

Hearing the nurse, Scott doesn't move yet. He knew Justin was waiting on him as well, but it didn't make it any easier.

Finally, he lifts his head and gives Hope's hand another squeeze. "I love you too," he whispers. He probably wouldn't be back - he knew that. He'd already broken a whole list of rules and would be lucky if Brookshire didn't lock him up. It wasn't as easy as just packing up and leaving from a place like that... once in the system, there were channels, and he'd completely overstepped his bounds on this one. Justin might help him, but even so, it wouldn't be easy, and... there was a chance that Hope wouldn't survive either. Even though he didn't want to acknowledge it, it was still a fact.

Leaning down, Scott gives Hope's lips a tender kiss. He couldn't say goodbye, so he would just leave it as it was. Slowly backing away from the bed, his fingers slip from hers. He glances at the nurse before his eyes fall to the floor and he trudges out of the room.

Justin spots him and approaches slowly. "You ready?"

"Does it matter?"


Scott looks up to see his face. "I'm ready."

Left stranded in the hall, Alec stares after Sapphire as she follows the medics. He shrugs lamely. "Okay then," he says to the empty hall. Turning around, he goes back to his apartment, only to reemerge with his keys and jacket.

The ride to the hospital is a swift one and the medical team does what it can, though Gage's eyes do not open. Once to the hospital, they take him to the ER but force Sapphire to wait outside while the doctors are summoned.

It's at least an hour later before a doctor finds Sapphire in the waiting room. "Hi, Miss... Johnson?" He smiles kindly. "I want you to know that Gage is stable and we have him in his own room now." He glances at his clipboard and sighs. "Unfortunately, we don't know long he's going to be asleep. Apparently, he's been taking a drug that is usually used to keep an individual alert, however, it's often misused as an upper and often results in an overdose. However, I think in Gage's case, it isn't that he took too much at once, but I believe his body is severely sleep deprived."

The doctor cocks his head. "You see, eventually if a body doesn't get enough sleep, it will simply shut down. Though I'm unsure, my guess would be that Gage was keeping himself awake for so long that it finally caught up with him."

He purses his lips grimly. "Though he is stable right now, he has entered into a coma. It could last only a few hours or a few days, or... well, my guess would be a few days." He doesn't voice that it could be indefinite. "Right now, the best thing is to simply let his body sleep and slowly recover. We're monitoring him closely." He gestures to the nearby hall. "Feel free to see him if you like."

Very Much

Once the ambulance gets to the apartment and it fills with everyone Sapphire is forced to step aside. Trying to pay attachen to what they were saying and what was going on her mind reeled. How did this happen? Why did this happen? Gage overdosed? On what? Gage wouldn't do that...would he?

Following behind everyone as they carried Gage out Sapphire walked close. She was going to ride to the hosp with Gage in the back. She didn't care if she didn't have her car. Just being with Gage and knowing what was wrong was important to her. Stopping at the sound of Alec's voice Sapphire stops and turns. Her eyes were full of worry.

"I don't know. I came over for dinner with Gage and he wouldn't want up. He's sick from the sound of it but they wont tell me anything else. I am heading to the hospital now with them."

Wanting to talk to Alec more about the matter Sapphire new she could not. She needed to keep following so they didn't leave with out her. She wanted to be there knowing Gage had no one else.

"Sorry Alec, I'll talk to you a little later."

Hearing Scott's words it lifts a little bit of a weight off her shoulders. Though Scott didn't say it in a way he did forgive her.

"Thank you Scott."

Leaning her head back again and closes her eyes Hope keeps her fingers grasping Scott. She didn't want to let him go even if she new she would have too.

"I won't let go...not yet..I'll try my hardest to keep my light glowing for you."

Entering the room a tall thin nurse looks in on them for a moment and held a soft look on her face seeing Scott and Hope so close. She hated to break them up, but she had too.

"I'm sorry Hun, Hope needs her rest now. Tomorrow if you like you can come back."

Opening her eyes again and looking up at the nurse before looking to Scott again Hope smiled the best she could. For Scott she didn't want him to worry any more than he already would be. She'd try to fight this as much as she could.

"I love you Scott very very much."

My light

Receiving Sapphire's call, Susanne's eyes widen. She opens her mouth but doesn't even have time to respond before Sapphire hangs up. Still a bit shocked, Susanne tries to locate Reese. He would definitely want to know about this. Whether or not Gage was out on his own, the Elite still had a certain amount of responsibility for the young man and Reese still looked after him, whether Gage knew it or not.

A familiar voice seems to echo in the darkness like someone calling through a thick fog. Gage reaches out to it, wanting to draw near, almost feeling something like comfort. But no matter how many steps he takes, he doesn't seem to come any closer. The voice was still far away and he was so tired... so tired of trying to reach it. Unmoving, he remains quiet and still.

The sounds of a siren wail through the air as the ambulance races across town. Getting through traffic, it finally arrives at the apartment building, several EMTs getting out and retrieving a stretcher before heading up the three flights of stairs.

Getting to Gage's apartment and being let inside, they make sure they understand everything correctly from Sapphire while checking on Gage, feeling his pulse and looking at his eyes. Speaking amongst themselves, they make quick work of getting Gage onto the stretcher. Words like "overdose" and "malnutrition" seem to be threaded into their initial theories, but they don't express anything to Sapphire directly. Once out in the hall, they head carefully down the stairs.

Hearing all the ruckus, Alec looks out his window, disinterested in the ambulance until he hears them on his floor. Cracking his door, he looks out, now very surprised to see them at Gage's place, then even more so when he sees it's Gage they've come for.

Seeing Sapphire behind the medical team, he slips out into the hall, getting her attention with a touch to the shoulder. "Sapphire? What's going on? What's wrong with Gage?"

Scott doesn't move, but sighs deeply as Hope touches his face. It had been a long time since he'd felt that, and it did feel so good, like some kind of long lost friend. Her plea for forgiveness forces his eyes to meet hers, and for a moment, it seems time slows. His gaze might seem empty to some, with one eye so gray and lifeless... but the other was a window into the very depths of his being, to someone who knew how to read him.

His mind works through her question. Forgiveness was a choice, regardless of any emotions. Deep down, he could still feel the bitter pangs of betrayal. But they weren't as prominent now... not as easily felt, and less likely to surface. Yes, they were still there, but... he could no longer hold her decisions against her.

"You made the right choice," he assures quietly. He closes his eyes, imagining for a moment that they were somewhere other than this dreaded hospital room. "I belonged there... I still do... for a while longer."

After a moment, he opens his eyes again, his voice still soft. "There's nothing to forgive. You have... been my light. Even when... when I locked you out." A new tear rolls down his cheek to land on her hand. "Just hang on... and don't let... don't let that light go out."


Closing her eyes again for a moment as Scott leans his head down on Hope's hand she could feel a few of her own tears room from her eyes and down her cheeks. How did things get so messed up so fast? It was hard to think past this point and to what might really come of this all.

"Scott, thank you...for coming."

Opening her eyes again and bring a hand to the side of his face Hope just runs her thumb over his cheek. She felt so tired, but she wasn't ready to go back to sleep not yet. She'd hold on and she'd try to fight this because she had promised it to Scott but how long could she really hold on she didn't know. There was something on her mind she had to say. Tilting her head a little bit to be able to see into Scott's eyes Hope's held the reflection that her words she spoke were the truth and she meant it.

"I'm sorry I for...forced you to go to Brookshire when you didn't want too. Will you forgive me?"

Sitting on the cot in his so called room Trey is slouched over as he listens to Reese yell at Pete out in the other room. He new someone was going to get into trouble because he was out late but he thought for sure it would be been himself.

Every word he hears Reese yell at Pete his fists clench more, and he cringes inside. He wished Reese would just yell at him and not Pete. He'd just been trying to be a friend and help him get out and about. It wasnt right Pete got yelled at and now him. Just another reason to not care for Reese.

Just continuing to sit in his room Trey doesn't bother getting up right now. If he did, he might end up saying something that would get him in more trouble and he didn't really need that on top of everything else right now.

Looking up at the clock Sapphire see three hours has gone by and still Gage had not moved a muscle. He must have been tired if he was still sleeping but maybe he'd like some dinner.

Slowly walking over to where he was sleeping Sapphire bent down and gave him a little shake.

"Gage hun its time to get up...Gage."

Giving him another shake a little rougher and calling his name louder. Feeling her heart tump in her chest Sapphire can feel a wave of panic as Gage wont wake. Grabbing her phone and dialing the first number that came to mind Sapphire remember Rick was gone, Misty was home already. Not having a chance to hang up Sapphire can hear Susanne's voice on the other end.

"Susanne you need to tell Reese Gage wont wake up, I am calling 911."

Hanging up the phone Sapphire wastes no time in calling 911 and letting them know what was going on to have someone there as soon as possible. Hanging up the phone again all she could do now was wait.

"Hang in there Babe...come on...hang in there."


Scott shakes a little, so scared of everything right now... of losing Hope, of himself... of the future. He latches on to her words and tries to let them bring him courage.

Bending forward, he rests his head on top of her hand, feeling her skin in his cheek. Another tear rolls down. "I promise." Would he really not give up? He wanted to almost every day. But if Hope lived, maybe he really did have something to fight for. There was more to this than just him... getting out of Brookshire just wasn't about him... it was about those who loved him, too.

He sniffs and just holds her hand, his head still resting beside her. Oh to just erase everything and go back in time to when things were simpler. "I don't want to lose you either," he whispers. "So you have to hang on... you have to."

Despite Sapphire's entrance and her moving around the apartment, Gage still doesn't stir. He had not heard his alarm, nor had he heard Sapphire's voice or even realized she was giving him a kiss. It was a deep sleep - too deep. A sleep induced by lack of rest, though he had tried so hard to not let his job get to him. But Lonnie's pills were now taking their toll on Gage's body, and no matter how long Sapphire waited or prompted, he would not wake.

"Thank you." Reese enjoys Angelica for a little while longer accepting her support and talking a little bit about Hope. Soon though, he knows he needs to finish off the work day, so he promises to meet back up with her later.

It wasn't too long before his voice and Pete's could be heard in the lower level hall...

"I thought Hal said-"

"Well he was wrong." Reese's tone is stern. "Who do you think you are, taking Trey out of here after curfew? I specifically set up those rules for a reason, and you go and break them."

Pete sets his hands on his hips, letting his eyes drift away to where he knew Trey was probably in his room and could probably hear them. He looks back to Reese. "Look, I just thought he could use some fresh air."

"I don't care what you think! We have protocol in place for a reason. This isn't the first time you crossed the line, and so help me, any more of this and I'll put you on probation."

"For what?! Give a guy a break! So I took Trey out. Big deal. A man's gotta live, ya know? Keep him locked up in here and he's liable to go crazy. You can yell at me until you're blue in the face and I don't care."

"So you admit you're deliberately defying me."

"Call it what you want."

"I'm warning you, Pete... you take him out again and it'll be on your head."

"So sue me." Pete backs away and holds out his arms. "But until you do, don't go trying to break me because it won't work. I won't be a robot."

Reese scoffs and spins on his heel to stalk back up to the main floor, muttering under his breath.

Pete watches him go and sighs, pausing to collect his thoughts before turning around and heading to the rec room, passing Trey's door on his way.