

Carson grins and nods, standing up. "Sure. I'd be happy to." And he knew he better go now and make it a quick trip before Dani got back. Otherwise she'd have a fit he was there and then it really would be a bad time for a proposal... 

...Accomplishing the task wasn't hard, and as planned, Carson was back and had left before Dani returned a couple hours later...

"Hey, handsome." Dani steps into the room once again, this time looking more refreshed after having taken a long hot shower and a nap as well. She still hated seeing Dalton like this and was still worried, but at least she could function for a while again. 

Wandering over to the now-familiar chair, she sits beside the bed and puts a finger to her lips. "Shh....  I brought a peanut butter cookie for you."

It was getting late. But Alec didn't care. Still on his bike, he hadn't been home since that morning. He'd left his phone back at the house and he hadn't left Misty a note like he usually did if he wasn't going to be there when she got home from work. Which meant right about now she'd notice he was gone, but wouldn't be able to get a hold of him. He cared and didn't want her to worry... but... he just wasn't ready to go home yet. 

The sun was to his back as he rode along the highway, miles out of town. He didn't know where he was going. Where he wanted to go. If he ever even wanted to go back. Who needed him? Who cared? 

Finding a back road, he takes that out to a secluded spot he'd learned about from Eli. The path led up to the edge of a cliff that looked down over the city. One could see for miles up here, as if the horizon went on forever. In the evening light, an orange glow was spread across the scene. It was a scene that he would normally enjoy. A scene that he'd like to share with someone else. 

Riding up to the edge of the cliff and letting the engine idle, Alec's eyes glance down the sheer dropoff where trees and rocks lined the earth below. If he wanted to, death would be on impact. 

A chill runs down his spine and he backs up a couple feet. His stomach gives an odd churn and he forces himself to turn his bike around. He'd had suicidal thoughts in his life more than anybody knew. He never spoke of it. He didn't want to. It scared him to think about it. And now he was at that place once more... and it was dark... and frightening. 

Swallowing hard, he revs his bike engine and heads away from the cliff. Where he'd go next, he wasn't sure. When and if he'd go home, he wasn't sure either. 


Can You

Looking to Carson as he talked Dalton couldn't help the pang to his heart he felt. It was silly of him to think that Dani would want the perfect time. And that she was with him still but not really think he was good enough. For a moment Dalton was ashamed of himself.

   "I...I guess your right."

No No...he didn't think Dani was shallow at all and he hated thinking that because of his own thoughts thats what it mean.  He didn't want to give that impression because he new better than anyone Dani was not like that at all.

   "Carson can you do me a favor? I think its time I did ask Dani and not wait anymore. Can you grab my keys and go to my house. Look in the desk draw that my computer is on and take out the little box for me and bring it back? I'd like to surprise Dani when she gets back."

Giving Tal a little smirk and a nod of hear head Ryan agreed to dressing up a little more this time out. She wasn't big on it but it was once and a while, and she didn't mind doing it for Tal. Once he was gone Ryan smiles to herself once again before heading back to her room. This time she was getting ready for tonight. If she was going to look a little extra special for Tal, and put on a dress it was going to take her that much longer to get ready since she was not use to it.


Tal chuckles and lifts his palm to rest it against Ryan's cheek. "I'll never tire of that or you either." 

Grinning, he finally lets her go and walks - somewhat gingerly after his fall - to the door. "See you at seven then, and... you might wanna dress up just a little." He winks. "I think you deserve going somewhere nicer than Tou Han's."

Carson refrains from rolling his eyes, but he does give Dalton a little smirk. He understood, but he also knew his sister. "If Dani thought you weren't good enough, she woulda broken up with you long before this. Give her some credit for knowing what she wants and what she deserves."

He shakes his head. "If you're just waiting around for the perfect moment, it may not come, and she probably won't wait forever. If she really loves you like I think she does, she wouldn't care if you proposed in the middle of a traffic jam." He scoffs. "I proposed in the middle of an argument." The memory brought a wry grin to his lips. "If you think she'd say no because it wasn't a perfect moment... then you must think she's pretty shallow." 



   "I...I wanted it to be perfect and I just couldn't find that perfect time."

Shaking his head a little bit Dalton looks at his hands. He was so lucky to have someone like Dani's love and sometimes he couldn't help but feel like he wasn't good enough.  He new Dani would disagree and probley wack him over the head but he just couldn't help it.

   "I know its silly of me to think this but I just...I wish things were better for me, I feel Dani deserves so much more than what I can give it.  I wouldn't trade her for the world that I know I just...I guess in a way I am scared she'll say no if its not just right."

Looking back at Carson the look in his eyes told so much. He really did have a small fear that maybe Dani would say no even if he new it was a silly thought. He couldn't help but fear the rejection just a little bit anyways.

Ryan gives a little wave to her brother as he makes his way to the door. Not being able but laugh again at him as he goes. Her brother was a ham and she loved every moment of it. He was that extra bright spot in her day and knowing Tal and himself got along that well was even better. Tal had become part of the family and it was a nice feeling.

   "Seven o'clock sounds great to me. I shall be cleaned showered and ready."

Turning to Tal again and leaning up on her tip toes and giving him a kiss on the lips before pulling away and smiling. Her eyes give a twinkle as she just looks back at her own reflection in the depth of his eyes. How he looked at her...Ryan never tired of it at all.

   "Mmmm...I'll never tire of that or you."

Cold feet

Carson cocks his head, just watching Dalton for a moment. Did Dani even know how much this hulk loved her? 

"I kept wondering when you were gonna ask her," he admits. "Not that she'd tell me if she was engaged. She hates my guts right now. But I figured you were gonna pop the question for quite a while now." 

He gives Dalton a wry grin. "Don't tell me you got cold feet... Dani isn't all that scary is she?"

"Hey now..." Eli gives his sister a teasing glare. "Scarlet doesn't need any more reasons to laugh at me. I do well enough without falling off couches." 

Tal snickers. "You're getting better at dissing yourself, you know that?"

"Thank you." Eli gives a little bow. "But now, ladies and gentlemen, I'm running out of time for lunch. So I'm gonna go and I'll see you both..." He shrugs. "Whenever." 

"Yeah, yeah. See ya." Tal waves him out the door, quiet until he and Ryan are left alone once more. Looking down at her, he smiles, grateful for the bit of support she was giving him, while at the same time enjoying her touch as much as he always did. "So... shall we say... seven o'clock tonight?" 

Straddling his parked motorcycle, Alec looks out across the deserted beach on the lake. There was a chilly breeze - the most likely reason that no one else was here today. He was though... but his mind was very far away. It was filled with images of the past... images of him and Ryan enjoying each other's company as they spent hours just walking on the beach or sitting in the sand. Holding hands. Kissing. Driving in her car with no destination. Making out on the couch. Teasing. Laughing.

And now... it was all gone.

He'd known it before. He'd known that he'd messed up. He'd had no hope of gaining back Ryan's trust, let alone her heart. But over the last couple weeks, somehow, some hope had been reborn. And after today, it was as if he had just lost Ryan all over again. Only this time... this time his eyes were not blinded by pride. This time he could see that his mere presence put Ryan on edge. Upset her. Made her unhappy. Eli had been right. It was Tal she belonged with. Not him. Alec didn't deserve her in any way shape or form. He'd known it already but... today just seemed to drive home that fact. He was a worthless no-good, and he knew that if he wanted Ryan to be happy, then she should be with Tal instead.

Looking down at his hand, he unfolds a small note. On it was his own handwriting, and it simply said, "Ryan." And slowly, slowly, he tears the note into tiny pieces, clenching them tightly in his fist.

His eyes rise to the lake once more as the sun spread its rays across the rippling water. Then reaching out his hand, he opens his palm. The breeze swirls around him, picking up the scraps of paper and carrying them towards the sky, never to be seen again. Alec kisses his fingers and points them to the wind. "Goodbye, Ryan," he whispers.

Would he be able to move on? He had his doubts. But he wouldn't get in Ryan's way any longer. What they had shared... was no more...


Standing up after Tal stands up Ryan could tell he was in a little bit of pain and she hadn't even though about everything that was still healing on him till now. Laying a light hand on his back and giving him a smile Ryan trys to give him a little support without really saying anything to embarrass him.

   "I think maybe dropping in on Eli and Scarlet is a good idea. I mean...after all I think they might be worse than us."

Giving a laugh Ryan didn't mind teasing Eli as much as he teased her. She new Scarlet was a good woman, and Eli had his head on right so there was nothing to worry about but a little bit of innocent teasing never hurt anyone.

   "Than maybe he can fall off the couch and have Scarlet laugh at him. Sounds good to me."

Hearing that Carson wasn't doing to well Dalton gave a little frown. He was hoping Carson was doing a little bit better but it made sense he wasn't. Giving a simplistic look to Carson Dalton looks down at the bed at his next comment playing with the blanket for a second. 

   "Yeah, I was a little worried there too. Though I might kick the bucket before I could even ask her."

Looking at Carson Dalton's face was slightly sad at the thought. He'd been waiting to ask Dani to marry him for the right time and if he had not been able to before that time came...it was just a sad thought to him. 

Not so good

Actually, the fall from the couch had jarred just about every recently-healed injury, leaving Tal in quite a bit of pain. He wouldn't let on though... not and spoil that smile on Ryan's face he'd missed seeing lately. 

Grinning from ear to ear, he laughs too as his face flushes. "Yeah... yeah, I'm okay." Seeing Eli approach, he gives him a sheepish look and lifts a hand. "Wipe that stupid smirk off your face and help me up." 

Swallowing a laugh, Eli reaches down and pulls Tal up, knowing that the fall must have hurt if he was asking for help. "That'll teach you to be making out with my sister." 

Tal quirks an eyebrow and looks down at Ryan. "Naw... it just means we should start out on the floor instead."

Eli's eyes widen and he threatens to whack Tal over the head. 

Tal raises his hands and backs up a step while laughing. "I was just kidding, big brother, just kidding." 


"Say what are you doing here anyway?" 

"When I decided to get some lunch, I realized I'd forgotten this." Eli holds up his wallet. "So I had to come back here and get it. Glad I did too..." He gives his sister a dry sort of glance, but ends it with a wink. He trusted her and Tal both, probably more than he trusted himself, but he still liked to give them a bad time. "Me and my own babe can't decide what to do tonight - do I have to come back here and babysit?" 

Tal smirks. "I happen to be taking your baby sister out to dinner tonight, so you and Scarlet are welcome to the couch." 

Eli grins. "Maybe it'll be her couch tonight."

Tal glances to Ryan again. "I think we should just 'happen' to drop by there at the most opportune time tonight, what do you think?"

Relief sweeps through Carson as Dalton welcomes him rather than throwing him out. At least now he had two people that would talk to him. That was a start, right? 

Easing down in the extra chair, he shrugs at Dalton's question. "I'm... not so good," he admits. "I thought I'd been to hell and back before... but that wasn't even as bad as this." He glances down, his fingers fiddling in his lap. "I'm surviving though. Mostly trying to find people who will forgive me for the lies and be my friend again. I'm finding that more difficult than I thought it would be too." 

He couldn't help the depressive tone of his voice - he was depressed and he knew it. He didn't want to live without Misty... but she wasn't giving him any choice. He didn't want to forget about all his friendships... but the relationships seemed to have vanished. 

Looking back up again, he forces a small smile. "I came to see you though. Thought for a while there I mighta lost my future brother-in-law."


Hearing Carson's voice Dalton looks to the door a little surprised to see him there but not surprised to hear he hadn't come sooner because of Dani. But he was happy to see Carson there. Though he had done some bad things Dalton still liked Carson. They had always been upfront and honest with each other even if he didn't understand the reason totally for his chooses.

   "Hey Carson, Its good to see you man. How ya holding up yourself?"

Shifting a little Dalton trys to get comfortable and see Carson a little better. He new he's told Dani to go home because she needed to sleep too but he was slightly lonely now. So having someone there with him was nice.

Ryan can't help but laugh as Eli's presence is known. It always made her laugh with how much of a drama queen he was when she new darn well it didn't bother him as much as he played it up.

   "I saw we keep going too. I've walked in on him a few times making out with Scarlet...so...ya."

Leaning up and giving Tal another kiss before pulling away Ryan cocks her head a little looking up at him. She was so happy he was willing to give her another chance. She wasn't ready to lose this, to lose this feeling, and the peace she felt. This to her felt right and she wanted to really know where it was going.

Everything happened so fast all Ryan could do as Tal fell was shreek a little that was followed with a a laughter that rang out so loud she couldn't help it as she leaned over the edge of the couch trying to gasp for air and as if he was ok. 

   "Oh my gosh...Tal...Tal...can you hear me down there."

Rolling backwards on the couch again and bring her legs up a little it as she continues laughing Eli's comment just sends her into another fit of laughter. Tears started to roll from her eyes before finally looking over the edge again she looks back to the doorway at Eli.

   "No...No..He's still here just...but I bet now he wasn't."

Shaking her head continuing to look down at him Ryan couldn't whip the smile off her face. Things just seemed good right now to do something as silly as that. Cocking her head to one side her eyes twinkled with love, laughter, and thankfulness Tal was here.

   "Now that I am done laughing...are you ok?"



Dani knew Dalton was trying to take care of her too, even though he was the one in the hospital bed. Wincing as he coughs, she opts to just do what he asks, even though she wanted to stay. She didn't want him worrying about her and feeling worse. "Alright... I'm going." 

Giving his hand a final squeeze she finally leaves. A shower would feel nice... and maybe just a short nap would be alright.

...It wasn't too much later when there's a new tap on the hospital door. Carson had been sitting, waiting and watching until Dani had left. He'd had a hunch she'd wind up going home at some point, and he'd just as soon avoid another confrontation. Or maybe he just didn't want to see her angry with him again.

"Dalton?" He eases into the room, not wanting to aggravate the big man. As far as he knew, Dalton could be just as offish as everybody else. He could despise Carson just like the others at the Elite did. Regardless, Carson felt the need to at least stop by once. Dalton had been one of his friends... and even though he'd messed up, he had a little bit of hope left that somebody would forgive him. 

"I, um... just wanted to see how you were." He wanders a little closer to the bed. "Heard about what happened and all. Stopped by a few days ago, but... well, Dani didn't want me around." 

It wasn't often that Tal let his passion run whatever direction it wanted, but today he wasn't paying too much attention to what his norm was. He and Ryan had come too close to losing each other, and he let his affections speak for themselves - he didn't want anybody but her. 

Murmuring with pleasure, he loved feeling Ryan's own passion returned to him. It was warm. A confirmation that she really did want him. Shifting his weight a little, he sends kisses down her neck then up again, returning to her lips. He really didn't care what time it was or how long they spent in each other's arms. He'd simply never tire of Ryan's affection, no matter how many minutes ticked by. Her fingers running through his hair send tingles down his spine and he responds with a deeper kiss, letting her know he liked it. 

"What the... aw man!" Eli cringes and turns around to walk into the kitchen instead. "I did not need to see that!" Apparently his entrance had gone unheard by the two lovebirds on the couch, and seeing them making out wasn't exactly on his list of things to do.

Startled by the sudden intrusion, Tal recoils, his eyes wide. But looking down at Ryan, he grins before starting to laugh. He'd love to stay here all afternoon and just cuddle for as long as they wanted, but it would seem as though today was not the day and... Eli's reaction was pretty funny. "I say we just keep going," he whispers, still grinning. Returning for another short but rather passionate kiss, his eyes twinkle. "Maybe if we ignore him, he'll go away."

"I heard that!" 

Tal laughs again, before pushing himself up by his arms to release Ryan. Yes, he'd like to stay here the rest of the day... but better sense told him that maybe Eli's entrance was a good thing. Shifting to prepare to get up, Tal's hand slips off the edge of the couch. Before he knew what was happening, he was lying on the floor, staring up at the ceiling. Blinking, he turns to give Ryan a cautious look. "Um..." He chokes on a laugh. "Was that as graceful as it felt?" 

Hearing the loud bang, Eli pokes his head out of  the kitchen, muttering under his breath. "What in tarnation are they..." From his angle, Tal had disappeared completely. "Ryan, you scared him away!" 


About to say something in return Ryan is silenced by Tal's kiss. Being pushed back onto the couch Ryan wraps her arms around Tal and lets a small giggle out before returning her lips to his. Bringing her on hand to the back of his head she runs her fingers through his hair as his other is on his back. Wrapping her legs around him Ryan lets her feels flow back to him as a soft murmer is formed in her throat. Just letting how to felt speak through her actions. 

Moving her lips from Tal's for a second Ryan kiss his cheek before moving down to his jawline and than his neck placing a few more kissed there and than making her way back up to his lips one more letting that kiss linger longer.

Smiling at Dani Dalton gives her the best smile he can. Giving a laugh at her comment it send him into a coughing attack but once it is calmed he looks at her and smiles shaking his head.

   "I don't think I will be running off anywhere anytime soon. Now on now, and hurry back."

Giving a reasure smile he wanted Dani to know he would be ok. He would be ok and if she wanted to go for a little bit everything would be alright. Even thought he was hurt her health was still important too.

Catch uP

Tal just holds Ryan close, keeping her on his lap. He was relieved she forgave him... he wouldn't have known what to do otherwise. He felt terrible for having lost his temper. It wasn't something he often did, and it didn't feel good. 

Realizing Ryan was crying, he tilts her head back to catch her tears with his thumb. "Hey... quit that or I'll start crying too," he teases softly. "I've missed you too... and I think we've got at least an evening's worth to catch up on..." 

Grinning, he gently pushes Ryan to her back on the couch, moving to rest over her, holding his weight on his elbows. His foot gives her leg a teasing nudge before he lowers his lips to hers. Kissing her long and deep, he lets it speak for his heart... for words wouldn't do justice anyway. 

Dani giggles and shakes her head. "I would imagine you don't feel so great. But you always look great... just so you know." 

Sighing, she finally straightens, lifting her head. "I guess I won't argue with you... but I'm coming back." 

Standing up, she gives Dalton's hand a squeeze before bending down to give his lips a little kiss. "Don't go anywhere, okay?" 


Standing there and listening to Tal Ryan finally moves to the side to let him in. Continuing to listen to him hear heart beat so fast in her chest. Not sure at first what he was saying to trying to understand him it was hard. Hearing him say sorry though Ryan couldn't help the look of being surprise that crossed her face. She'd never had someone say sorry and mean it so soon before. It was something new...and...it made her feel warm.

   "Oh Tal...of course I forgive you. I love you to much not too and...I...I am very sorry too."

Not being able to help it Ryan steps forward and wraps her arms around Tal. Just holding him for a long moment new tears rolls down her cheek and this time they were tears of joy. She was happy Tal had changed his mind and was willing to work on things. She wanted to work, and wanted to try and mend this. Tal meant everything to her and for that she was sure.

   "Yes...Yes I still want to go to dinner with you tonight. I've missed you the last few days."

Feeling Dani's skin on his own it was warm, soft, it was reassuring that there was someone in his life who cared. It was in a way a nice thing to be reassured but still seeing how worried and tired she looking she was it made him sad at the same time. She shouldn't be here day and night waiting on him. 

   "Thank you Dani for being here with me. It means the world that you care so much. But you need to....to take care of yourself too so I don't worry."

Moving his thumb a little bit he lets it run against her cheek  feeling her skin under his finger it was so soft and it warmed him more to know this gift, this wonderful gift was his and only his. It almost made him want to cry to know she could of lost him before she ever new how much she meant to him.

   "Go home my love and get some sleep, grab something to eat and than come back hummm? It would make me feel a whole lot better if you did. Not to mention I am going to see about getting cleaned up myself...I feel...not go great."

Until I'm Positive

Tal knew he'd never seen Ryan like this before. It looked like she'd been crying since he'd parted ways with her a while ago, and it sent an ache straight to his heart. Sighing, he nods. "Yeah... well, I guess maybe after driving around nowhere for over an hour, I realized I owe you an apology." 

Entering the apartment, he just stands and studies her for several long moments in silence. Finally he moves, taking her hand in his and bringing her to the couch with him. Easing down, he pulls her sideways into his lap and wraps his arms around her to hold her close. Starting with the top of her head, he gives her several tender kisses down to her cheek and finally a soft kiss on her lips. "I'm sorry," he apologizes quietly. "I shouldn't have taken my frustration out on you or lost my temper with Alec." 

He leans his head against hers while one hand slowly rubs her back lovingly. "I didn't mean to hurt you. I just let my fears from past experiences get the best of me... along with jealousy. When I drove away though... all I could think of was how much I'd miss you if I didn't turn right around and go back. And when I did, Leo said you'd left and gone home."

Another kiss is placed softly on her cheek. "I believe you, Ryan. I know you've still got some feelings for Alec, even if you're mad at him. And I hope that if we stay together, that those feelings will eventually fade completely. 'Cause I care about you so much, I want your whole heart." He gives her an extra squeeze. "But I'll never find out if I'll ever have your whole heart if I walk away. So... an hour was long enough to think. If you'll forgive me, I'd still like to take you out to dinner tonight." 

Lifting her head, Dani turns to look at Dalton, giving him a weary smile. She hoped she didn't look as tired as she felt. "Hi..." She cups his hand with hers to lean her cheek into it and just feel his touch that she'd been missing. 

"What do you mean what am I still doing here? I'm still here because of you, ya silly hulk." She kisses his palm before returning her cheek to it. "I can't leave until I'm positive you're okay."

High School

Sitting in her room with a box of tissues Ryan felt like she was a little kid again crying over something so silly as another person. She never cried over a guy but this time it was different and she really did care for Tal. The feeling of being helpless was over whelming.

Hearing a knock at the room Ryan's ears perk up a little bit before hearing Tal's voice. Ryan couldn't help but be surprised that he was here but she was anyways. Whipping her head away  Ryan heads to the door opening it slowly and looking at Tal. Giving a sniff she new her eyes were blood shot but there was nothing about that she could do.

   "Hey! I didn't expect to see you so soon."

Slowly opening his eyes Dalton trys to shift but winces in a little bit of pain. Moving his hands and feeling hair he looks down for a second running his fingers through Dani's hair once more. She was still here with him? 

   "Dani? What....are you doing here still?"

He was happy to see her but this couldn't be good for her or her job to be spending day and night with him. Not to mention the lack of sleep she was getting and the worry that was all over her face. He hated knowing he made her worry like that.


Not today

As Ryan returns to the shop, the guys remain quiet. Two of the bay doors had been open... they all knew. When she gives up the day's challenge though, it's a surprise. They could see she was upset, but to give one of them the win of the day was a signal that things were far worse than just a little spat with her boyfriend. But no one knew what to say. 

It was over an hour later when Tal's car would pull into the lot at Ryan's apartment. It had felt like the longest hour he'd ever experienced. Getting out of his car, he makes his way slowly up the walk and to the door. He knew Ryan was here from seeing her car, but after the way they'd left things just as little earlier, he wasn't so sure she'd even want to see him. He had a key... but he wasn't going to just walk in... not today. 

Lifting his hand, he raps his knuckles on the door. "Ryan?" he calls. 

Sitting in the chair in the little room, Dani shifts around once again as her leg falls asleep. She couldn't remember how long she'd been here... but it didn't matter. Dalton slept a lot, but she didn't mind - while all was quiet, she read a book or even napped herself. 

Yawning, she sets her book aside and just watches Dalton sleep for several minutes. Finally getting up, she moves the chair right up next to the bed before sitting again. Leaning forward, she folds her arms on the mattress next to Dalton and rests her head there, closing her eyes. If she fell asleep but he woke up, she wanted him to know she was still here. 

You Win

Ryan could feel her heart growing cold with each word that Tal spoke. It wasn't a coldness twords him but maybe rather his words, maybe the situation, or maybe it was a coldness twords Alec. He sure did have a way of messing them up over and over again didn't he?

   "You have to think again? So you don't believe me...if you did you wouldn't have to think. Fine Tal, I'll let you alone. You know where I am though when your ready because I don't know what else to do or say."

She could feel the hot tears stream down her cheek as she closed her eyes for a second and turned around heading back to the auto shop. Getting to the door she stops for a second trying to compose herself. She hurt, she was sad, no one saw her upset but at the moment it was hard. Giving a strong punch to one of the doors Ryan was happy it was mad of wood or she might of broken it. Sadly though now her fist was screaming at her.

Entering the auto shop the tears where sill in Ryan's eyes as she went to her car looking down at it. She could feel the guys eyes on her and her own eyes were to glossed over to see what she was doing. Right now she just couldn't finish work and she didn't need this car done till tomorrow anways. She just wanted to leave, to go home crawl in bed and wallow away the rest of the day.

   "Leo you win this round in the who can finish first challenge...I don't care today. I'm going home."

And with that Ryan pushes off the car and heads for the the time clock to clock out before leaving the auto shop altogether. Going to her car Ryan just sits for several long moments letting the tears flow. Why...why couldn't it be easy, why was it this hard?

Giving a laugh at Rosalyn Chad takes the napkins and brings them out to the table before coming back again. He loved the idea of having lunch by there tree. Coming back into the kitchen and standing next to Rosalyn.

   "I'm not worried about your father. I care to much to just tuck tail and run. As long as no one throws me off the ranch."

Looking down at her Chad smile before turn to the sink that already had some soap and water in it. Starting to clean up some of the dishes. He didn't what else he could help with but cleaning was something he did know how to do so maybe he at least could do that for now.

   "As for those buttons, they are waiting for you if you ever just want to sneak away."


Tal hated seeing Ryan hurt, but his hard stare remains as she speaks. He wanted to believe her. He wanted to believe that she did love him. But with everything having added up lately he was struggling... struggling to know what the truth was, and struggling with the fear of just ending up more hurt than he already was. 

As Ryan takes his hand, he doesn't hold hers, but he doesn't retreat, just letting her continue. Since knowing her, he'd never seen her this desperate. He didn't want to hurt her. He didn't want to be unfair or break her heart. But he had a longer history than he liked to think about, for having his own heart taken advantage of. He'd never expected to become close to Ryan in the first place - he'd considered her far out of his league. But now that they'd formed a relationship, this whole thing was tearing him apart. Was he really the only man she wanted? Why had she even allowed Alec so close to begin with? Even Eli had admitted she and Alec had something special. Could it really be ignored or overcome? 

Sighing deeply, Tal looks down before toying with Ryan's hand. "I love you too, Ryan," he responds softly. "I didn't ever plan on it... but I care about you more than I have for any other woman. I guess that's why this upsets me like it does. I just... I want to believe you. I want to believe that what you and Alec had won't come between us. And I just don't know." 

Finally raising his eyes, he looks to Ryan's face. "This morning, I had it figured out. I was gonna forget the whole thing and just be happy. And now... now I'm right back where I was last night." 

He shakes his head slowly before letting her hand slip from his and backing up a step towards the driver's door on his car. "I gotta go. And think."

Rosalyn feels herself melt all over again in Chad's arms. It just never failed. Returning his kiss, she sighs a happy sigh as he retreats. Giggling, she shakes her head. "Those shirts are probably loosening their buttons on purpose." 

Grinning, she finally lets him go and turns to the oven to warm it up. "I think lunch at our tree sounds fabulous, as long as we're both still alive when my father realizes you're still here this morning." 

She rolls her eyes before handing Chad a stack of napkins to be set out on the tables. "But if we feel the need to hide out... I wouldn't mind taking a look at those buttons..."


Having Tal turn to look at her again Ryan recoiled a little bit by the look in his eyes. She had never seen such a cold, hurt look and it ripped Ryan's heart in two all over again. It was hard to know how hurt, and anger he was with her.

   "Tal, I love YOU. I did not kiss Alec first, he was the one who kissed me. I don't want anyone but you Tal...I love, its you I love and want to be with."

Stepping a little close to Tal Ryan blocked everything else out of her mind. Placing her hand on Tal's arm and running it down to her hand Ryan takes it in her own wrapping her fingers around his. She felt so despite like she never had before. She didn't want to lose Tal and that she new for a face with every fiber of her soul.

   "Please Tal, I am begging you to believe me. My eyes are for you, and your the only man I want."

As Rosalyn comes to him and wraps her arms around his wast Chad audimaticly wraps his around her as well and leans down placing a kiss on the top of her head. Just feeling her in his arms was nice, and her warmth spread though him Chad couldn't help the tingling feeling he felt.

   "Mmmm...work is a pain but it is a must. However as long as you direct me I would be more than happy to help you out in here this morning. I'm a rather good cook when I put my mind to it."

Pulling away a little bit to look down at Rosalyn's the smile spreads across his face a little bit more. Moving one of his hand so it could slide to the back of her neck and than up to the back of her head Chad leans down giving her a few tender kiss on the lips, before placing another one that lasted longer. Just letting his feelings flow before pulling away and leaning his head against her looking her in the eyes.

   "Than maybe in the afternoon we could take a lunch to our tree, or find something else fun to do. I think I might have some button's that are falling off my shirts."

Look me in the eye

Staring at Ryan's angry face, Alec can feel his heart beating hard in his chest. What had happened? What had he done that was so wrong? Why was she yelling at him? All he wanted was to talk with her. He'd tried to be nice about it, but Tal was the one who had exploded. It didn't make sense. None of it did. The woman he'd seen just a couple days ago... seemed to no longer exist. The smile. The warmth. Gone. 

As Ryan walks away, Alec's feet remained glued in their spot. Throwing up his hands, he intends to holler after her, but no words seemed to do justice. She'd thrown him for a loop and he was landing face-first on this one. 

Hearing Ryan, Tal resists the urge to just get into his car and leave right now. Leaning against his car, his fingers strum nervously on the roof as he refuses to turn and look at her. Alec may not have had a right to say the things he did, but who was to say they weren't true? It was becoming more and more apparent that Ryan's heart was split. Maybe she'd made the conscious effort to pick Tal, but right about now, he wondered if it was even real. 

Finally pushing off the car, he turns. Leaning one arm on the roof, his eyes lock with Ryan's, with a stare he'd never used before. It was dark. Confused. Hurt. His ears pick up the sound of Alec's bike leaving, and he ignores it, holding his stare. 

"Look me in the eye and tell me you didn't kiss him back." His voice was controlled and quiet, but teeming with emotion. "Look me in the eye and tell me you don't love him."

Heading back down the hall, Rosalyn feels much better. She didn't have a change of clothes here, but at least she'd been able to wash her face, pull her hair back into a loose ponytail, and brush her teeth. 

Still in her bare feet, she pads into the kitchen to find Chad at the coffee pot - he must have been the one to make it, and she was grateful. Smiling just a little shyly, she comes up to him and slips her arms around his waist, leaning her head on his chest and sighing deeply. "I wish I didn't have to work in here this morning... I'd rather just go hide somewhere with you."



About to reply to Tal Ryan really wanted to talk with him and have dinner tonight. She missed him, and wanted to work things out. But turning and seeing Alec pull into the parking lot Ryan can feel her own self tense as she moves close to Tal. Why was she here? After she had told him to leave her alone he was now here.

Going to say something Ryan stops as Tal steps up and starts to talk. Letting her eyes go between Tal and Alec, than back to Tal Ryan didn't mind he was speaking for her because he was saying what she felt. What she did mind though was Alec, and the words he was speaking.  

As Alec continues Ryan can feel her own blood start to bubble. Her look was of anger and looking back at Tal and seeing his own anger it pained Ryan even more as fear flashed in her. As Tal turns to leave Ryan takes a few steps forward but stops. 

   "How dare you come here, and how dare you talk to Tal the way you just did. I told you to back off, and leave me alone. What is not clear about that? Mix signals sorry about that but I made it clear to you that I wanted you to leave me be. Do yourself a favor and listen to me or I'll have Eli come and see you because your not listing to me. I though if you'd changed you would of respected my wishes I guess I was wrong."

Ryan's own anger flashed in her eyes as her fists clenched. She wanted to pummle him but there was something more important she had to take care of and that was going after Tal. Turning again Ryan picks up her steps and goes after Tal till she catches up.

   "Tal...wait...please...if your going to leave than take me with you. Alec dosn't speak for me...he doesn't tell you how I feel. Please don't leave angry, I don't want to lose you."


Glancing down at Ryan's hand on his arm, Tal gives her a new smile. Taking her hand in his, he gives it a little squeeze. "I don't care..." 

As he says that though, he looks up and sees several pairs of eyes on him - most of them with very obviously teasing stares. "On... second thought, let's go outside." He smirks. "Too much of an audience in here." Grabbing a rag that was hanging off the mirror of the car, he flicks it at Miles, who had the cheesiest grin on his face.

Leading the way out to the parking lot, Tal stops a short distances from the open bay doors. With Ryan's hand still in his, he toys with her fingers, shifting his weight a little uncomfortably. "I, um... I'm sorry about last night. I needed to think, but I wasn't being very fair." He sighs before nodding. "I thought maybe tonight we could go out somewhere nice... my treat. Just..." Tal shrugs. "...to be together and maybe..." His sentence trails off as the sound of a motorcycle engine interrupts. Turning to look over his shoulder, he rolls his eyes. "You have got to be kidding me."

Could his timing get much worse? Seeing Tal with Ryan in the parking lot, Alec regrets having chosen this morning to come. But he was here now, they'd seen him, and he wasn't going to just turn around an leave. Parking nearby, he takes off his helmet and dismounts before approaching them a bit cautiously.

Tal's whole body tenses with remnants of fear leftover from the attacks. It was bad enough knowing that Alec was around, but to have him come here now was ridiculous. Backing up a step, he prepares for anything.

Alec stops just a couple feet away and looks between them for a moment before settling his eyes on Ryan, giving her a half smile. "I wanted to talk to you. Mind if I wait around 'til you're free?"

Tal knew better than to speak for Ryan, but right now he was fed up. "She may not mind, but I do," he snaps. "What is your problem? Can you not take no for an answer?"

Alec recoils slightly. "I was talking to Ryan," he replies calmly. "And my problem is just trying to make heads or tails out of something that's between her and me. I'm sorry for interrupting but-"

"There is nothing between you and her!" Maybe it was the fear down deep that drove Tal to lose his temper. Maybe it was the fear that he might really lose Ryan. "Get it through your thick skull, Alec! Leave her alone!"

Alec's brow furrows as his irritation builds. He knew he hadn't been invited, he knew that his timing had been poor, but he wasn't going to leave - not without talking to Ryan. His eyes glance back to her before returning to Tal. "It's not my intention to bother her." He tries to keep his tone on an even keel. "I know you hate my guts, but this isn't about you and me. So I'd appreciate a little respect."

"Respect?" By now, Tal didn't even care if he was making a scene, and he almost forgets that Ryan is standing right there. "Why do you even deserve an ounce of respect? You stomp all over somebody you supposedly care about, you act like a total jerk - at the very least - then you start bothering Ryan all over again, and you think you deserve respect?"

"Why does everybody but Ryan say I'm bothering her?!" Alec finally raises his voice. "I've done nothing by try to be nice! It looks to me like she's got a brother and boyfriend who are trying to run her life for her!"

"She doesn't want you around!" Tal barks. "Now for pity sake, leave her alone!"

"If she doesn't want me around, then why did she kiss me? Why did she say she wanted to see me and she loved me?!" Once Alec said it, he knew it had been wrong. But those things were what weighed most heavily on his heart - the confusion, knowing that she'd returned his kiss, admitted she loved him, then had told him to back off. He didn't understand, and that's why he'd come here today. But as the words slipped out of his mouth, he knew he never should have said them to Tal.

Anger flashes in Tal's eyes and for the first time since Alec's arrival, he looks to Ryan. She'd said Alec kissed her - not the other way around. She'd said she'd struggled with feelings for him - Alec was making it sound like something much more than that. Love was different than just leftover feelings. But which version was true? Who was playing games here? "You're crazy," he hisses to Alec.

Alec's eyes narrow. "Crazy for coming here? Yeah, probably. But I came to find out why your girlfriend's been giving me mixed signals. If you got a problem with that, I suggest you talk to her, not me. But for right now, I'm going to walk back to my bike, sit, and wait until she's free so I can talk to her."

Setting his hands on his hips, Tal scoffs. Looking back and forth between Ryan and Alec, he finally throws up his arms. He didn't know what the truth was anymore. "Forget it. I'm done here." Spinning on his heel, he stalks to his car with no intention of stopping. He wasn't sure what was going on between those two, but he didn't like it, and he'd not be played a fool.

Full of adrenaline, Alec's fists were balled at his sides as he tries to make sense of this whole stupid thing. Was it just bad luck on his part or was he really that dumb? Looking to Ryan, his eyes were full of apology... hurt... irritation... confusion. He'd come here to find out the truth, and all he'd done was cause a bigger mess. But why had Tal gotten that riled to begin with? Alec just didn't understand any of this.


Hearing Eli was excited and he would go with her Scarlet couldn't help but be excited. It would be something new for them both and they got the share it together. Being pulled into his arms and kiss roughly Scarlet never tired of these moments. Eli has his way of showing affection and she loved every moment of it. 

   "We will be leaving in two weeks, and it will be for a whole week we are there."

Leaning her head on Eli Scarlet couldn't help but continue to smile before looking up at him again. He always made her so happy she couldn't believe she'd found someone in the most unexpected place. God was truly good indeed.

   "I am so happy you agreed to come along Eli. I don't want anyone else being my boyfriend pretend or not either."

Looking up at Tal's voice Ryan gives a smile whipping her hands on her rag. She had a hard time this morning getting going but she was making it and now seeing Tal there she was happy that had to be a good sign right? 

   "I always have time for you. Would you like to stay here or go out?"

Ryan lays a hand on Tal's arm and gives it a little rub. She'd missed him yesterday and was happy he was here now. Ryan's heart beated a little faster as she smiled at him. She just wanted to know they were going to be ok.


Parked in the driveway of Scarlet's place, Eli didn't really want to call it a night, but he knew they had to. It had been a great day with Scarlet though... it always was, but especially when she'd come home from a trip. Eli didn't like it when she was away, but it did make their time together just that much sweeter. 

Straddling his bike as he talks with Scarlet, his eyebrows shoot up in surprise. She'd mentioned a while back that maybe sometime he might get to come along with her, but rarely had he had the time, and even more rare was her own opportunity to invite him. He knew that most of the time she did very interesting - though sometimes intense - work, and every once in a while he got wind of a few scrapes she'd been in - he could just imagine. He often teased her about being Indiana Jones, and while he knew her job was far from it, he also knew that there were times he'd most likely get in her way and be more of a hindrance than a help. This time though... 

"France? Are you kidding?" He blinks, still surprised. Usually she was within the United States, but it wasn't unusual for her to travel internationally. The surprise was that he was invited on one of the international trips - expenses paid, to boot.

"Really?" Realizing how silly he sounds, he laughs. "Well I'm not really sure how I could even say no to that one. I mean, how could I turn down a free trip to France? And besides... I couldn't let some other guy go along and play boyfriend, now could I?"

Dismounting his bike, Eli grabs Scarlet around the waist and pulls her against him roughly before wrapping his arms around her. Smiling, he looks down at her with a twinkle in his eye, then leans in for a passionate kiss on the lips. "I'll get the time off work somehow... when do we go?"

Where had he gone wrong? What had he done? Had he moved too fast? Too slow? What had happened within an hour's time to make Ryan push him away? One minute she was returning his kiss after admitting she still loved him, and then she was telling him to back off. It didn't make sense. He didn't understand. He'd told Ryan he would leave her alone if she asked, but that was before she'd said she was looking forward to seeing him again. Which part was true? That she still loved him or that she really didn't want him around?

These questions had bombarded Alec all day. And now that he was trying to sleep once again, he was no closer to any answers, making it nearly impossible to rest. Tossing and turning for several hours, he knew this had to stop. He had to know. He had to look Ryan in the eye and have her tell him exactly what she wanted. Not over the phone. Not in a note. Face to face. He had to know which was true - did she love him? Or did she want him gone forever? Tomorrow... tomorrow he would find his answers.

"Knock knock." Tal raps a knuckle on the side of the car Ryan was working on. He hadn't told her he was coming this morning, or that he had the day off. He'd been thinking last night though... about a lot of things. About him and Ryan... about things Eli had said. About how he really felt. So on his way to run a couple errands, he'd opted to stop by the auto shop and see the woman he'd missed spending time with yesterday evening.

Waiting for her to look up, he gives her a smile. "Morning... A beautiful woman like you wouldn't have a couple moments to spare, for a common man like me, would she?"

"...Are you sure that's what this means?"

"Yeah." Carson sighs and leans on the back of a chair in Reese's office. He'd shown Reese the note after having spent the night dwelling on it. "They haven't contacted me or Jaz... nothing has happened with Misty... I'm sure something will come up again eventually - Medridge doesn't leave for good. But for now... I think because the damage was done, they're finished. Medridge has messed up my life, Jaz's life and Misty's life. If his goons stuck around much longer, he'd get bored. So yeah... yeah, I do think the note means we're as safe as we usually are at this point." 

Reese purses his lips in thought and slowly nods. "Okay. I trust your judgment. I'll have an eye kept on Misty for a few more days and if things remain quiet, we'll ease off. What are you going to do?"

Carson shrugs, his eyes showing his weary depression. "I dunno. Get back to the restaurant I guess and... see if I can pick up the pieces of my life." 

Say yes

Hearing Tal's message Ryan lets out a sigh as she looks down at the meal she had been cooking. It was normal for Tal to come over for dinner when Eli was going out with Scarlet. It was there alone time witch was nice with just the two of them sometimes.

Looking down at all the food she had Ryan  lets out a sigh. She didn't even want to cook now. But she had already started she needed to finsh. And so slowly she did putting most of the left overs in the fridge.  Going to the couch Ryan sits down flipping through the channels but nothing catches her attachen and finally she lands on a clack and white movie and falling asleep.

   "So I was thinking...I might have a mission coming up that I need someone to come with me on. You wont be in any danger or anything but I have to act like a tourist and have my boyfriend with me."

Scarlet looks at Eli as she leans against his bike. There whole day out together had been really nice. She'd missed Eli more than she would every tell anyone but she had a feeling he new that already. It was good though and now coming to a closing of there night she thought it was the perfect time to ask him to come along next time.

   "It's a little farther than my normal jobs but I guess having you coming would be nice too because I dont want to experience this alone. It's going to be a a museum in France. Everything will be payed for you...so please say you will come too?"


Spare me...

The restaurant had been closed for a couple days, but Carson had come by to check on things anyway, knowing that he would need to open up again - and soon - if he was going to keep it afloat. He'd fiddled in the kitchen a while, checked supplies and decided to lock up again before heading to the apartment. Apparently Jaz was still staying with Con and Jamie tonight - which was just fine with Carson. He'd rather not have to worry about her too right now, with everything else going on. 

Hearing the bell on the front door ring, his senses are alerted. Nobody should be here. It was almost midnight. Cautiously looking out from the kitchen, he sees nothing. No one. Strange. Too strange. Now completely on guard, he makes his way slowly out into the dining area, still seeing no one. When he reaches the door though, he suddenly spies a note taped to the glass. Frowning, he takes it off and brings it to where there was more light. It was just a scrap of paper with a quickly-written note:

Game over. You win. 

Carson's eyes roam the interior of the restaurant again. This didn't make any sense. The Agency had won, not him. They had succeeded in tearing his and Misty's lives apart. Why... would this be from them? Yet there was no other explanation. Who else would leave such a note? And things had been quiet the last few days. Since everything had blown up, no one from the Agency had contacted him or Jaz at all. Would they... really let them go now? Of course... the damage had been done. They probably knew that Misty wasn't taking him back - a bonus to Medridge for sure. And now they'd just... drop the whole thing? Let them go? 

Carson crumples the note in his hand. Yes... yes, the Agency would do that. Because without an end, he would constantly be looking over his shoulder, wondering when they would be back. 

Getting home, Tal found himself sitting for a long time in the living room, kept company by Holly and Tasha. No lights... no television... just him and his thoughts. And though pondering for a long while the things Ryan had said, and his relationship with her, when he finally went to bed, he had come to very few conclusions... other than he was still didn't understand how he'd gotten to this point or why. It didn't feel fair and it didn't make sense...

It was rare that Tal was late getting anywhere, but the next morning, he clocked in at work a half an hour later than when he was supposed to. It was a very quiet morning, with several guys not coming in until the afternoon. Normally, Tal would like it  just being him and Eli, but today he was just a little reluctant. Silently going to help Eli prep a car, he sets to work.

Looking over at his friend, Eli immediately picks up on his friend's mood and decides not to tease him about being late. "Mornin!"

"Mmhmm." Tal sticks to his end of the car, not feeling like much small talk.

Eli quirks an eyebrow but doesn't pursue conversation. On a normal day, the garage would be filled with their banter as they worked. Today, it was silent, and it created an odd atmosphere.

Twenty minutes later though, Tal couldn't stand it any longer. "Did you know?"

Eli looks to him quickly, surprised at the abrupt entry to conversation. But he knew exactly what Tal was talking about. He'd wondered how last night had gone with Ryan - she'd been awfully quiet when getting home - and he was already guessing it hadn't been the best of dates. Now he wasn't sure just how to respond, but the truth was a good place to start. "Yes..." He continues working, as does Tal.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Figured that was Ryan's job."

"So... you don't really care either? That the guy who wanted me dead was hanging around?"

Eli pauses at the car and turns to look at Tal. "You know that's not true."

"Well it sure feels like it." Tal's tone was angry...hurt. "I almost die... you both seem upset about it... then my attacker shows up and neither of you even thought to mention it?"

Eli could feel himself starting to tense, but he still didn't know the best approach to this whole thing.

Tal took advantage of the pause to keep talking. "I mean... Ryan says she loves me... yet she's fighting feelings for a man who put me in the hospital? I understand she was in love with Alec and I get that he had her heart before me. But now? To not only let him close but let him kiss her? Allow him that close? While I'm in the background, the clueless fool, thinking I did something wrong?"

Eli steps back from the car and folds his arms, sighing. Tal had a point, and he didn't know what to say. "A woman's heart is-"

"Spare me the talk about hearts!" Tal raises his voice, throwing his rag to the side. "It's about honesty... loyalty... integrity. If I meant anything to Ryan, she woulda either told Alec to get lost or at the very least, given me a heads up so I could be watching my back."

Eli had sense enough to know that Tal was more upset with the situation than at Eli himself - it wasn't like Tal to yell, and maybe the best thing right now was to just let him vent. "I'm sorry this whole thing has upset you."

"Upset? I'm disappointed. Hurt." And it showed in Tal's eyes. "If Jane Doe hurt Ryan then showed up again, if I really cared for her, I'd tell Jane Doe to get lost! If nothing else, just for hurting somebody I care for. Or is that it? Do I not mean enough to Ryan to have her stand up for me like that?"

"Now hang on," Eli counters calmly. "You didn't see her want to beat Alec to a pulp for what he did to you."

"And now? I'm glad she can forgive a man like him, but obviously I wasn't on her mind when she started falling for Alec all over again."

"Nobody said she-"

"Aw come off it," Tal growls. "If it had been nothing, she wouldn't have felt the need to apologize. It doesn't take a genius to put the pieces together! Alec came along and she still had some feelings left for him."

"Well she can't help it if-"

"If she decides to be good buddies with an ex that tried to kill her boyfriend?"

"She chose you!"

"After she had to stop and think about it? How long did it take for her to pick me over the guy that wanted me dead? Oh, and in the meantime, neither of you even have the decency to let me know what was going on so I'd at least have a fighting chance!"

Eli groans in frustration, trying very hard not to get riled. "Why are you focusing on the bad? Why can't you just realize that she chose to stay with you? So her heart wandered a little, but she didn't do anything wrong, and she did choose you."

"But it was hard for her!" Tal stalks to a nearby shelf for some plastic. "If you had an old flame show up and hurt Scarlet, then later she came back, would you even think twice about not getting involved with her again?"

Eli's eyes were angry, but he controls his tone. "No."

"And thus, the problem." Tal throws up his hands. "And Ryan just wants things to be all great between us now? Like nothing ever happened? If it was just an old ex, I might understand. But it's someone who hurt me. So either I'm off my rocker, or Ryan really doesn't care that I got hurt. And if she doesn't care that I got hurt... then I have a hard time believing she loves me."

"Look, you can't just-"

"Boys!" Sandy appears in the doorway, hands on hips. "What is with you? Take your personal problems off the clock!"

Both men grow quiet and get back to the car, a tense silence reigning again for several minutes until Eli speaks. "You have to be patient, Tal. Ryan and Alec had something special. Things like that don't go away overnight."

Tal's stomach was in knots as he works on covering a headlight. "And sometimes they never do."

Eli sighs and wanders to the front of the car to look down at Tal. "Don't you trust her?"

Tal focuses on his work before glancing up at his friend. "Would you?" 

Eli knew his pause spoke for him before he turns to go back to the rear of the car.

Tal nods. "Yeah. Can you blame me?"

"No. Does this mean you're breaking things off?"

"I don't know what it means. I love her, Eli. I just can't trust that she won't give her heart back to Alec all over again."

"How 'bout marrying her so she's yours?"

Tal glances up with a little smirk. "You think I haven't thought of that? But how can I ask her to marry me when I know that 'something special' still exists between her and Alec? Not that I think she can't bury it if she wants... but I want to be fair to her too. If she and Alec have something she and I don't... I don't want her to wind up unhappy a few years down the road, wishing she would have chosen Alec instead. And to be quite honest... I want her whole heart, not just the part that doesn't belong to Alec."

Eli continues to work for a few more minutes, mulling over this whole thing. He wondered if Ryan even knew the can of worms she'd opened. "There's always risk, Tal. Always."

"Doesn't seem to be with you and Scarlet."

Eli laughs. "She frequently goes out of town for weeks at a time. What's she doing while she's gone?"

"Well, working."

"Is that all?"

"I'd sure hope so."

"Me too. But I don't know for sure, do I?" Eli shrugs. "I just gotta trust she's not shopping around for other guys. Granted, I think I know her well enough now to tell if she was lying to me, but I never know a hundred percent, do I? I just choose to trust her."

Tal fiddles with a spot on the bumper. "So you're saying to trust Ryan after all this?"

"I'm saying you either gotta break up with her or trust her. It's gotta be one or the other. Otherwise you're gonna drive yourself insane... and me in the process too."

Tal sighs deeply before standing and waiting for Eli to finish before they would start painting. "She said if I needed some time, she'd give it to me..."


"I dunno." Since Scarlet was returning today, it was normal for her and Eli to be gone, which usually meant Tal would be at the apartment with Ryan, taking advantage of it just being the two of them. "I think tonight though, I better stay home."

...And the message left on Ryan's voice mail was simple.
"It's me, um... gonna stay home with my two girls tonight, so... yeah. Talk to you soon. Bye."

Sooner or Later

As the night draws to an end it was not how Ryan had pictured it at all. She didn't like leaving on these terms and she didn't like feeling like this, but there was very little she could do at this point. The damage had been done and the hurt caused now she had to pay the price for what she'd done.

Getting the small kiss from Tal Ryan smiles a little and her eyes held so much emotion. She wasn't ready to say good night would there be a tomorrow? Ryan wasn't sure but for once in her life she feared the unknown.

   "Good Night Tal, I hope to see you sooner than soon."

Exiting the car and making her way up the sidewalk Ryan stops and turns around giving a wave before entering the house. Seeing Eli was still awake Ryan enters the room giving him a little wave. Setting her purse down on the couch Ryan wonders into the kitchen to get a drink not really saying much.

Giving Alec's arm another pat Misty stands. She could tell he was trying to change the subject and she understood. She wouldn't push it anymore. He new where she was and that he could talk to her anytime if he needed too.

   "I did, I decided to get fish fry, and fried shrimp. Just something different that still tastes good."

Heading into the kitchen agani and start unpacking the bags Misty called back into the other room to Alec. It was nice having him here with her. It provided her her someone to talk too and spend time.

   "You are more than welcome to join me."

Smile down at Rosalyn and giving her hand a little squeeze. It had only been a day but he was happy to be here adn get to share these moments with Rosalyn. He wasnt going to miss out on a second. 

  "I'll meet you in the kitchen in ten."

Stepping back and letting Rosalyn go  Chad makes his way to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee and wait for her. He couldn't wait to see what today held for them.


Tal holds Ryan close, wishing he didn't feel the way he did. He knew Ryan was doing all she could to keep him... that she did love him and want him... but dealing with the facts right now wasn't easy. 

Looking down and seeing her tears, it cuts him to the quick. Ryan rarely cried in front of anybody, and it pained him to see her so upset. "Hey now..." He lifts his hand to wipe away the tears. "There's no call for that..." 

But did he have an answer to her question? Where did they go from here? Keeping his arms around her, he looks out at the glistening water, wondering how things had become so complicated so fast. "I don't know," he finally responds. "I guess we just take things one day at a time and see where we end up."

Sitting with her for a few more minutes, eventually he prompts her to rise with him again so they could return to the car. Not much else could be said right now, and smalltalk seemed rather trite when compared to the subject that was now hanging thick in the atmosphere. Though Tal holds Ryan's hand almost all the way back to town, he remains quiet, lost in his own thoughts...

...Pulling into the parking lot at the apartment, Tal parks the car and turns to study Ryan for a moment before leaning over and giving her lips a tender kiss. "Goodnight, Ryan... I'll talk to you soon, okay?"

Alec manages a little smirk and he shakes his head at Misty. "There was a time when I thought good looks was all I needed..." He sighs. "Wish I woulda gotten my head on straight sooner."

Finally straightening up to relieve Misty's shoulder, he looks down at his hands. It had helped a little to talk about things. He, like Misty, wished it could be fixed though. And it just couldn't. Could he really move on? Could he really move forward? Would he ever be able to let go of Ryan? Tonight, it felt like he'd never be able to. But as far as she was concerned... he didn't have much of a choice anymore. 

"Did you say you had something for supper?" He wasn't hungry, but he was ready for this conversation to be over for now. 

Leaning into Chad's hand, Rosalyn smiles. She loved his voice... the way he spoke such romantic words while staring into her eyes. "You sir... are a flirt." She giggles and stands on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek. "But please don't change." 

Taking his hand, she gives it a squeeze before aiming for the doorway. "Let me go clean myself up and then I'll meet you in the kitchen.... if... you want." 

This Moment

Leaning her head on Tal's shoulder Ryan lets out a long sigh as a tear rolls down her cheek. This hurt so bad knowing now that Tal doubted them. It was sad and Ryan felt even worse that she had been the one to cause this.

   "Tal...I'm...I'm sorry."

Ryan didn't know what else to say or do she felt so lost. She'd never been in this position before and she wasn't sure what to do or how to do it now. Maybe if she just gave Tal space things would become ok again.

   "I...I don't know what else to do Tal. Where do we go from here now?"

Listing to Alec Misty's heart cried for him. She could see the pain in his eyes and in his voice. It pained her that he had to keep going through this stuff. She wished there was a way to take away his pain that there was a magic sure but if she had one she would use it on herself too.

   "Oh Alec, I'm so sorry. If I could wave a wand and take away you pain I would."

Laying a hand on Alec's arm and giving it a gentil rub Misty really did feel bad for him. She new what it was like to not have Carson but to have someone who you still cared and wanted back it must be ten times worse. 

   "Maybe Alec...it is time to move on. There are many more fish in the sea even if it doesn't seem like it. Don;t just let one get you down. Learn from it, grow and move forward. You'r far to good looking of a guy to stay down for to long."

Smiling down at Rosalyn Chad thought every with her hair a mess she looked so wonderful to him. Even when she rambled, he loved every part of her and it made his heart thump to see her right now in her true natural beauty.

   "Mmm...Good Morning my Princess."

Bringing his hand to the side of her face again and brushing a hair behind her ear Chad smiles just letting his hand cradle her face and run his thumb over her cheek. So soft under his rough hands, he loved the way it felt.

   "You look as pretty in the morning as you do through out the day. With you each and everyday is a bonus - Whether it be for one moment, One day or a million moments. Being with you makes me, Feel new and bright. Being able to be just us. With you we both create a wealth of warmth rising from our hearts. A happy atmosphere of love. Each and everyday is a bonus. I feel lucky and alive. You fill me with youth and masses and masses of tender loving care. I treasure every moment with you. Thank you for coming into my life."


Better Off

Confusion continues to bind Tal's heart and mind as he listens to Ryan. He believed her when she said she loved him. He believed this was what she wanted. But what he didn't know was whether or not she still loved Alec too, and if that would come back to haunt him all over again. 

Drawn into a kiss, he's reminded of Ryan's sweet affection. Her fingers running through his hair send little tingles down his spine, and she pulls away too soon in his opinion. With his forehead resting against her, he studies the depth of her eyes. Would he ever be able to understand all he saw in her gaze? Quiet for several moments, his hand rises to caress her face. Words couldn't really express what he was feeling right now anyway. Initiating another kiss, he pulls her back close, wrapping his arms more tightly around her while one of his hands rubs her shoulder lovingly. Deepening the kiss, he allows his passion to show, just letting the minutes tick by. 

Eventually though, he winds down the exchange with several softer kisses before finally pulling away again. Closing his eyes, he takes a moment to catch his breath, just wishing this was all there was... that nothing had interrupted their feelings... that nothing had disturbed what they shared. But... it had. 

"I want you with all my heart," he whispers. "But that's why this hurts. I just don't understand. I wish I did, but I don't." 

Opening his eyes again, there is torture in his gaze. A battle. Fear versus love. "You're everything to me and I don't want to let you go. I've just never fought something like this before and I'm not sure how."

Misty's comforting touch and soft words chip away at the walls Alec's heart was trying so hard to rebuild. Remaining quiet for several moments, he battles within himself - speak and risk an overflowing of emotions, or close up and let the hard shell return. 

Finally opening his eyes just a little, he shifts his gaze to the side at Misty. Still silent, he sits up just to shift his weight and lean his head on her shoulder. Closing his eyes again, he sighs deeply. "I was stupid... that's what happened." His voice was quiet... defeated. "Somehow, I guess I fooled myself into thinking I could get back what I most wanted." 

He pauses to swallow hard, fighting his rampant emotions. "I was surprised Ryan said she forgave me." He hadn't told Misty of all the encounters he'd had with Ryan lately. "I knew I didn't deserve it. I was even more surprised at her smile. That same smile I used to see. All of a sudden, there was this little bit of hope... that even if it didn't make sense, I might be able to get back at least part of what I'd ruined." 

Once more, he opens his eyes, just to stare into the dimly lit living room, leaving his head on Misty's shoulder. "Eli warned me to back off. He said I was upsetting Ryan. But... I didn't want to be bullied. I wanted to find out for myself what Ryan wanted. So... today, I... well, I went to see her at the shop." He stops again, trying to remember if there was something he'd missed... something he'd misread in Ryan. "She didn't seem to know about Eli and said she was fighting between loving me and hating me. I figured it was a lost cause, but I... I kissed her anyway. Didn't expect her to return it but... she did. Then she said she looked forward to seeing me again." 

Another sigh surfaces. "Figured that was a good sign. For the first time, I could almost see where just maybe I could get her back. I hadn't been home long, and she called me. Said she meant what she'd told me, but now she wanted me to back off... give her time with Tal before she could be friends with me. Said she couldn't yet let go of the things I'd done." 

Alec felt like a total idiot. Somewhere along the way, not only had he had a lapse in judgment, but he had to have totally misread something. His voice was still quiet as he finishes explaining. "I said okay and that was that. She wasn't mean or anything... I could tell she was upset, but... it was like all that stuff before just didn't mean a thing. Felt like it was all something my mind had made up so I could believe she still had feelings for me." He shrugs lamely. "I guess it just took the wind out of my sails... again. I'd been better off never speaking to her again."

Feeling Chad's tender kiss and his voice, Rosalyn stirs from her sleep. Stretching, she yawns and opens her eyes sleepily, trying to bring Chad's face into focus. Sighing, she gives him a groggy smile. It was nice to see him here. Have him wake her up. He was so sweet. He was...

All at once, Rosalyn realizes where she is. Sitting bolt upright, she looks to the clock on the wall and groans. "I should have been up an hour ago. Jade's gonna kill me." Standing up, she tosses the blanket aside and runs her fingers through her unruly hair, feeling quite a mess without having had her shower yet. 

"I was supposed to start the cinnamon rolls, rearrange the tables, get the orange juice out of... wait, I smell coffee already." Furrowing her brow, she stops and looks at Chad, realizing she'd just been rambling. Biting her lip, she gives him a sheepish grin. "Good morning... Thanks for waking me up." What she really wanted to do was wrap her arms around him and invite a passionate kiss, but she knew she looked a sight, she hadn't brushed her teeth yet and... she'd rather let him take the lead as far as affection went, just to be on the safe side.

Not Only

   "Than don't keep looking over your shoulder, because I am not going to anymore. I am going to move forward..forward with you. There is no way for you to know how I am feeling other than telling you, there are no more actions I can do but showing you my love. But its what I have to give for you, and its what I have to offer."

Sitting in Tal's lap Ryan keep her arms wrapped around him. She didn't know what else to do or say to make him understand it was him she wanted. She had enjoyed there time together, everything they did and the way he made her feel. He was soft, and not scared to be a little rough too. It was a nice balance one Ryan never though she'd like but she did.

   "Please don't look at me like the other girls who have hurt you, because I am not them. I am not going to tuck tail and run. I haven't yet and I am not going too. But I need you to make sure this is what you want too because Tal...you heart is not the only one on the line. Mine is too."

Searching Tal's eyes Ryan leans into him and press her lips against his. letting it linger for a few long moments her hand slips behind his head and her fingers run through his hair before she pulls away and leans her head against his own.

Don't Know

Tal continues to search Ryan's face as she speaks. All of a sudden, his stomach was in knots, and he didn't like it. Her words of love send a tingle down his spine though, and his grip on her hand tightens. "I love you too," he responds quietly. How many times had he thought of that? How many times had he ventured secret thoughts of a future with her? How often had he waited to hear her say she loved him? Yet in this moment, wrapped in these circumstances... it didn't quite feel like he'd imagined it would. 

Forcing a small smile, he turns and keeps Ryan at his side as he begins to walk slowly again. She loved him... yet admitted this was risky. And that was enough to send Tal's heart spiraling down into a pit of fear. It was one thing to take a risk when Alec was being a jerk and she hated him. It was another to take that same risk when she admittedly was having trouble letting Alec go. Tal had taken this risk before... more than he cared to remember. And every other time, he'd wound up falling flat on his face, left with trying to mend a broken heart. Up until tonight, he'd been confident that he and Ryan were different. But even though she was trying to assure him that she wanted him, this whole thing was like one big red flag to him. 

Stopping back where their shoes had been left, he eases down in the sand, pulling Ryan down with him to sit sideways in his lap. His leg wasn't too appreciative, but he ignored the discomfort for now. Wrapping his arms around Ryan, he nestles his head down into her shoulder and takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly. 

"How do I know that you won't still have feelings for Alec?" he asks softly. "How do I know that I'm not just setting myself up for heartache...again? To have you admit that this is risky... is like telling me you're not even sure this is what you want. I don't know if I can handle that." 

Kissing her cheek lightly, he gives her a squeeze. "You've been one of the best things that's ever happened to me. And I don't want to lose you. But if I gotta keep looking over my shoulder to make sure Alec isn't there...I don't know if I can do that."