

Jason's eyebrows rise ever so slightly at Misty's suggestion. They were still just hanging out as friends here, right? This wasn't turning into something else so soon... right? 

Right. It wasn't. Jason was bummed. Misty was bummed. And together they were able to smile. Period. 

He nods his agreement. "Sounds good to me. I'll get enough meat for the three of us for tonight then. And... for tomorrow... you get to pick where we eat and what movie. I can't argue with the baby on what to eat, and I don't know what movie you'd like but I'll watch anything." 

He grins, glad that he had plans for the next two evenings. He'd already hit up Sandy and the guys but they all seemed to be busy this week. 

"Got it." Hunter  gives Katie a thumbs up, feeling a little more confident now about where he'd be headed and what was going on next.

After returning the glasses to the kitchen then finding himself in the barn again, Hunter ran into Eric, who promptly roped him into helping move some hay bales to a different spot. Hunter didn't mind a bit and pitched right in until he realized what time it was. He still needed a shower before heading to town. 

Released from work, he heads quickly to his bunkhouse for a shower and clean clothes, throwing back on his clean boots and running a quick comb through his wet hair. Once satisfied, he aims for Katie's bunk, getting turned around just once in the row of bunkhouses, but finally finding the right one. 

"Knock, knock." Hunter taps his knuckles on the door. "Your chariot awaits." How true. It was her car. "Unless you wanted to take the bike..."

"...And this is Dani Banks, wishing you a great evening. Now back to your favorite tunes as I turn things over to Bud Plowman who's got something to say about bananas and dolphins."

Carson smiles faintly as the radio kicks over to some easy listening music. Since Dani had quit working here, he'd heard absolutely nothing from her. She didn't return his phone calls. She never stopped by. He only knew she was still around by seeing her car drive by occasionally. He was glad she'd gotten a job - he wasn't surprised that she'd gone back to radio work after that's what she'd been doing in California. At least he could still hear her voice and know she was okay.

Hitting the switch to kick back to music, Dani takes off her headphones and runs a hand through her hair to straighten it out. 

"Sounding good," Bud compliments from his seat. 

"Hmm? Oh, thanks." This whole job had actually been quite a blessing. Dani had struggled to find another suitable job after giving Carson notice, but she'd finally found that this radio station needed another DJ. Having already had some experience, it just took one trial run for her to be hired. She didn't always like the music they played, but the people were nice and the hours were okay. The pay would at least let her keep the apartment with Libby anyway. 

Standing, she grabs her purse and pats Bud on the shoulder. "Don't put 'em to sleep - they're on the drive home."

Bud laughs and puts on his headphones. "Me? Put them to sleep? Never!" 

Grinning, Dani heads from the room, down the hall, bids Trudy goodnight and aims for her car in the parking lot. Pulling out her phone as she walks, she waits for Dalton to answer. "Hey, good lookin'. Did you say something about coming over for supper tonight, or was it my imagination?" 


Misty was really happy that Jason trusted her. She wasn't quite sure herself if Alec had changed or not but seeing him the other night so down, so sick, there was just something in his eyes that told Misty he needed someone. She wouldn't put her guard down because she new better than that, but she had to at least give him a chance. He was family after all no matter what.

   "Well how about we do a cook out tonight the three of us and than maybe tomorrow we can do something special together."

After saying what she had Misty could feel a little bit of heat come to her own cheeks. Her comment sounded a lot more romantic than she had intended it too. Just giving a sheepish grin she new there was no way to take it back now. All she could do was just go with the flow of things.

   "Maybe dinner and a movie if there is anything good out. I haven't been to a movie in ages."

Hearing Hunter's comment Katie couldn't help but laugh. The tree of how everyone was connected was a big mess and sometimes hard for people to understand. That was the life though of having The Agency on your tail. 

   "I know it kind of goes in a circle instead of branching out. Thanks for trying to understand or at least asking questions to understand."

Going back over to the fence post where he glass was Katie picks it up taking another sip. In a little while where would she be? She might as well make it easy on Hunter. She had to clean up anyways. At the moment she was spotted with water, shampoo and mud.

   "I should be in my bunk I'm in number thirteen. I'm going to clean up a little bit myself and just relax till we leave."


Jason leans back in his chair and studies Misty for several moments. He knew she was just trying to do what was right, and he knew that she'd always wanted to help Alec. Her heart was in the right place - of that, he had no doubt. But was she being wise? 

"I guess... if it were me... I wouldn't go to that much trouble. But then... my hearts not quite as big as yours either." He gives her a little smile. "I suppose you can't be a fool for acting like Jesus. And... I have to admit, Alec was kinda fun last night. Do I think he's changed?" He shrugs. "That has yet to be proven to me. But it's not my choice if he stays with you. If you feel strongly about it then... I trust your judgment. I don't necessarily trust him, but I trust you." 

Thinking for a couple moments, he nods. "I don't mind if you invite him to the park tonight. I... guess I kinda like it sometimes being just you and me..." Why a little bit of heat crawls up the back of his neck, he isn't sure. "...but whether I trust Alec or not, I'm sure he needs some good friends." 

"Catching up sounds great." Jay gives Katie one last squeeze before finally letting her go. "I'll get settled in, and you two go see your dad then. I'll be around when you get back."

Watching Jay leave, Hunter grins a little at Katie. "Ya know... I have to tell you... this is kinda a crazy family with all these weird connections... but everyone sure does seem nice." 

Finishing up his lemonade, he picks up both glasses to take them back to the kitchen. "Where do I find you to go to the hospital in a while?"