
Those in need

Jason stands, smiling as he wraps his arms around Misty in a hug. "You better, since I'm staying the night."

Bending down, he gives her lips a long, tender kiss before pulling back. "Goodnight. Sleep well." 

It would feel strange tonight, knowing he'd be off security duty tomorrow. It was only right though, and it did seem the threat of the Agency had passed. Whether he agreed with how Carson had handled things or not, he did agree that the note was a sign things would be quiet for a while. 

Settling in the chair for the night, Jason kept his ears open just in case. His mind was pretty far away though. It circled him and Misty. Carson. What the future held. And he just didn't know...

Alec gained little sleep through the night, and even less rest. He'd often wondered at people who claimed to have heartache. He'd always thought they were silly and just needed to buck up. But now...now he could relate. And it wasn't fun. And he didn't know how to buck up. 

As the morning came though, he knew he couldn't sit around all day. He needed to clear his mind. Think about something else. So rising early, he made sure not to startle Jason, then left a note for Misty, letting her know he'd be out job hunting, then back at the house later to work in the shed. And this time he did take his phone with him. He knew he was free and that Misty didn't mind whatever he chose to do with his time... but he did feel badly for worrying her yesterday and he didn't want to do it again...

...It was a few hours later after some mindless driving around town and stopping by a few places for some job applications. As Alec heads down a familiar street though, he had the same thought he'd had the night before. He wasn't a hundred percent sure what his point was, but since the notion was still with him today, well... he might as well follow through. It would probably do nothing good, but it couldn't make things worse, and at this point he had very little to lose anyway. Approaching the door of Mom and Pop's, he was quite prepared to be thrown out. It wasn't like it hadn't happened before.

It was early yet, but finding the front door open, Alec enters cautiously, letting the bell ring above his head. He didn't want to startle his brother though. "Carson? You here?"

Hearing the bell then a familiar voice, Carson bristles. What on earth was Alec doing here? The restaurant had only been open for half an hour and it wasn't lunchtime yet. Sighing, he emerges from the kitchen, hands on hips. "What do you want, Alec?"

Alec bites his lip and stops before reaching the counter. He'd rehearsed his words over and over in his mind, but it wasn't the same as actually speaking them. It wasn't even something he'd usually say but... this time was just...different. 

 "I just, um.... well, I guess I just wanted to say how sorry I am about how things have worked out for you." He shrugs. "I can't imagine what it feels like... or how you're managing... but I sorta got a taste yesterday of having my heart ripped in two 'cause the one I love doesn't want anything to do with me anymore. So... I guess it sorta gave me a new perspective on what you're going through and... I just wanted to say I'm sorry that there hasn't been anything I could do to help."

Carson blinks. His ire was quickly diminishing, from the sheer shock of Alec's sincere tone. Did he really mean what he said? Was he just putting on an act? For some reason, Carson didn't think so. He wasn't sure he'd ever seen Alec so sincere. And... his words were... surprising. "You came all the way over here just to say that?"

Alec shrugs again. "Yeah. I mean I was riding around looking for work, but yeah, that's all I wanted." He cocks his head, studying Carson for a moment. He'd lost weight... his eyes were dark... he had the look about him like that of a lost man. Alec knew - he saw that same look every time he looked in a mirror. "You doin' okay?"

Carson scoffs and moves forward to lean an elbow on the counter. "I'm surviving. Be a whole lot better if I had my wife back, but apparently that's my fault." He pauses, unsure where this whole thing was going. Was Alec to be trusted? Did he even want to start this dialogue? His heart won out. "How's Misty?"

"Fine." Alec nods. "Doing well. She misses you."

Carson's eyebrows rise. "She coulda fooled me."

"Yeah, well, it's the principle of the thing. You done her wrong. Just 'cause she misses you doesn't mean she's gonna give in. She's doing alright though."

"And she and Jason?"

Alec purses his lips. "What do you want me to say?"

"I dunno." Carson shrugs before sighing. "That they're not that close. That it's just a surface relationship so she's got somebody to lean on. That they're more friends than anything." He sees Alec's eyes and shakes his head. "But I know it's not the truth. So I guess I don't want you to say anything."

Alec nods slowly. "Yeah... well... she's being taken care of so that you don't have to worry about."


Alec shifts his weight awkwardly a moment before backing up a step. "I guess I'll go. I'll probably see you around sometime."

"Yeah, okay." Carson watches as Alec heads for the door, when something unexpected happens in his heart. "Alec?"

Alec stops and looks over his shoulder. "Huh?"

"Three nights a week. Nine to midnight. Dishes and floors - that sort of thing. It's not much but... I'll pay you for it."

Alec can feel himself tense from simple shock. He'd been turned down flat once before when he'd been looking for work. "I... really?"

"I only offer once."

"Well yes... sure... I mean of course. It's better than what I got now and that's nothing."

"Good. See you tomorrow night then."

A small smile spreads across Alec's lips. "Okay. Thanks." 

Clint cocks his head, watching Chad and Rosalyn interact and processing the man's words. He did seem sincere...and either a total flirt, or in love. Maybe both. But Clint had to admit that he liked him. He wasn't sure why... maybe it was the way he held Rosalyn like she was really worth something - not just a prize he was after. And he had come quite a ways just to see her. No matter what Jim thought, Clint considered it to be a neat gesture to say the least. And his sister seemed so happy with him. How could he give her a bad time?

Taking another swig of coffee, he grins. "Getting your head chopped off is just one way to lose it. Careful with that girl you got there... she's pretty capable of making you lose your head too."

Rosalyn scoffs, but can't help the little smile. Slipping her arm around Chad's waist, she leans her head on his chest and sticks her tongue out at her brother. "Shush, you."

"Hey now. gotta give a man a fighting chance. We stick together, ya know. If I didn't give him a little help at least, I'd feel bad."

"Sure you would." 

"Mm-hmm." Clint nods before another sip of coffee, after which he shakes his head vigorously. "Wowza... I think I'm already awake. Which means I need to get back to working on that stupid tractor." His eyes move back to Chad. "If she gets to be too much today, come on over to the shop. No women allowed there, and I do offer shelter to those in need." 

Entering the dining hall a little cautiously, Dylan's eyes sweep the tables. He didn't usually come in here in the mornings, unless he wanted some coffee, so it was a little odd to see him there. But today he had a task to do before he forgot. 

Spotting Stacy over at one of the tables, he heads in her direction, figuring he had a few minutes before Eric would show up. It seemed the two were together more often than not lately. 

Approaching slowly, he doesn't bother to sit down - he wasn't in the habit of intruding. "Hey, Stacy?" He chews the inside of his lip. Though things had been going pretty well lately, he still felt a little awkward addressing her directly. "Um... I gotta go to town sometime soon and... I know you'll prolly hafta go with me. I just wondered when it might be a good time for you." In truth, it was some new jeans that he needed. He was finally gaining some weight, and though it was much healthier, his waist was needing another size up. "I can find somebody else to drive if you don't want to," he adds.

Worth It

Misty can't help but laugh as she gives another sip of her tea. She did enjoy cooking for Jason and for Alec. It was nice to not just be herself and limit what she had to make though she did have a bigger appetite now it just wouldn't be the same on her own.

   "Hey you wont to still come over and let me cook for you I have no problem with that at all."

Giving another smile to Misty finishes off her tea before getting up and putting her glass into the sink. Coming back to the table and giving a yawn Misty new she should get some sleep. She did have work tomorrow.

   "Well, as much as I don't want to I should probley get some sleep. See you in the morning?"

   "Ha, I did hear Angel was good, but I am not to worried about losing my head. However if anyone tries it was worth it. Rosalyn is pretty special and I'd be a fool to just walk away no matter the price i must pay."

Looking to Rosalyn and giving a smile sometimes Chad didn't even know his words were poetic till they were already said. By than it was to late to take them back, not that he wanted to anyways. He meant what he said about Rosalyn and it he was more than proud to express his feelings.

   "Sometimes you have to take a risk to get the sweet reward. So I am gonna stick around and try not to lose my head."

Giving a wink to Rosalyn and moving a few steps closer to her Chad slings his arm over her shoulder and leans down giving the top of her head before pulling her closer a little. Taking another sip of his coffee Chad smacks his lips together after. The coffee was a little bitter but it would wake him up for sure.

Letting out a long sigh Victoria lets her hand drop as Garret stands. She can't help the sigh following knowing what he was saying really was true. This would never get better, this would never end, and once her grandfather was dead, someone else would take over. It might even be her and that made her feel even sicker inside.

Just watching Garret walk away Victoria sits a little while longer looking out across the garden. No for them things would always be the same. There was no way out, and this, this was there life for now, and maybe always. Why it seemed to start bothering her more now Victoria wasn't sure but she had to get her head back into the game before she slipped.