
Not lying

"Okay." Dr. Harvor gestured to the door. "Let's step out into the hall." It was quiet on this floor today, so there was little traffic. 

"I had some information I was supposed process several days ago, but it got lost in the cracks and I neglected to get it done in a timely manner." He tucks his hands in the pockets of his smock, his facial expression remaining thoughtful. "I was a little surprised to find you in Jared's room just now. When he came in for his shoulder surgery, he asked if he could be assigned with a different physical therapist from now on. His reason was that you and he weren't getting along, and he'd be more comfortable with a man."

Dr. Harvor shrugs. "As far as I was concerned, you were one of the best we had, without a mark on your record, so naturally I was confused. I figured it was his right though, so I started that paperwork I never finished."

Pausing, he studies Grace's face. "I've never heard a complaint about you until now. Would you... mind telling me what happened?" 

Clint avoids answering Angel's question, and simply accepts the ice pack and Tylenol, which he downs easily. Putting the ice over his eye, he winces a little as the pressure stings. 

"I gotta fix that door on the shop," he muses. "That spring is too tight and it likes to snap back in people's faces." 

While he spoke though, he refused to look at Angel. It was a lame effort at not lying and not telling the truth either.

"No, he didn't." Jason rolls his eyes. "This could shape up to be quite a long day..." And night. But he really didn't want to say that. 

"I vote if by the time the sun goes down we haven't seen movement, we call in to see what on earth we're supposed to be doing." 

Mick laughs and holds up his hands in surrender. "It was both of them... but the rest of us jumped on board pretty quick. Don't worry though - we know you don't like big deals, so we're really just using it as an excuse for some good food and fellowship time."

Nodding at Wes' question, he starts back towards the barn. "I gotta keep working anyway, so I'll walk with you. Just be glad Cindy called... otherwise we might have a lot of heart attacks..." He pauses when he suddenly remembers Jeff. "...And we've had one too many of those around here already."  


Looking down at Jared and shaking her head Grace would of said more but seeing Jared was fast asleep again there was no point. If he happened to say it again when he was awake she would be sure to set him straight. Moving as the Dr comes in Grace lets him do his thing. Hearing his comment he needed to talk to her Grace got a strange feeling that she didn't like. Almost like she new a wave of bad news was coming.

   "We can talk now if you like. Jared is sleeping and I am waiting for his mom anyways so now is as good a time as ever."

Hearing Clint's voice and look up Angel was a bit shocked to see the bruise forming on Clint's face. He wasn't one to get into fights all the time so seeing something like that was shocking. Standing and coming over to him quickly Angel looks over his face.

   "Clint...what happened?"

Going to her cabnit and grabbing an ice pack Angel brings it back to Clint along with a cup of water and some Tylenol. It would help with the swelling but sadly there would be a mark still. It didn't look to bad but it looked bad enough she new for sure Wendy would see it and thats why Clint was looking for something.

Katie gives a small laugh. She understood what Jason was saying about it being strange but it was better than nothing and Katie was happy about that. It was a start and they had to start somewhere, sometimes that was the hardest part was knowing where to pick up again.

   "We always did make a pretty good team if I do say so myself. I think its a good place to start anyways." 

Looking to Jason again for a second with a smile Katie looks out the window again and gives a smile before looking out the window once again. Letting out a small sigh this really was a boring steakout and sometimes they were always like that but this time around there was hardly even any movment too.

   "Reese say how long we had to stay?"

Hearing about the little party Wes can't help but roll his eyes. He really didn't want to make such a big deal about this but how could he not expect this with this family. It's just how it worked and he was thankful at least they cared.

   "Do I owe the thanks to your wife or Becky? If it wasn't one of those two I'd be hiding."

Giving a laugh and wrapping his arm around Cindy Wes shakes his head before leaning down and giving her a kiss. His eyes smiled so much it was easy to see how happy he was to be home.

   "So shall we find more people to shock?"


Eric grins and slips his arms around Stacy as she comes nearer. Returning her kiss, he gives her a little squeeze. "Mm... maybe I shoulda got my hair cut sooner." 

Still grinning, he looks down at her, his eyes twinkling. And he wasn't so sure that he'd ever tire of seeing that look of affection in her gaze. He hoped he wouldn't. It was too precious a feeling. 

Ashlee's remark just makes Dylan's face even redder, and he chokes on some sort of laugh. "Well, um... thanks... I guess?" Eric reaches over and thumps the back of his head, making him flinch. "Hey, what was that for?"

"You gotta learn to take a compliment." 

Dylan rolls his eyes. "Yeah, like you?" 

Eric looks down to find his arms still around Stacy, and he laughs. "Well I don't want you going overboard." 

"Can we like... eat? I'm starving."

"Nice change of subject." Eric relents though, and lets Stacy go, but keeps one arm slung over her shoulders. Wandering back to the table, he takes a seat next to her, leaving the other side for the kids. 

Letting Ashlee slide in the booth first, Dylan slips in next to her, extra careful not to crowd her, and quite aware of her mother sitting right across from them. 

Mick has a hard time letting go of Wes, but he does, stepping back and just giving him a long look, his smile returning. "There's nothing to be sorry for." He pauses. "Just don't do it again." 

Cindy chuckles and links her arm with Wes'. "I'll make sure of that." 

"Good." Mick thumbs to the barn. "Well, a bunch of the guys are in the barn if you want to head that direction. We, um... expect both of you for supper for sort of a welcome back party. Nothing big, but we wanted to do something." 

"Angel?" Clint taps on her office door lightly before opening it cautiously and peeking inside. Entering slowly, he makes sure the door shuts behind him. He hadn't been back from town long, and had since dropped Rosalyn off at the dining hall so she could work the rest of the day. 

"I just... um... well, I was wondering if... if you had something..." He glances down and finally turns his face so she could see his eye that was quickly turning a nice shade of purple. "...that might help so this wouldn't get too nasty?"

Jason cocks his head and gently touches his pop bottle to Katie's before taking a long swig. Thinking about what she'd said, he nods slowly. "I... guess I do hope we can stay friends," he admits. "Kinda weird still but... I dunno... maybe time does heal wounds." 

He moves his gaze to the window, quiet again for several minutes. "Maybe we'll at least still make a good Elite team, huh?"

Jared gives Grace a little smirk before his eyes fall shut again. "You'll... get tired... v'nt...v...vently..." He gives up on trying to pronounce "eventually" in his state. "I'm... not... not worth it." 

"Knock knock." Dr. Harvor enters the room slowly, approaching Jared's bed to check his vitals. "Sorry to interrupt." Not that he was interrupting much - Jared had just fallen asleep again. "You're a pretty loyal therapist." 

Leaving Jared be, Dr. Harvor pauses at the foot of the bed, still studying Grace. "I'd like to speak with you... if now's not a good time, then at least before you leave." 

Not Suprised

Smiling down at Jared and seeing him away even if it was in a state of a fever she was still happy to have proof he was ok. Jared was going to pull through this, after everything he had too and Grace would be there every step of the way.

   "I could hardly get tired of seeing you. Even if you are in a mess."

Grace really did enjoy spending time with Jared.  Even if it was in a different way than she liked it was still nice. The conversation was good, the laughing was good it was just a complete package.

Hearing Eli's comment Ryan can't help but shrink  a little as her smile grows bigger. Looking at Alec and the others again for a quick second she looks away and back to her brother shaking her head.

   "Sometimes tells me I would not be surprised if you did have the room bugged."

Moving her leg under the table and bumping Tal's with her own Ryan smiles to him again. They were going to be kept busy while Eli was gone for sure. So while she as going to miss her brother at the same time she new it would go by quickly.

   "First things first after they leave...camera hunt. I dont need my big brother seeing any of this stuff."

Being pulled into Eli Scarlet gives a laugh. Leaning her hand on Eli's chest and standing on her tip toes to giving him a kiss she pulls away and smiles. She was so happy he was coming with her on this trip. It was business but they would be able to have fun as well and sharing it with the man she loved was better than doing it alone.

   "Yes I think we will be to busy. But we do need to bring them back something or we might never live it down."

   "I've got to, I know you always forget at least one thing. So if I don't pick up the slack than where would that get us?"

Giving a smile Katie retrieves her own bottle and cracks it open. Taking a sip she lets the pop slip down her throat laughing at the bubbles tickle her nose for a second. She didn't drink to much pop anymore so when she did it always felt strange. This was one of those times though that she couldn't turn it down. It was just tradition.

Hearing Jason's comment about moving forward Katie gives a little nod of her head still looking forward for a long moment. Moving forward, it seemed easy and hard at the same time. Katie new that they both were doing that already with there lives and yet something great seemed to be missing. Katie new that it was because she and Jason just wernt the same anymore. They only talked when they had too and there was such great tension in the air. She hated this feeling she had when they use to be so close. 

   "Moving forward is important and looking into the past really wont change anything. Even if its hard not to sometimes and feel regret."

Finally looking away Katie looks to Jason. Seeing he wanted to toast Katie lets out a small sigh. Maybe they would be ok, and they could be friends. It was something she hoped and wished for more than anything. She wasn't upset wit Misty and was happy that at least Jason had ended up with someone so nice and sweet even if she felt bad for Carson. She couldn't see anyone else she'd rather see Jason with.

   "To the future, and to friendship no matter how slow it goes, at least there is still that."

Looking up and seeing Eric enter the dinner Stacy can't help her smile. Standing and going over to him she runs er hand though his hair. She liked his longer hair so the face he didn't get it all cut off made her feel good.

   "Short, but not to short, its perfect. Than again you always are good looking in your rugged way."

Standing up on her tip toes Stacy leans into Eric and places a kiss on his lips before pulling away a little bit and looking into Eric's eyes. She sure was going to miss him while he was on the road. The only comfort she had was the fact that he'd be back soon, that had been his promise.

Rolling her eyes as she mom kissed Eric Ashlee couldn't help the little smile too. She might play like it was disgusting but she was happy her mom and was happy. Seeing Dylan she smile grew a little more. Dylan was cute to start with but he sure did clean up nice and looked even better/

   "You pass the test. You look amazing more than normal."

Giving a laugh and starting forward Wes was happy Cindy was with him. She gave him the strength, she always had to face everything head on and just take things as they came. God had given him Cindy for many reasons and one was to be his lifesaver when he felt like he was drowning. Wes couldn't imagen where he would be without her.

Getting to the ranch yard and scaning the area himself his smile grows a little more. He's missed it here for sure and to be back felt amazing. There safe haven, there life, there home, this was a place many only dreamed about but they had made it possible, had made a life, and community. Wes couldn't thank God enough for giving him more time  to continue to enjoy this life.

Seeing Mick come over Wes' heart pounded in his chest, in his ears. His brother, it was good to see him again and it was good to see him well. Giving a nod still holding Cindy's hand Wes found the words through his own emotions to talk.

   "I like to make an entrance...I am a Henson after all."

Finally letting go of Cindy's hand and stepping forward Wes returns Mick's hug his own tears rolling down his cheek. So many emotions ran free it was hard to pick witch one was witch so crying seem the best option to let them all out at the moment.

    "It's good to see you again Mick. Sorry for the scare."