

Closing her eyes again for a moment as Scott leans his head down on Hope's hand she could feel a few of her own tears room from her eyes and down her cheeks. How did things get so messed up so fast? It was hard to think past this point and to what might really come of this all.

"Scott, thank you...for coming."

Opening her eyes again and bring a hand to the side of his face Hope just runs her thumb over his cheek. She felt so tired, but she wasn't ready to go back to sleep not yet. She'd hold on and she'd try to fight this because she had promised it to Scott but how long could she really hold on she didn't know. There was something on her mind she had to say. Tilting her head a little bit to be able to see into Scott's eyes Hope's held the reflection that her words she spoke were the truth and she meant it.

"I'm sorry I for...forced you to go to Brookshire when you didn't want too. Will you forgive me?"

Sitting on the cot in his so called room Trey is slouched over as he listens to Reese yell at Pete out in the other room. He new someone was going to get into trouble because he was out late but he thought for sure it would be been himself.

Every word he hears Reese yell at Pete his fists clench more, and he cringes inside. He wished Reese would just yell at him and not Pete. He'd just been trying to be a friend and help him get out and about. It wasnt right Pete got yelled at and now him. Just another reason to not care for Reese.

Just continuing to sit in his room Trey doesn't bother getting up right now. If he did, he might end up saying something that would get him in more trouble and he didn't really need that on top of everything else right now.

Looking up at the clock Sapphire see three hours has gone by and still Gage had not moved a muscle. He must have been tired if he was still sleeping but maybe he'd like some dinner.

Slowly walking over to where he was sleeping Sapphire bent down and gave him a little shake.

"Gage hun its time to get up...Gage."

Giving him another shake a little rougher and calling his name louder. Feeling her heart tump in her chest Sapphire can feel a wave of panic as Gage wont wake. Grabbing her phone and dialing the first number that came to mind Sapphire remember Rick was gone, Misty was home already. Not having a chance to hang up Sapphire can hear Susanne's voice on the other end.

"Susanne you need to tell Reese Gage wont wake up, I am calling 911."

Hanging up the phone Sapphire wastes no time in calling 911 and letting them know what was going on to have someone there as soon as possible. Hanging up the phone again all she could do now was wait.

"Hang in there Babe...come on...hang in there."

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