
Hidden Emotions

Hope lets out a small sigh. She felt so bad for Scott, and at the same time she felt so bad for herself. She loved Scott, and she new she was his strong ground but how could she be when he wouldn't let her and it hurt.

"I've been...pretty crappy really. Your pulling away from me Scott and I don't know what to do because I feel like I have failed you."

Playing with the corner of the menu for a moment Hope falls quiet. Finally looking up at Scott again she gives a small smile reaching across the table to take his hand in her own.

"I want to help you and be there for you, but I can't if you wont let me. Other than that I'm....ok. Works going, and sitting at home watching tv is ok though most nights there is nothing on. I miss you, I miss us Scott."

Ryan's grin grows just a little at Alec's comment. Her emotions of drear staying hidden for now.

Going to reply Ryan stops looking at Axel and they go back and forth. Cocking her head just a little wonder how well Alec would respond. She was actually impressed on how calm Alec stayed with Axel.

Giving a small chuckle at Alec's comment about his integrity Ryan gives a little nod of his head.

"He's a gentlemen when he wants to be honest. And actually Reese gave him an hour and a half but thats a story for another time."

As Alec puts his arm over Ryan's shoulder is surprised her a little but what surprised her even more was when her own arm wrapped around his wast in return. The grin still on her face, looking to Alex she nods.

"I guess I am taking lunch now if anyone asks. I'll be back in an hour."

Turning back to Alec she gives a little laugh again it was nice that he surprised her and showed up at her work. No one had ever done that before.

"So where should we go for lunch? I can drop you off at TJY after."

Giving a big smile Cassy takes Leo's arm in her hand and gives a squeeze in a friendly matter that showed she was excited and she really was to have his help. Not to mention it had been nice catching up with him the other day and she would like to talk more often.

"Ok than, I will see you at six give or take."

Taking her keys out of her purse Cassy starts for the door before stopping. Giving Leo a little wave and one last smile.

"Enjoy the rest of your day and remember chin up. I'll see you later."

Exiting the shop the rest of the way Cassy goes to her car and before you know it she was out of sight once again.

Feeling Sparky's fingers lock with her own the smile grows just a little on her lips knowing this wasn't a dream and she really was awake.

"Scared the tar out of you huh? Well now your going to have to deal with me being bald for a while."

Faith gives a small laugh as her eyes twinkle looking at Sparky. She was a live, and she was going to be able to spend more time with Sparky now. She would continue to pray the tumor didn't come back, but for now she got to live longer, and it was an amazing feeling.

"How long was I out? Did you stay with me the whole time Hun?"

Strong point

"I'm doing okay." It was Scott's automatic response. He'd been asked how he was doing many times lately, so his answer came easily, true or not.

Setting his menu aside, he gives a little sigh, playing with his fork. He was glad he was sitting on this side of the table... had he been on the opposite, his blind eye would have been towards the door and he'd gotten used to making sure he could see all he needed to in order to not be cornered unknowingly.

"I don't know," he admits a little more honestly. "I'm alright I guess. Sorry I haven't been around. I've just been.... taking pictures a lot. I should be out looking for another job but... haven't been motivated I guess."

Rubbing his forehead, he wishes to be rid of his headache. "Nightmares keep me up most nights, but other than that... I'm fine. You?"

"Maybe I was waiting to see how many times you'd show up to try and see me," Alec counters.

Axel is still watching, a bit uncomfortable with this whole thing, and he clears his throat. "I believe it's Alec Banks, right?"

Alec straightens and turns to Axel a bit coolly. "That's right." He cocks his head. "Oh yeah. You were here that night."

"I was." Axel was out of the loop, so even more suspicious. "How'd you get here?"

"What? You think I stole a car or something?" Alec holds up his hands. "I didn't. I swear. Never steal cars. Well..." He pauses. "Not unless it's absolutely necessary." Seeing the wary look in Axel's eyes, his own narrow slightly with a faint, cocky grin on his lips. "Chill. I'm on lunch break."

"Lunch break."

"That's right. Call me in if you don't believe me. Or maybe you'd just as soon kick me out before I head for the cash register."

"I didn't say that."

"You didn't have to." Alec's eyes give off a spark, his shoulders kept square and steady. "But unless my instincts prove me wrong... this mechanic behind me will vouch for my incredible integrity."


"Well... modesty was never my strong point." Alec turns back around to Ryan, slinging an arm around her shoulders. "I got half an hour, babe. We gonna spend it staring into a greasy engine, or out in the sunshine?"

Leo gives little laugh and shakes his head. "Pizza's not necessary, but always welcome. No olives." He grins and accepts the address. "Got it. I'll come on over after work then."

Looking back at Cassy, he remembers her from a year ago. She looked a little different now, but not too much. She was still as pretty as she had been then. Maybe prettier. And despite the rough time, there was still life behind her eyes.

"Guess I'll... see you later."

Sparky had been staring into nothingness when the sound of Faith's voice snaps him to attention. Looking quickly to her bed, his eyes widen. His guitar is immediately left on the window seat as he goes to her side, taking her hand.

"You're awake," he breathes. "Thank God you're awake."

Sinking down in a chair next to her bed, he still holds her hand, his free hand reaching up to come through her hair. "I knew you could do it," he whispers. Swallowing hard, he holds back the tears that were in his eyes. Now his prayer was that this was not a horrid last moment, but a first moment of many to come.

"Scared the tar out of me anyway," he teases quietly.


Giving a smile to Scott as he gives her a kiss and moves to the seat across from her Hope gives a little shake of her head.

"Nope, not yet was just waiting for you to make sure you were gonna be here first."

Taking note his contacts were in Hope normally would have no objection to that he looked good without his glasses, but at this point in time with his eye covered up she couldn't help but worry just a little.

Glancing over the menu Hope looks for something to order. She didn't know what she wanted or was even in the mood for. Salad, a burger, steak, maybe a wrap looked kind of good. Finally deciding what she felt like having she looked up at Scott giving a smile.

"So, how have you been? Over the last ten days the only time I saw you was when you packed your stuff up at TJY. Holding up ok and dealing with everything good?"

Continuing to work on the car Ryan has no idea anyone had come up behind her as she worked. Not to mention her mind was to far away thinking about many other things to even really considerate on who was around her.

Hearing the voice behind her Ryan is pulled from where her mind had been wondering only to let a grin pass on her lips. straightening and holding her wrench in her hand looking over her shoulder slightly.

"Maybe I was just waiting to see how long it would take you to come here, since every time I tried to see you, you were busy."

Cassy's smile grows a little happy Leo was willing to help. Everyone who she had planned on helping her ended up ditching so it really was nice he said yes.

"Great. I have everything in the moving truck outside my soon to be studio so it wont be to hard. I'll even order a pizza as an extra thank you."

Giving another smile Cassy goes into her purse and pulls out a peace of paper. Moving to the counter she jots down the address and hands it to Leo.

"Its on the corner of Lake st, and Church. Its a pretty big building you can't miss it. I'll be waiting outside for you. Thank you so much again Leo. I really appreciate it."

Letting out a sigh and looking at JT Bree nods. She was thankful she was safe, her and and Uncle and soon to be Gunner to. but a part of her heart was still broken to think anyone's parents could do this. Bree with she had known what her mother was like before when she was a kid. And her dad she couldn't help but wonder if he had always been like this too. Much wonder layed in her eyes but thats all it was. Questions that never would be answered and feelings that would always linger.

Pushing her sandwich away Bree didn't want anymore. She'd had a little but she just didnt feel all that hungry.

"So...what did u want to do today?"

Thirteen gives a small she of her head. She new she was doing great with all the people and she was handling herself well but...she just wanted something different.

Going back over to the small table by the wall she sits down again with a long sigh.

"I know he likes me out there, but...I hate being around all those people I don't know. I just feel...I like to cook now that I know how and I like that more. I'll ask him when he gets back, and hope he says yes."

Thirteen gives another smile her eyes giving a little glisten that she really was excited about talking to Carson about this. It would be something new, something she would like more, and something she was actually taking an interest in on her own.

In the dark clouds of a mind, stuck between life and death a darkness rains. Wondering, searching looking for a light, any light. If it was to lead to life than it was right, if it was to lead to the eternal life, than it was good.

No light came to fill the darkness, maybe because one was holding on to tight to something they went ready to leave behind. Than a soft sound seemed to break through the darkness....music, the sound of a lullaby so sweet, so pure, a love being expressed through the words, and that voice the voice that seemed to beckon, that seemed to call for the darkness to break.

Opening her eyes slowly Faith lets the bright lights of the room. Taking them in she squints trying to remember where she was and why she was here. Moving her head to one side and seeing the mashens she was hooked up to, and Sparky she remembers. A smile spreads across her face. She had hurd him singing.

A smile spreads across Faith's lips and her voice is horse and raspy.

" I love it when you sing, its so calming."

Giving a smile and a nod to Eric Wendy was pleased herself Eric was eating. She liked help out more around the ranch, it made her feel good.

"That's mom's homemade soup so she will like to know you like it. Not to mention she wont come over here and kill you."

Wendy was happy Eric was going to be ok. For a little while it had gotten hairy there and it worried even her, but now some of his color was coming back, and eating in itself was a good thing.


"Okay, sounds good." Scott really wasn't paying a whole lot of attention, but he'd caught what Hope had said. "I'll meet you there in about half an hour, okay?"

Bringing the call to an end, he sets the phone aside, still absorbed in his photo project. Only Domino's bark to be let outside a while later reminded him that he needed to go.

Getting to the restaurant, he was a few minutes late and he finds Hope already there. Wandering over to the table, he leans down to give her a quick kiss before sitting across from her. "Hi. Sorry I'm late." He had his contacts in today, with one to cover his blind eye... proof he was hiding from the world again. "Did you order yet?"

Axel lifts an eyebrow, a little surprised and annoyed at Ryan's sharp remark, but after she continues, he decides to let it slide this time. Her change of subject made it apparent that she didn't want anything to do with deeper topics right now.

"Jess is good. We spend a lot of time together, even if we have to do it at band practice. The guys love her though so we have fun." His voice trails off as movement in the window catches his eye. Had someone just walked by? Odd. His question was answered though as a shadow appears from the open garage door behind the car Ryan was working on. Axel eyes the man with mixed emotions, wondering at his presence.Wasn't he supposed to be in Elite custody?

Alec wanders into the garage and catches Axel's eye, putting a finger to his lips to keep him quiet. Ambling up behind Ryan, he looks over her shoulder into the engine. "This heap of metal is what's kept you from visiting me? I'm offended."

Leo is a little surprised that Cassy had come to him for this kind of help. But then, sometimes it was hard getting a hold of friends to do things like this. He shrugs then nods. "Yeah... yeah, I could swing by to give you a hand. I don't have anything going on tonight... I get off about six, if you wanna tell me where to be."

JT sighs a little, then shakes his head. "No... no, I don't think your parents will try anything again. First off, if they do, we're legally safe now - nothing can happen. And two, David and Angelica are digging enough that once the truth is out in the open, the situation will be resolved."

He shrugs lamely. "People do crazy things in the name of money, Bree. Your mother... she wasn't always like this. But once she got into money... she changed. I don't even know who she is anymore. But you don't have to worry, okay? From here on out, we're safe. We did it the right way this time."

Ryder chuckles at Thirteen. "I don't know - Carson's pretty picky about his kitchen. You can ask him when he gets back though, if you want. Can't hurt. I know he's happy with how you've been handling customers though. But maybe he'd let you spend a little more time back here at least."

Sparky sits on the deep window sill of the hospital room, his back leaning back against the cold glass as rain pelts against it. It had been raining for three days straight and now matched his spirits. They were approaching two weeks... two weeks that Faith had been in a coma. No family. No one to make decisions. And the doctors were already hinting at the possibility of taking her off life support. They'd removed all of the tumor - so on one hand, the operation had been a success. But the downside was that as a result, Faith had lapsed into a coma soon after the surgery. Sparky had told her he'd see her again... and he had yet to see her eyes after they'd disappeared behind the O.R. doors. She was still... and peaceful. But so very quiet.

Sparky had not yet returned to the ranch. Others had made sure he had clean clothes and anything else he needed, while he'd spent his days and nights between the chair Faith's room and the couch in the waiting room. A prayer was constantly on his mind, running over and over and over. Please, I beg you to not let me lose her now. Don't deprive me of the love you just so recently put before me... but your will be done.

Fingering the neck of his guitar, he picks out a soft tune, the melody filling the room with mellow tones. The songs of choice had varied... usually it was just the music and him remaining silent or humming along. Once in a while he would sing softly. Today a song was on his tongue - one that had been on his heart for a while now, and on paper less than twenty-four hours.

Love is a choice and I choose to love you.
No matter what the world may say.
I love you and will forever.
Forever... forever and a day.

Calling me a fool,
The world thinks I'm crazy.
Maybe they are right.
I'm crazy over you.
Oh, they don't see what I see,
A heart that's pure and true.
Oh, they don't hear what I hear,
The love in your voice.

So love is a choice and I choose to love you.
No matter what the world may say.
I love you and will forever.
Forever... forever and a day.

They just can't see past their,
Fenced in little world.
They don't seem to listen,
To the inside of a man.
Oh, they don't see what I see,
A spirit free and soaring.
Oh, they don't feel what I feel,
A heart that's beating strong.

Love is a choice and I choose to love you.
No matter what the world may say.
I love you and will forever.
Forever... forever and a day.

Miracles don't happen,
At least that's what I thought.
Then God sent me an angel,
To open up my heart.
They tell me to walk away.
They tell me to just forget it.
They tell me I'm being foolish.
But I have chosen.
I have chosen.
Forever and a day.

Love is a choice and I choose to love you.
No matter what the world may say.
I love you and will forever.
Forever... forever and a day.

The notes slowly die away and Sparky is still looking over to Faith's quiet form. Leaning on his guitar, he takes a deep breath and lets it out in a sigh. Forever... he didn't want it to end so quickly. He didn't want to have to wait until death for forever to begin. But the more hours that went by, the closer they were to saying goodbye.

Eric takes a sip of soup after blowing on his spoon. "Mmm." He smiles at Wendy in thanks for her bringing him his lunch. He couldn't believe how long he'd been cooped up in this bunk house, but it was better than what the alternative could have been.

His infection had worsened to the point where Angel and Jim were ready to take him to the hospital, but only by the grace of God had his fever begun to lessen. It had been a severe enough condition that he'd been unable to even sit up for days, but slowly, so slowly, the infection had begun to dissolve. Being able to sit up now and actually have lunch for the third day in a row was a treat, though the color in his face hadn't quite returned yet. He didn't remember a whole lot about this last week or so, but he was told that he'd come awfully close to what no one wanted to think about.

"Thank you, Wendy." The chicken soup hit the spot. "You can tell your mom I was a good boy and ate something." He winks at her. "Then neither of us will get into trouble."


Hope could tell Scott was desecrated but why she didn't know. In a way it was good to see him with his mind on something else and not with what was going on with him.

"Mmmm...how about La Rock at noon?"

She didn't really mind where they went as long as she got to see Scott. Talking to him made her smile no doubt but seeing him would be even better.

"Maybe afterwords we can catch a movie or something, I miss spending time with you."

"Well at least your good at controlling things."

Ryan new her voice seemed a little cold but she new Axel would understand it wasn't him. Ryan just felt tired, lost, and she hated feeling this way. Maybe if her and Alec spent more time together it would be different but it felt like she was left with nothing, because she had nothing to hold onto.

Looking up at Axel Ryan gives him a look of sorrow. She new he would understand but still she couldn't feel bad for snapping.

"Sorry Axel..I'm just....something or other."

Ryan gives a little chuckle. At least Axel was over near her and talking. The other guys they seemed distant since her and Leo broke it off. Not avoiding her, just not going out of there way ether. Maybe because it just felt awkward.

"Thanks for just being there. Hows Jess doing?"

A smile forms on Cassy's lips when she see Leo. Having herd the guys in the back she thought it was kind of funny. Giving a wave and a small shake of her head Cassy felt a little silly.

"Hey Leo. No, no car trouble unless there has to be for us to talk."

Cocking her head to one side her lips curl in a small smile. Seeing Leo in his element was nice, where her friend worked, what he did with his days.

Straightening again she breaks her gaze from Leo looking around the shop quick taking everything in before looking back to him again. Feeling a little strange for asking him for help.

"I had some stuff I had to bring where my new studio is going to be and I was wondering if maybe today or tomorrow when you get off work if you could give me a hand. I don't want to push my luck in lifting anything heavy."

Taking the break off the top of her sandwich Bree poked at the ham for a moment before finally breaking a peace off eating it.

"Yeah, we can do something if you want."

Pulling another peace Bree eats it, wishing she was a little happier. In time they said, in time she would be ok. Would she? Maybe when Gunner was out she would be? Was she stained for the rest of her life? Bree could only hope not.

"Do you think Mom and Dad are going to try anyways? ...to get me again? I still...don't even know why!"

Giving a smile and going to the stove Thirteen opens it up and grabs a pot holder to pull out the large pizza pan and putting it on top of the stove. Bringing the the garlic spread over Thirteen spreads a thin layer on top before replacing them in the over once again.

Turning back to Ryder Thirteen smiles again. She felt good today, it was nice out, she was in an ok mood, and later she would be going through her pictures to make up her album. It was a good day.

"Hey Ryder, do you think maybe when Carson came back he'd let me help him cook more? I like it better back here than out there with all the people."

New girl?

Scott hears the phone and lets it ring a few times before answering it, still looking at the pictures. Hearing Hope's voice, a smile creases his lips. "Sorry I hadn't called - I was just finishing up a project."

He leans down to switch around a couple pictures, cocking his head again as he studies them. "Lunch? Yeah... yeah, anything but Chinese. You name the place." He'd skipped breakfast, so probably some lunch would be good.

Squinting as his photos, he takes one off the table and rearranges them again, clearly distracted from his phone conversation as he mumbles a few things to himself about the pictures.

"Um, what time and where?"

Axel cocks his head at Ryan, watching her for a moment. Ever since she and Leo had broken up, she just hadn't been the same. Her spark was missing somehow. The other guys hadn't seemed to notice it too much, but Axel had. He didn't know if it was just because she was apart from Leo or if there was more, but it wasn't his business.

"Sometimes change hurts," he muses, still cleaning the tools. "Always figure though that the future is mine to make. How I react to changes paves the way for what will happen next. I get to decide whether the changes result in good or bad." He chuckles. "Call me a control freak."

At the other end of the shop, Miles lifts his head while trying to fix a tire. Had he heard someone. When Darell was gone, sometimes customers had to wander back into the garage to find someone. Craning his neck, he spots a young woman behind the glass door to the front.

"Yo, Jed! Customer!"

Jed had his head in a car and grumbles. "Would you mind?"

"You turnin' down a chick?"

Jed's head pops up, hitting the hood with a bang. "Wha...?"

By now, Leo had heard them and had looked down that way as well. He recognized the visitor and starts to smile. "I got it, boys. You just keep on playing."

He gets a rag to the back of his head, but keeps on walking anyway until he was into the office area. "Well... if it isn't Cassy." He wipes his hands on a rag, but the grease just wouldn't go away. "What's up? Car trouble?"

Back in the garage, Miles quirks an eyebrow at Jed, looking over to Ryan, then to where Leo had gone. New girl? He shrugs and gets back to work.

JT grins and takes a sandwich. "You and your critters."

Bowing his head, he gives a short prayer for the meal and for Gunner - the routine now. At this point, he wanted Gunner released more for Bree's sake than anything. He was watching his niece fade away and it was heart-wrenching.

"I gotta work tonight so I have the afternoon off. Wanna go do something?"

Ryder looks to Thirteen as she comes up to him and smiles. "You think I'd turn down your help? I don't want you to go home either. I'd be too lonely."

"Hey!" Dani retrieves another order. "What are Aerith and I? Chopped liver?"

Ryder turns his head. "Oh, are you still around?"

Dani throws him a smirk then walks away, a grin on her face. She liked working with Carson, but sometimes having Ryder to banter with was a treat.

Ryder winks at Thirteen. "I always want your help. Check on those breadsticks, would you?"