

Turning back to the tea again Destiny gets the water together and puts the tea pot on waiting for it to heat up. Hearing Chance's cry Destiny gives a jump not sure what happened at first. Seeing the blood though and him going to the sink she knows.

"Oh shesh Chance, are you ok...here let me take a look!"

Coming a little closer Destiny goes to the sink taking a look with her good hand. Seeing the cut was deep but not enough to really need to have stiches not to mention knowing Chance wouldn't go to get them she sets his hand under the water again.

"I'll be right back with the first aid kit and we can wrap that up for you."

Leaving again for a moment and going to the closet and getting the kit Destiny comes back again. Struggling for a moment to get it open she finally does and pulls out some gause, tape, and disinfectant.

"Here we go, let me try and fix this up for you."

Taking Chance's hand again and patting it dry Destiny puts a little disinfectant on it cringing for a moment knowing it might sting a little. Once done she wraps the gauge around his two fingers to hold them together, placing a little tap on to hold it together. Once done Destiny gives a smile up at Chance.

"There you go all set. Good news is we are both one handed now."

Even if Alec's change had been a lot greater than hers Ryan could tell she had changed too in a way. Alec had shown her so many things and ways to feel even if he didn't even know it. They had both changed together and Ryan was happy to have grown so close.

Now sitting in the sand Ryan hides her feet was in the cool wet sand. Feeling Alec's hand on her face again Ryan leans into it her eyes watching his. The smile on her lips, and the sparkle in her eye, a reflection of love. And to think at the started they hadn't really gotten along at all.

"Mmm...freedom is always better when you have someone who you can share it with. I do think thats true freedom, and you helped me experience it too."

This moment Ryan wished would never end. Being here like this with Alec for the first time in her life she could consider spending the rest of her life with someone. Not that it would happen right away, and that the thought didn't still startle her but the though of being completely comfortable was there.


Alec was a little surprise that the simple poetry had brought on such a response, but he wasn't going to complain. As Ryan nears and wraps her legs around him, his arms slide around her to hold her close. His eyes drift shut as he returns her kiss, passionate and warm. It didn't matter who was watching, or how many passersby saw. It didn't matter that they'd run off without leaving word, or that this day would not last forever. For in this single moment, time did stand still, if only in hearts that were slowly becoming intertwined - hearts that were slowly reaching for each other and grasping for love that perhaps neither even knew they longed for until that first touch is felt - hearts that were slowly enveloping themselves in each other for perhaps a stronger hold than either had intended.

Drawing back with heavy breath, Alec rests his head against Ryan's. He could stay like this forever, if his legs would not give way. "You've changed my world," he whispers. It wasn't TJY that he gave the credit to - no, it was the single light that had shone through the darkness that he hadn't even realized had devoured him. And that light was her.

Allowing the water to push them farther back to shore, the depths become shallow enough for Alec to ease down further until he was sitting in the water rather than standing. Bringing Ryan down to sit on his lap, hidden under the surface, he runs a hand down her face, a finger tracing every outline. "Freedom without someone else to share it with... isn't really freedom at all, is it?"

Chance is very much lost in thought as Destiny rejoins him in the kitchen. With his back turned as he cuts up some lettuce for some light salad to go along with their sandwiches, he gives a little jump. "Hmm? Oh, um... regular... I guess.... thanks."

Keeping his eyes on the lettuce, his focus is instead somewhere else. As the knife comes down for another slice, a sharp pain reminds him that his finger had been in the way. A curse slips out under his breath as he drops the knife and recoils, holding his bleeding finger. "Of all the stupid..."

Going to the sink, he holds his finger under the running water. He was skillful at using knives as weapons and had just cut himself on a kitchen utensil. That said a lot for his lack of smarts.


Continuing to hold Alec Ryan's eyes don't break from his. Hearing his words Ryan could feel the chills fun up and down her spine. The words he spoke just gave her tings all over, his soft breath just brushing across her ear. She could feel her hands tighten just a little more around his hair before letting loose.

"I think...the water just boiled and I melted."

Ryan's eyes continue to rome his face as he looks down she takes her hands from the back of his neck and lets her finger tips run down his neck and his arms and than up again both her hands on ether side of his face. Wrapping her legs around his wast Ryan lets her lips brush over his before making there way to his cheek and than down to his neck just place a few small kiss there before letting kiss up and coming to his lips again. There were words she wanted to say but was she ready?

Just letting her lips brush him before pressing them again letting her passion flow once more. She felt warm, and tingly, full of life, and she wanted to shair that with Alec through her kiss.

Not taking to long in the bathroom and throwing fresh water on her face Destiny hits in the bathroom for a long moment just looking in the mirror. Taking a few deep breaths she does her best to stay calm.

Finally getting it together Destiny comes out of the bathroom and heads to the kitchen again. Doing her best to give a smile she wonders over by Chance.

"So, what kind of tea would you like? Normal or a flavor today?"

Destiny did what she to keep smiling, its all she really could do. Maybe later they could watch a movie as another detraction.

Won her trophy proud

Chance just holds Destiny close, knowing she needed this. It was only natural and probably doing some good.

As she pulls away and apologizes, he shakes his head. "It's okay." He brings a hand up to wipe a few last tears from her cheek. "I don't mind."

Hearing she would go wash up, he nods. "I'll still be here." Watching her leave, he waits until she's out of sight before turning and leaning his hands on the counter, his expression changing to one of frustration. While he had the chance, he pulls out his cell phone and dials. "Yeah, it's me. Look, I've been thinking and ...What? When? Well yeah, I knew that was one possibility but after the funeral I..." He stops, gritting his teeth to keep from growling. "No, I haven't changed my mind. I just think there might be a better way. It's... No, of course I can handle it, you know that." He sighs and shakes his head. "Fine. I just wish there was some other way. I don't know how much longer I can keep this up. ...No, you don't need to find someone else, I'm just saying... yeah, alright. Fine."

Hanging up, Chance is glaring at the counter before he puts his phone back in his pocket and returns to the refrigerator to look for the lunchmeat.

Reese chuckles and nods. "Yeah. Wyatt's been known to frequently accuse me of not getting away from my desk enough. I guess that's what finding someone else is for..." He eyes Angelica with a gentle gaze. "...for helping us remember there's more to life than paperwork and a whole lot more to be enjoyed than just work."

Taking another sip of his coffee, his eyes move back towards the pond, though his hand stays in hers. She really had become a bright spot in his life, more than he'd though she would. He wasn't sure how his affection had grown, but there was no denying it - he cared for Angelica a great deal.

Grinning, Alec's grip tightens just a little as Ryan starts to run her fingers through his hair. It was a sensation he would never tire from. Floating with the gentle water, he reaches bottom with his feet again, making it easier to continue holding Ryan, still both not much above the water.

Reaching up, he takes a strand of her hair that had fallen from her ponytail and had slipped down the side of her face. Toying with it for a moment, he tucks it behind her ear, droplets of water sounding like little bells as they were returned to the lake.

"The high clouds part to show the sky,
A dark and threatening doom.
She waits along the fiery lines,
Amidst the foggy gloom.

A hush take o'er the barren ground,
Silenced battlefield.
The warrior of the hearts cries out,
She will never yield."

Alec's words come whispered, so close that his breath caresses Ryan's cheek. The memorized lines spill out like the very water they were in, silken smooth and warm.

"Though the battle rages forth,
And though great men fall dead.
She holds her head up high and rides,
Fulfilling man's worst dread.

She takes no prisoners but one today,
His heart she proudly bears.
For she has won her trophy proud,
Their lives forever shared."

Alec bites his lip a bit sheepishly, lowering his gaze and flicking away a piece of floating seaweed.

Justin cocks his head just a little, wondering if maybe, just maybe Dalton's irritation had decreased a notch or two. It didn't really matter, but as long as Justin wasn't being kicked out, it was a good meeting.

"You're welcome." Nodding again, Justin backs away then turns, leaving the office to Dalton once more. He had no one else to see here today, so he leaves the building, unsure of when he would return, but knowing he would...

"Hey, Ma..." Justin calls into the house as he enters, letting his backpack flop to the floor. "I'm here!" He hadn't even had time to go home yet today. After stopping at TJY, he'd had to run several other errands, finish up someone's porch, go give tech support to a lady with no computer skills and air up a tire on his truck. He was tired, grimy and just a little bit grouchy. He really just wanted to go home but he'd promised he'd be here for supper, and he never broke his promises to his mother. It wasn't her fault he'd had a long day, and she deserved the company.

Kicking off his sneakers, Justin ambles to the kitchen where he could smell supper cooking. "I picked up your mail on the way in, hope you don't..." His voice trails off as he stops in the doorway, surprised to see a young blonde woman by the stove with his mother. "...mind."

"Oh, Justin, you are here." His mother turns to see him, a broad smile spreading across her face. "Supper will be ready in fifteen minutes."

Justin's eyebrows rise, still wondering who this visitor is. "Ah. Right." Studying the woman's fine features, he finally directs his attention back to his mother. "I'm sorry I... didn't realize you had company."

"Oh, my manners!" His mother wipes her hands on her apron, urging the woman closer to Justin. "This is Rebecca. She is our guest tonight."

Rebecca smiles sweetly and holds out her hand. "Lydia has told me all about you - I'm glad to finally meet you."

Justin, still very skeptical shakes her hand briefly. "I see." He forces something close to a smile out of politeness. "Known each other long?"

"Not really." Rebecca laughs. "My mother and your mother seem to be quite good friends and Lydia wanted me to meet you and to taste her cooking so... here I am."

Justin could see she felt a little awkward, and no wonder. His eyes narrow just as little as he looks back to his mother. "I'm sorry I didn't dress for company. I wish I would have known." It was a subtle way of telling her that he really was not happy about this.

"You look fine," Lydia insists. She shakes her head and looks at Rebecca. "He is so worried, but he always looks handsome no matter what." She waves a finger at Justin. "You can go wash up if you like, then supper will be ready. We will eat in the dining room."

"Dining room? But..." Justin blinks. They always ate in the kitchen. The dining room was reserved for family meals or holidays... for no reason - it was just the way it always had been.

"Yes, yes." Lydia gives him a little shove towards the hallway. "Go now and be right back. It is your favorite."

"But..." Justin gets pushed along and hears giggling as soon as he's out of sight. Reaching the bathroom, he closes the door and leans back against it with a weary sigh. "Why tonight?" he mumbles. It wasn't the first time his mother had invited some young woman over for supper. More than likely, Rebecca had caught on to her little game, and he knew full well what his mother's intentions were. She tried to act as though nothing was out of the ordinary, but Justin knew she was just trying to hook him up with a woman again. She'd picked a bad night. He was in no mood. After tonight, he was going to have to talk with her to stop this nonsense for good. He knew his mother just cared about him, and he wasn't angry with her, but these silly games needed to stop. It was his own life to live and if he wanted to find a woman, he would - he didn't need surprise dates set up without his knowing, while his mother looked on and encouraged the whole thing.

As any good son though, he cleans up the best he can, running a comb through his hair and splashing on just a hint of aftershave. He didn't have time for a shower, so this would have to do.

Returning to the kitchen, he finds that the food is indeed ready - his mother had yet again timed it to perfection. Wandering to the dining room he sees three places set - one on one side for his mother, and two next to each other across from her. Justin keeps from rolling his eyes. "How convenient."

Rebecca looks up from placing a dish on the table. "Pardon?"

"How lovely." Justin forces a smile, though his eyes don't show the same expression.

"Okay, we are ready now," Lydia announces as she brings in the final dish. There was enough food here for two families, let alone three people. "Sit down, sit down," she urges. "Justin, will you please say grace?"

"Of course." Justin moves to one of the chairs, only to run into Rebecca who was headed for the same one. After a little awkward dance, they finally find their seats. Justin can't help a little chuckle, despite his mood, and Rebecca laughs, her face blushing.

Maybe hidden meaning

Putting her arms around Alec's neck Ryan smile was one that said she was happy, she was even maybe...falling than one would think for Alec. Just letting his passion wash over her and returning her own. Feeling his hand come to her face and gently brush the water from her eyes Ryan leans her head into his hand her eyes connecting with his. Hearing his comment Ryan opens her eyes again and gives a small chuckle.

About to say something else Ryan stops as Alec returns for another kiss and pulls her closer to him. Tightening her own grip to keep herself close to him and he to her Ryan lets her passion run free again just returning to Alec what he had given to her.

Breath a little heavy as Alec pulls away Ryan rests her forehead against his. The smile still bright on her face, and the fire still strong in her eyes. Today was a day like no other. No one new where they were, they were really free for today.

Letting her hands creep up Alec's neck Ryan lets her fingers run through his hair. Her own eyes not leaving his again even with the sounds of others around them her attchen was not moved for him.

"They can stair at the steam all they want wont bother me any. Anyways if they stair its only because they are jealous I've got someone as hott as you to boil the water with me and create steam."

Looking up from his desk as Justin knows on the door than enters Dalton gives him a short nod to at least be semi nice to him. Hearing his comment Dalton wants to make a come back but holds his toung. It really wasn't worth it and if he want Reese on his case again it was just better than way.

"Morning you too!"

Glancing down at the nameplates Justin layed on the desk Dalton could feel his heart start to pick up a few beats. Did this mean Scott really would be back? Dalton didn't want to hope to much he just wanted what was best for his little friend. Reaching out and taking the plates he puts them over on Scott's desk before looking to Justin again and giving a nod.

"I will probably go see him the day after tomorrow, so that sounds good to me. Thanks for returning these to there home."

It was the first time Dalton had ever thanked Justin but it just seemed right. Even if his tone was little rough he was being honest with his thanks to Justin and maybe there was a small hidden meaning behind it too.

Sitting quietly on the bench in the park Angelica sipped her own coffee. Some people would think she was crazy for drinking hot liquid on a hot day, but she was happy Reese was doing it with her. Coffee was just something she liked no matter the temperature.

Tightening her fingers around Reese Angelica turns her head to him and gives a smile. It was nice to be away from the cramped office, and out in the fresh air with Reese. Even if no words were spoken it was still nice and she felt comfortable.

"Its nice to get out, and just be free of everything. I'm happy you there to make the offers too or I probably never would do it on my own."

Burying her head deeper into Chance's chest Destiny continues to sob, her hands clenching his shirt. His warm arms around her sheltered her and made her feel safe. She was thankful Chance was there for her and was helping her through this time.

Hearing him reassure her in a few days they would go to her parents graves Destiny gave a little nod of her head. He went out of his way to make sure she was comfortable and to help her in this time, it just made her care for him that much more.

"I'd like it....if we could do it just you and me....I...I just want it to be over and life to start again."

Continuing to just let her tears fall Destiny had to let it out. It had been a long time coming and this just proved to be an open door for more than just what had happened at the funeral.

After a few long moments Destiny's tears start to slow till they stop. Tears streak her face but she felt a little better than she had a little while before this crying episode. Pulling away from Chance a little and looking up at him Desinty gives a small smile. She felt a little embarrassed but new if Chance had minded he would of said something.

"Sorry about that...I guess...I just needed it. I'm going to go wash my face up and than...I'll come make the tea."

Bringing her good hand down to his hand Destiny gives it a squeeze before letting it go and going to wash up before lunch.


Hearing he had seaweed on his head, Alec looks up almost cross-eyed. He starts to laugh again too and reaches up to pull it off, flicking it out into the water. Still laughing, he nears Ryan, grabbing her waist and treading water for both of them. "You're not boiling yet," he mentions coyly.

Leaning closer, he kisses her lips, finding it a little difficult to stay afloat at the same time, though he manages. Letting the passion linger for several moments, he draws back, raising his hand to wipe away water droplets from her face, his thumb running over her eye and down her cheek.

"It's getting warmer." He nods with satisfaction before returning for another even longer kiss while he pulls her closer to him underwater.

Pulling away just enough he can still lean his forehead against hers, he looks into her eyes, studying them both. His heart thumps hard in his chest from both the exercise of swimming and from a rush of adrenaline. Whenever he was with Ryan, he seemed to lose himself, forgetting about his past and the way he used to be. Used to be... it was strange to think he'd been someone else before. At the time, he'd wanted to stay in that place. But now... he wouldn't want to go back. He wouldn't want to return to a heart of stone or a mind that could do anything without remorse. He was just beginning to feel again and deep down he craved more.

His hands rub Ryan's back gently as they float together, his eyes never leaving hers. "We better be careful," he muses. "We might create steam and draw too much attention to ourselves."

Being hung up on, Justin sighs and shuts his phone. He didn't know what he ever did to Dalton to always receive such a brushoff, but he wasn't going to try and fix it. It wasn't worth his time if the big man wanted to be enemies.

Heading into the office, Justin taps his knuckles on the half-open door, even though he'd already been allowed in. "Hey. I'll make this brief to minimize the torture of my presence."

Approaching the desk, he lays down both of Scott's nameplates. Looking Dalton in the eye, Just gives a little nod. "Thank you." He pauses, opting to say one more thing. "I believe you'll be needing those again. And if you ever want to visit Scott, just get word to me and I won't get in your way."

Reese returns Angelica's light kiss and smiles. Pulling her close, he gives her a warn hug before releasing her. "Let's go."

It didn't take long to get out of the building and soon Reese is driving downtown. making a quick stop for some coffee, it's the park next where there was an empty bench right near the pond. Reese leans back and sips his coffee, glad to get away from work for a while, and hoping Angelica was too. His free hand slips down and takes hers, while he just remains quiet.

Chance tightens his grip around Destiny, realizing now that she was crying. He closes his eyes and just lets her vent a little before he gently turns her around. Holding her closely, he lets her head rest against his chest, his arms wrapped around her in a protective hold.

"Shh... it's okay." He kisses the top of her head. "I don't know why. But you're safe now and we're going to put an end to it, you'll see."

Rocking her a little, he forgets about lunch or tea for now. Standing here with Destiny in the kitchen seemed much more important than a noon meal. "In a couple days, we'll go visit the graves, okay? Just you and me, and you can close that chapter however you need to without anybody ruining it."

Make it quick

Hearing the phone ring Dalton picks it up. Today had been a pretty good day and his spirits were up though he kept to himself in his office not really wanting to interact lately with anyone unless they needed something. He liked the quiet it was always nice, and it made his time with Dani even nicer.

Hearing the voice on the other end and the Echo from out in the hall Dalton lets out a log sigh as his tone turned a little irritated. Why couldn't Justin just leave him alone? Maybe this was about Scott, and he wanted to help his friend but there was just something about Justin that rubbed him the wrong way.

"Your already outside my office you might as well come in. Just make it quick I've got stuff to do."

Hanging up the phone Dalton minimizes the program he was working on and folds his hands on his desk waiting for Justin to enter.

Looking up at Reese a smile forms on Angelica's face. He always seemed to have perfect timing and made her feel better when she needed it the most. He was truly a special man and she was happy to have him around.

"I think that sounds like a good plan."

Closing the folder on her desk Angelica's eyes grew soft as she looked at Reese. Standing from her desk and taking her purse Angelica comes over close to Reese. She new, he new she was worried and she was thankful anyways he would give the detraction she needed for a little bit.

Leaning into him a little and giving him a soft kiss on the lips she pulls away running her hand down his arm.

"Thank you!"

As Chance wraps his arms around her Destiny leans back a little just letting his comfort wash over her. His arms, his warmth so inviting it just felt nice to be held in his strong arms. Bringing her good hand to his she locks her fingers with his before leaning her head on his arm. Not being able to hold how she felt in the tears fall from her eyes.

"I couldn't even give my parents a good barrel. Killed by the Agency, and there furnarel runed by them too. It just feels so unfinished Chance."

Falling silent again for a moment Destiny sucks in a few breaths of air as she sobs quietly. Its hurt so much inside even if she thought she was doing ok and getting over everything now it just seemed to be ripped open again once more.

"The stole my parents from me. They ruined there late rest, they were two good people and deserved better than this. Why Chance...why?! They already stole two very important people from my life...why can't they just leave me alone!"

Just feeling Alec lean on her Ryan felt so comfortable even if they were in the water. It was peaceful and nice just letting the water surrounded them.

Though the moment was broken quickly as Ryan is thrown from Alec's back landing with a splash in the water. Standing up quickly and whipping the water from her eyes. Looking at him again and hearing his comment she shakes her her, her mouth turning into a crooked grin. Giving a little jump and doing a shallow dive into the water Ryan swims out farther where Alec was coming up again and tredding the water.

"I'll boil you if ya don't watch it."

Going under the water again Ryan swims twords Alec and gives a little tug on his feet before coming up behind him and giving a big splash in his direction. It was fun just being care free and acting for the moment not thinking about what they were doing but just doing it.

"I think..."

Ryan gives a little chuckle that starts to grow even if she tryed to hide it.

"...you have a little seaweed on your head."