
Chaotic Moment

Watching Karla walk away, Kip tried to say something, but the words caught in his throat. Though he reached out to her, she was gone. His feet felt as though they were glued to the ground. He wanted to run after her. He wanted to say he was sorry at least a hundred more times. He wanted to scream. But this is what he deserved, and he knew it.

With head hanging, he eventually wandered in the direction of home again. Hands in pockets and shoes scuffing the pavement, he walked as a wounded soul. Wounded by his own actions. His own poor choices. Choices that had broken someone's heart.

Getting back to the house, he was surprised to see someone sitting on the porch in one of the patio chairs. Nearing though, he realized it was Gramps. Still, both he and Gram were usually in bed by now. Kip approached cautiously, just wanting to go to bed himself, and pretend that nothing around him existed anymore. But even though he tried to get away with just a little wave, Gramps gestured to the chair next to him.

Sighing, Kip obeyed and sank down, his eyes falling to the porch floor. Gramps studied him for a moment before letting his gaze roam the nighttime surroundings. "Her name was Barbara." It seemed a bizarre place to start talking, and Kip's eyebrows rose.

"I knew her all through grade school and into high school," Gramps continued. "I liked her. A lot. Figured one day I might even marry her." He folded his arms and leaned back as the memories filtered through his mind.

Kip took the bait. "What happened?" he asked quietly.

Gramps shrugged. "I messed things up. Made a big mistake. We fought. It was entirely my fault, even though at the time I wasn't going to admit it for anything." He had to chuckle about it now. "Yes...that was one young lady I'll always remember. I dare say she was my first love."

Kip swallowed hard. "So it...was over...between you two?"

"Yep. That was it. I tried for a while to get back together with her, but she wouldn't have any part of it."

"Are you telling me that I may have screwed things up with Karla permanently?"

Gramps thought for a few quiet moments. "If I hadn't lost Barbara, I never would have met Gram. And I thank God every day for her. I'm not saying a future with Barbara wouldn't have been great. But God worked things out in my life that turned out even better than I'd hoped - in spite of my own silly mistakes."

Had Kip really lost Karla? Surely not. Surely she'd forgive him...right? It might take a while but...but she'd come around, wouldn't she? He'd hear from her and they'd talk things through, and he'd promise never to be stupid like that again, and they'd be okay....right? He focused on a splinter of wood in the floorboards before he finally got to his feet again. "I'm glad you found Gram," he concluded softly. But he really didn't want to think about his own mess anymore right now. He just wanted to go to bed.

Even in bed though, his phone was tucked under his pillow with the volume up. Just in case. Karla could text or call any time, and he wouldn't want to miss it. But he didn't hear from her. Not that night. Not for the next few days. Countless times he started to call or text her, but stopped himself. What could he say anyway? Maybe she just needed time. And then everything would be okay. He'd give her space, and then things could get back to normal.

It was an odd kind of feeling as Jason pulled out of the Elite parking lot with Wyatt tailing close behind in his jeep. It had been such a good evening, and such a long time since Jason had really enjoyed himself like that. He didn't really want it to end...but nothing would last forever. And too soon, the next day had come...

“Hello, Mike Reese?”

Reese stood from his desk as the newcomer entered. He was a medium-height, thin man, clean shaven with dark hair, dressed in nice pants and button-down shirt, and appeared to be in his mid-thirties. Reese acknowledged him with raised eyebrows. “Yes. Agent Young?”

“Yes.” He extended a handshake and polite smile. “But call me Kirk.”

“As long as you call me Reese like everyone else.”

Kirk chuckled. “You got it.” He set his briefcase down and glanced around the office. “So, um…I assume you’ve been brought up to speed.”

“Of course.” Reese moved around to his computer and clicked the send button. The memo he’d had saved for days was now sent to everyone’s computers so they’d immediately see it.

Heads up. Agent Kirk Young from the FBI will be with us for several days. He will be observing our operations and filing a report with the Bureau. This is not a test, or threat – simply do your jobs, answer any questions he has, and be on your best behavior. Yes, we are under scrutiny. Agent Young’s report may or may not affect the future of the Elite. If you have any questions, let me know. Carry on.

“We have several empty cubicles out on the main floor – let’s get you settled.”

Kirk nodded his thanks. “Alright. Lead the way.”

"I'm fine!"

"You're bleeding!"

"It's just a scratch!" Jason yanked his arm away from Wyatt as they walked through the main floor of the Elite.

"Even a scratch should be taken care of!"

Reese stopped in his tracks on his way to showing Kirk around. "What on earth is going on here?"

"We got shot at," Wyatt stated flatly. "That's what's going on. Or more accurately, our hitman had this hothead in his sites."

Jason rolled his eyes. "I'm fine. It was just a cheap shot."

"That grazed your arm only because you bet to tie your bootlace! It woulda been your head otherwise!"

"But it wasn't!"

"Hold it!" Reese held up his hand. "Did you get any kind of lead on the shooter?"

Wyatt shook his head. "I dug the bullet out of the doorframe and my guess is it's from some kind of high powered rifle. I followed the angle and couldn't see anywhere the shooter could have hidden, so I'm guessing he was quite a ways away, which increases the risk since we may never get a glimpse of him before he shoots."

Reese gritted his teeth and looked back at Jason. "Have Rick look at your arm."


"No arguments. I wanna make sure that bullet wasn't laced with any poison. Wyatt, take Pete and see if you can figure out anything else."

Garret had been avoiding stopping by the infirmary. Not because he wanted to avoid Aaron – on the contrary, he wanted to see him. But he also knew it would just stir up trouble that he’d get blamed for. Today though, as he wandered down the hall towards the main floor out of boredom, a commotion stopped him.

“Get back in bed this instant!” Rick’s stern voice rang out into the hall before being followed by a loud crash and clattering of infirmary paraphernalia. Aaron stumbled through the doorway, his eyes darting wildly at these surroundings as he tried to find an exit. He fell against the wall as his leg buckled under his weight, and by the look on his face, it was excruciatingly painful.

“Aaron!” Garret barked and jogged the rest of the way down the hallway.

“Get away from me,” Aaron hissed. He stepped forward again, and again almost fell. Sweat poured down the sides of his face and he shot Garret a warning glare. “You can’t keep me here. No one can.”

“Well what…” Garret glanced back to the infirmary. What had happened to Rick? “You can’t leave.”

“Watch me.” Aaron took another painful step.

“Don’t do it,” Garret warned. “I’m not asking.”

Out on the main floor, Justin had just come in to see Reese, then make an initial assessment on Aaron for the books. He paused by the little group though, sensing something was wrong. "Hey guys. What's..." His sentence trailed off as they heard the commotion down the hall, and all of them automatically headed that direction. As they got to the hall though, they hadn’t expected such a ruckus as they found.

Aaron ignored Garret and took another step towards the freedom he thought he could find. But Garret wasn’t going to let him ruin what he had here. “Aaron,” he ordered, “one more time. You can’t leave. I will stop you.”

“You’re a traitor,” Aaron spat out. “That’s all you’ll ever be.”

Garret wasn’t going to let Aaron cause trouble – not when he was trying so hard to establish trust here. To establish a new beginning. He stepped forward and grabbed Aaron’s arm.

Aaron tore himself away and stood straighter, despite the pain in his knee. “Touch me again, and you’ll regret it.”

Garret was done talking, and aimed a fist a Aaron’s face.

Aaron blocked and tried to get his own punch in, but failed.

Garret grabbed his arm and torqued it – hard – making Aaron turn against the wall. “Back in the infirmary. Now.”

But Aaron was not in the mood for cooperating. Fighting against Garret’s strength, a short brawl ensued, though Garret took no hits, while Aaron’s own face received several punches. The scuffle ended with Aaron caught in a strong headlock from behind, struggling to breathe.

“Garret!” Reese stopped in his tracks at the hallway. “Stand down!”

Garret’s gaze snapped up but he didn’t let go.

Reese’s eyes narrowed in a warning. His hand went to his sidearm, but Justin stopped him. “No. Let him go.”

“What?” Reese hissed. “Are you kidding me?”

Justin shook his head. “Somebody’s gotta be the alpha dog. If you’re ever gonna tame Aaron, let Garret do this.”

Garret wasn’t sure what was being said, but continued his hold on Aaron until his struggling slowly subsided and he slumped down in Garret’s grip. Now that he was rendered unconscious, Garret grabbed him under his arms and dragged him backward, back to the infirmary.

Reese relaxed and rolled his eyes. "Justin, go see what's going on. Jason, go with him and get yourself taken care off and check on Rick. Wyatt..." He glanced at his son, too stressed to even think straight. "Go find Pete and work on finding that shooter." He turned around and almost ran right into Kirk - he'd forgotten he was even there. "So how about we find that empty desk for you to set up?"

Kirk's eyebrows were arched and his gaze implied there was plenty he'd like to say, but he held his tongue and just nodded instead. "Lead the way."

In the infirmary, Rick was dabbing a cut on his head, with Misty's help. Aaron had broken loose and knocked him over while Rick was trying to administer a shot. Taken so off guard, Rick had been dazed and just let Aaron go, knowing he wouldn't get far anyway, and simply let Misty help get him back on his own feet. 

Looking up as Garret came in dragging Aaron, Rick smirked. "Is he alive?"

"Of course he is." Garret shoved Aaron's limp form up on the bed and huffed a sigh. "He'll be out for a little while, but you better watch him."

"No kidding." Rick nodded to Misty. "Thanks. I think I'm alright now." His pride was more hurt than anything else. Ready to get back to work, he was then surprised at Jason's entrance. "What happened to you?" 

"Bullet." Jason glanced at Misty and grimaced. "Just a scratch. But your overprotective uncle made me come."

"Oh for crying out loud." Rick rolled his eyes. "Misty, take care of him, would you? I'll get our unconscious friend over here settled." 

Justin leaned on the open doorway and studied the chaotic scene with just a little bit of amusement. So much for his initial assessment. It would be hard talking to a guy who was dead to the world at the moment. 

Jared turned his head in the hopes that Grace wouldn't take note of his tears. He'd always been on top of the world. At the head of the pack. One step in front of everyone else. And now...now he was a pathetic excuse for a man - not even capable of taking care of himself, let alone just walking across the floor. And just when he thought things couldn't get worse, they did. When on earth was it going to end?

He closed his eyes and decided to just let himself fall asleep if he could, rather than trying to talk anymore. There was little point anyway...even if Grace's words did linger in the back of his mind...

...It was several days later. Stabilized with new medication, Jared had been released from the hospital with the doctor's approval to continue as he had been with physical therapy and daily activities, as long as he didn't have any more seizures. His emotional state was something else altogether though.

Stretched out sideways across the porch swing was usually one of Jared's favorite places to be. But this afternoon as the dark clouds covered the sun and the rain fell, he just wanted to be back inside in bed. Unfortunately, his mother had forced him up and had helped him out here, intentionally leaving his crutches just out of reach so he'd have to stay a while. Still in an old t-shirt and sweatpants, he hadn't even bothered to dress more than that this morning. It just felt too hard anyway.

A painful muscle spasm in his back made him cringe and curse under his breath. Pointless. That's what his life was. Pointless. He stared out at the rain and barely noticed the low rumble of thunder in the distance. He'd lost track of time and didn't even think about the fact that Grace was supposed to come today for his therapy.


Sitting down on one of the swings Karla could feel her heart beat faster and faster. Something was not right and Kip stammering just proved it even more. Listing to his words and not being able to get any of her own Karla stiffened at Whitney's name. She wasn't the jealous type but she didn't like Whitney at all, she was trouble and just bothered her.

As Kip continued Karla could feel sadness, and maybe even a little anger show on her face. This was really happening? Kip really let this happen? She couldn't describe how betrayed she felt. She reality didn't expect Kip to honestly do this. Getting up from the swing Karla just looked at Kip for a moment.

   "I...I don't know what to say Kip. I'm angry, I'm disappointed...I just don't know. I need time to think about this. Just...I need to go."

Turning Karla walked away heading back the way she came. She was just to upset to stand there anymore. It wasn't till she was a little bit away that tears sprung into her eyes. Her life was just starting to get on track and now this was here to just rune it all.

Getting home Karla didn't bother to say hi to anyone, she didn't even bother getting a snack. She went right up to her room closing the door behind her. Throwing herself on her bed and buring her face in a pillow she let out a long scream as the tears just continued to fall.

Getting back to the Elite Katie had to admit to herself she was sad the night was over. It had been a good one and it was nice to have hung out with friends. The friends, food, music it had all been nice, and a nice change. It had been far to long.

Turning to face Jason a little Katie smiles just looking at him for a long moment. It had been a nice night. A little sad at times as she remembered the days long gone, but mostly happy as she built a new friendship, and saw old friends once again.

   "Any time you know that, it's what I am good at, and the world would be a lot less exciting without you in it so I might as well. Nite J, take care and I'll see you tomorrow."

   "Mmmm...I don't have an answer to that unfortunately. The only thing I could imagen is sometimes we have to hit rock bottom before we can start going up again."

Grace thinks for a moment before coming and sitting on the bed again. She wished she had all the answers, it would make so many things better. Specially now and with what Jared was going through.

   "I wish I had all the answers for you, and I wish I could tell you everything happens for a reason, but I can't because I simply dont know. All I do know is we have to keep pushing on, smiling when we don't want to and kick life in the face when things are not fair and I want to be there to help you because I care."