

Smiling and giving a nod Thirteen stands and leans over Ryder a little looking at the little remote. Hitting the button for the nurse Thirteen gives a smile to Ryder and gives him a little kiss of the for head. Standing and going to the door she see the nurse coming.

"He's in some pain he said and I didn't know if you could give him anything else."

Thirteen was happy Ryder said she could stay. This meant she could take care of him for once and not the other way around. Kind of like giving back a little of what she gave to him.

As the nurse comes in Thirteen goes and sits by the bed again taking the remote and turning the tv on. Flipping through the channels she trys to find something that would catch there attachen.

Giving a laugh and taking another sip of her coffee Rayne gives a strong nod. It was funny how quick her and Phil had started getting along already, like they had been friends for ages.

"Ok, you picking me up sounds like a plan."

Putting her coffee back in the cup holder Rayne puts her own hand on the door and opens it before hoping out carefully.

Going over to the white car and looking it over Rayne peers into the windows. Coming around again and looking the car over once more she looks up at Phil and smile the sun feeling warm on her face.

"It looks nice...though...I'd like to see whats under the hood. Would it be ok if I poped it u think?"

As if

Ryder isn't really surprised that Thirteen wants to stay. Though he wanted her to be able to be more independent and feel better about being on her own, whether for one night or longer, he knew that she still viewed him as her security. Part of him liked that. He needed to be needed. And part of him wished she would be able to break free from that, if just for her own self-worth.

A little groggy yet, he nods, unable to deny that his leg was hurting him much more than it had earlier. "Yeah... there should be a nurse around here somewhere." He fiddles with the row of buttons on the bed. "Beats me what any of this means." He thinks someone told him earlier but he'd been too busy telling off the doctors to pay attention. "And yes, a movie sounds good if we can find something decent on the... uh..." He motions with his hand, clearly not thinking well, unable to think of the word. "...television."

Phil smirks a little, feeling comfortable enough with Rayne to chide her teasingly. "As if coming to get you is such a hard task. I'm not going to make you walk."

He rests his hand on the doorhandle and nods outside to the yard where the car for sale was. "Come on. Let's see if this car suits you or not."

Be good

Opening her eyes and looking at Ryder Thirteen gives a little smile seeing Ryder awake. Giving a little shake of her head she continued to smile. She'd rather stay here than go home. After all it wasn't so bad sitting in the chair.

"I don't mind this chair really. It's rather comfortable to tell you the truth."

Thinking for a moment Thirteen can see the sweat run down the side of his face. His pain meds must have been wearing off and she wasn't sure if she should get a nurse or not!

"Are you think any pain? Should I get someone for you? Maybe after words we could watch a movie."

Seeing they were at the house Rayne sits up a little but than turns to Phil seeing there conversation wasn't over. Her face wore an expression that she genuinely was excited about going to church with Phil.

"Oh Sunday school I think sounds fun too. I really...Haven't found a church I liked yet so thats why I though it would be nice. Not to mention knowing someone would be nice too."

Rayne felt like adding that part so Phil didn't feel like she was rushing there friendship or thinking her too strange though her eyes did twinkle with the though of spending more time with him.

"If it's not to far I could walk there too so I dont have to put you out by coming to get me first."

Either way

Phil is surprised at Rayne's request to go to his church with him. He didn't know where she attended regularly, but she must trust him enough through his actions to believe he went somewhere she might enjoy too.

He tries not to nod too quickly - he liked the idea but didn't want to see overenthusiastic and weird her out. "Sure - that would be great!" Seeing the house he was looking for coming up, he pulls over to the curb, but wants to finish their conversation first. "I don't have to play on the worship team this week, so I'll have plenty of time to pick you up. Would you like to come to Sunday School too? We're studying Paul right now - pretty cool. Up to you though, I can pick you up either way."

Ryder's eyes fly open and bounce around the hospital room as for several moments, he has no idea where he is. The hot pain in his leg makes him remember though. Sweat trickled down the side of his face, a result of the dream he'd just had. Or perhaps it was a nightmare. He hadn't dreamed of his brother in a long time. Maybe it was the meds getting to him. Either way, it hadn't been a nice dream and he'd rather make himself stay awake than go through that again.

Shifting a little, he winces. The pain meds must have started to wear off. His mouth felt like he'd been sucking on cotton balls too. Turning his head a little, he sees Thirteen is still here. The window was dark now - he must have been out for longer than intended if the day had already gone by.

"Hey you," he manages hoarsely. "You should get home so you don't have to sit in that chair all night. Katie'll be there."