
Whisper in the Night

Working on Jared's legs Grace was happy he'd let her come and its had made Lydia happy as well. The only thing was though Jared really wasn't trying and the depression was still getting the best of him so all the words she was doing really meant nothing. It made her sad to think he didn't want to try but he'd let her come so that meant something...right?

   "So I was thinking about stopping by tomorrow on an off day and seeing if maybe you wanted to head to the breach with me. It's going to be a nice one tomorrow and there wont be many of those left."

Continuing to work on Jared's legs Grace new she was being slightly rough but she was trying to really get the blood flowing in them today. They were extra still so she needed to work with them a little more than normal. Grace didn't mind though she always liked working with Jared and that hadn't changed.

   "Might help you feel better getting some sun too."

Giving a nod to Carson's comment Katie new he would try to fix it if it was the last thing he did. That she was very sure of and never would second guess. Misty was his life and he'd do anything to protect her, get her back, or simply let her go for her own safety. Katie wondered if she really new how lucky she was.

As Carson goes to check the pizzas Katie moves back to the other side of the counter again. Giving a nod and a smile to the customer as they came in for there order she waited patently for her own. Having him finally done Katie take a slice and looks at him a second as he mentions the sauce before taking a bit.

   "Mmmmmm....Wow this is really good. The food at the ranch is great but there is nothing like your pizza Carson its amazing. What did you do new to it?"

...As a few days pass a letter is sent and in another few days time it reaches its destination. Chad couldn't wait, he had to write, words floated thought his mind and he had to put them down on paper or it would  drive him crazy. Rosalyn was on his mind ever day, and every second so a letter was written, and was sent, and did reach the ranch. Two folded letters inside an envelope addressed to her...

Letter #1:

   As the days passed my mind never wondered from you. From the moment I left the ranch you name, smell, lips, touch were imprinted in my mind and when our destination was reached I started this letter. To tell you about my day or just to simply babble, you inspire me and the words just come. I don't know how you do it Rosalyn but you make words enter my mind and than flow to the paper without putting hardly any thought into it at all.

   Well it looks like we are going to be in Florida for a while. We are close to the ocean and everyone keeps talking about how pretty it is. The ocean.....mmmm...one of my favorite places to be. So vast, so clean, and when the sun hits it just right as it sets...its amazing. Maybe one day you can see it with me...thats the only thing that could make the ocean more perfect.

   I hope as is going well and the moon is still your friend. I look at it every night and smile hoping you are too. It's comforting to know we are both looking at the same one, but at the same time its kind of sad too knowing your so many miles away. Ah the distance between one thing I do not like...but we must live with anyways. 

   Now that I have rambled on about more things than one I guess I should let you go. I talk to much about absolutely nothing or so Mark says. Tell we talk again my sweet Rosalyn, I remember the your deep eyes, your soft voice, and the warmth of your arms.

     Forever and Always,

Letter # 2:

Listen carefully, open your heart, for my whispers in the night,
Touching your soul, ever so gently, making you glow so bright,
I come to you, through a warm breeze, feel me on your face,
Your beautiful glow, lights my world, blessed with Gods sweet grace,
Hear the birds sing, a special love song, up in the tree,
In through your ears, a soft melody, just for you from me,
I come to you, in many different ways, each and every day,
Your magnetic pull, attracting me, God wants it this way,
See the moon glow, a soft orange, up in the night time sky,
In through your eyes, touching you, sometimes making you cry,
I come to you, in my comforting way, sending all my love,
I pray to God, thanking him, for sending you from above,
Feel the rain, pouring down, as it hits your skin,
Touching you, with my love, as my tears begin,
I come to you, to be with you, each and every day,
Without your love, for me to have, there is no other way,
I close my eyes, I think of you, I see your pretty face,
You touch my soul, you love my heart, you make me glow so bright,
In through my ears, I listen for, your whispers in the night!

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