
Whisper in the Night

Working on Jared's legs Grace was happy he'd let her come and its had made Lydia happy as well. The only thing was though Jared really wasn't trying and the depression was still getting the best of him so all the words she was doing really meant nothing. It made her sad to think he didn't want to try but he'd let her come so that meant something...right?

   "So I was thinking about stopping by tomorrow on an off day and seeing if maybe you wanted to head to the breach with me. It's going to be a nice one tomorrow and there wont be many of those left."

Continuing to work on Jared's legs Grace new she was being slightly rough but she was trying to really get the blood flowing in them today. They were extra still so she needed to work with them a little more than normal. Grace didn't mind though she always liked working with Jared and that hadn't changed.

   "Might help you feel better getting some sun too."

Giving a nod to Carson's comment Katie new he would try to fix it if it was the last thing he did. That she was very sure of and never would second guess. Misty was his life and he'd do anything to protect her, get her back, or simply let her go for her own safety. Katie wondered if she really new how lucky she was.

As Carson goes to check the pizzas Katie moves back to the other side of the counter again. Giving a nod and a smile to the customer as they came in for there order she waited patently for her own. Having him finally done Katie take a slice and looks at him a second as he mentions the sauce before taking a bit.

   "Mmmmmm....Wow this is really good. The food at the ranch is great but there is nothing like your pizza Carson its amazing. What did you do new to it?"

...As a few days pass a letter is sent and in another few days time it reaches its destination. Chad couldn't wait, he had to write, words floated thought his mind and he had to put them down on paper or it would  drive him crazy. Rosalyn was on his mind ever day, and every second so a letter was written, and was sent, and did reach the ranch. Two folded letters inside an envelope addressed to her...

Letter #1:

   As the days passed my mind never wondered from you. From the moment I left the ranch you name, smell, lips, touch were imprinted in my mind and when our destination was reached I started this letter. To tell you about my day or just to simply babble, you inspire me and the words just come. I don't know how you do it Rosalyn but you make words enter my mind and than flow to the paper without putting hardly any thought into it at all.

   Well it looks like we are going to be in Florida for a while. We are close to the ocean and everyone keeps talking about how pretty it is. The ocean.....mmmm...one of my favorite places to be. So vast, so clean, and when the sun hits it just right as it sets...its amazing. Maybe one day you can see it with me...thats the only thing that could make the ocean more perfect.

   I hope as is going well and the moon is still your friend. I look at it every night and smile hoping you are too. It's comforting to know we are both looking at the same one, but at the same time its kind of sad too knowing your so many miles away. Ah the distance between one thing I do not like...but we must live with anyways. 

   Now that I have rambled on about more things than one I guess I should let you go. I talk to much about absolutely nothing or so Mark says. Tell we talk again my sweet Rosalyn, I remember the your deep eyes, your soft voice, and the warmth of your arms.

     Forever and Always,

Letter # 2:

Listen carefully, open your heart, for my whispers in the night,
Touching your soul, ever so gently, making you glow so bright,
I come to you, through a warm breeze, feel me on your face,
Your beautiful glow, lights my world, blessed with Gods sweet grace,
Hear the birds sing, a special love song, up in the tree,
In through your ears, a soft melody, just for you from me,
I come to you, in many different ways, each and every day,
Your magnetic pull, attracting me, God wants it this way,
See the moon glow, a soft orange, up in the night time sky,
In through your eyes, touching you, sometimes making you cry,
I come to you, in my comforting way, sending all my love,
I pray to God, thanking him, for sending you from above,
Feel the rain, pouring down, as it hits your skin,
Touching you, with my love, as my tears begin,
I come to you, to be with you, each and every day,
Without your love, for me to have, there is no other way,
I close my eyes, I think of you, I see your pretty face,
You touch my soul, you love my heart, you make me glow so bright,
In through my ears, I listen for, your whispers in the night!


Carson reaches up and takes Katie's hand, giving her a small nod. He knew he could trust her. There were only a very few, but she was one of them. 

"I am in trouble so deep, I can't even see the light anymore," he whispers. "But I'm gonna fix it.... I have to." 

Hearing the timer on the stove, he lets her go and quickly returns to the kitchen to box up the pizza for the other customer. No sooner had he finished and the customer came to pick it up and pay, and then it was Katie's turn. 

Getting her pizza on a tray and slicing it into pieces, Carson sets it on the counter for her to eat there if she liked, and also refills her pop. 

"Hope it tastes okay... I've been working on tweaking the sauce lately." It was a lame start to a conversation, but maybe he felt just a little out of practice having a normal conversation with a friend anymore. 

Jared looks to Grace, though his eyes were rather blank. He'd let her come. He hadn't fought it or told her to leave. But after another week, he was still deeply buried in depression. He'd agreed to finally starting therapy again, but it was obvious he'd been skipping sessions as his legs had very quickly grown weak once again. It was several steps backward, but hopefully it wasn't a permanent setback. 

His barely-touched lunch sat on the nightstand having long-since grown cold. Lydia was doing her best, but he just wasn't hungry anymore, and even if he was, nothing wanted to settle right with him anyway. Miserable wasn't the half of it. 

As Grace becomes a little firmer with his leg, he winces, sucking in his breath. He didn't glare at her though, or complain. The pain was what he deserved. He deserved all of this. He deserved to die. 


As Carson comes back around Misty could see the pain written all over his face. She could see his emotions, and what she said had been the truth. Katie wondered what had happened while she was gone to have caused this. But she could also see the fear in his eyes and she believe if she did say anything something might happen to Misty.

   "You have my word I won't till I think that your in trouble with no way out."

Laying a hand on Carson's arm Katie trys to give the best smile she can. She felt so sorry for Carson to have to live in a lie like this. To see his wife moving on because he had to lie. Her own worrys and problems seemed to fade away her's just didn't matter compared to his.

   "I would hope thought if you get that deep in you, yourself will ask for help. I'm here for you if you need anything you know that, and you know you can trust me, ok?"

Not one

Katie's words strike Carson like a dagger in the heart. He should have known that she, of all people, would be the one to accuse him of lying. No one else had. But somehow, she knew. 

Leaning his hands on the counter, he keeps his back turned, knowing that his eyes would betray him even more than they already had. He stares down at the pizza dough, unsure how to respond when Katie speaks again. And she only prove to twist the dagger deeper.

All of a sudden, he feels his eyes beginning to burn. He never cried in front of others - never. Let alone a friend like Katie. He bites his tongue until it hurts, trying to gain back control over his rampant emotions.

Grabbing the bowl of sauce, he spreads it over the dough, wishing to forget this whole conversation. Wishing to forget the past couple months. Wishing to forget his life. 

Tossing aside the bowl a little harder than need be, it bangs on the counter, the sauce slopping over the sides. Taking a deep breath, Carson glares at the uncooked pizza. Katie would need a response - it was finding the words that was difficult. All of them seemed to be stuck in his throat at the moment. 

Remaining silent, he finishes putting all of the toppings on the pizza, giving Katie some extra cheese too. Once it was in the oven, he comes back out of the kitchen, not surprised to see her on this side of the counter. Staring her in the eyes, his own still glisten with the tears he didn't allow to flow. "Don't tell anyone you think I'm lying," he warns hoarsely. "For Misty and the baby's sake..." His voice catches in his throat as the wave of emotions return. "Not one word."


Taking her pop and sipping it thoughtfully Katie listens to what happened between Misty and Carson. To a normal person who new that Carson they could believe a story like that but to Katie, something wasn't right and seeing a sad look in his eyes, pain, guilt it was clear he was lying through his teeth, why she didn't know, why he'd give up the woman he loved Katie wasn't sure but he had to have a reason.

Standing some coming behind the counter to lean on the open window she new Carson wouldn't mind. There wasn't anyone else there at the moment and he could trust her anyways. She never dream about stealing or damaging anything of Carson's. 

   "You know what I've noticed? The more you fall in love with your wife, and the more your heart breaks you become a terrible lier."

Continuing to watching Carson Katie takes a sip of pop grabbing an ice cube in her mouth and just sucking on it for a second before crunching down and chewing it up. Cocking her head a little bit to see Carson's face better her own held a slight bit of worry for him.  What was really going on?

   "I won't ask why your doing this because I am sure you have a good answer...just...don't wait to long to trust those who will help you or it will be to late to ever get back the one person you love more than anything, the woman you would give your life for because it might be to late."

Leaning his head on the window as they drove down the road Chad couldn't help but not be his normal self. He's be ok shortly its just right now...he's found a connection with someone, and someone who made him feel good and now...now she was gone. 

   "Looks like someone killed your dog...whats your problem?"

   "Mmm..me? Nothing I'm fine."

    "See now I know your not fine because you didn't have some come back. Whats wrong with you?"

Chad glances to his brother in the back seat before looking to April who was driving and he gives a shake of his head. What He was going to tell Mark he fell in love with a woman he didn't even know. He'd rushed head first into someone, with someone and she was younger than him? No Mark wouldn't understand and he new it.

   "Just sad we had to leave. It was kind of nice there at the ranch. Quiet, peacful, filled with  good company, but a bummer."

  "Well perk up we have a love drive."

   "Yeah, I'll be right as rain in no time."


Katie saying she wouldn't hate him did bring Carson some small amount of comfort that perhaps there was one person who wouldn't loath his guts. He'd always considered Katie one of his close friends... maybe he did have one friend left after all. 

"Okay... let me start a pizza for ya then." He didn't have to ask what kind. Katie had been gone for a little while, but he still knew what her favorites were. And right about now, he felt badly for her, having to process all of this new information. To her, it was sure to all seem quite sudden. To give her a favorite meal was the least he could do.

Turning to the pop machine, he fills a glass with what he knew she liked to drink, and slides it to her on the counter. He's just about to return to the kitchen when her question stops him. Looking over his shoulder at her, his eyes continued to hold their dim gaze. "No... I don't mind you asking. You'll hear it from somebody else anyway." 

Sighing again, he turns back around, giving her a lame shrug. "Jaz has been in town for months now. I started seeing her behind Misty's back and... had an affair." 

He purses his lips grimly and nods. "So... I finally realized I couldn't have the best of both worlds and... I chose Jaz. Of course, I was promptly served with divorce papers - oh, after which I'd been told I'd never see the baby." His eyes drop and he turns his back on Katie to walk into the kitchen, talking over his shoulder. "Can't blame Misty I guess though. I deserved that one for walking out on her."

Starting to grab the ingredients for Katie's pizza, he keeps his back to the window. "And that's that," he calls back into the other room. "As far as how her and Jason ended up together... I guess you'd have to ask them."

Justin starts to snicker at Beth's choice of words, but he stops himself, knowing what she meant, and not wanting to embarrass her. 

"I'd love to do dinner tomorrow," he agrees. "I've got quite a bit to do, but I should be free by... six? What do you want to do?" 

Even Chad's light kisses sent tingles down Rosalyn's spine and she smiles up at him, really wishing they didn't have to part. She'd known that they would and that this was it, but it felt a little harder than she imagined it might. Why it was difficult to say goodbye to a mere stranger, she would never know. Was there more here than just physical attraction, liking to hug and kiss, and flirt? Surely it was impossible in such a short amount of time. No matter... she was sorry to see Chad go.

Hearing the horn, her shoulders drop a little. He really did have to leave now.

Hardly knowing how to even respond to Chad's kind words, Rosalyn just holds his hand until he's too far away, and she's left with a small piece of paper in her palm. Glancing down then back up again, she simply watches him leave, giving a little wave before he turns around. It wasn't until he was out of sight and she heard the van leave that she returns to her spot in the garden.

Kneeling in the dirt, she unfolds the paper and reads his note. The sweet words were so very tender and they touch her soul just like his soft voice had. His words of encouragement to her young heart bring a strange ache, and as his closing words blur, she realizes she has tears in her eyes.

Quickly wiping her eyes with the back of her hand, she folds up the note and tucks it in her pocket. This was the last of Chad Mason... and she would cherish it...


It had been half an hour, but she was still busy at work in the garden. It didn't seem like that much time had passed though... not when her mind had wandered so. Turning as she knelt by the tomatoes, she squints in the sun to see her father. "Oh hey, Dad. What's up?"

"You got a minute?"

"For you? Always."

Jim chuckles and comes nearer, tipping his hat back on his head as he squats down beside her and fingers a green tomato. "How ya doing?"

Rosalyn lifts her eyebrows, wondering why he was asking such a question. "I'm... fine. How are you doing?"

He smiles. "I'm fine. I was just, um... checking. After that group from Nevada left was all."

Rosalyn can feel some heat coming to her cheeks and she looks quickly back to the tomato plant, searching for the ripe one she'd seen only moments before. "Why should that matter?"

"Because you and Chad had gotten close?"

Rosalyn swallows hard. She didn't know whether to be angry or embarrassed, but she felt both. "Clint talk to you, I suppose?"

"No, why?"

She bites her tongue. "Nothing. So I got to know Chad. I get to know a lot of people." She plucks the tomato, only to find out she'd felt the wrong one and it was green. Smirking, she tries again.

"Yes... yes, you do." Jim studies his daughter closely. "But you don't hug and kiss a lot of people."

Rosalyn blinks and finally returns her father's gaze. "I guess I liked Chad a bit."

"Mm-hmm. I noticed. When you said goodbye... that wasn't your first kiss with him, was it?"

Rosalyn didn't know if he was just observing or accusing, but she finds herself looking away again. "Maybe not. But what does this -"

"Since when do you involve yourself romantically with our guests?"

Though his tone was quiet, Rosalyn still felt a sting. "I... it just... well... he..."

"Did he seduce you?"

"No!" Rosalyn throws him a glare. "Of course not."

Jim sighs and rocks back on his heels. "Look, I'm sure there was something about Chad that you fancied and it was easy for you to be attracted to him. But as your father, I just feel it's my duty to tell you that I'm a little disappointed."

Rosalyn looks down at her hands. "Disappointed in what?"

"In you diving into a physical relationship within hours of meeting someone."

"Physical?! We didn't-"

"I mean hugging and kissing and whatever else you did. I'm not accusing you of sleeping with the man." Jim shakes his head. "I would hope you wouldn't go that far no matter how well you knew him."

Rosalyn's cheeks were crimson as he picks at the dirt under her fingernails. "Of course I didn't."

"I just meant the things I saw. It's not like you to go after a man, or let him go after you, especially when you know nothing about him." Jim pauses, waiting for a response, but none comes. "Did you know he's thirty-six years old? Or that he has a history of drinking? Or that he's been married and divorced? He's hardly the type of man you should be looking for, no matter how handsome you think he is."

Rosalyn nods numbly. She had guessed Chad would be in his thirties, but hadn't been positive. And she knew about his marriage and divorce and even that he'd been a drinker at the time. And she also had seen those things as red flags. But she'd gone ahead with her feelings anyway. Chad had made her feel... desirable. Worth it. Like a woman. But she couldn't tell those things to her father - he wouldn't understand. And... on some level... maybe he was right. Maybe this whole thing really had been foolish of her. And yet... "He might have a history, but that doesn't mean that's who he is today," she answers quietly.

"No... no, I know that. But it doesn't always mean that either. And sometimes we just need to avoid things like that, knowing that those things cause baggage and it can create strains within a relationship. You know all that, Rosalyn... You've got a good head on your shoulders. I guess that's why I was surprised and disappointed."

She nods again, keeping her eyes down.

Jim reaches out and gives her shoulder a loving squeeze. "One of these days, Mr. Right will walk into your life and it'll all fall into place. But be patient... don't rush headlong into things. True love will wait." He cocks his head down low, trying to see her face. "So I don't need to tell you not to do this again, right?"

She shakes her head.

"Good. Now don't worry - I'm not mad at you. Though I'm just as glad Chad is gone now so you can move past this little forty-eight our romance." He stands up again, his shadow falling over her. "I love you, Rosalyn."

She finally looks up at him again and forces a smile. "I love you too, Dad."

"I'll see you later at supper."

"Okay." She watches him leave, and when she's alone again, she can feel a tear trickling down her cheek. She was so embarrassed. Even though her father hadn't yelled at her, he might as well have. It hurt just as much. He'd said everything but "I think you were stupid" and she knew it. It wasn't just her behavior he disapproved of - he disapproved of Chad in general. And that hurt and made her feel all the more like an idiot.

Reaching into her pocket, she pulls out the note and reads it once more. Idiot or not, Chad's words meant the world to her and she would still cherish them.

Bitter Word

Continuing to listen to Carson Katie was still a bit confused. She had missed lots of stuff while she was gone for sure and it was all still so confusing. Why had Carson left Misty? Was it because of the baby, did something happen where they had a big fight? Seeing the look in Carson's eye though and hearing he was now living with someone who was ex agency it made her wonder. 

But Katie wasn't sure if she wanted to know the answer to the question but if she could try to help Carson any way she could than she would. As Carson continues to talk and she continues to listen hearing she was going to have a baby and than hearing that she and Jason were not dating Katie could feel her mouth hang up a little much. All that had happened while she was gone?

   "I don't hate you Carson and yes I'd still like to have you make me dinner. It will give me a few moments to soak everything in and break it down."

Though Jason and herself were not dating anymore and she'd found her own path with Hunter Katie couldn't help the small pang that hit her heart anyways. She'd always known Jason and Misty were close but just finding out they were dating now...it...it hurt and she couldn't help that. 

Bitting her low Katie just looks down at the counter for a long moment she trys to get her thoughts together. Honestly she didn't have a right to be upset with Jason, she'd left him, she had a boyfriend now and Jason had moved on now. What Carson was going through really was a much bigger devastation.

   "Carson...I'm so sorry. What...happened if you don't mind me asking! I feel so out of the loop."

Giving a smile and a laugh Beth nodded as she took a sip of her pop. She liked Justin's mom, she was a very nice lady and a good cook as well. It was easy to see where Justin got his good nature from and his love for good food. 

   "Mmmm....can we skip the rest of dinner and jet get to the dessert? I like the sound of that better."

Beth gives a laugh as she looks down at her food and her cheek go a little red. There could be a double meaning in what she said and it was out before she even realized it and it was to late to take it back. 

   "Umm...so...tomorrow I think I am going to go visit Sara, and My friend Zach's Uncle. Might be kind of nice to see them since I haven't in a few days. Than tomorrow...maybe we can get together for dinner again?"

Giving a smile and opening his arms seeing Rosalyn coming twords him he was happy she had a few moments to at least give him a hug. Feeling her arms slip around her and feeling her head on his chest Chad's arms close around her just holding her close for a long few moments. Remembering everything from the last few days. 

   "I just couldn't leave without at least one more goodbye. I know it might make leaving harder but...I just couldn't."

Pulling away and looking down at Rosalyn Chad bends down and places a soft kiss on her lips before pulling away. Looking into the deep pools of her eyes he just studys them for a long few seconds. Taking them in, remembering them for when the days got hard.

Hearing the van horn sound Chad was pulled from his thought. It was way to soon, he wanted ten more minutes though he new that would grow into ten more, and than ten more. It would be a never ending ten minutes.

   "Thank you Rosalyn, you'll never know how much you have helped, meant, and mean to me. Don't lose that shine..grace, love and spark."

Once like it had before Chad can feel a tear form and holds it back. If he cryed now someone would know something was up and he couldn't lead that on, for Rosalyn's sake he couldn't. Never had a goodbye been so hard when one could not see the future.

Taking a few steps back from Rosalyn Chad's hand slips down to hers giving her a note that he'd written. Giving another smile he new he had to go...they were waiting. Turning quickly and making his way back around the mess hall he does his bed to act like himself but it was hard when it felt like part of his heart was being left here.

My Dear Rosalyn,
   I've never been good at goodbyes, and if I couldn't find you I was going to leave this by the apples trees having a feeling you would find it. When you go to bed at night remember to look at the moon, because I'll be looking at it too remembering you. 

   I thank you because you helped me feel again, you help my heart find that feeling that makes it beat and you showed me maybe just maybe throwing my whole life into work was not the best thing. You Rosalyn set me free as much as I did you.

   Goodbye is such a bitter word because even if we were to never meet in this life, when we both go home to our eternal home we'll be there together, so this my Dear is not goodbye but see you later. Don't keep yourself locked up, fight the grain, life your life, spread your wings and learn to fly. 

In my heart you will forever stay, now, tomorrow, day after day!

     Forever and always,


Comes with decisions

The look on Katie's face was not quite the response Carson expected, nor was what she said. And for just a moment, he's confused. Why did her eyes say she had no idea what he was talking about? How could she not know what had been going on? He'd assumed she'd been kept in the loop, even if she was out of town, but... had he been mistaken? Had no one told her what had happened while she'd been away? Her question about pizza is forgotten. 

"You... just got back into town?" His tone had dropped the sarcasm, softening just a little. "So... no one's told you about... me, or..." He searches her face, noting the same blank stare. She really didn't have a clue. And as that realization hits, he can feel a wave of sorrow... for many different reasons.

"Oh boy." He lets out a sigh as he looks down at the counter for a moment. How was he going to explain this one? Maybe he should just tell her to go talk to somebody else. But... he didn't want to do that either. Katie was his friend. She probably wouldn't be after this, but if he wanted to retain any dignity at all, he'd tell her himself about what had happened.

"Look, Katie, um..." He grabs a towel to wipe off a phantom water spot on the counter. "I'm sorry for my tone of voice. I didn't know you'd just gotten back. See, I... right about the time you left, I... I, um..."

He looks up at Katie, searching her eyes. "I'm living with a woman named Jaz DeMoy. She's ex-Agency like me. Misty and I aren't together anymore and... actions have been taken for a divorce."

There. He'd said it. Oh, but there was so much more. He could let Katie find out on her own, but even if she was going to hate him now, he still couldn't do that to her. His eyes drop back down to the counter. "Misty's also pregnant - I found out the day I left. Because of all that, I've all but lost my job at the Elite. Reese has no legal grounds to fire me, but if he could, he would. I don't see anybody from there outside the office anymore - nobody comes here to eat, and I rarely get called in for jobs anymore. That's why... I was so surprised to see you tonight. I... don't have friends anymore."

Pursing his lips, he moves to wipe down the pop machine. He knew Katie would loath him just like everybody else did, for what he'd done to Misty, so he needed to tell her the rest before she walked out. "Misty is, um... also seeing another man now." He pauses again before glancing over his shoulder. He knew that Katie and Jason had broken up, but he also knew that it might sting anyway - especially not knowing that Katie had found another boyfriend. "She and... Jason have become... quite close."

He turns his eyes back to his task, trying to swallow the lump in his throat. What else he should say, he had no idea. "I'll still make you a pizza if you want," he offers quietly. "On the house. But... if you'd rather not stay, I understand. I'm getting used to people hating me." No, in reality, he wasn't. He'd expected people to be upset, but he hadn't expected them to turn their backs on him - especially his closest friends. "I guess it kinda automatically comes with the decisions I made though."

Justin grins and nudges Beth's foot back.  With just his socks on, he could wriggle his toes on her ankles teasingly. "You just can't wait to find out, can you?" 

He chuckles and takes another bite of his dinner, letting the silence linger for several moments until he winks at her. "I brought the most amazing chocolate chunk cookies you have ever tasted, I guarantee." He nods with emphasis. "They're so good, that they must be topped with coolwhip because the sheer taste of them is too addictive so they have to be muted somehow."

Grinning again, his eyes twinkle. "I'd tell you I made them myself, but you'd never believe me anyway, so I might as well tell you that Ma made them. And she said if you liked them, she'd have you over sometime to show you how she made them - something about it being too good to write down on a recipe card."

Hearing Chad's voice, Rosalyn picks her head up and smiles. Looking over her shoulder, her heart gives a flutter at seeing him. She'd already resigned herself to the fact that she wouldn't see him again before he left, so realizing that he'd come looking for her, gave her an extra few butterflies in her tummy. 

Standing, she brushes off some of the dirt from her hands and arms, knowing she must look a sight. Surely she wasn't as beautiful like this as Chad claimed, but she wouldn't give him a bad time for saying it. "I suppose I have a few moments for you," she answers coyly. 

Coming up close to him, she just stares up into his eyes for several seconds. Did he have any idea how much he'd shown her and made her feel in such a short time? Probably not. But those were the things she would treasure up in her heart to remember always. She wouldn't have him, but she'd have the memories of these couple days. 

Making the first move, she slips her arms around his waist and leans her head on his chest, hugging him tightly. "Thank you, Chad... for everything."

Ten Min

Beth gives another smile before taking another bit of her food. She liked seeing Justin have determination, and not give up on something. It really gave her hope and strength to do the same thing. Now to just get over the hurdle that had been placed in her way again. She new she couldn't go around it and just forget, or stand still and hope it will go away. Beth new the only way was facing it head on but it was so much easier to say it than to do it.

   "It's alright I know work is important. I think we were talking about how the night would just be me you and a movie. Oh and something about you made dessert this time around but wouldn't tell me what."

Giving a grin Beth moves her foot close to Justin's under the table before rubbing it. She new they hadn't been talking about the dessert at all but it was a good fill in to try and get Justin to tell her what he had brought. She was intrusted in knowing.

Katie continues to hold her smile but as Carson turns around and comes from the kitchen her smile fades slightly. That was not the greeting she had expected and Carson really looked horrible. What did he mean it was risking coming there? Why would it be risky and why did it sound like he thought the people at the Elite were mad at him? Maybe while she was gone she'd missed something!

   "I don't see why it would be risking coming here. I just got back into town and this is still the best place in town to get pizza. Or has that changed and you don't serve pizza anymore?"

Katie hope he did serve pizza still but by the smell she was sure he did. Also she hoped her little joke lightened up the mood a little bit too. The air felt stiff in the resonant today, very out of the normal. Kaite's eyes searched Carson's face wondering what was wrong and what that look that was lost in there was. It almost, almost looked like the same look she's seen many maybe years ago when she first met Carson except now it was much more sadder.

   "Just give me ten minutes."

   "Chad we've already given you fifteen. We're ready to go and waiting on you..come on how many times do you need to make sure you have everything?

Chad looks to his brother and rolls his eyes before looking to April and giving a little puppy dog look. It usually always worked with her even if it didn't with the others. Something about his big green eyes looking sad.

   "Please April ten more minutes, I promise thats its."

   "He's worse than a little kid I tell you."

April shakes her head laughing before looking to Mark and than back to Chad giving a smile. She loved the friendly banter between the brothers and always got a kick out of it even if it wasn't ment to be funny. They were so much alike and yet so different.

   "Alright ten more minutes only because I know it will drive Mark crazy."

   "Thanks April it means a lot."

Turning Chad makes a sprint for the mess hall. Entering and looks around but finds it empty. He'd already looked several different places for Rosalyn, he refused to leave without saying good bye but now, he'd come up short here too. He was running out of places to look, and he new he couldn't look forever. About to turn around some movement outside catches his eye. Moving closer to the door he lets out a sigh of releaf, he'd found her.

Stepping outside the door and moving to the edge of the little garden Chad just stands there for a long moment his slowly spreading across Rosalyn and past the other end of the garden as well. Just watching her for a long moment before finally giving a small chuckle.

   "Even to your elbows in dirt you look beautiful. I'm just happy I found you before we left. I couldn't bear leaving with out at least giving you a hug goodbye. Do you have a few moments?"

Kinda Risky

It takes a few moments for Justin to respond, but he finally nods. He knew he had to keep trying. He knew he was doing his best. He was just growing concerned that his best wasn't good enough anymore. "I won't give up," he responds softly. "Not 'til they enforce me not working with her anymore." 

Another sigh emerges before he lifts his head and gives Beth a weary smile. He felt badly that he'd just put a damper on things. "Sorry for the interruption. Now... where were we?" 

Rosalyn knelt in the dirt of the garden, out back behind the dining hall, picking what appeared to be some of the last of the vegetables. Usually on a Sunday afternoon, she'd go home and rest, and take advantage of an opportunity for a nap. But today her mind was too preoccupied to rest. 

Pulling up another radish, she sets it in her pail before wiping her brow with the back of her hand. It was a warm one today - not her favorite kind of day to be working out here in the garden. But it was the most productive things she could find to do. 

Crawling a little ways down the row, she continues to pick. Hearing a car door shut, she pauses her work. Was that the Nevada group leaving? Another car door. She'd seen them packing up earlier. Maybe it wasn't their van doors she was hearing at all. But maybe it was. 

Smirking at herself, she yanks up another radish. She'd known yesterday that she wouldn't get to see them off... or rather see Chad off. She wouldn't be able to do it without giving herself away in front of everybody else, so it was better to just let them go on their way.

"Yeah, got it. One large supreme. Yep. Sure, come pick it up in about half an hour. Mmhmm. Bye." Carson hangs up the hone in the kitchen, ripping the paper off his small notepad. 

It was nearing ten o'clock that evening, but he was still at Mom and Pop's, keeping it open late. Since he still was not open until one o'clock on Sundays, he kept the restaurant open late, which, had proved more profitable since he'd been pushing pizza more the last couple weeks. The menu had changed, as planned, to consist of pizza, breadsticks, chicken fingers, a couple kinds of subs, and salad. Though some had warned him such a menu would be detrimental to his income, it had actually improved business. People liked pizza. And without all the other menu items, there wasn't the expense for such a wide array of ingredients, some of which used to go to waste anyway, from lack of use. Not to mention, it was much easier now to train someone else to cook if he was going to be gone or wanted a day off.

As far as the interior of the restaurant went, Carson had finished painting, replacing light fixtures and rearranging new tables and chairs. It looked very different with a new feel and style, yet it still had a homey atmosphere. The only thing left was finding the artwork he wanted for the walls.

Tonight it wasn't busy enough for anybody else to be working here this late at night, so Carson was alone. At this hour, nobody normally came in to eat - he usually just got calls for pizza to be picked up. Which was okay by him since it was less work. 

Sighing, he spreads some flour on the counter to start rolling out another pizza crust. It was routine now - which was good, since he was so tired and his mind was rarely on task anymore. He'd lost some weight... his eyes were underlined with dark circles and there was a listlessness in his gaze. He was supposed to be happy with this new love affair of his - but one good hard look was all it took to see he was a miserable man. 

Once the pizza was in the oven, Carson wipes his hands on his apron and starts cleaning up some of the dishes. That was probably the last order for the night.

Not hearing the bell on the door, Katie's voice startles him into turning around. His eyebrows rise in sheer surprise. Not because someone was here so late, but because someone from the Elite was. No agents had come here to eat since he'd left Misty. It was almost as if they'd all agreed to no longer give him their business. He also knew Katie had taken a leave of absence but she could have been back for weeks now and he wouldn't have known. 

Seeing her smile made him even more leery, but it didn't appear that she was on business. Wandering from the kitchen to stand behind the counter, he gives her sort of half a smile. "Well hi, Katie. Long time no see." He cocks his head. "Kinda risky, you coming here, isn't it? Or has there been a sudden change of heart in the Elite staff?"