

Scott's initial hesitance to approach Hope only added to his surprise at her reaction to seeing him. Taken completely off guard by her embrace, for several moments he simply stands stunned. But slowly he slips his arms around her too.

Hugging her tightly, his eyes fall closed and a million and one thoughts race through his mind. How long had it been since he'd held her in his arms? Yet it was surely impossible for him ever to hold her again as he once had. Not after all he'd done and said to her. Not after he'd cut ties and all but burned bridges. Her muffled words bring him a strange sense of comfort. She forgave him. No matter the future between them, at least he was forgiven. And that alone made his courage to see her worth it.

Eventually he pries himself away before his emotions got the best of him. Her eyes looked tired... her face perhaps thinner than he remembered. He'd worried so much since she'd been sick. But she did look much better now than she had lying in the hospital bed. There was color in her cheeks... and somewhere deep ran a new spark - the spark of a survivor. One thing remained though, and that was a beauty - in and out - that had captured Scott long ago.

Yet even so, he just now spots the unexpected - tears. Cocking his head in near-bewilderment, he lifts a thin finger to her cheek. Brushing away the tears first on one side then the other, his gaze remains soft. "What are you crying for, hmm?" His voice was barely above a whisper. "You're one of the few people that had faith I'd be back."

He could curse his blind eye - he wanted to see her with whole vision... with completely clarity. He swallows hard. There was so much he wanted to say, yet with no way of saying it. So much he wanted to tell her, yet words just didn't fit. His palm cradles her face for just a moment before it drops and he slips both hands into his pockets. "I, um..." He bites his lip. "I wanted to stop by and see you," he finally manages. "I've been released... from Brookshire, and..." He shrugs. "I guess I wanted to let you know."

Right ahead of Ashlee, Dylan wasn't paying a whole lot of attention. He heard her behind him and hadn't thought about checking his speed. Listening to her explanation of the plant, his eyes remain on the undergrowth around them. As her words are broken off though and Dylan hears her fall, he stops short and spins around just in time to see the book go flying and her hit the ground hard.

Without even thinking, he's by her side in an instant, kneeling next to her. "Aw man, are you alright?" Hearing she was not, he cringes a little. "Here, let me take a look."

Reaching for her ankle, he pushes up her pantleg, trying to be careful. He'd sprained his own ankle once before and it was not a fun experience. Unable to see it clearly enough, he unties her shoe and loosens it as much as possible before slowly slipping it off her foot. As he does, he sees that her ankle already showed signs of swelling.

Glancing to Ashlee's face, only now does he realize that she had tears of pain, and probably embarrassment, streaming down her cheeks. And without him even knowing it, a genuine compassion shows in his eyes. "This might hurt," he warns gently. Using his hands carefully, he cups her ankle and presses ever so slightly, feeling the heat and trying to feel if anything was crooked or out of place. "I don't think it's broken," he concludes, "but I can't tell for sure. At the very least, you're right - you sprained it mighty good." He slips her shoe back on, but leaves it untied so it wouldn't be restricting.

Looking back at her again, he gives her a look of sympathy. "This is my fault. I should have been paying more attention to where I was leading you." Crawling nearer her head, he pulls a bandanna out of his back pocket and wipes her tears. He'd never admit that seeing a girl cry was something he couldn't stand. "It'll be alright. We just need to get you back so Angel can look at your ankle, okay?"

Tucking away his bandanna again, he straightens a little and offers his hands. "Think you can stand?"

"Nope. Ain't seen him since earlier." Eric coils up a rope he'd been using and hangs it in the barn.

Mick sighs and tilts his hat back on his head. Odd. He'd been looking for Dylan for about twenty minutes now and had come up empty handed. He was supposed to be doing his schoolwork, so assuming he was off fooling around didn't sit very well with Mick. "Alright. Thanks." Turning to go, he stops then swings back around again. "What about Ashlee?"

"Um..." Eric thinks, then shakes his head. "I thought I saw her out back with a book a while ago but I haven't seen her since. I was gonna have her help me bringing those horses but when I couldn't find her again, I figured she was busy or something."

"Okay. Thanks." More annoyed than concerned yet, Mick looks for a few more minutes then finally scouts around for Stacy just to be on the safe side. Finding her in the dining hall, he waves to get her attention. "Hey, Stacy. Have you seen Dylan this afternoon? I can't find him." He hoped that Ashlee wasn't missing too, like his gut suspected.

"Burn the eggs? Me?!" JT continues to scramble the eggs, allowing the conversation to move on from his slow-move-ed-ness. He grins. "Never!"

"Mmhmm." Gunner peers over his shoulder. "I see a black spot."

"You watch it or you're gonna be a black spot," JT threatens. "Watch your bacon."

Gunner grins and goes back to his own cooking. "Yes, Papa."

JT waves a spatula at him. "Boy, you're cruisn' for a bruisin' and it's barely morning. Do you always start this early?"

"Early?" Gunner shakes his head. "I'm a vampire. I've been up all night. This is late for me."

"We were all up late." JT's eyes narrow, remembering the commotion Gunner had caused upon entering the tent.

Gunner stifles a laugh. "Yeah, well... didn't anybody ever teach you not to lie in front of the doorway?"

"Eggs are ready!" JT lifts the pan from the fire, while changing the subject. "Get 'em while they're hot!"

Gunner lets the bantering die down for a while, at least so they could have a prayer and eat in peace. It wasn't until the meal was over that Gunner brings up the subject of a walk again. Standing and stretching tall, he nudges Bree. "So you gonna walk with me or what?"

"Hey," JT complains. "Who's gonna do the dishes?"

"You look mighty fine in an apron," Gunner quips. Grabbing Bree's hand, he drags her away from the campsite, yelling over his shoulder. "Amanda, keep an eye on him!"

Watching the two run off, JT shakes his head. Seated on a log and balancing his breakfast plate on his leg, he chuckles. "Those two... If I didn't love them so much, they'd be the death of me." Downing the rest of his coffee, he stands up and starts gathering the camp dishes. "I guess I'm on kitchen duty today."

Once in the trees out of sight from the camp, Gunner relaxes a little and leads the way to a well-worn path. "Mmm... this is nice. Fresh air. Sunshine. Sometimes I feel like the city's closing in on me, ya know?" His fingers lock with Bree's to hold her hand as they walk. "At least I got you to keep me sane..." His sentence drifts off. "Well... relatively sane," he teases.

It's a nice walk through the woods. Taking their time, they see a bit of small wildlife, take note of funny looking clouds, and eventually they wind up at a small cliff looking over a sparkling stream. They'd been walking for about half an hour and Gunner uses that as an excuse to pause. Looking out over the ridge and down to the stream, he points. "The water's so clear, I can see fish from here. I ought to tell JT to bring his rod up here instead of trying the pond."

Letting the silence linger, Gunner falls strangely quiet before speaking again, this time his voice softer than before and perhaps almost hesitant. "Ya know... spending time with you... well, I guess I figured I wasn't ever gonna find someone like you." His hand fiddles with hers, while his eyes remain on the scenery. "You're fun... and smart... and beautiful... and you put up with me and my quirks. I don't know how, but you do."

Chuckling, he finally turns to face Bree. His cheeks were slightly flushed. "I don't know if you realize how much you mean to me. I don't know how I survived so long without you, to tell you the truth." He swallows hard. I guess, um.... well, I guess I wouldn't wanna find out if... if I could survive without you again. That said, um... I... well, see I..."

Gunner's stammering is brought to a sudden halt as out of nowhere he winces and smacks the back of his neck. Bringing his hand back down, he stares into his palm where there lay a killed yellow jacket. Just looking at it for a moment, he blinks. "Hey, Bree?" His voice had changed yet again, but this time it was a strange tone of concern. "I... never told you I was deathly allergic to bees, did I?" He could already feel the immediate formation of a painful welt where he'd been stung.

Dumping the insect on the ground, his eyes find Bree's. There was no playfulness in his gaze this time - only dead seriousness. "I sure hope one of those doctors has something with them back at camp. Otherwise I'm in big trouble." They needed to get back to the campsite - and fast.

Grabbing Bree's hand again, he pulls her back to the path at a fast pace. "If I can't make it all the way, leave me and get help," he directs.

The scent of bacon wafted on the air, filling Justin's nostrils with the tantalizing aroma and awakening his stomach. Shifting just a little, he feels strangely at home yet out of place at the same time. This didn't seem like his bed. He shifts a little more, sensing he was lying on couch cushions. Had he fallen asleep in his living room? If that were true, why was he smelling breakfast? No, wait... he wasn't on his couch... he wasn't in his home at all, was he?

Finally cracking open his eyes, he comes to the full realization that no, he wasn't in his home, but rather, he was in Beth's. And that realization brings an instantly strong feeling of embarrassment. He'd fallen asleep last night, hadn't he? On the couch? And Beth had let him sleep? All night? Now fully awake, he also realizes that he was under a nice warm blanket and resting his head on a regular bed pillow. Not only had Beth let him sleep, but she'd apparently made him comfortable as well. Knowing that did help this embarrassment fade - at least she hadn't been trying to get rid of him or something when he'd fallen asleep. He did remember now how quickly he'd tired while watching the movie. He must have drifted off quite soundly after that.

Managing to sit up, Justin runs a hand through his matted hair. He smells the bacon again and hears Beth moving around in the kitchen. She really was sweet. And thoughtful. And kind. And gracious. And... He shakes his head, grinning a little to himself.

Rolling off the couch, he stretches and tries straightening himself out a little, though he still looked like a wrinkled mess. Hearing Beth continuing to work on breakfast, he slips down to the bathroom to clean up a bit before returning. Wandering back to the kitchen a few minutes later, he feels much more alert than he had in days. He still needed a clean set of clothes and he needed a good shave too, but the good night's rest had done his spirits well and today looked just a bit brighter than yesterday.

Seeing Beth at the stove, he comes up behind her. "Mmm... what do we have here?" Reaching around her, he snitches a little piece of bacon that was done, and pops it into his mouth. "Perfect, just as I suspected." Leaning over her shoulder, he gives her a quick kiss on the cheek, being careful with his scratchy face. "Thanks for letting me stay last night."

Chance's eyes dash between the others, back and forth as the seconds tick by. Nate's threat makes his blood boil and anger flashes in his gaze, but he remains silent, his feet remaining still.

What does make him break his stance is feeling Destiny's hand slip into his. Looking down quickly and seeing it to make sure he felt it right, his eyes then rise to hers, questioning her intentions. Her plea for him to go with them strikes him straight to the heart. Did this mean... she forgave him? It was something he almost dared not hope for.

Nate snaps him back to attention with his gruff order to go, and he looks again to him, then to the car, then to the building where he knew Con was. His face showed a conflict of emotions, still not allowing him to move.

Wyatt sticks his head out the window of the car and yells at them. "Come on, you idiot!"

Con's voice crackles through to Nate and Wyatt. "For all we know, there could be more guys coming - we have to get out of here now before we're all caught."

Wyatt throws an arm in the air. "Nate! Bring him!"

Not waiting for Nate to hold to his threat, Chance straightens, his hand tightening around Destiny's. "I'll come," he relents. "Just don't blame me when we get back to base." Not explaining, he heads for the car, guiding Destiny beside him before opening the door for her and letting her in first.

Wyatt waits for Nate to get in too before pulling out of the parking lot. Once on the road and in the clear, he rolls his eyes. He glances in the rearview mirror. "You wanna explain yourself, Chance? Huh?"

Chance remains silent, his fingers still intertwined with Destiny's.

Wyatt shakes his head. "Did you really think we'd let you off that easy? Go to the enemy? Weasel your way in and do their dirty deeds while you don't have to worry about facing up to the Elite? Is that what you wanted to do?"

Chance lets his gaze move to the window to focus on the passing lights. He doesn't turn to look at Destiny - though hoping she had forgiven him, he wasn't ready to talk about it now... not that the two guys in the front seats would let him anyway. For now, his hand in hers would have to do.

Thankfully, the rest of the ride back to TJY was quiet, even though the air was full of tension. Once there, Wyatt pulls up front to park, getting out with Nate and waiting for Destiny and Chance. As they approach the building, Con's truck pulls up as well and he joins them.

The five of them walk in together and they don't make it halfway across the quiet main floor before being met by Reese. His eyes were wide in surprise at not only seeing Chance back, but Con as well. Surprise is quickly replaced with irritation, though, and while one might think he'd be pleased to see that they hadn't needed to sacrifice Chance, his expression was far from pleased. "What in the blazes is going on?!"

Con quirks an eyebrow. "Before you start yelling, just-"

"You had direct orders!" Reese was ignoring Con and pointing to Nate and Wyatt. His eyes snap to Chance. "And so did you."

Chance looks at him dimly. He still held Destiny's hand. "Your goons wouldn't let me go through with the trade."

"Wouldn't let...?" Reese glares at the others again. "I want to see you three in my office, right now." He points to Chance. "You take care of Destiny and go park yourself somewhere that I can find you." Grabbing the nearest phone, Reese dials Dalton's office. "Dalton! In my office, now!" He was smart enough to know the tech guy had to have been in on this too. Stalking towards his office, he leaves the others, knowing they'd follow.

Wyatt cringes and looks up at Nate then Con. "Well... this is going... well."

Con cocks his head. "What?"

"Nothing." Wyatt smirks and throws Nate another glance. "And here I thought we were doing something good." Starting forward, he makes sure the others are with him before getting to Reese's office.

Once everyone is there, Reese sits down behind his desk, glaring up at all four standing men - Nate, Wyatt and the two giants. "So you thought you'd do things your way, huh?"

"Look, it wasn't like that," Wyatt defends. "We just -"

"I gave you all direct orders," Reese snaps. "What were you thinking?"

Wyatt's face grows hot at being called down. "We were trying to save both of them, don't you understand? We didn't have to lose Chance."

"So you thought my decision was unwise."

"I didn't say that."

"I am sick and tired of you challenging my authority." Reese's eyes blaze. "There's only one reason you would have taken Con - how many people got shot?"

Wyatt would have preferred that Nate be in charge of answering the questions, but since he'd opened his big mouth first and was now the one being spoken to, he tries to remain cool and just reply to Reese. "We used tranquilizers to play it safe."

Reese shakes his head. "Do you have any idea what you risked?!"

"Of course we do!" Wyatt glances to the others for help.

Before anyone else can speak though, Reese cuts in. "It's Wyatt I'm talking to," he barks, keeping his eyes on his son.

Wyatt grits his teeth. "We were all in it together."

"I don't care! I had my reasons for telling you what to do. You, of all people, should have listened!"

"Why are you singling me out?! It wasn't just me!" Wyatt gestures to Nate. "He and I both set it up, and he was in charge!" He didn't want to lay blame, but he didn't want to take it all either.

"That's beside the point." Reese's eyes hold their glare. "I expect you to follow orders."

"Because I'm your son?" Wyatt regretted saying it, but it was too late. He was tired, angry, and just wanted to leave.

Reese stands up from his chair. "While you're in this building, you are a lieutenant. Nothing more, nothing less. If you want to bicker about me being your father, I suggest you save it for a more appropriate time. I expect more out of you, Wyatt. I've always been able to depend on you - until now."

Wyatt was seething. "What is the big deal? Why aren't you pleased we brought Chance back?"

"Because he was supposed to infiltrate the Underground and feed us information! That's why!" Reese slams his palm down on his desk. "We needed ultimate security to make it happen! He was going to be our guy on the inside so we could get a handle on what the Underground is really doing. But now it's all shot to pieces because of your grand ideas about doing things your own way!" His eyes drift between all of the men now. "I commend your ability to pull off this stunt, but I also recommend never doing it again. You're all dismissed."

Everyone was too stunned to leave immediately, and Wyatt only becomes angrier. "Thanks for risking your lives, guys," he comments sarcastically, mimicking what he'd expected to hear. "Thanks for getting Destiny out alive. Thanks for saving Chance from possible torture." His eyes narrow. "We didn't used to run on secrecy. A couple years ago we would have gotten a pat on the back for what we did tonight."

"Is that what you want?" Reese sits back down and stares up at his son. "Starting tonight, you're on probation."


"You heard me."

Shocked and angered, Wyatt spins on his heel and stalks out of the office before he could say anything else regrettable.

Reese points to the remaining three men. "I suggest you all call it a night unless you'd like to be on probation as well. I'll handle Chance and Destiny from here."

Back down the hall, Chance had guided Destiny to the break room where he gives her a chair at the table to sit. Grabbing his own chair, he sits down close to her and leans forward across the corner of the table, taking both of her hands in his. His eyes stare into hers, conveying his sorrow and concern. "Before we do anything else... Are you okay?"



Walking with Dylan, Ashlee does her best to keep up. She didn't want him to think she was a wuss or make him aggravated so he would want to turn around. It was a quiet walk but she didn't mind. Hearing the natural sounds and having Dylan talk here and there was nice in itself. Not to mention, adventuring a little was nice too. Her mom had told her not to go into the woods alone so she had stayed out. Now though, she was with someone and it was fun.

Moving over rocks, trees and brush, Ashlee was careful not to trip or fall. A few holes made from groundhogs or snakes were avoided too. It was dangerous ground for someone who didn't have the right hiking gear but Ashlee didn't mind.

"Umm...let me see here." Pulling out the book from her bag, she continues to walk as she thumbed through the pages, looking up now and then to see where Dylan was. The ground and all that was on it was going unnoticed, along with the rather large hole just steps away.

"I am looking for Asarum canadense. They grow low to the ground, like the shade and almost look like a lily pad. They mostly grow under bushes and other shrubs. It also says here tha..." Before she could get the rest of what she was saying out, Ashlee feels her foot sink into the ground and a snap in her ankle was soon to follow as a shooting pain ran up her leg. Tumbling to the ground, the book goes flying along with a puff of dirt and leaves where she had landed.

"Ouch...my ankle...I heard something snap in it." Along with the extreme amount of pain Ashlee felt as she held her ankle, tears formed in her eyes and she can't help but feel embarrassed she had fallen in front of Dylan too. All she could do was sit there, the silent sobs coming out. She had fallen before, but nothing had ever felt like this. Beads of sweat formed on her face, mixing with the tears. Almost instantly she could feel her ankle start to swell. "I think it's sprained or broken. It hurts to move...move it."

Heading into the tent, Bree did her best to stay quiet and not wake Amanda. She didn't know how long she had been sleeping but nonetheless, she wanted to be quiet as possible. Unzipping the sleeping bag and slipping inside, she lets out her breath. She had successfully avoided waking Amanda.

Closing her eyes and ready to drift off into sleep, Bree's eyes snap open again at the loud yelp and crashing of pans from the next tent over. So much for not waking anyone. Amanda sits up straight in the tent at the sound of the loud commotion. Her heart raced, not sure what was going on. Anything from the thought of a bear to a bobcat passed through her mind. Only after hearing Gunner's voice and the laughter that followed did she know what was going on.

Looking over at Bree, whose eyes were now wide and her own chuckles slip out, Amanda just shakes her head as she holds her own smile. "Are you sure he's a vampire?"

Letting out another laugh, Bree nods at Amanda and she props herself up on her elbows. She had been startled herself, but just the images she was getting in her mind of what JT and Gunner must look like now was too funny. "I am sure he is. Not a very quiet one, but one nonetheless."

Once everything was calm again, and realizing no one was hurt too badly, the soft sounds of breathing and a snore here and there filled the air.

Morning came as most would say all too early, but to those camping, the early morning marked just another exciting adventure for them. Breakfast being cooked, the smells and sounds of what a morning it was.

Standing by JT and helping where she could, Amanda's face wore a big smile. It was nice and different not to be in such a rush this morning. Being able to enjoy something as simple as this was truly a treat.

Looking up at Gunner as Bree places down plates and forks, she gives a smile. Her blond hair shone in the sunlight, her eyes twinkled with the sunbeams. "I think a walk sounds nice, but no matter if my uncle moves slowly or not, we should never skip out on his eggs. As long as Amanda makes sure he doesn't burn them."

Getting back to TJY, Hope goes right back to her office after stopping for only a brief moment to let Reese know she was back. Though really much hadn't gone on except for a walk and talk with Kip, she still felt drained.

Sitting down at the computer, she starts to write up a report to put in Kip's file. Everything she learned about him, what she thought, and even how she might help him. It was all part of the job. Pausing a moment to collect her thoughts, a slight knock on the door brings her attention out of what she was doing. Odd. She wasn't expecting any other people to be stopping by today. "Come on in," Hope calls, waiting for whoever it was to enter.

Not seeing the door open right away, Hope wondered if the person on the other side had even heard her. About to call again, the door starts to slowly open. Seeing who was on the other side, she can't help the look of shock on her face that was soon replaced with a look of extreme happiness. "Scott!"

She had been tired, but now it seemed as though she had mustered up energy from somewhere to stand and quickly walk to him. Wrapping her arms around him and burying her head into his shoulder, Hope just holds him close. She had missed seeing him so much - to have him here, out of Brookshire, standing in front of her, it was a joy she could not hold back as a few tears roll down her cheek. "Oh, Scott, it's so good to see you again."

Talking into his shoulder muffled her voice but she didn't care. All she cared about right now was Scott standing there in front of her. Nothing else mattered. Not her paperwork, not that she was tired, and not that the door was wide open so anyone could see. Right at this moment, it was just them.

Continuing to watch the movie and just feel comfortable that Justin had stayed, Beth doesn't even flinch when her lap becomes a pillow. Forgetting about the movie, she looks down at him and just smiles. Running her hand through his hair just a little, she felt badly for him. With everything he had been going through, emotionally he was just worn out. She didn't even have the heart to try and wake him. "Even you have to slow down sometimes, huh?"

Very carefully, Beth slips from under Justin and lets his head gently fall to the couch. She didn't want to wake him but she knew she couldn't stay there all night either. Going to the closet, she takes out a blanket and pillow before returning to where Justin rested. Placing the pillow under his head and the blanket over him, she gives a smile. He did look peaceful while he slept.

...Sizzling bacon can be heard in the kitchen and Beth hummed to herself. The table was set with two glasses of orange juice. It had been a long time since Beth had cooked breakfast, but it really did feel good to again. Now she just needed to wait for Justin to wake.

Destiny's heart thumped in her chest. She wasn't sure what was going on, but being yanked from the van and seeing people who stood in front of her, she knew. Her heart thumped even louder...what was going to happen? Chance was there, so did that mean they were really going to do the trade? She couldn't help the tears that rolled from her eyes, down her cheeks and made little pools. She was scared and didn't know what to do.

Nate stands ready. Seeing Destiny, he knew all that would happen. It played out like a movie in his head so he wouldn't get an unexpected surprise.

Destiny jumps as the men fall to the ground and she is not sure what to do. But her legs carry her and she moves to where Chance is. She wanted to hug him - to do something - but there was nothing that could be done.

Moving closer to Destiny and Chance, Nate knew there wouldn't be enough time to sit and chat. That could be later - right now they needed to go. "Let's go, Chance. You're coming with us. Don't make me ask you again or I'll knock you out myself and carry you. Let's go before it's too late and we're all dead."

Destiny looks to Nate and then to Chance. Letting her hand slip into his, her eyes plead with him. She wasn't sure what was going on or why he wanted to stay, but she wanted him to come with her. "Please come with us? I don't want to go without you."

She'd gone far too long without him already and now after all of this, she knew she did have forgiveness in her heart for him. Just now was not the time for that. But her eyes might have betrayed her and given away everything.

"Let's go." Nate points up the way to the car where Wyatt was waiting. His voice was a bit irritated, but he had hoped that they would have been gone by now. There was no time for talking - there would be time for that later.


Botched Exchange

Receiving Ryan's kiss, Tal chuckles and returns it, pulling her in for a quick but tight hug. "Mmm.... food at your place sounds good."

Turning her around while keeping one hand over her shoulder, he aims them back towards her car. "And yes, Eli has plans so we get the living room to ourselves." Grinning, he looks down at her as they walk. "And if there's nothing worth watching on tv, I can always watch you - you're always worth it."

"Plant, huh?" Dylan swipes the book out from under Ashlee's arm. While his mouth didn't smile, his eyes did twinkle ever so slightly. Flipping open the book, he starts to amble forward as he peruses the pages. "How come you get the interesting science? I never got to hunt plants."

Still browsing, he absentmindedly reaches down to pluck a long strand of grass and starts to chew on the end of it. Leaning on the fence, he flips through a few more pages. On some days, a jaunt into the woods would seem a rather pitiful way to pass the time. But today... it was worth getting out of here for a little while, and it was certainly better than cleaning more stalls. Besides, Ashlee might be younger, but she was far from being a pain.

"I know my way around the back trails pretty well," he muses. Closing the book, he hands it back to her. "Come on." Keeping the stem of grass to fidget with, he leads the way further away from the barn and to the main trail that wound its way through the woods. "There ought to be a lot of plants out there. Don't know if we'll find the right one or not, but it's worth a shot for an 'A' grade, right?"

Continuing down the path, Dylan paid little attention to the distance covered as they drew farther and farther away from the ranch yard. He was as quiet as he usually was - commenting about a few things he spotted along the way, like a freaky looking squirrel or a hawk that had caught a snake for its lunch. Otherwise, it was a light breeze, crickets and birds that filled the silence with sounds of nature.

"So what's that plant look like again?" By now, they were in the woods, off the trail, and Dylan had a long stick he was poking and prodding around with. He pushes aside some weeds to reveal a batch of poison oak and promptly turns and goes the other way, making sure Ashlee followed. He could have stayed on the trail, but it was much more interesting here, if one didn't mind stepping over logs, climbing over rocks and avoiding prickly bushes.

Accepting the paper from Hope, Kip looks at it a moment before tucking it into his back pocket. He didn't know if he believed everything she said yet, but it hadn't been too horrible of an experience. Actually... despite the emotional roller coaster, he felt better than he'd think he would.

"Thanks. I'll, um... I'll probably call you soon." Standing up, he slips his hands into his pockets and just looks at Hope for several seconds, biting his lower lip in thought. "I think I enjoyed this too, in a really weird sort of way." A crooked grin slips out. "See ya."

Turning around, he aims for his car, and eventually aims for home. Tonight would be a quiet night... he might like to spend a good part of it alone in his room.

"Mmm... you know I love my coffee." JT grins and starts to head towards the tents with Amanda, but stops when she turns around. Taken off guard when he gets tugged forward, his eyebrows rise in question, and he's pretty sure his face is wearing a dumb expression. Once Amanda plants a kiss on his cheek though, he forgets about his expression, which is now one of pure surprise, his eyes rather wide.

"I.....m happy we got kidnapped too," he manages, before quirking a silly sort of grin. His hands still in hers, he gives them a squeeze before a light laugh slips out. "I'm not sure it's as break from crazies though."

Noticing her flushed cheeks makes his grin widen and he steps forward, slinging his arm around her shoulders. Her bit of affection might have been a surprise, but he couldn't deny that it made him feel special...and he liked that. "But it's definitely a nice break from the crazies at work."

Ambling to the tents, he finally has to go his own way, and gives her an extra little squeeze. He was tempted to return that kiss on the cheek, but he resists...for now. "Goodnight, Amanda. See you in the morning." And letting her go, he aims for the guys' tent.

It was probably a half an hour later when JT was sound asleep, tired from a hard day at work, then the excitement of a camping trip. He was deeply asleep enough that he didn't hear the tent's flap being unzipped.

Gunner and Bree had just parted for the night as well, since some clouds had made stargazing nearly impossible. Knowing that JT was already asleep, Gunner does his best to be quiet when stepping into the tent. As he does though, his foot lands on something he knows is not the ground nor a blanket or backpack. Realizing it's a leg, he immediately tries to shift his weight, but his other foot is already in the air, making the maneuver impossible.

The result is one wail from the lumpy sleeping bag and one wail from Gunner as he stumbles blindly into the tent. The pots and pans for breakfast had been set aside for the morning, which happened to be Gunner's new landing place. And the new result, immediately following the wails, is a resounding crash, another wail, then dead silence. Not even the nearby crickets dared to chirp for several moments that were so very still, one might worry about the survival of those involved in the terrible ruckus.

Then a rather stunned Gunner's voice breaks the silence. "I'm okay!" Another hush falls over the campsite until there's a very quiet snicker. Then another. And before long, the two men sounded like boys at a sleepover, the laughter rolling on the night air. There's as bit more of a ruckus involving pots and pans until eventually the noise quiets down. Every so often though, there's another bit of muffled laughter, until finally sleep accompanies the night...

Eggs and bacon sizzled in the frying pan over the campfire, JT and Gunner tag-teaming the making of breakfast in between sipping coffee and chatting with Amanda and Bree. It was a gorgeous morning, and other than a few aches and pains from sleeping on the ground, no one had any complaints.

"...So if you wanna go for a walk or something, I'm game." Gunner moves the bacon around in the pan while engaging Bree in a conversation.

"You sure you feel comfortable leaving us two kids alone back here?" JT teases while sipping his coffee. He tosses Amanda a wink.

Gunner smirks. "I think we're safe, Mr. Slow Mover."

JT's jaw drops and his cheeks flush before he can help it. He can't even look at Amanda as his hand goes flying to whack Gunner's arm.

"Ow!" Gunner chokes on a laugh. "Watch it!"

"That's for walking on me last night," JT mutters.

Gunner rubs his arm. "Coulda fooled me. I thought it was for-" He sidesteps to avoid another whack. "Alright, alright!" He looks over at Bree. "We might need to skip breakfast and take that walk a little earlier than planned."

Hiding his embarrassment, JT returns to the pan with eggs and scrambles them with vigor. "You are so not skipping out on my eggs."

"Okay." Scott nods, giving his sister a small smile. He was glad she wanted to spend time with him, especially after worrying she might not even forgive him for his attitude towards her since he'd been gone. "Sounds good to me. It's... been a long time since I've had your cooking." And that was no lie. It had been years.

Cleaning up his place at the table even though he didn't have to, perhaps Scott was unconsciously trying to delay the inevitable departure. But they really did have to leave. The ride back to TJY was quiet - he was tired enough that he considered just heading straight home, but he'd at least want to see if Hope was back by now.

Getting back into the Elite building, he leaves Sapphire off at her cubicle, then wanders down towards the hall again. This time he was spotted by a couple other people, including Susanne, who had to stop and talk to him and say how glad they were to see him. Though exhausting, a part of him did feel good, knowing how the others cared. There were still others he wanted to see, like Rick and Dalton and Katie... but if he didn't happen to run into them, he'd just wait until the next day or two. He only had energy left for one more...

Wandering down the hall, he finally comes back to Hope's office. The door was closed. It had been open earlier, right? His stomach gives a new little flop. Lifting his hand, his knuckles pause for a very long moment. What if she didn't want to see him? What if him showing up would just ruin her day? What if she didn't want to be friends at all after he'd broken up with her? What if...?

Taking a deep breath, Scott finally gives the door a hesitant knock as his hand trembles slightly.

Being invited to stay, Justin can't help it that his body seems to sink a little further into his chair as if resisting getting up and leaving. Had he actually been fishing for the invite? What was wrong with him? He was exhausted - that's what it had to be.

Looking up as Beth returns to the table with pie, he does have the energy to grin. "You sure do know how to keep a guy around, don't you? Now I'll have to stay just to make sure none of that goes to waste." Forcing himself to get up, he raises his hands over his head to stretch tall, then stifles a yawn. "Okay, I'll stay. But I wouldn't want to go face-first in a slice either, so maybe I better take you up on your offer of the couch for a while." Another wry grin surfaces and he shakes his head at the mental image.

Wandering into the living room, he avoids admitting that he was glad she wanted him to stay a while. He really didn't want to go home where it was just him, himself and his overactive mind. He just wanted to forget about his stress if just for a few hours.

Scanning Beth's collection of movies, he picks one out and it isn't long before he's taken up one end of the couch with Beth on the other. With his legs curled up and tucked into an impossible position - as usual - he falls rather quiet, letting the movie take over his brain for a while. It didn't take all that long, though, for his position to move closer to the center of the couch. While eating pie, he winds up right next to Beth, laughing over a funny part in the movie, and somehow just doesn't move from there.

Fighting to keep his eyes open, Justin's shoulder rested against Beth's. He really needed to go home after the movie if he was this tired or he was going to fall asleep on the road. Really... he needed to stay awake... he really... did...

Was his head resting on hers? His eyes struggle to stay open.

That was an important part of the movie, right? He thinks so... maybe... This couch was awfully comfortable. If he could just stretch out...

Was that the ending music as the credits rolled? He couldn't get his eyes open. If his legs were stretched out, where was Beth? His pillow moved. But he didn't.

So close to being sound asleep, Justin had somehow wound up with Beth's lap as his pillow. And as the credits did indeed roll up the television screen, he felt more relaxed than he had in weeks.

Axel tinkered with the engine of the car, the only one in the shop after closing time. He just wanted to finish this up, then he'd be done for the day. Thankfully, Jess had been willing to wait for him. Her company was nice, and though he was just as quiet as he usually was, he really did like it when she hung around the shop.

Her getting his attention, he responds with an, "Mm-hmm," though keeps working. He really was listening. He just needed to get this one more thing loose... He squints into the engine bites his tongue as his wrench slips.

Jess' topic of choice does make Axel pause for a moment, but he keeps working, letting her say all she wanted to. There was a hint of nervousness in her voice... why?

Finally when her point is brought out, Axel does come to a complete stop in his work. A smile creases his lips and he looks over his shoulder at her, just watching her for a moment or two. Eventually straightening from the car engine, he sets his tools down and wipes his hands on a rag before approaching her slowly.

Standing in front of her, his smile remains, a warmth welling up inside of him. "Of course I'll help you," he offers gently. He couldn't begin to describe how he felt in that moment... to know that Jess had opened her heart to the point of wanting to be a part of something that was the most important thing in his own life... to know that she was accepting into her life the very Giver of life. It was an amazing thing to witness someone who had come up against so many obstacles, to come to this point and be an entirely different person. And all of the joy and pride in this very moment shone in Axel's eyes.

His smile widens and he reaches out to pull Jess into tight hug. "I'm so proud of you." After an extra squeeze, he draws back far enough to plant a long, loving kiss on her lips. "How about talking about it over supper at my place tonight?"

The parking lot was dark, except for one light off to one side. And under the light was a parked car holding three figures, unaware that they were in the sights of a rifle scope.

Wyatt drives nearer and slows, studying the situation. "Yo, Con, how's it looking?"

"Looking fine, looking fine. Just take 'er in slow. I've got the whole scene in my sights."

"Roger that." Wyatt gives Nate a sidelong glance then looks in the rearview mirror. "Got yourself together, Chance?"

Chance shifts his weight. "Yeah," he responds quietly.

In less than two minutes, the Elite car is parked facing the kidnappers at a safe distance away. Wyatt remains behind the wheel, watching Nate and Chance walk towards the other vehicle. Chance's steps are heavy and he refuses to look Nate in the eye. Instead, he focuses on the two men who were now standing at the front of their car.

"Stop right there," comes a gruff order.

Chance automatically stops, feeling Nate stop as well. His insides churned as he waited to see Destiny and make sure she was alive - make sure she was okay.

One of the men reaches in the car and roughly pulls Destiny from the backseat, forcing her to stand and yanking off her blindfold. He gives her a little shove. "Walk," he orders.

The other man takes her arm, and doesn't give her an inch, pulling her with him towards Nate and Chance. They stop feet from the Elite team. The man glares at Nate then shifts his gaze to Chance. "You come with us. And you..." His grip tightens on Destiny's arm. "You go with them back to your own safe haven.

Chance's eyes are glued to Destiny, hardly hearing what the man was saying. He didn't care. All he cared about was that she was safe - that's all that mattered. He takes a step forward, wanting to get this exchange over with to be sure Destiny would be alright. All he wanted was to touch her... to hug her and really know she was unharmed. But all he can do is catch her eye, his own gaze filled with remorse, compassion, and something awfully close to love.

Just as he steps forward though, the man nearest the car suddenly collapses. The whole scene halts and the man with Destiny whirls around, wondering at the thump of the man slumping to the ground. "What the-" Though reaching for his sidearm, he doesn't even have time to finish as the second dart reaches his neck. Wincing, he gropes for it and jerks it out of his flesh just in time to melt like jello, completely unconscious.

Chance swings his gaze to Nate, unsure of their next move. He wanted to go back with them. He wanted to get out of here as quickly as he could. Yet his feet remain glued to their place.

"Get them back out of there, Nate," Con warns. "Those guys won't be down for long."

Though not hearing Con, Chance suddenly backs away from Nate, his hands raised slightly. His eyes dart back and forth between him and Destiny, desperation flickering in his gaze. "Take Destiny," he begs. "I'm staying to finish off the exchange."


A nice break

Ryan almost ignores the jeers of the others as she stands talking with Hunter - other than a snicker that escapes at the mention of her being scared. She wasn't really - some good competition was good and she knew this brought a little more interest to the game.

Seeing the women that flock to Hunter and want his attention, Ryan just shakes her head a little and smiles. He could have the glory for tonight, and the women that went with it. Ryan could tell already he was going to be a popular one with the ladies, and that was okay with her.

Giving a short wave to Hunter as he drives away, she can't help the smile that spreads across her lips at Tal's voice. Tal might be different but he sure did have a way that just seemed to get to her. When his voice was soft but deep, it just seemed to send chills up and down her spine.

"Well, as long as I am the winner in your book and I'm the only one you're kissing, I guess that's all that matters, huh?" Turning her head to the side to see Tal's face, Ryan grins once again. Humor and a spark that some might call love danced in her eyes. Leaning in to press her lips against Tal's, she didn't care where they were standing. She wanted to give him a kiss and that was that. Pulling away again, she searches the depths of Tal's own eyes, just getting lost in them. If not for the start of a loud engine, she might have stood there all night.

"How about we grab some food and head back to my place? Not sure if Eli has plans with Scarlet but I could use the company none the less. I am sure we can find something on television that's worth watching."

Looking down at her book, Ashlee wasn't sure if she had been reading the page or not, maybe she had been just looking at the pictures, maybe she was trying to figure out a problem she had come to, or maybe her brain just didn't want to function with her today. But seeing a shadow stretch out across her face causes her to look up.

Seeing Dylan standing there with his arms crossed over his chest and the sun to his back, Ashlee can't help but think how extra cute he looked at that moment. Trying not to skip a beat, she swallows, trying to put her words together to reply to her friend.

"I'm not so sure myself if I was reading or day dreaming. Science has always been a subject I liked more being hands-on with. Especially when it came to plants."

Setting her book down, she sighs, squinting one of her eyes from the sunlight as she looked up at Dylan. He was bored, and she wanted to see if she could find the plant in her book to be able to look at it herself and see the different parts. Maybe they could help each other out.

Standing ans brushing herself off, she scans the area. The best place to start looking was in the woods. That's where the most plants existed with their full potential of being untouched.

"It is a pretty nice day out. Maybe we could go for a walk in the woods and explore a little. You are bored, I would like to find this plant - it sounds like a good cure for both of us. Not to mention some good company to go with it. You never know - it might be fun."

Ashlee gives a smile at Dylan holding the book under her arm. She hoped her liked the idea. It sounded like fun to her, but most of the stuff she liked, it didn't seem like Dylan was interested in. Maybe he was bored enough though, to think this was. Spending a little extra time with him might help her get to know him a little more too. Maybe they had more in common than they both knew.

"You never have to rush across the bridge and your friends I think know that. However, you're wrong about not taking the first step. You have already started with the first step by talking with me. Now you just need to keep moving forward at your own speed as long as you keep moving."

Hearing that Kip had a few other things he needed to do today, Hope gave a small nod of her head. There was no time line when she would be here with Kip and she didn't want to start. She wanted him to be comfortable and set the pace himself. Somehow she knew he would, and it was what was best for him.

Taking a piece of paper from her pocket, and a pen, Hope writes down her name and phone number. Smiling, she hands it to Kip to take. "When you're ready to talk again, here is my name and number. My calendar is pretty open and easy to work around, so you never have to worry about that. It was very nice meeting you today, Kip. I enjoyed it and look forward to chatting again."

Meeting Kip really had been nice and getting to know him was just as good. It was always nice to meet someone new. That was one thing Hope liked about her job the most - getting to meet new and interesting people and trying to help them. Everyone was special to her and she liked showing people that.

As the owl hoots and the moment is broken, Amanda can't help feeling a little bit of disappointment rise. They have both been lost in that moment, a moment that almost seemed perfect. Now it was gone though, so there was no point in dwelling, even if she was disappointed.

"Bacon and eggs sounds great. Maybe us women can get up too and make the coffee." Giving a smile, Amanda gives a little squeeze to JT's hand before walking a bit away from the fire and turning to give him a smile. She'd had fun tonight, talking, laughing - just sitting there and cuddling with JT by the fire. It was something new, it was exciting, and she liked it.

Mustering up all the guts she had, the moment couldn't be passed by. Walking back over to JT, Amanda takes his hand and pulls him a little closer. Closing her eyes and pressing her lips to his cheek, she could feel her heart racing. Pulling away, her smile was still held fast on her face as her cheeks held a crimson color now.

"I really am happy we got kidnapped today. It's a nice break from the crazy world."

Smiling across the table at her brother and gathering her things, Sapphire felt like this time had been cut short. She did have to go back to work, but the want to just stay and chat more with her brother was strong too.

"Of course we can. Maybe next time you can come over and I can make us some dinner. I'd really like to be able to spend more time with you, Scott."

Though time had made them go their own ways, there were still parts that were connected and Sapphire never wanted to lose that. Scott was the best, and her only brother. She'd already thought she lost him once, now she wanted to make sure to get in all her time while she could.

Sitting across from Justin, Beth gives little nods here and there, letting him know she was still listening to him. She was happy to hear Jared was going to live. No matter how a person could be, Beth would never wish ill will onto them.

Beth could see Justin had much turmoil inside of him and she couldn't blame him. There was a lot of stuff his brother had done that was not good. She only hoped Justin could work through it and soon let it go.

Standing and starting to clear the table off to get some of the stuff out of the way, Beth stops at the table again and rests her hand on Justin's for a moment. Looking down at him, a smile was on her face and her eyes twinkled. "I've spent way too many evenings alone over the years to really start wanting them again. You're being fine company and cay stay as long as you like."

Turning again to take some more stuff into the kitchen, Beth calls over her shoulder as she goes. "We can watch a movie, talk more, or you can simply take up a spot on the couch and rest. I have no objection to any of those ideas."

Coming back to the dining room again, Beth was carrying a pie dish this time with two little plates and forks. "Plus if you get a little hungry later, I made fresh cherry pie for dessert. I'd hate for it to go to waste."

Leaning on the workbench and just watching Axel work, Jess didn't mind waiting for him at all. Whether it was an hour or fifteen minutes, she liked just sitting there, chatting and watching him as he moved around the cars. He seemed so natural at it.

"Axel?" Jess shifts her weight from one foot to the next as she leaned on the bench. She was still new to all this stuff even after going to church for a while with Axel. It was still sometimes hard for her to find words on how to say things.

"Ummm...I've been thinking about it a lot since last Sunday and how the pastor was stalking about being baptized..."

Jess is quiet for a moment as she moves around some of the screwdrivers and ratchets on Axel's desk into different patterns. Looking up at him again, her eyes sparkle like they normally did, but something was different this time. There was an extra light that seemed to be growing.

"...I think I'd like to be baptized too. I was wondering if...if you could help me."



Eli grins at his sister and shakes his head, watching her go to meet the winner of the race. She was a tough one and he was proud of her.

The newcomer slides out of his car, seeming to enjoy all of the attention he was getting - especially from the lady spectators. Leaned back against his car with one arm slung around one of said women, he cocks his head as Ryan approaches. Though people continued to talk to him, he ignores them, giving this prize winner his full attention.

Her compliment lifts his eyebrows and a grin turns up the corner of his mouth. Retrieving his arm from the other woman, he extends his hand to accept the shake, gripping Ryan's hand firmly while respect lingered in his eyes. "Thanks and... I guess a few sore pockets isn't all bad as long as they don't string me up for it."

Letting go of her hand, he tosses her a wink. His grin remains. "I'm Hunter Maxwell. You're a tougher driver than I thought. Next time I might place my own bet on you since you'll be ready for me."

"You'll knock 'em dead again," a nearby guy interrupts. "You beat 'em once, you got 'em scared. Apparently not even McKade's perfect."

Hunter's eyes remain on Ryan and he studies her even when he responds to the other man. "Nobody's perfect. That's why they call it gambling." His gaze finally swings over to him. "I'm guessing you've got one of those sore pockets."

The man just scowls and turns to walk away, making several people laugh. Hunter's grin widens and he looks back to Ryan. "Sore pockets meet sore losers."

"Are we going or what?" A woman complains, tugging on Hunter's leather jacket. "You promised me a drink."

"And me," another pipes up.

Hunter suddenly has a woman under each arm and he shrugs. "Well, I wouldn't want to be called a liar." He glances to Ryan one last time. "Nice to meet you, McKade. I'm sure we'll meet again."

As he gets back into his car, now with passengers, the crowd begins to disperse. Two hands suddenly rest on Ryan's shoulders from behind and a face comes down near enough to hers to brush cheeks. "Funny thing is," Tal murmurs in her ear, "you're always a winner in my book. And..." He pauses leaning further over her shoulder to see her face. Humor danced in his eyes. "I wouldn't want to kiss that guy, so if I'm gonna kiss the winner, it better be you."

It wasn't the state of being awake, but it didn't feel like sleep either. Or maybe it was just a dream. Whether it was simply imagined or real, a peaceful breeze seems to caress Eric's skin like a soft blanket, sending into his veins the most peaceful feeling.

The peace is suddenly disturbed by someone's shout, and all too quickly, the warm sensation is dispersed. The closing of a nearby door brings Eric's mind the rest of the way into alertness, though it takes an extra moment for his eyes to flutter open. Glancing to the right, then the left, he half expected someone to be standing there. He wasn't sure what had woken him, but for some reason, he felt as if something were suddenly missing.

Shaking it off, he yawns and stretches, letting one foot flop to the porch floor so he didn't fall out of the swing. What time was it anyway? A glance at his watch makes his eyes widen. Had he really slept for that long? He hadn't planned anything but maybe a short catnap. So much for the extra work he wanted to get done today. Oh, well. The rest felt too good for him to give himself a bad time about it.

Finally getting up, he stretches again and runs a hand through his hair. Glancing around, he sees Stacy's vehicle. She and Ashlee must be back from town. He needed to stop by his bunkhouse, then he'd head for the barn and see if Ashlee was busy with schoolwork or if she had time to help him out with some horses.

Getting into his bunkhouse, Eric cleans up a little then grabs his phone, discovering he had a voicemail waiting. He hadn't noticed it earlier. Listening to Thirteen's message, a small smile of gratefulness turns up the corner of his mouth. How he could ever allow anyone to make a bad comment about that girl was beyond him, and his guilt reappears from the back of his mind. Thirteen was one of the sweetest people he'd ever met, and her phone call proved she was also strong... probably stronger than she thought.

Lowering his phone, he recalls the night he'd shown up for Christmas. The poor girl had been so lost, and it had broken his heart to have her believe she belonged to him, especially when Trent had all but rejected her. Eric knew things were better now than they were, so he held no anger against his brother. But feeling he was now in the same category wasn't a good feeling. Next time he was in Nevada, he'd be sure to stop and try to make it up to Thirteen. It was the least he could do, and... he did want to get to know her better too. As for Katie, Eric didn't know if she'd gotten his message yet or not. He knew she going through a lot right now though, and had been told by Jeff all that was happening with her and Jason.

Sighing deeply, Eric sets aside that topic for now and heads back outside. The day must go on, even if he had slept through a better portion of it. Arriving in the barn, he looks around for Ashlee...

...It's funny how time can sometimes seem to go so slowly, and then seem to go so quickly. And when people see each other every day and function as closely-knit as the R/M ranch, even newcomers seem to have been there for just as long as everyone else. It was this fact that Dylan noticed as he sat on the porch of his bunkhouse a week later. With a schoolbook on his lap, he leaned back against the railing, his legs stretched out across the second step. He saw ranch hands come and go from the barn, his dad working several horses and giving riding lessons and Luke doing his best to keep up. He saw Clint working in the shop, the women keeping everything running behind the scenes and Angel lending a hand any time someone had a sniffle or sprained ankle. And he also saw Stacy continually making her rounds, and Ashlee who seemed fascinated with horses. It was odd... the mother and daughter hadn't been here very long, and yet even Dylan saw that it would be strange if they were suddenly not there. He didn't talk to either of them too much, but they fit in so well already that they were simply a part of the ranch. His lack of interaction didn't necessarily match what he really felt, even if he never showed it.

Another thing that Dylan had noticed was how during the last week Eric had been looking at Stacy from a distance... and vice versa. Was there something between them? It was hard to tell. It was obvious that Eric liked Ashlee - he was always letting her help him groom the horses or work in the tack room. But did he like Stacy? If Dylan had to bet money, he'd say yes. He hadn't seen the two talk to each other even once lately, other than in passing. But from his perch on the porch, he saw a lot... probably more than anyone knew.

Glancing back down to his book, Dylan sighs. He couldn't concentrate worth beans today. He was trying - he really was. He was just worn out from daily work in the barn and his mind just didn't want to do math or learn about history. Shutting his book, he sets it aside and looks around again. He needed something to do. He was sore from a morning riding lesson with Sparky and he really didn't want to get roped into cleaning out any more stalls today.

Finally getting up off the porch he wanders around for a while, looking for something to distract his mind. Seeing his dad and going the opposite direction, Dylan winds up going back behind the barn. Scuffing his feet as he goes, he kicks at a pebble then bends to pick up a twig to fiddle with. It's not until after he's already been behind the barn for a few moments that he realizes he's not alone.

Spying Ashlee under one of the trees with a book, he cocks his head. He didn't want to interrupt her if she was studying, but...would she mind? Maybe it was pure boredom that led him in her direction. Maybe it was the fact that he was making a new friend even if he didn't want to admit it. No matter the cause, he finds himself with folded arms staring down at her. "It's way too nice of a day for reading," he muses. "I gave up on it myself." Little did he know that he might actually be able to help her in her studies.

Kip felt embarrassed for crying in front of someone, let alone a stranger. Yet somehow he knew that Hope was safe... that somehow this was what was supposed to happen. He hadn't been able to talk things through with his friends - maybe he could with someone like Hope.

Her hand on his shoulder felt comforting in a way... like a reinforcement to the sound of her voice that she was still close by and hadn't left him yet. He sits for a long while, keeping his face hidden as he rests his head on his arms. Finally though, he draws in a deep breath sits up just a little. Resting his chin on his hands, he sniffs. "I feel like I'm at one end of a bridge," he muses quietly. "And what I want is at the other side. And I know all it will take is one step to get me started. And I know I'm capable of that step. And yet..." He shrugs. "I just can't seem to make my feet move."

Another sigh and he finally sits up straight and turns his head to look at Hope again. "I suppose it has something to do with talking things through with you though so I guess... I guess I'm willing to give this a shot." He bites his lip. "I promised Gram... um... Kyle's Grandma - where I live - that I'd help clean out the gutters this afternoon." He honestly didn't know how long he was supposed to be here with Hope, and though he might not realize it, his emotions had been strained enough that he was beginning to shut down. "How... I mean when... um..." He didn't even know how to ask when they'd meet again, if Hope even thought it was worth her time.

Amanda's comment throws JT for a big enough loop that he suddenly finds himself laughing. "Maybe it will at that." Was she really encouraging him to flirt more with her? She actually liked it? Did she really mean what she implied about liking his arm around her? A new tingle shot down his spine.

Still grinning, he looks down to find Amanda looking up at him. Her face was so close to his he could almost feel her breath on his skin. Her lips were inviting, drawing him even closer. He'd never been so near her eyes - never quite realized how much they sparkled. Or maybe it was just the moonlight. And for a long moment, he didn't even notice that nothing was being said.

An owl hoots from a tree nearby and JT breaks his gaze. A yawn follows. Giving Amanda a squeeze, his hand rubs her arm. "I guess I'm getting too old for everything," he comments ruefully. "Too old to flirt well, too old to stay up late..." A new chuckle slips out. "But always young at heart, right?"

Sighing, he stands up, offering Amanda a hand up too. "If I head to bed now, maybe I'll be up in time to help the vampire make breakfast in the morning. I hear he packed eggs and bacon."

Scott manages a smile, grateful for his sister's words. Whether he believed her or not, she was an encouragement, and for that he was glad Sapphire was his sister. "Thanks. I guess I might need you to say that another time or two so I don't forget."

Seeing that she'd pushed aside her plate, he assumed she was finished eating now as well. "I know you have to get back to work..." He did know that, but part of him also wanted to get back and see if Hope was there yet. And if not, he'd find a ride to his house...maybe. "Um...maybe we can do this again soon? I mean... just... talk or... something?" One lunch was hardly enough time to catch up and Scott dearly wanted to ensure he was able to spend time with those he cared about, even if it was only a few minutes at a time. Life was too short to spend it alone - that much he now knew.

Rick nods slowly as he finishes up with Jason, pulling a blanket up over his young friend's shoulders. He responds to Katie with a gentle voice. "I'm not sure about the time, but my guess would be that by tomorrow morning there will be some change. I'm hoping that within twenty-four hours, Jason will be awake."

Once finished, he turns to Katie and smiles warmly. "In about twelve hours, I'm going to give you each another shot. If there has been no change in another twelve, I'll use another dose but I'm hoping I won't have to. Now..." He moves closer and pats Katie's shoulder. "I want you to rest. And if you feel any discomfort at all - even if it's just a slight headache or a small emotional strain, I want you to tell me, okay? I'm not going anywhere until I know for certain you two are going to be alright."

Wyatt drives across town, his hands tense on the steering wheel. His adrenaline was racing through his veins, even though this should be a relatively easy mission. He listens in on Nate and Dalton, then checks his own headset. "Hey, Hulk I'm hearin' everything loud and clear. Con, you out there?" Silence. "Con?" Static. "Yo, Conrad, buddy, you on site?"

"-upid..." More static. "-eah I'm here. You there?"

Wyatt grins. "We're here. Problems?"

"No, why?"

Wyatt rolls his eyes and chuckles. "Just checking. How do things look?"

"Our party has arrived. Just two as far as I can tell, and someone in the backseat of their car - I'm assuming it's Destiny. Once you get to the parking lot, they're on the far side. I suggest going halfway across then stopping. I'd take out these numskulls now, but I can't be sure there isn't a failsafe or anything - I don't want to make a move until I know you've got Destiny safe."

"Roger that." Wyatt continues to drive. "See you shortly."

Staring at the closed elevator doors for a few minutes, Justin eventually takes up residence in the waiting room once again. He wished he had more to do. He wished he could go home and be with the dogs for a while but it was too far a drive for him to leave his mother should bad news come through. So all that was left to do was wait and doze off and wait some more...

The waiting didn't stop for several days. Jared was still in ICU and the doctor still would not say whether or not he thought Jared would live. The damage was extensive and all Justin and Lydia could receive were grim nods or shakes of the doctor's head. Staying at the hospital was wearing on both of them though because Lydia didn't want to leave, Justin stayed too. Visits from Beth helped - as did her smile and the promised cherry pie. Justin knew it was a long drive for her and he wasn't sure how he'd be able to make it all up to her, but in the back of his mind, he knew that when this was all over, he'd have to do something nice for her. A few phone calls to other friends ensured that Danitza and Zora were being taken care of, even though Justin really wanted to take care of them himself. But once again, he knew it was better to stay. So stay he did. And in the evenings, a phone call or two to Beth to touch base helped keep him going...

...Jared slowly opens his eyes to a blurry picture of white. Trying to focus, he turns his head only to be met with sharp pain all the way down his spine. Cringing, even that hurts. His face felt like he'd been smacked with a sledgehammer. Blinking and finally getting his eyes to work, he realizes that what he was staring at was a bright white ceiling. His ears pick up the sound of quiet beeping and voices nearby. Finding that everything still hurt way too much for him to even try moving, he lets his eyes roam the room. He was... in a hospital? He looks down to figure out why his legs felt numb. One was in a cast. His shoulder had been made immobile as well and he could feel a bandage on his head.

"Well, hi there."

He turns his gaze to look up at a nurse with graying hair and a smile. He opens his mouth to speak but nothing comes out until he pauses to swallow what felt like the cotton balls in his throat. "Hi," he croaks. His arm is pulled and jostled and pricked as his vitals are checked and who knew what else. "Where... where am I?"

"You're in the hospital, Honey, but you just lie right here and relax. You're in good hands."

"But... but why..." Jared tries to sit up but groans and falls back into the pillows.

"Now, now, don't try to move," the nurse chides. "The doctor will be in to see you in just a minute."

"What happened?"

"Just lie still. He'll be right in."

Left alone again, Jared's confusion was joined with fear. What was happening? Why was he here? It seemed like forever before the doctor finally arrived.

"Hey there... I'm Doctor Harvor. How do you feel?"

Jared starts to shake his head, then stops when it hurts too much. "I feel terrible."

"Mmm, I'm not surprised."

"Where am I?"

"Franklin Hospital." Dr. Harvor looks over his charts. "You were taken to the hospital in Truman then moved here for your surgery."


Dr. Harvor looks up, cocking his head, then offering a smile. "I'm sorry. How much do you remember?"

Jared thinks, but nothing comes to mind.

"Do you remember the accident?"

"Accident?" Jared swallows hard. It hurt to talk. "I.. no... I... what... what happened?"

Dr. Harvor moves closer to the bed. "You walked in front of a bus." He smiles again, trying to keep the atmosphere light, despite the seriousness of the situation. "You're lucky you survived."

"A... a bus?" That was a pretty horrific thought. Jared licks his dry lips. Why the next question comes to mind, he isn't sure. "On... purpose?"

Dr. Harvor's eyebrows rise. "Can you tell me?"

Jared thinks for a moment. "No... no, I... I don't know anything."

Dr. Harvor's concern rises. "Can you tell me your name?"

"I'm..." Jared's pulse quickens. "I... I don't know."

Dr. Harvor lays a hand on his arm. "Does the name Jared Hawks ring a bell?"

It didn't. Jared shakes his head a little.

"Hmm." Dr. Harvor purses his lips. He shines a light in Jared's eyes before checking the bandages around his head. "This hurt?"

Jared winces as a wound on the side of his head is pressed. "Yeah."


"Yeah. Everything hurts." Jared's mind swam with questions. "How... bad... am I hurt?"

Dr. Harvor makes a note on his chart before studying him for several long moments. It seemed better to lay all the cards on the table, rather than pamper with vague answers. "Your right shoulder was dislocated pretty severely - it's back in place now, but it will take a while to heal. All of your ribs on your right side have been broken. Several of your internal organs received trauma, but as far as I can tell, they're healing well. Your right leg has been broken in three places - two of which required surgery."

Jared begins to understand why he was lucky to be alive. It sounded as though he shouldn't be awake and talking at all. "And my head?"

"You got hit pretty hard. I'm surprised it wasn't worse than it was, however, there is some swelling on the brain. That's probably why you can't remember anything right now."

"Will it... will my memory return?"

"Only time will tell," Dr. Harvor answers honestly. "We'll just have to wait and see. But I don't want you worrying about it or pushing yourself too hard - your body will heal itself, given the opportunity."

Jared glances back down to his legs. "How come my legs don't feel right?"

Dr. Harvor purses his lips and reaches down to put pressure on Jared's left leg. "Do you feel that?"




"Can you move your leg for me?"

"No." Jared's fear was worsening. When he couldn't feel Dr. Harvor's pokes and prods to either leg or foot, his eyes filled with that fear. "What is it?"

"Your spine." Dr. Harvor folds his arms over his clipboard. "It was injured in several places and I did all I could in surgery. However, there was nerve damage."

"What... what does that mean?"

"It means we wait and see what your body does."

"But there's... there's a chance that... that I can't walk?"

"I won't lie to you - there is that chance."

Jared can't even sigh. It hurt too much to draw in that much air. Maybe not walking didn't matter. Maybe he never walked that much anyway. He didn't think so though. "So you... you know who I am?"

Dr. Harvor nods. "Yes. And you also have some people who were waiting for you to wake up. Do you feel up to any visitors?"

"Do you... think it will jog my memory?"

"We can certainly try."

Back out in the hall, Dr. Harvor locates Lydia and Justin. "Mrs. Hawks?"

"Oh, yes, doctor." Lydia stands up from the chair she'd been sitting in for hours on end. The same questions bubble over as every other time she'd seen the doctor. "Is he okay? Is he going to live? Is he awake?"

Dr. Harvor takes her hands and smiles gently. "One thing at a time, okay? Yes, I do believe now that he is going to live."

"Thank God." A tear trickles down Lydia's cheek.

Justin stands nearby, just waiting to hear the news. He wasn't sure how he felt right now and didn't want to think about it, so he concentrates on Dr. Harvor instead.

"Your son received a list of injuries..." Dr. Harvor goes on to explain everything, making sure both understood. He had talked to them before about it but because of the traumatic event, he simply wanted to reiterate everything, along with the new information. "...so right now, he's unable to move his legs."

By now, Lydia had Justin's arm in her grip and it tightens. "You mean, he... he's paralyzed?"

"Yes. It may or may not be temporary. Only time will tell." Dr. Harvor takes a deep breath. "What may be harder to deal with though is the head trauma. While talking with him a few minutes ago, it became apparent that he has amnesia. And just as his paralysis, it may or may not be permanent. I'm hoping that as his brain swelling decreases that he will regain his memory."

Lydia swallows hard. "Can we see him?"

"Yes, but only for a few minutes. He needs a lot of rest."

Lydia looks up at Justin. "Are you coming with me?"

Justin bites his lip. "You go on. We don't want to throw too much at him at once if he doesn't remember."

"Of course." Lydia nods and heads to the room.

Justin folds his arms and sighs, watching her go. It had nothing to do with not wanting to overwhelm Jared and he knew it. His brother had almost died. His brother. But Justin hadn't yet worked through his anger, so now, whatever this was doing to his emotions didn't feel good. He couldn't see Jared... not yet.

Lydia walks slowly into the room, her eyes wide and tear-filled. "Jared?"

Hearing someone's voice, Jared pries his eyes open halfway once more and manages to turn his head ever so slightly. His visitor appeared to be a woman... middle-aged maybe, with dark hair streaked with gray. She looked pretty worried. Was she crying?

Lydia nears the bed and sets a warm hand on his free arm. "I'm so glad you're awake." She blinks away a tear. "I thought for sure you would die."

Jared isn't sure what to say. She seemed sweet but... who was she? "Doc said I... I walked in front of a bus."

Hearing his voice, even if it was so quiet and weak, seemed to convince Lydia that her son really was alive, and she manages a smile. "I always taught my sons to look both ways before crossing the street. Now you know why."

For some reason, that seemed a bit humorous, and the corner of Jared's mouth upturns into a faint crooked grin. "Are... are you my mother?"

New tears pool in Lydia's eyes as what Dr. Harvor had said is confirmed. "Yes." She sniffs. "Yes, I am."

Something about her maybe seemed vaguely familiar, but Jared had no recollection of her at all. It was a very strange feeling. He was a grown man... not sure of his age... but grown man nonetheless, and it felt as if he were looking at his mother for the very first time. His eyes droop but he forces them to stay open. His little grin comes back. "I think you're too pretty to be my mother."

A laugh slips out and Lydia shakes her head. "You did get hit hard didn't you?"

"Why? I...I never said it before?"

Lydia holds her smile, even though her eyes fill with sadness. "You look tired. I should leave you now."

Jared didn't know why, but something deep down didn't want her to go. He figured it was pretty silly though. "Yeah.... I guess I am pretty tired..."

"...so he's going to live, but his memory has been wiped clean. The doctor doesn't know if it's permanent or not." Justin sits at Beth's kitchen table, a half-eaten plate of supper in front of him. It wasn't that it didn't taste good - all of her cooking tasted good. But tonight... he just couldn't stomach much more. It was the first time he hadn't cleaned his plate when Beth had cooked.

Through this whole thing, today had seemed the hardest. Justin should be celebrating that his brother was alive. And yet all he could do was continue the stupid inner battle, waging anger against sorrow, hate against love and pity against selfishness.

After knowing that Jared was going to be okay, Justin had convinced his mother to go home and sleep in her own bed for the night. He, on the other hand, had only stopped by his own home briefly before heading on in to town to Beth's after calling her and agreeing to supper. He was physically and emotionally exhausted, yet too worked up to rest. It wasn't a fun feeling.

Resting his elbows on the table, Justin folds his hands and rests his forehead on them, closing his eyes. Sooner or later he'd have to face what he was feeling. He would have to face his brother. He would have to face his hurt and anger. But did he have to do it tonight?

Eventually he looks up, resting his chin on his hands and looking across the table at Beth. He had no idea how tired his own eyes looked. Something about being here made him even more tired - as if he knew this was a safe, peaceful place to be. "I'm sorry," he apologizes. "I should be happy and I guess I'm not, and on top of all that, I'm being terrible company. I should probably just go home and let you have your evening to yourself."


Thoughts of Eric

Crossing the finish line after the blue car had pulled ahead, Ryan lets out a breath. She'd made a fatal error out there. Maybe her mind was on too much. Maybe she wanted to let the new guy get a pop. But anyone would be willing to bet it was the first. Ryan thought people should earn their spot even if they were new, and tonight the new guy had.

Parking her car and sitting in it for a moment, Ryan finally gets out and throws a smile to Eli, shaking her head. She was far from perfect and it was having people beat her sometimes that still made racing worthwhile. "I don't know if we should call him a rookie or not. Not everyone could have seen that opening and taken charge. Well, I guess I should be a good sport and see what this guy is like."

Giving her brother a pat on the arm and letting him know she would be back, she pushes past all the other people who were huddled close to see who had beat her. Removing her gloves and getting to the front of the crowd she gives the man a look up and down.

"Good job out there tonight. Name's Ryan McKade...I'm the one everyone bet would come in first. I guess their pockets are gonna be a little sore now though."

Ryan holds out her hand to the stranger. Her grin held even if she did have her own ego that was sore. But this brought a new challenge and in a way, it kind of excited her.

The morning seemed to move fast and the trip into town seemed to go even faster than Stacy wanted after everything that had happened with Eric. It was an odd feeling that had gone on this morning and not something she had intended. Her daughter walking in on it made it even worse.

Making sure Ashlee has everything she needs as well, it doesn't take them long before they are back at the ranch. No matter how she wanted to stall to recompose herself, two things she knew - she couldn't stay away long in case anything happened, and no matter how long she was away, it didn't stop Eric from entering her mind.

Taking in a deep breath of air once back at the ranch, Stacy heads to the dining hall. A nice cup of coffee to take with her on her rounds sounded good. Getting up the steps, the slight movement of the swing catches her attention and the sleeping body in it makes her stop. Just standing there, it was almost like time seemed lost and the only thing she could do was take a few steps closer. Without even thinking twice, she knew who it was. He looked so peaceful just lying there, fast asleep without a care. The sun casting its blanket of light over him just added to the whole moment of it.

Not even realizing why, Stacy reaches out and softly brushes away a peace of hair that had fallen into his face before it can disturb him from his peaceful state. A sudden shout from across the way brings her mind back to attention and what she was doing. Even if it wasn't directed at her, the thought of someone seeing her like this brought color to her cheeks as she turned to head back inside. What was happening? She'd never even dreamed of acting like this before, let alone with someone she hardly even knew.

Sticking her hands in her pockets, Hope follows after Kip as he goes to the bench, easing down next to him. It brought a pang to her heart to see the tears roll down his cheek. He'd been hurt badly by someone he trusted. She'd never understand how someone could do that, and it always hurt to see someone suffer from it.

"Yeah, I understand what you're saying about being told something over and over again. After a while you do think it's true...but that's when you have to fight back even harder and prove they are wrong."

Leaning back on the bench, Hope takes in a deep breath of the crisp air. Thinking about her words for a long moment she just watches Kip and the plant before laying a hand on his shoulder to give his back a soft rub. "With God's help, Kip, we can always be replanted. It can be a slow process but it can happen and it's worth the time to replant it. But you have to give it time, let those who care help and not expect it to happen overnight. Trust me, Kip, even the lowest of people can be picked back up again with God's help."

Looking to Gunner, Bree gives a large smile. She enjoyed every moment with Gunner, no matter how big, how small or how strange.

"I'd love to go looking at the stars with you."

Giving a chuckle at JT's comment about Bree not being little anymore, it put a smile on Amanda's face. It was easy to tell how much of a daughter Bree was to JT and how he cared. It was a heartwarming picture and it made Amanda like JT for it even more.

Feeling his arm wrap around her, she leans into it, resting her head on his shoulder. It felt nice to have his strong arm around her, sheltering her from the cold, at least if she was cold still she couldn't feel it through the color on her cheeks.

"I guess I do fit pretty well, huh? Your shoulder is not all that bad either for a pillow. I might be able to get used to this."

Tilting her head a little so she could look up at JT, Amanda smiles. She'd wondered for a long time what this was like - to sit with someone you cared about and just talk. It had been something that seemed so far away and had been forgotten with her line of work. But tonight she remembered and enough time had been wasted - she wanted more times like this.

"I think you're doing alright. Maybe...if you do it a little more often it will just come naturally again."

Sapphire gives her brother a soft smile at his comment. She could understand his worry - maybe even a little frustration about starting over. It was a big deal and a hard thing to do at that. "I think you're doing a pretty good job so far."

Pushing her plate away from her a little so she could lean on the table, she just studies Scott for a moment. So much had changed, but she loved her brother dearly and that would never change. She wanted to be there for him, to help him and do all she could.

"You just have to take it slow. Don't try and do it all at once or you're going to frustrate yourself and most importantly, make sure you pray and ask God to help."

She knew Scott would be okay. He had so many people who cared that they all would help him fit in again. Everyone missed him, knowing he was back and getting better it would make them all very happy. "I don't think you're going to have to worry about fitting in again. I have a feeling you're going to be just fine."

Feeling Justin's hand on her face, Beth doesn't shy away, but leans her head into it a little bit. His touch was rough but still had a softness about it, and it was warm. The feeling sent chills down her spine and put butterflies in her stomach. Her eyes close for a moment and she just enjoyed the tender feeling.

"Not a requirement but fun to make anyway!"

As Justin removes his hand, Beth's eyes open again and she can feel a little heat crawl up her cheeks now. Looking at him, a smile crawls to her lips as she steps into the elevator. As the doors slowly close, she gives one last wave to Justin.

Once she was alone in the elevator, Beth leans her head against the wall. Her stomach was still doing flip flops and it was such and odd feeling, but she couldn't deny she kind of liked it too. Tomorrow would be another day, and seeing Justin seemed to be the bright spot of it all.

Rick's words linger in Katie's mind for a long moment if she was ready or not. Was she ready? Could she be okay dealing with this change? Was everything really going to be okay? Many questions flew through her mind as Rick injected her with the first shot. The biggest question was though...would Jason be okay?

"Any idea how long this is going to take or how many doses?" Maybe once she knew for sure Jason was okay, this feeling she had would go away. Knowing he was alive and well would make it all worth it.

Letting out a long sigh and swinging her legs onto the bed, Katie lies down on her side facing Jason. She wanted him to be okay more than anything. She just wanted him to be himself again. So they could laugh, hug, kiss and just be together once more.

Sticking his hands in his pockets, Nate gives a nod, signaling he was ready as well. Almost everything was set. Con was in place, Wyatt, Dalton and himself went over their plan one more time, and things were clear. Now it was just getting there and seeing if everything really would pan out how they wanted.

Once making sure Chance was in and Wyatt climbed into the driver's seat, Nate jumps into the passenger seat. Waiting until they start out, he fiddles with a few things, making sure everything was working right.

"Dalton, can you hear me? I've got the radios all set up. Do we have a strong connection coming in on them?"

Back at TJY, Dalton sits in his office and sets to work pulling up radio feed and area feed, making sure everything was looking okay. Hearing Nate's voice come through, he nods to himself. "I hear you loud and clear. Everything is looking good so far."