

As Cindy enters the office Rosetta looks up from her desk. Giving a smile it soon fades seeing the look on Cindy's face. It makes her heart race and her stomach churn. It was a look that said something was wrong and Cindy was in a great deal of pain.

Hearing the news about Wes Rosetta's stomach crunches even more and it almost feels like she is going to be sick. After everything, everything that happened it was something like this that had take Wes down. Rosetta wanted to stand she wanted to go and hug Cindy but her legs just wouldn't work. They felt like jello as he skin went cold and a tear runs from her own cheek. Rosetta couldn't imagine what Cindy must be feeling.

"Please, if you need someone to talk to I am only a phone call away."

Rosetta wanted to say more but before she could Cindy was gone. Just sitting there for a while longer what her and Mick had been working on before was now gone. Her heart hurt and as she looked over at Mick it hurt even more. He very well could have just lost his brother and seeing the tears from him it make her heart hurt even more.

Finding the strength to stand Rosetta goes over to Mick's hand and sets a hand down on his shoulder before kneeling in front of him and wrapping her around around him. Letting her own tears just flow she comforted her husband at the same time. No words could ease this pain, only time, and hope two things that would not come easly but they would come. As for night now, tears and sarrow is what they were left with.

Moving on the couch Trey realized if can't roll one way and he can't move his legs either. Put on guard he sits up with a start. Sitting up and looking around he see a bundle of fur on his legs, and other can't at his side, and one on the back of the couch staring at him. Trying to remember what was going on a sharp pain courses through his head and the smell of coming cooking seems to making his stomach churn. Quickly he remembers what was going on and where he was.

Shaking his head he can't help but think about how much of an idiot he was. It was apparent though three of the five cats liked him. Laying back down and putting an arm over his eyes his hand comes to the cat that was next to him letting his fingers run through its fur. Did it really have to be morning? How much trouble was he going to be in when he got back to TJY? What did Ariel think of him now?

"Come on puss you gotta move. All of ya."

Shooing the cats down off of him Trey sits up holding his head still before standing and swaying again trying to regain his balance. He felt slightly drunk still but not nearly as bad as last night. Following the smells into the kitchen he stands in the doorway a moment just watching Ariel. Why...why did she care? The question still lingered in his mind.

"Do you have any aspirin?"


Ariel almost grabs the glass as Trey just about drops it, but relaxes when he sets it down before spilling it. Seeing him suddenly conk out, she sighs. "You'll be okay," she murmurs. "If you just let someone in... you'll be okay." She knew he'd had a rough life. And she knew that no one's life was easy. But if he'd just allow people to help him and be his friends... he'd still be okay no matter what trials were thrown his way. Ultimately, she prayed that one day he'd also let God in his life.

Finally standing, Ariel reaches to Trey and gently moves him so he's lying down. Picking up his feet, she takes off his shoes and tucks his legs on the couch too, giving a wry grin as she realized just how long his legs really were. Grabbing a nearby blanket, she spreads it over him before running her fingers through his hair. She knew he'd be dead to the world for the night. "Sleep well, Trey."

"Now what?"

Ariel looks up at Colt who had just come back to the living room. She shrugs. "He stays. He just passed out."

"He's going to feel lovely in the morning."

"No kidding."

Colt cocks his head. "Shall we sit in the kitchen so you can give me the whole story?"

Ariel sighs. "Yeah." Following him to the kitchen, she pours them both a glass of Mountain Dew before sitting down across from him at the table. "You get a hold of Pete?"

"Mm-hmm... He sounded ticked - apparently he'd been looking for Trey? Glad to know he was here though and I convinced him not to come."

For that, Ariel was grateful. She hadn't told Colt about Trey, just because it was supposed to be someone secret, as far as her role, and she didn't want her brother to worry about her either. Though they saw each other all the time, they did have separate lives. It wasn't always that they hung out or spent an evening together like today. When adding all that up, she was sure Colt was utterly confused now. He didn't know who Trey was, he had no idea why Pete or the Elite were involved, or why on earth Trey was drunk to begin with. He really had been patient. And Ariel gives him a weary smile. "Well, a while back, Pete called me..."

That night, Colt bunked down on the office floor, refusing to leave Ariel alone with Trey. She was just as glad - not scared, but feeling better that her big brother was there. Resting well, the next morning she rose first and started cooking a breakfast of scrambled eggs and sausage for anyone who wanted it.

Dylan hoped he was actually welcome in the barn. He hadn't felt up to going out there earlier but now...

"Yeah, okay..." He backs into his bunkhouse and grabs his socks and boots. Returning, he sits on the porch step he finishes up before standing again. "I'm... not sure what anybody will want be doing but... I'll go with ya." He shrugs. "Probably if my dad sees me, he'll put me to work cleaning stalls."

Mick looks up from his desk in the office where he'd been working with Rosetta on some finances. Having a heard a knock, he now sees Cindy waiting to be invited in. "Hey, Cindy." He smiles. "Come on in."

She accepts. Slowly. And steps inside, her eyes drifting from Mick to Rosetta and back again.

Mick tenses. She wasn't smiling back. Something wasn't right. "What is it? What's wrong?"

Cindy swallows hard. She'd dropped Kaylee off at Becky's without explaining why yet. She wanted to tell Mick first. And Rosetta there was okay too. "I, um... I needed to come tell you something."

Mick gives Rosetta a worried glance before he stands up and goes around to be closer to his sister-in-law. "Go on..."

Cindy can't look him in the eye. He looked too much like his brother. "Yesterday... last night... Someone came to see me. He was a military officer."

Mick's gut twists. "And?" he prompts.

"And..." Cindy takes a deep breath and finally has the strength to look up again. "There was an explosion, and... they're doing all they can - which probably isn't a whole lot... but, um... Wes is... missing in action."

Stunned silence. Mick's breath catches in his throat an he looks to his wife as if hoping she were still in the room lest he not be able to stand. Looking back to Cindy, he sees her eyes reflecting pure agony. And it hurts. "Oh, Cindy..." He hurt. His brother was missing in action. That meant he was more than likely dead. His brother. Their family had stuck together and survived through trial after trial... and Wes had been the first to fall. All that could run through Mick's mind was, "Dear God, why?"

Cindy grits her teeth, trying so hard to remain strong. "I'm sorry..."

She was sorry? Mick had probably lost a brother... but Cindy was losing her husband. And she looked like she was ready to fall apart. "Don't be..." Stepping closer, he pulls her into a strong hug - to offer her comfort, but to also hide the tear that ran down his cheek.

Cindy rests her head against his chest, but doesn't stay for long. She was grateful for Mick's comfort, but it wasn't his comfort she longed for. Pulling back, she gives him a little nod. "I'm going to go back home now if... if you don't mind telling the others."

"Of course not." Mick gives her shoulder a squeeze. "If you need anything... at all... you let us know, okay?"

She nods. "Thanks, Mick." Looking to Rosetta she musters up a small smile before retreating. It was obvious that she did not want to stay.

Mick stares at the closed door for several moments before retreating to his desk chair again. Bending forward with his elbows on his knees, he takes a deep breath, but it didn't matter - the tears were going to come anyway. Putting his face in his hands, his shoulders tremble.


Siting on the couch with his head back Trey tilts it a little bit to look at a cat in the face than had been sniffing his hair. Rolling his eyes he was to tired from being drunk to bother shooing the car away. Not even realizing it though he's started to nod off.

As Ariel sits down Trey gives a little jump waking up. Looking to her and taking the water his gives a small nod before taking a sip. The liquid went down hard but he had to force it. If he could head off even a little of the hangover he as going to feeling in the morning than it was worth it.


Looking around the room for a second Trey trys to get his eyes to focus. It was hard at the moment but he wanted to know about his surroundings. Taking everything in Trey sips the water again before looking to Ariel.

"You....have a nice place."

Would he remember in the morning he had a feeling he would. If he's remember how to get to her place that would be another story all together. Giving a yawn Trey can feel himself start to nod off again. Almost dumping the glass of water he wakes a moment and leans forward to putt the glass down on the table.

"I just...gotta rest a second than I'll leave."

Closing his eyes again and leaning his head back Trey was out like a light. The alcohol taking over and finally knocking him out.

Ashlee understood what Dylan was saying but she didn't really understand what it was like but the good thing was he was home now again and for that she was happy. She kept the smile held on her face. If just being happy he was back helped Dylan than that was good and it made her happy.

"Well I'll have to thank Dan too. But you made the choose to come back and thats great too."

She wasn't sure how things would be. How her mom would be, or Mick but she hoped they would let them be friends still. Dylan was an ok guy and she enjoyed spending what little time they did spend together again.

"Want to come to the barn with me? I have some work to do but I bet Eric wont mind if you come either."