
Spontaneous date

Hearing Eric's name, both Trent and Jeff glance up, though they try not to eavesdrop. It was impossible though, as Katie says the word "fiance." Both men blink and stare at her. Jeff's jaw drops and Trent almost falls over the arm of the couch as he backs into it. Neither one said anything yet, though both were dying to know what this was about.

On the other end of the line, Eric chuckles. "Yeah, well, she's got a little craze in her herself." Pausing, he mulls over his second response. "Uh... yeah, we've been at the ranch. Not for long though since we hit the road again. Listen, I gotta get off the phone while I drive, but crashing on the couch, floor, wherever sounds fine. We'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

Ryder lets Thirteen support him on the way to the kitchen, and once they were there, he steals a quick kiss to her lips. "Mmm... I like the company but..." He bites his lip. He did miss curling up with her on the couch in the evenings. Grinning, he brushes her cheek with the back of his hand before getting back on task. "Crackers... cheese... what do you want me to do, other than stare at you 'cause I can't help it?"

Mick cringes a little, not having wanted Rosetta to be any more upset with Eric. He reaches up and takes her hand from his face, giving her fingers a loving squeeze. "Don't be sorry - it's not your fault. And yes, I still want to go to lunch. If anyone has a problem with the way I look, I'll just tell them my wife got mad at me."

Giving her a teasing smirk, he tugs her towards the door. "C'mon... it's not very often I get a spontaneous date with you. Let's get out of here before somebody needs us."

Pete sighs as he's left alone in the interrogation room. He didn't know what he could have done differently, but he felt guilty anyway. What if he'd broken the news more gently? What if he'd said things using a different perspective? What if...

He shakes his head and aims back to the hall and to his cubicle where he sits for a few minutes, mulling over the entire dilemma. If he knew Cindy, she'd want to meet Trey. He could only hope that by the time that happened, that Trey would be ready and willing for it to happen. If not, this whole thing would just be one big heartache.

Glancing at the clock, Pete notes that the noon hour is shot. But that didn't mean he couldn't have a late lunch. Grabbing his phone, he dials without needing to look up the number. Smiling, he leans back in his chair. "Hey, Nikki, it's me. Thought maybe we'd do lunch... or if you've already eaten, ice cream... if you've got time today?"

What I need

Finishing cleaning BJ up so she could take him over to spend time with Wendy and Chase Rosetta looks up and gives a smile to Mick. Finishing with BJ Rosetta gives him his little backpack and a kiss on the for head.

"I am going to be calling Wendy right after you leave. So go straight there like a good boy ok?"

Giving his hair a little ruffle before putting his hat on him and sending him out the room Rosetta gives a happy sigh stepping away from the door and giving Wendy a quick call that BJ was on his way.

Coming back and having a chance to focus on Mick better Rosetta now see the split in his lip and the small bruise on his face. Getting closer and searching his eyes Rosetta could see the slightly dim look behind them. A ache formed in her heart, she didn't need to know what happened she could feel it already.


Bringing her hand to the side of his face and just running her fingers over his skin gentily as to not hurt him Rosetta lets out a long sigh. What was going on with her brother she didn't know but something was different with him.

"I'm so sorry Mick. Do you want to still go to lunch or skip it?"

Looking down at Ryder Thirteen can't help the smile that spreads across her lips. Her eyes twinkling as she looked down at him. He was her everything and having him close was always nice.

"Like I would really turn down you help. You have to be joking. Come on!"

Putting on his hand to prompt him to stand Thirteen leans into him a little bit as she supported him a little too with his leg being sore still. She liked when Ryder still helped her even if she new how to do it. Just having him close was more than enough for her.

About to reply to the group Katie stops as the phone rings and is tossed to her. Looking at the caller id she wonders who the number belongs too.


Not even having to hear the name as soon as she herd the first work Katie new it was her uncle Eric. A smile spreads across her face as she lets her feelings show at how excited she was.

"Hey Uncle Eric."

Not really given time to say more Katie just lets her Uncle continue. But her smiling expression seems to change to more of a surprised on at the mention of his fiance. Katie didn't know he had a girl friend and the mention of getting married surprised her more, but stranger things happened right?

"Of course you can stop by. As long as you don't mind a couch, and a roll out cot to sleep in. We have a full house right now but whats two more. Wow....fiance...I definitely want to meet the woman who dares marry into our crazy family. Did you stop by and see everyone else already?"

Katie looks to Jason and than to Jeff and Trent. Her look hadn't changed as she was still confused, and surprised.

Still sitting in the chair with his hands now crossed over his chest it would seem Trey was lost in space Pete mention to food going un noticed for a moment. Finally looking at Pete it was like his offer had snapped to him.

"Food is not what I want right now. Maybe a smoke it more like it. Thanks anyways Pete maybe later."

Standing and throwing a look to his friend Trey heads out of the room and down to his own. Grabbing his lighter and smokes from the table along with his wallet Trey heads back up and out of TJY.

Taking in a deep breath of air he just starts walking. Where he was going he didn't know but his head was spinning with so many different this right now. He felt pushed and pulled, betrayed, and jealous, angry, and sad. Giving a long puff of his smoke it seemed even that didn't help the stress today.