

Alec was a little surprise that the simple poetry had brought on such a response, but he wasn't going to complain. As Ryan nears and wraps her legs around him, his arms slide around her to hold her close. His eyes drift shut as he returns her kiss, passionate and warm. It didn't matter who was watching, or how many passersby saw. It didn't matter that they'd run off without leaving word, or that this day would not last forever. For in this single moment, time did stand still, if only in hearts that were slowly becoming intertwined - hearts that were slowly reaching for each other and grasping for love that perhaps neither even knew they longed for until that first touch is felt - hearts that were slowly enveloping themselves in each other for perhaps a stronger hold than either had intended.

Drawing back with heavy breath, Alec rests his head against Ryan's. He could stay like this forever, if his legs would not give way. "You've changed my world," he whispers. It wasn't TJY that he gave the credit to - no, it was the single light that had shone through the darkness that he hadn't even realized had devoured him. And that light was her.

Allowing the water to push them farther back to shore, the depths become shallow enough for Alec to ease down further until he was sitting in the water rather than standing. Bringing Ryan down to sit on his lap, hidden under the surface, he runs a hand down her face, a finger tracing every outline. "Freedom without someone else to share it with... isn't really freedom at all, is it?"

Chance is very much lost in thought as Destiny rejoins him in the kitchen. With his back turned as he cuts up some lettuce for some light salad to go along with their sandwiches, he gives a little jump. "Hmm? Oh, um... regular... I guess.... thanks."

Keeping his eyes on the lettuce, his focus is instead somewhere else. As the knife comes down for another slice, a sharp pain reminds him that his finger had been in the way. A curse slips out under his breath as he drops the knife and recoils, holding his bleeding finger. "Of all the stupid..."

Going to the sink, he holds his finger under the running water. He was skillful at using knives as weapons and had just cut himself on a kitchen utensil. That said a lot for his lack of smarts.

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