
Look me in the eye

   "Mmmm...if I didn't think your boss would hunt me down for kidnapping you I'd say yes to that question."

Just continue holding Susanne Chuck completely ignores Susanne's request for him to stop complementing her. She deserved it no matter what she thought and Chuck was going to make sure she new it. For the first time in his life he'd finally found a woman who was worth his affection and he wasn't going to let the moment just slip by.

   "And your going to have to deal with my complements Susanne, or look me in the eye and tell me you never want to see me again and even than I will still fight for you. I give credit where credit is due and where my heart leads me."

Seeing the look in Hunter's eye that was almost like a way of say sorry Katie gives a small smile. Maybe he wasn't angry with her after all. She wasn't mad at him or though he'd done anything wrong but she had though she'd done something wrong.

   "Mmm...Sitting by our tree sounds nice today, and if you don't want to watch me clean you don't have to. I know it can be rather boring."

Poping a fry into her mouth Katie gives a smile to Hunter and a small nod. She was happy things seemed to be ok. She'd grown to really enjoy Hunter's company and was happy he was still around. He filled her days with something to do and many smiles.

   "Sorry I was being nosey this morning. I just didn't want you to think you were bothing me if you wanted to talk about your problems or anything. I'm just always willing to listen and its never a bother."


"Oh, Chuck, stop..." Susanne's voice was still quiet as she struggled with accepting his kind words. She always struggled with that though, thinking him far to kind and praising than she deserved.

Forced to look up at him again, she finds his eyes... so soft... so gentle. And though she smiles, her own eyes start to glisten with tears. "Just stop," she begs in almost a whisper. "You always make me cry when you talk like that." They weren't bad tears, they were just tears of pure emotions at someone actually taking the time to give her this much attention... to actually care this much, when she thought she wasn't worth any of it at all.

Returning her face to his chest, she tightens her grip around him and sighs deeply. "I'd like to just stay like this forever... can we? Right here... and not change anything?"

Hunter grins a little as Katie shares her food. His stomach was very hungry, yet he was having a hard time finding his true appetite. He goes ahead and snitches another fry though. "Eh... my morning was boring and uneventful too. Of course... I wasn't with you, so that makes a difference."

Winking at her, he leans over just close enough to kiss her cheek. "That big ol' tree's got my name on it for this afternoon, I think. But not til after I've stuck around here while you clean like I promised." Maybe a little bit of that glint in his eye was an apology from earlier. He knew he hadn't done anything wrong, while at the same time, he knew good and well he'd acted out of character, which surely hadn't seemed right to Katie.


Giving a small chuckle Chuck hugs Susanne a little tighter just feeling her close to him. He loved feeling her close the sweet smell of the shampoo she used in her hair and any perfume or body spray she used. All of it just seemed perfect and wonderful Chuck had never been more sure about a good woman before in his life till he met Susanne. He couldn't describe the feeling or reason he just new.

   "How could I get bored of you when every time my eyes lay on you, you make my heart jump. I love you Susanne just the way you are, and I would never want to change that. There is much life left for adventure and I am willing to wait for that adventure with you."

Bringing his finger under Susanne's chin he pushes upwards so he can look into her eyes. Just searching her face for a long moment Chuck's eyes twinkle and shine like they always had when looking at Susanne. There was so much that shown in his expression so many words and emotions unspoken but just waiting...waiting for the right time. 

    "I don't ever want you thinking I want you a different way because I don't. This...this is what makes you special."

Looking up at Hunter's voice Katie gives a small smile seeing him. She wasn't sure if he would be coming for lunch or not. Katie couldn't help but think he was mad at her and that made her doubt he would be here and she was worried at the same time. Now that he was here though maybe just maybe she had been wrong.

   "I don't mind when you eat my food, it just gives me reason to have seconds."

Leaning a little closet to Hunter Katie nudges him back before looking twords her food. Moving the place between them she gives a small smile willing to shake her food with Hunter and not minding at all. She liked sharing and she could always get more if need be.

   "My morning was....boring and uneventful. How about yours?"



Having been lost in thought, Hunter jumps and turns at the male voice. "Yeah?"

Mick steps up on the porch, giving Hunter a smile. "Hey. Just thought I'd see how you were doing."

Hunter smirks a little. "Oh, I'm alright. Just following doctor's orders."

"Good." Mick eases down on the other end of the swing, tipping his hat back on his head. "Hope this won't keep you from riding again."

"Naw." Hunter shrugs. "Swimming maybe, but not riding."

Mick chuckles. "Well, whenever you feel like it, we don't mind if you come hang out in the barn, even if you can't work. You don't have to stay cooped up here or in your bunk the whole time."

"Thanks." Hunter picks at a loose thread on his jeans. Apparently his absence this morning had already been noticed. "Look, um... sounds like it's gonna be a couple three weeks til I can ride my motorcycle..." He glances up at Mick again, hesitantly. He hadn't said anything to Katie, simply because he felt more comfortable talking with those who were actually in charge here. "I... well, all of you have been great - more than great, and I just don't want to wear out my welcome. I feel like a freeloader and I'm really sorry to burden you guys with taking care of me. If you-"

Mick holds up his hand to stop him while keeping himself from rolling his eyes. "Hold it right there, mister. I was afraid of this."

"Of... of what?"

"Of you thinking you're a burden or that we wouldn't want you here just because you're laid up."

"Well I can't possibly just expect you to house and feed me for several more weeks!" Hunter's eyes are wide. "I know I'm Katie's guest but-"

"You're our guest," Mick corrects. "And the only way you can wear out your welcome is by thinking we'd just send you on your way when you need the most help."

"I'd be just fine at home. I don't even have a regular job that I'm missing out on."

"You got insurance to cover doctor's visits?"

"Well... no..."

"Physical therapy?"


"Your car's still in the shop? How are you gonna get around?"

"I could find-"

"Hunter..." Mick looks at him with seriousness. "Do you want to leave?"

Hunter's eyes lower again. The thought of going home to his empty apartment really wasn't very appealing. Especially when Katie was still here. And even though he'd already been here almost two weeks... he didn't really feel like leaving yet. He wasn't getting tired of it - on the contrary, he was liking it more every day. "No..."

"Then what's your problem?" Mick shakes his head. "Look, if you can't just accept that we like you and want you here, then when you're back on your feet, we'll work your butt off as payment, alright?"

Hunter manages a wry grin. "By the time I can work, I'll have to leave."

"Then you'll have to come back." Mick shrugs. "Quit making this so hard. This is what a family does."

Family. That strange lump rises quickly in Hunter's throat again. "But... I'm not family," he responds quietly.

"Yeah, well, we got some strange habits."


"We adopt people we like. It's kind of a thing with us."

Another grin creeps across Hunter's lips. "You're all nuts around here, you know that?"

Mick chuckles and stands. "Yeah... we kinda like it that way." He gives Hunter's good leg a pat. "Just take it easy and don't worry about how long you're here, okay?"

Hunter finally nods reluctantly. There was just no arguing with this man. "Okay. And... thanks." Watching Mick leave, he sighs deeply. What was it with these people anyway? They liked him more than... his own family. 

Dropping his eyes, Hunter finds the thread on his jeans to pick at again. Funny how people like this could be closer than family. Unfortunately, it wasn't bringing any laughs. 

Remaining on the porch a while longer, Hunter eventually hears voices inside and knows that lunch is starting. He doesn't go in right away though, preferring to slip in as unnoticed as possible. 

Entering through the back with just a little trouble handling the door and crutches both, Hunter spots Katie at her usual table already eating. He hadn't seen her since sharing coffee with her earlier and... he felt a little badly. He hadn't meant to push her away, he just... wasn't feeling much like himself since yesterday, and he didn't really want to talk about what was on his mind - and he knew Katie would want him to.

Making his way over to her table, he doesn't bother getting himself a plate of food yet - it would be hard enough to juggle that and a crutch. 

Pulling out a chair next to Katie, he eases down carefully, withholding a groan as his knee bumps the table. Spotting what looked to be homemade french fries on Katie's plate, he steals one, giving her a grin. "Mm... whenever I steal you food, it tastes better. I don't know why." 

Leaning closer, his shoulder nudges hers. "How was your morning?" 

Smiling up at Chuck, Susanne buries her face in his chest, hiding her red cheeks. "I keep telling you to stop saying things like that," she mumbles. With her arms tucked in close and feeling his own arms around her, she felt as if she were in a warm safe haven. She could smell his leather jacket that he'd worn on their ride, the clean laundry soap in his shirt, and the sweet scent of his cologne. It was a combination that tingled her senses and made her melt. 

Finally lifting her face, she squints in the sunlight. "I'm just glad you're feeling better... I have to admit... I was missing our motorcycle rides." She giggles, remembering how terrified she'd been the first time she'd ridden with him. "Imagine me saying that." 

Standing on her tiptoes, she gives his cheek a little kiss. She hoped he really was happy with her. Even though they'd been dating a while now, she was still shy about a lot of things. She rarely had him in her house, she still didn't like getting home late from date nights, and she wasn't always as free with physical affection as Chuck was. She'd curl up on his couch with him to watch a movie, and she liked hugs and gentle kisses... especially the hugs... but she shied away from anything more. The last couple times he'd moved for more passionate kisses, she'd pulled away... 

That thought brings her face back down to hide in his chest again. She knew he wasn't mad at her or anything, but she was still embarrassed, and worried that he might get frustrated with her, or get tired of taking things so slowly. Even with sweet words like he'd just spoken, she still worried. 

Slipping her arms around him, she turns her head to look out at the lake, still leaning into him. "I wish I was braver," she mentions softly. "More adventurous. I'm afraid you'll get bored with me."

Care Basket

Hearing Hunter almost tell her in a nonchalant way that he wanted to be left alone Katie was a bit surprised. He'd never done that to her before and it made her bristle just a little wondering if she had done something wrong.  What she wanted to do was sit there and continue to talk things out make sure everything was ok, but something told her right now that might not be good. The last thing she wanted to do was drive Hunter away.

   "Oh, alright. I guess I will see you after lunch than. Have a good morning."

Taking her empty cup and Hunter's too Katie steps off the porch before looking back at him. Turning again she makes her way to the mess hall. She had some time to kill before lunch and than she would start to work right away on cleaning. The sooner she did the sooner it could get done and having Hunter to keep her company would make it go that much faster.

Walking with his arm around Susanne Chuck keeps her close just enjoying being able to be out and about. After being sick for some many weeks on end it was starting to bother him being cooped up. The flu bug had hit him hard this time around and one a few days he could hardly even make it into work. But now being here walking with Susanne on the beach after riding the motorcycle here it seemed that much more special to him.

   "Thanks for meeting me today Susanne. I really was going crazy being inside all the time....not being able to see you was quite a shame as well. I liked the care baskets you sent over though. They helped lots and there is just something about a specials woman's thoughts that brings its own warmth."

Getting to the end of the pier and looking out as the vast water in the distance on the horizon little buildings were dotted. It was a clear sky day, and it seemed almost to perfect a day Chuck would not wast. He'd gotten time out, had Susanne to keep him company after prying her from work...it was a perfect day indeed. 

Turning twords her Chuck brings a hand to the side of her face she gently runs his hand down her cheek before cradling her face ever so softly. She was so special to him and he cherished every moment he spend with her, never wanting any moment to go to wast. Leaning in his gives her a soft kiss on the lips before retreating and tilting his head the other way coming back in for a kiss. Not letting it linger for to lone Chuck pulled away just smiling down at her. He new she was still unsure of anything but a simple kiss as she had pulled away a few times before and the last thing he wanted to do was scare her away. He'd promised they would take things in her time, and he was going to stick to that not pushing anything more on her.

   "You're so amazing you know that. How an old coot like me ever got so lucky is something I will never know but I sure am happy I did."

Mrs. Jones

Glad Katie moved on with the conversation, Hunter nods. "Yeah, sure... I can keep you company after lunch. Not like I have any better offers." 

Swishing around the remainder of his coffee, he finally downs it as well. "Thanks for the coffee... I guess I'm a little more awake now." He nudges Katie's leg with his foot. "I need to get a hold of a couple guys about checking in on my apartment and taking care of my car... so I'll catch you at lunch if not before." 

He really didn't mean to dismiss Katie... but... for some odd reason he didn't understand, all of a sudden he just felt like being alone. 

It was only a few minutes later when he was back on his bed again, staring at the ceiling. Yes, he had to get a hold of some guys back home, but not yet. What bothered him now was that he'd snapped at Katie and didn't even know why. What had she said that made him bristle so badly? He didn't like feeling upset with her, especially when it seemed quite uncalled for. 

"...Just...make sure sooner or later you do talk so everything you're feeling won't have to stay bottled inside." 

It still gave him a weird sort of churn in his stomach. 

"...bottled inside."

"...if you keep all this bottled up inside, it's just going to harm you later down the road..."

Hunter blinks. That wasn't Katie's voice he was hearing anymore. That was Mrs. Jones. His high school counselor. 

"What happened, Hunter? Why aren't you living at home anymore?"

"Just wanted to move out, that's all." 

"And your grades? Why are there two Fs on your last report? That's not like you."

"So I've been busy. I got a job and haven't had time to study." 

"Aren't your parents helping you?" 

"No, why should they?" 

Mrs. Jones' soft eyes stared back at this seventeen-year-old with compassion and pity. "Do you want to tell me what happened between you and your dad?" 

Hunter rocks his chair back on two legs, his eyes landing everywhere but Mrs. Jones' face. "Nothing to talk about."

"You know, if you keep all this bottled up inside, it's just going to harm you later down the road. I want to help you, Hunter. Why won't you let me?" 

Because he'd been stubborn. Determined to push through on his own. And too hurt to talk about it. 

Hunter closes his eyes and remains lying quietly in bed. It had been years since he had thought about all of this. His dad. The fight. The consequences. The feeling that he was no good and unloved. Come to think of it... it still stung. But why was all of this cropping up now? Why was he thinking about so many things from the past all of a sudden? What had those nightmares done to him? What had that river done?

It wasn't until much later that Hunter eventually emerges from his bunkhouse again. He felt no better though. He was glad he'd figured out why what Katie had said had bothered him, but what bothered him even more was actually finding out the answer - that something from so far in his past was suddenly coming back to haunt him. He didn't like it. 

Making his way on his crutches, he stops in to see Angel so she can check his knee again, then he heads for the main building. It wasn't quite lunchtime though, but he knew Katie would be around at some point. He didn't feel much like waiting inside though, when it was so nice outside. 

Easing down on the porch swing, he sighs, and lets it sway gently back and forth.