going to Justin's...alone?

"Can...I drive?"

She new she had asked that once before and he had said it was ok, but to her she would ask again because she felt safe. Having her own car there meant she could leave when she wanted or get away when she needed too. She was in control and things were still two new not to be.

Eying Hal, and than Pete Trey gives a little scoff when he adjusted his side arm. His family was part of a drug ring, he's see cops before, and read there signs he new what Pete was saying without the words and he found it humors.

Backing up to let Pete pass by Trey looks back into the room giving Hal a cocky smile and than a click of his tong pointing at him.

"I'll be seeing you Hal."

Following Pete through TJY and up the steps Trey makes his way past him and outside. Trying residence at the side of the building he leans against it for a moment taking in a deep breath of fresh air. People who always were in TJY might not know how stuffy it was but not being there often it wasn't hard to tell.

Opening his eyes again and pulling out a smoke Trey lights it up. Taking a few long drags from it and finally putting it out on the ground he bends down and picks it up again putting the now out butt back in the pack. Turning to Pete he gives a nod of thanks though his eyes were still dark.

"I'm done big man. We can go back to the dungeon not that I want to."

Up to you

"Well..." Justin thinks for a moment, glancing at his watch. "I'll probably be done with Scott around noon if all goes well. I gotta go home, give a couple people some calls and clean out my gutters." That's why he'd said three o'clock, but if she didn't have anything else to do, he wouldn't push her away for several hours. He shrugs.

"You can tag along if you want - I don't mind a bit." He didn't know if she'd be comfortable coming to his place or not, but he'd leave it up to her. "The dogs would be glad for extra company and then we can just head to the fishing hole from there. Totally up to you though."

Alec crunches on a chip and shrugs lamely at Dalton. "Yeah well... I'm bored to death and the big guy lowered the boom, so it's either this or sitting downstairs for the rest of the day while I go completely insane."

He nods, taking a sip of his pop. "Passive torture. The Agency ought to try that sometime - unfortunately, it works."

Wandering in closer to the desk, he rolls his eyes and sets his pop and chips aside, wiping his hands on his jeans. The classical music was enough to make him go just as insane as being bored, but maybe it was better than silence.

Sitting down in what used to be Scott's chair, he slides the files closer and starts to sift through them. He wasn't sure exactly what Dalton was trying to do, but again, this was better than nothing. Going through more pages, he curses under his breath. "This is a mess... these numbers over here are access codes and they're mixed in with personnel administration codes. Who sorted these things?"

Both men look up quickly as Trey enters the control room, and immediately, both are on guard. Hearing the request, Hal tries not to sigh. "I'm Hal. This is Pete." He looks over to Pete, his eyes asking him to help out. "Would you mind escorting Trey outside then making sure he gets back in again?"

Pete nods. Normally he'd be out on the street, but just his luck, he'd wound up in today and now had to help look after the new guy whom he really didn't know why was here in the first place. "Yeah, okay." Standing, he looks up to Trey. Some people might find Trey's height unusual, but around here with Con, Jason and Dalton, everyone was used to tall people. There was something strangely familiar about Trey though - something even Pete caught on to. He shrugs it off though, adjusting his sidearm in clear view to make a silent statement that he wouldn't take any crap.

"Alright, let's go." Leading the way down the hall, Pete keeps a close eye on Trey, taking him across the main floor and taking the few stairs instead of the elevator. Once outside, he holds the door open for Trey then sets his hands on his hips, just studying the younger man.

One of you

Beth gives a little nod of her head. She had a short shift at work today so it would give her some times to relax with Justin but yes she still had to work.

"Yeah I do, but not till six so we have sometime."

Fiddling with a string from her pants for a moment Beth looks up at Justin again studying his face. He was going out of his way to help her and she was thankful for that but it made her wonder. Did it make him happy to help people?

"Should I wait out here for you when I am done with Sarah or will you come find me? I don't know how long it will take you inside so I don't want to interrupt anything."

Hearing his door squeak open Dalton looks up from his desk. Seeing Alec he raises an eyebrow just looking at him a long moment. Why on earth was Alec here, let a long did he want him here? Hearing his question and thinking about it for a moment Dalton contemplated with himself. He had nothing against Alec right? He might be Agency but he was helping them now so what was the harm?

"Its a little bit of a surprise to have you asking to help on your own."

Studying Alec a little while longer Dalton leans back in his chair just thinking for a moment. What did he had that he could help him work on? Looking at the stack of files to his left he continues to think before speaking again.

"If you want you can come look through these files for me and see if you can find anything that might help me out. Numbers, words...but don't eat or drink over the files. Reese will kill me if grease or liquid ended up on these."

Opening the door Trey pokes his head out and looks around the main floor of TJY. He'd been in his room since he got here and now he was hungry, bored, and really in the need for a smoke.

Making sure no one was paying attachen Trey slips out of the room and starts to wonder the hall. He wondered how long he would have to stay here. Already he was bored and if he was cooped up for to long.

Passing the controlle room Trey lets out a sigh. The only way outside was through Hal Reese has said so if he wanted out he'd have to talk to him. Going back to the door and giving a knock before entering Trey eyes the two men not knowing who was who.

"Reese said to talk with someone named Hal when I wanted to go outside. I am guessing thats one of you guys."


Justin smiles his greeting at Beth as she approaches and gives some attention to the dogs. Once she's seated and asking him about fishing, he nods. "Yep, I'm still going. Figured later this afternoon... maybe three o'clock. Gonna be hot, but you work tonight, right?"

Getting Ryan's return text, Alec grins and sends his response.
Ok. C u later.

Sighing, he takes another swig of pop and looks around the break room before grabbing a small bag of potato chips. Wandering down the hall again, he sticks his head in the control room, finding Hal and Pete. "Got anything for me to do so the big boss doesn't complain I've been of no use today? I couldn't find him earlier."

Hal smirks a little. "Bored enough to actually offer for once, huh?" He shakes his head. "Reese will probably be here later. He and Angelica went to see her new niece that was born late last night. Go ask Dalton - Reese has had him trying to hack some Agency files. You might be able to help."

"Yeah... right." Alec turns around and still holding his can of pop, tries to juggle it while opening the bag of chips. New baby, huh? Cool.

Nudging open the office door with his foot, he looks in at Dalton. "Hal said you might want some help with something or other." Truth be told, Hal was right - he was incredibly bored... bored enough that yes, he was looking for things to do. Normally he sat and moped, but he couldn't stand it anymore.