

As Scott said he wasn't hungry Hope's heart sank a little. Maybe he really couldn't tell the difference between hungry or not. Standing Hope gives a stretch letting out a small yawn.

"Ok, I'll have Jenny bring you something to nibble on later than."

Coming over to the bed Hope sits down on the edge and rests a hand on Scott's shoulder just rubbing it gently. She wanted to say so much more to him, but she felt so lost on what to say.

"I'm going to grab something myself, and check out the library a little more. I'll come back around before I leave, ok?"

Whipping her hands on a towel as she walked over to Mick a smile was on Rosetta's face. It was nice helping out in the kitchen today.

Looking at Mick with question Rosetta thinks for a moment before replying.

"Last time I saw him he was outside chasing frogs. I haven't seen him for almost an hour. I figured he was with you. Did you look out back around the house where most the frogs are in the muck land?"

A look of worry pass through Rosetta eyes. It was unlike BJ to run off, he new his way around the ranch as well as anyone else, and he never wondered off before. Was he just hidding now?

Have you?

"I saw him head out back earlier." Jim shrugs. "Figured he was just taking a break."

Mick growls and shakes his head. "That boy is gonna be the death of me." No clean stalls and it was past chore time now and Dylan hadn't shown back up again. Had he run off without intention of returning? Mick wondered.

Helping out with the rest of the chores, Mick wanders back to the office, looking around for BJ as he went. Odd... he hadn't seen him in quite a while. Calling for him produced nothing, and Mick goes to the house to wash up then heads to the dining hall. BJ was probably in the toy room over there while supper was getting ready.

But once there, Mick finds the room empty. A bit of worry sets in, though he tries to convince himself it's nothing. Finding Rosetta in the kitchen, he gestures her over to him for a moment. "Hey... I haven't seen BJ for hours. Have you?"

"Dinner?" Scot blinks and tries to bring his surroundings into focus. His mind begins to clear and suddenly he remembers where he is. For a few seconds of peace, he had thought he was home. But no... no... he was in his room at Brookshire.

He shakes his head and manages to sit up, pulling himself from Hope and rubbing some sleep from his eyes. "I don't feel hungry."

He uses the table to help pick himself up from the floor, only to walk a couple feet to the bed where he lies down again, curling up on his side. He almost felt worse now, realizing reality again.


Tears burn in BJ's eyes again listing to Dylan his lip continuing to quiver. He just didn't understand why Dylan hated him so much. He just wanted a friend and wanted to be around him.

Still holding his frog BJ lowers his head again and starts to walk the way Dylan pointed him. He didn't want to get in trouble with Mick for something he didn't do. Slowly walking BJ gets a little ways away before turning to look at Dylan again before heading back with his head down the hot tears still burning from his eyes.

Just continuing to walk BJ keeps his head down looking at his frog more than where he was going till he wondered off the path into a larger brush. Tripping on a bunch of stick's BJ stumbles a little making him look up and around him.

Everything was dark and he had no idea where he was. A new fear seems to pass over him not knowing where he was. Turning around to go back the way he came BJ loosens his grip on the frog a little. Giving the opportunity the frog hopes right out of BJ's hands and back the other way.

Determined not to be left here alone to find his way home BJ starts to run the frog. Getting deep into the thick part of the woods BJ's foot ends up getting stuck on a log sending him falling forward. Trying to brace his fall BJ would of done a good job other than the large rock that calided with his head.


More screams and crys wanted to come from BJ's lips but the air had been sucked through his lungs as everything started to get fuzzy. Little drops of blood trickled down from the gash it had caused. Everything spinning as the pain felt unbearable...soon...everything went dark.

Smiling as she continues to run her hand through Scott's hair Hope didn't mind at all that she had sat here with him.

"I am happy. You ended the rest and you looked so at peace I couldn't wake you."

Looking up at the little alarm clock Hope sees the time. Scott hadn't been asleep for to long but at least it was longer than she had seen him normally sleep.

"Its about 5:20. Would you like to try and eat something for dinner?"

Forgotten for a moment

"Stop calling me that!" Dylan's eyes narrow as he yanks his hand from BJ's, still glaring. Turning the boy around roughly, he points down the trail. "You get back the same way you came, dufus. Follow the trail. It's not hard, and from what I hear, you're the smartest kid ever to hit the planet. So go. And leave me be from now on, or I'll tell Dad you went in the barn today even though you weren't supposed to."

Scott murmurs some kind of refusal for Hope staying, but his body just can't fight it anymore. Her shifting just puts him in a more comfortable position and he's sound asleep. It's at least forty-five minutes later before Scott finally stirs again. They were still on the floor and somewhere along the way he'd wound up lying with his head in Hope's lap.

Slowly opening his eyes, he doesn't even remember where he is, still lost in a fog. But knowing whose hand was in his hair brings a small smile to his face. And for a moment, he forgets how angry he is. "You make me too comfortable," he mumbles, tucking an arm around her. "What time is it?"

"Mmm... something with action in it so we stay awake for ice cream." Gage grins and gets up from the chair, stretching tall.

Grabbing his faded denim jacket, he slings it over his shoulder. "Alright. Off for job attempt number eight. Wish me luck." The job hunt was growing discouraging, but he hadn't given up yet. His little apartment was still bare and chilly, keeping him on the hunt.

Spinning back around, he leans down to give Sapphire another quick kiss, then finally leaves her cubicle.

with me?

Giving a little jump at Dylan's tone BJ just stands there looking at him blinking. Hurt passed in his eyes, even though Dylan had told him to get lost before BJ still consider him his brother and never really had it sink in maybe Dylan didn't want anything to do with him.

His lower lip quivering just a little BJ lowers the frog and finger running over its slimy skin for a moment before looking up at Dylan again. His eyebrow frowned in a little before he speaks again.

"Dad wont hate me...he loves me and he loves you too."

Starting to walk away from Dylan a few tears fall from BJ's eyes. Looking back the way he came BJ stairs blankly at the tree's that now looked darker, and more scarier before.

Turning back to Dylan BJ moves a little close to him. Holding the frog with his one hand he reaches out to take Dylan's hand with his other. The look of being scared on his face.

"I don't know how to get back, will you come with me big brother?"

Still keep her arm around Scott Hope pulls him a little closer. No matter what she said he was just going to keep the same thing. No matter how hard she tried to explain it to him. Just leaning her head on Scott's still her voice was quiet as she new he was drifting to sleep.

"Your not alone Scott, and you need to stop trying to do it on your own."

Shifting herself around a little bit Hope becomes more comfortable on the wall.

"You take a nap, I'll stay with you."

Giving a nod and a wide grin Sapphire leans into Gage just a little bit putting her forehead against his a little giggle in her voice.

"Supper tonight about 6 sounds good."

Pressing her lips to Gage's for a quick moment Sapphire lets it linger before pulling away with a smile. Time with Gage was always the best, just sitting talking, cuddling it was those times Sapphire liked the most.

"Any cretin movie you want me to bring tonight?"


Gage leans his head into Sapphire's hand a little, his eyes never wavering from hers. He was so inquisitive... always thinking, always analyzing and digesting information before speaking.

"Okay." He smiles a little and reaches to take her hand, running his thumb through her palm. "As long as you're okay... then I'm okay too. I won't bring it up again."

Wiggling her hand around playfully, he grins. "I gotta go. You still coming over for supper?"

Scott remains quiet and doesn't move as Hope talks. He was awfully tired and almost had a hard time not falling asleep. He was just so exhausted.

"I care," he insists quietly. "I'm just not hungry."

His head sinks into her shoulder just a little more. "I'm just... tired of fighting. I just wanted to deal with it myself." He was only repeating himself whether he realized it or not. "You can't understand," he disagrees. "Not until you have these things in your head... or seen what I seen... You may be determined to be here... but I'm still alone. It's better that way though."

Scott's eyes fall shut. Up all night with nightmares and not enough food to keep up his energy and his body just didn't have the gumption to get up and go anymore. "You can go now," he mumbles. "I wanna take a nap."

Dylan hadn't had any idea he'd been followed, so BJ's voice makes him jump, thinking he'd been found by someone who actually had authority. Seeing it was just BJ, the surprise on his face turns into a scowl.

"You came all this way to show me a stupid frog?" The little boy's eyes were enough to make Dylan think twice about his words, but he opted for the brutality he wanted anyway. Angry with the world, lashing out at BJ wasn't hard.

"I don't care how big that amphibian is! How many times have I told you to leave me alone?! Why do you think your dad wanted you to stay out of the barn, huh? So you wouldn't get in my way. So what are you doing here now?"

He glares at BJ, showing absolutely no interest in the frog whatsoever. "You shouldn't have come out here, kid. I don't want your company and if you don't leave, I'm gonna kick you so hard, you'll fly back to the ranch on your own. Got it?"

He points back down the trail. "Git! Or I'll tell on you and Mick will hate you just as much as he hates me."


Once Susanne was gone Sapphire brings her attachen back to Gage thinking about his question for a long moment. Things with Scott probably wouldn't have gone bad, if she hadn't gotten close to Gage that much was true. But knowing him was not something she had been willing to sacrifice.

"I've never, ever wished we hadn't met. Your an important part of my life now and I never wondered what it was like to give that up."

Bringing her hand to the side of Gage's face Sapphire smiles running her finger over his cheek. She new he had a lot of thoughts and questions. He was such an insightful person. But she never wanted him doubting what she thought about him.

"It's possible if I hadn't met you that make Scott and I would be ok right now. But what happened to Scott happened, and even if I hated met you who knows if maybe this would of happended anyways."

Cocking her head a little Sapphire just looks into Gage's eyes for a long moment. Admiring there depth, soaking in there color and warmth.

"I've learned not to try and live with what ifs because whats done is done, and I've already choose my path. Now I leave everything else in God's hands and let him take care of the minor stuff I have no control over anymore."

Just letting Scott lean his head on her shoulder Hope keeps her arm around him, just letting him rest there. She didn't mind at all, and hearing his words she wasn't surprised at all he was still made at her. She new it without him even saying anything.

"I know your still mad at me Scott, and I know you don't understand where I was coming from ether. But even if you don't see it, I did this because I do care. You say you care, but you haven't been eating your withering away to nothing, and people are just trying to help you and your pushing them away."

Hope's own tone was soft, she wasnt upset or yelling at Scott. It was just simply talking wanting him to understand where she was coming from you.

"No one said you can't be mad at the people who did this to you Scott. But when you let your anger take over and start eating away at you thats when it becomes not ok. I do understand you even if you think I don't, and you keep saying your alone when your not."

Hope lets out her own sigh as she leans her head down on top of Scott's. She hated seeing him like this she did, and she hated knowing that maybe this was the wrong thing to do, even if deep down she new that this was good for Scott. There was still that doubt that played with her mind.

"Your wiring may be off, but its not unfixable. You are not going through this alone Scott."

Continuing to follow Dylan BJ did his best to keep up. Falling behind a little here and there BJ ran here and there gaining back the ground he had lost and keeping a tight hold onto the frog, but not enough to hurt it.

Finally seeing Dylan sit down by the tree stump, finishing closing the gap between them. Getting close enough to Dylan BJ smile.

"Finally I caught up with you big Brother."

Coming around the the front of Dylan BJ stands the frog still in hand. Holding it out to Dylan he shows him the prize frog he had found.

"Look what I found. He's huge, and I was waiting all day for you to come out of the barn so I could show you. He's a big one huh?"


Susanne nods as she takes the letter from Sapphire. She understood. Most of the people at TJY knew of the tension between siblings, but no one gossiped about it. Susanne knew what Sapphire was saying, and she would deliver the letter. "Sure... I'll make sure he gets it."

Once shes' gone, Gage looks to Sapphire, slouching to rest his chin on his hands as he continues to lean on the back of the chair. "Do you ever wish we hadn't met?" He wasn't trying to start an argument or sound stupid. But he genuinely wondered how Sapphire felt and how she dealt with all this.

"I mean... if it wasn't for me, you and Scott would probably be getting along right now, ya know? I know you're happy with me, I just... wondered if you ever considered what it would be like if that whole mess with me and him hadn't happened."

Scott wasn't really sure what Hope meant by all she said. She spoke with a tone that said she had learned something new. Almost like she'd gotten an idea or something. But he didn't understand.

Leaning over slightly, his head finds a place on her shoulder. "I'm still mad at you, ya know," he comments. "You keep trying to fix me... find ways to help... put me in this place... when all I wanted was some time alone and you didn't respect that." His voice wasn't angry... just quiet and frustrated. "I care... if I didn't, I'd go find a train to walk out in front of. I'm just trying to deal, but no one can understand what I'm going through. So I'm alone. And I'm not even allowed to be mad at the people who made me this way."

His head still on her shoulder, he sighs deeply. He didn't have the energy to yell. "You're talking about lightswitches and I feel like all the wiring in my brain has been tampered with so much that there's no way a switch can be installed."

Dylan walks farther than he really had intended. He wasn't sure what his point was... maybe he just wanted to openly defy Mick to show that he had no respect for him. Maybe he really did want to head west and hit the highway eventually. Maybe he just wanted to walk until he was tired so he could sit and think alone. He'd be in deep water no matter what, but he didn't care. He was making his own decisions and he wasn't going to be punished like some little kid. He had his reasons for not telling anyone about why he'd taken those pills from Angel's office. It was his life. His right to remain silent.

Trudging on and scuffing through loose leaves and bramble, Dylan realizes that the trail had started to climb slightly. Going farther would take him into the foothills where his sister had talked about riding to see the whole ranch. He couldn't care less about the beauty but it was farther away that he wanted. He did, however, need a break.

Catching his breath, Dylan stops by an old tree stump. Sitting down on the ground and using the dead tree as a backrest, he picks up a dried up stick to whittle with his pocket knife. At least it didn't smell like horses here.

Sparky grins as he helps steady Faith. "I want you on your own feet again," he admits. "But... it's nice to help you too."

Giving her a wink, he holds one hand and slings his other arm around her shoulders so she could lean on him. Walking slowly, he consciously takes smaller steps and doesn't turn corners too quickly. Once they're finally out to the truck, he opens the door for her but doesn't let her climb in herself. Instead, he picks her up in his arms and sets her inside.

"I'll be right back with your stuff."

Bull Frog

Stopping her conversation for a moment with Gage Sapphire looks up at Susanne and gives a small smile. She had heard her brother still was not doing well and it made Sapphire sad. She missed her brother even if she never said it, and she hated to think of everything he was going through again.

Opening her desk draw Sapphire pulls out a letter that was folding nicely. She had wrote it the other day and was going to send it but if Susanne and Dalton were going up it would be quicker just to give it to them.

I know things have been rough with us the last few weeks, or months but I wanted to tell you I've never stopped loving you. Your my twin brother and I love you will all my heart. You've always been there when I needed you. I'm sorry I didn't do the same. Please get better soon!! I miss you.
Love, Sapphire

Holding the letter out to Susanne Sapphire gives a small smile, thinking about her words for a long moment before saying anything. Her last few days had been mostly spending time with Gage. He was part of her life now, and where she went he was close behind, and where he went she followed. Sapphire only wished Scott could see that Gage was alright and had changed.

"Could you give this letter to him for me? I don't think I'd be the best person for him to see right now. But at least he would know I am thinking of him, and love him."

Sitting down with Scott Hope doesn't move when he says he doesn't want to go for a walk. Just staying close to him is all she wanted. As for his question Hope thought for a long moment before answering. She only hoped her answer would bring hope to Scott like it had hers.

"You've gotta start caring about yourself again Scott. I know you do here, but you've given up your will to want to even bother. We need to get that back, than we need to find a way to control your anger you have inside, and exercise your mind."

Hope gives a small smile pausing for a moment before continuing making sure Scott was still following her.

"Than after thats all done and over with, we need to train you mind to be kind of like a light switch with all the Agency information you have. We need to get you to turn it off when you don't need it, and on if you ever do. That will help you so much right there not having everything running around without control. Its a long road, but at least we have something to work twords now."

Hope couldn't help the excitement she felt flow out into her voice. She was so happy she new how to help Scott now or at least had a foot hold. Now it wasn't like she was a fish out of water with nothing to do.

Seeing Dylan leave the bar BJ looks up from his hunt in the grass. He'd been waiting all morning to show Dylan the big bull frog he had caught but he was under strict instructions not to go in the barn. But now Dylan had left so he could catch up to him and show him right?

Putting his bucket down BJ takes the frog out and gently holds it. Picking up a running pase he does his best to catch up with Dylan. Once in the woods though BJ has to slow down, it was hard for his short little legs to get over some of the rocks and logs while holding something in his hands.

Being able to see Dylan a head BJ is quiet no saying anything yet or Dylan might make him go home. Stopping for a second and looking behind him BJ can't see the ranch anymore, all that was there were trees. So just moving forward deeper into the forest BJ follows Dylan.

Giving a small chuckle as Sparky's had brushes her nose. Putting her own hands in his, she stands swaying a little and feeling kind of shaky she stops just for a moment. Thankful Sparky was there to help it. It would be a while till she had full strength again again, and she did have to take it easy not moving around a lot yet but in time she new her strength would return and till that she had her love to help her.

"I'm happy I have you here to help me. I'd love to try and see myself doing this on my own."

Come with

"Me too." Sparky leans down to give Faith a tender kiss, though his hat bumps her on the nose on his retreat and he chuckles.

Standing up, he holds out both his hands. "Come on, my angel. I'll help you down to the car then I'll come back and get your bags."

"Answer me, Dylan. Why did you take those pills from Angel's office?"

Dylan doesn't look up at his father, his arms crossed stubbornly as they stood in the barn after breakfast. It was a gorgeous day but miserable nonetheless.

Mick sighs and shakes his head. "I don't know what to do with you, boy. So until you're ready to answer me and tell me the truth, these will be your friends." He gestures to the shovel and pitchfork. "Stalls. When you're ready to talk, you'll get a break."

Left alone again, Dylan glares after his father, anger flashing in his eyes. No one understood. Everyone just thought he was some loser kid to be pushed around. Staring at the tools then the stalls that needed to be cleaned, Dylan curses under his breath. But it wasn't for several hours that he finally turns his back on them. Grabbing his jacket, he slips it on and heads outside, ignoring people as he passed. Out and back behind the barn he trekked, finding the winding trail that led into the woods. Maybe if he was gone for a while, his father would think twice. He'd be back... later... maybe.

Scott doesn't even look up at first. Hope's voice was familiar and one that he trusted. There was no need to jump. He sighs deeply and shrugs at her invitation to go for a walk. "I'm not feeling well," he responds quietly.

Remaining seated on the floor, he finally lets his gaze drift up to see her. Everything close was a little fuzzy... he didn't have his contacts and he hadn't been wearing his glasses since he wasn't staring at a computer screen or reading.

"What's it gonna take, Hope?" he asks lamely. This morning's session with Dr. Hawks had brought up an awful lot of unwanted thoughts and memories. Memories that he thought he'd gotten over but they felt like fresh wounds today. "What's it going to take to get me out of here? It's a living nightmare. I want to go home."

"Sapphire?" Susanne knocks on the cubicle, ready to say more, but then stops herself, seeing Sapphire had company. "Oh, I'm sorry."

Gage is sitting backward in the extra chair and he shakes his head. "It's okay. You're not interrupting anything."

Susanne smiles and nods, looking back to Sapphire. "Um... Dalton and I might go visit Scott this week and... I thought it would be nice to take him something along with that card, like a basket of goodies or something. I know we'll want to add some Mountain Dew and some jerky but I was wondering if there was anything else you thought might be good? Or you could even come with us if you like."

Gage leans his arms on the back of the chair he was straddling and looks between the two women. Scott wasn't doing well. That much he'd heard. He couldn't help but wonder if he had been part of the cause to everything coming to a head. Scott hadn't seemed quite as angry with the world until he'd found out about his sister's choice in a boyfriend. A twinge of guilt spreads through Gage's gut and he wished there was something he could do. But if he went, it would end in disaster.