
for now

Having Chance take her hand from his face Destiny's heart skipped a beat and than sank a little at his apology. He was saying no in so many words yet his eyes were saying something completely different. That it was easy to tell to see the care behind them.

Letting out a sigh Destiny straightened She had tried and thats all she could of done. About to say something she is cut off as Chance takes her face in both his hands. A little shocked at first from not expecting him to change his mind so fast Destiny soon relaxes as Chance's lips meet her.

Melting into his arms as she felt the same passion as she had before she returns it fully. Letting her arms slip around Chance Destiny pulls herself a little closer to him just letting her emotion flow out with the pleasure she felt.

Yes, there might be an end, it might be tomorrow, or next week but Destiny new that and this was now and all she cared about. Why worry about the future, it was just one day at a time.

Pulling away a little Destiny turns her head the other way returning for another kiss letting it linger as the warmth ran through her. Everything else seemed to be forgotten for now.
Chance couldn't help it that Destiny's palm on his face felt nice. She had such soft skin against the roughness of his five o'clock shadow. The softness of her touch conflicted with the harsh fire in her stare... a stare that showed determination... the same determination that gave her the courage to move on through this tragic time in her life.

Chance reaches up to take her hand in his, lowering it a little and running his finger over her knuckles. It felt good.... holding her hand. She wasn't just a client that needed babysat. She was a woman... a woman who needed care, affection and love.

"I'm sorry." He drops his eyes and sets her hand down on the railing, giving it a slight pat. His answer was no.

Staring out into the yard again, Chance could kick himself. At the very least, here he was, alone with a woman who wanted his attention, and it could very well end the day he left after he was relieved of his duty here. It wasn't like she was asking him to marry her. Good grief, who would turn her down? He had the opportunity to live a little here, and he was throwing it away because why? He figured he'd hurt her? Apparently she was quite prepared for that. And if she wanted to take that risk, it was on her head, right? Never had he felt so conflicted and confused about the direction in his life. For the first time, he felt like he might get trapped in one of his own snares. And why? Because of a woman? Did he really care for her that much?

Spinning back around, Chance takes both hands and places them on either side of Destiny's face, staring her square in the eye. "Don't say I didn't warn you."

Leaning down, he cocks his head and takes one step closer, letting his lips press against hers in a kiss that mirrored the passion he'd let show earlier in the day.

Never love at all

"And I told you to let me decide what I deserve and what I don't. I maybe hunted by the Agency, and I might need a bodyguard but that doesn't mean I am a child without a mind of my own."

Destiny turns her head to look at Chance again. She heard what he said, and she new what he meant. He was a wonder, maybe she would be to now that she had no family left. If she kept moving the Agency couldn't find her right.

Still leaning on the railing Destiny turns to so she was now facing Chance. Just watching him for a long moment and studying him. Thinking her words though, thinking her emotions though before she acted to make cretin she new what she was saying.

Slowly reaching her hand out to Chance she places it on the side of his face turning it to look at her. Her thumb running over his cheek bone as she just looked in his eyes for a long moment before speaking again.

"I know and understand what your saying Chance. Once the Agency has stopped hunting me your going to leave and I might very well never see you again. If thats true we better not wast what time we do have together."

Better than that

Kyle chuckles and shakes his head. "Alice... I've been your captive for a long time now. Forever doesn't seem so bad."

Grinning, he leans over and gives her another tender kiss. "Goodnight, my love. I'll see you in the morning."

Standing up, he stretches and yawns, heading a bit wearily to the door. Life was complicated. But not so much as it had seemed.

Chance's eyebrows rise at Destiny's boldness, and he watches as she nears to lean on the railing. Catching her eye as she looks back over her shoulder, he sees the flame dancing in her gaze. It was almost real enough he could reach out and touch it.

Finally looking back down, he sighs a little and shakes his head. "I'm not talking about danger, Destiny."

Setting his laptop aside, he stands up, joining her at the railing and standing with his shoulder almost touching hers. It wasn't the greatest view... just yards... but it seemed bigger at night.

What was he talking about, if not danger? It wasn't the Elite business he was concerned about. It was himself. But how was he supposed to say that? How was he supposed to explain that his actions and decisions only ever affected himself? He'd never gotten involved in a relationship - no one else could get hurt by the consequences of his decisions. No one could get in the crossfire. If he messed up and got in a scrape, it was his own hide and no one else's. He wasn't trustworthy.

"Someone like me..." It sounded so trite, but he kept going anyway. "I don't live the kind of life you deserve - that's what I meant. I know you can take care of yourself as far as being around the Elite or Agency is concerned but... it wouldn't be fair to you. I've got... too many lines in the water, know what I mean?"

It sounded stupid and he rolls his eyes at himself. "Look, I just..." He sighs and turns his head to look at Destiny in the dim light, the shadows spread across her face and enhancing the curves of her cheeks. "There's a reason I've never had a girl. I'm not... I mean... I wouldn't stick around long enough to make anybody happy. It's just the way I am. I wander and I play too many sides at once. It's the nature of the beast inside me and it's no place for a woman like you... someone who should have better than that."


Continuing to watch Chance the long pause didn't bother Destiny to much as her own heart pounded in her chest. Looking back into his eyes she could see him own mind was moving from one thing to the next as he was in deep thought.

Just continuing to watch Chance even if as he looked away Desinty's own mind wondering on everything and how quick everything happened. Where would they go now? If Chance's response was one that agreed with hers how would things change? If he didn't agree and he said they couldn't do this how would that change everything? Would they be less than friends as to not be put in a situation like they had in the living room?

As Chance speaks Destiny works his words over mind her mind. Letting each on sink in and process them. His words could mean a few different things, and not really a total answer. Cocking her head to the side as a pause is there Destiny waits wondering if he would continue and he did. Lifting an eyebrow as he finishes talking Destiny sits up straght in her chair putting her book down on the table that was in front of her. Looking back at Chance Destiny's own face was one if being serous, and her eyes strong with her words.

"Why don't you let me deiced what I deserve."

Standing Destiny moves a little closer to Chance leaning on the railing of the porch and looking out into the dark. Giving a little grin Destiny turns her head to look over her shoulder at Chance her eyes give a little flair of a burning light in them.

"Your life can't be any worse that what I have dealt with already and I'm willing to take the risk. What can I say I guess I do take after my father and like living a little dangerous."

Maybe it was growing up in her family, and how everything works that made her strong and so forward in how she felt. Her thoughts and how she felt, were always layed on the table with anyone. Most of the time that was the hardest thing for people to deal with when they met her but she'd never chance that. It was just who she was, and how she was raised. Agency family or not it was her, who she was.

Still looking up at Kyle Alice gives a small chuckle. She new he had to go now but she wish he could stay for longer. She really wasn't looking forward to facing the quiet tonight again even if she would be going to bed once Kyle left.

"Like you have to ask to if I wanted to be picked up in the morning, of course I do. It's nice not seeing the inside of my jeep for a little bit."

Giving a laugh Alice sits up. She didn't mind driving and she did love her jeep but honestly it was a nice change to be in Kyle's truck as well.

"I guess I should let you go now before I hold you captive forever."

Looking up at Mick the tears were easy to see in her eyes but they were tears of joy. Rosetta was very happy there family was complete again and knowing BJ was now awake was a releaf like no other. It was one good step in the right direction.

"Why don't you try and sleep a little more buddy. We will still be here when you wake again ok, I promise."

You deserve better

Chance's fingers run up and down the sides of his laptop as Destiny speaks. He had thought that look in her eye had been genuine... he'd been right. She was looking for something more than a mere friendship here... something more than a business relationship of a bodyguard and client. Some people got to that point in a matter of minutes or hours - it wasn't impossible for two people who had spent the last few days together. They had been forced to do everything together... go places, eat, relax, and have fun to cure their boredom. Chance would be the first to say that Destiny was an attractive young woman - certainly not what he'd expected coming in to this. Apparently she didn't think he was too bad himself. She was sweet, kind, strong, courageous, fun-loving... Chance knew more about her than people he'd worked with for three years. So why would it be impossible for his own feelings to have evolved?

Realizing he was staring at Destiny's eyes, he drops his gaze. His stomach does a little flip and he can feel his pulse pick up. He couldn't help but replay that moment in his mind. He'd never kissed or been kissed like that before. The closest he'd ever gotten was being undercover and required to act like a couple with a woman. They'd kissed quite passionately to play the part... but it had just been an act, that's all. There had been no feelings... it had just been a job. But this... tonight... with Destiny... he'd felt... wanted. He spent half his life getting in people's ways, irritating them and fighting to find his place. But Destiny... after just a few days... she actually wanted his attention. To think that someone like her could feel that about him, well... it was... surprising and.... warm.

Chance's eyes move up again to once more study Destiny's face. He knew he was taking an awfully long time to respond, and the silent moment was turning into several minutes. Looking in her eyes, he finds the same elements he'd seen earlier and they send a chill down his spine.

"I could lose my job over this," he responds quietly. "If Reese or Toby found out they'd... well, they'd replace me here for sure if not sack me." And her... Destiny was going through an awfully emotional time right now. Would she still feel the same way ten days from now? Five even? Was she just desperate to release her emotions somehow and it had turned into the kiss? She said she meant it but... was it really real?

"And I don't want to take advantage of your position." Chance shifts a little and looks out into the adjoining backyards before looking back at Destiny. A sheepish grin spreads across his lips. "But I have been known to buck the system a time or two." Was he saying yes? No? Maybe? Later?

Sighing, he knows she deserved an answer. He'd asked her, now it was his turn. He grows serious again. "You don't want to get involved with a guy like me, Destiny. The way my life is... you deserve better than that. There are things you don't know that are better left alone, and if you got involved with me, I... well, I don't want to see you get hurt." He bites his lip. "'Cause you make it pretty hard for a guy not to fall for you, too."

Loving Alice's hand on his face, Kyle grins, finding her other hand with his. "I guess we'll have to do something about that sometime then, huh?" A little twinkle enters his eye and he leans down again for another kiss.

"I gotta go nor or I'm gonna be here all night. Want me to pick you up in the morning?"

Mick chuckles softly. "Yeah... you hit your head alright. But you're gonna be okay." He hoped it was true - it had to be true. "You took a nice long nap, but if you're still tired, you can sleep some more."

Emotions flood his gaze. BJ might not be his son by blood, but he'd been more of a blessing than anyone knew. God had given Mick a second chance at a family and almost having it taken away had been one of the worst gut-wrenching experiences. Now seeing BJ awake again, it brought silent thanks to his lips for God and His mercy.

Reaching over, he puts his arm around Rosetta's shoulders, giving her a loving squeeze and kissing the top of her head. He knew she was just as relieved as he was.