
Cutting the Cheese

Thirteen can't help the giggle that escaped her lips. It was always nice when Ryder gave her complements and just seeing the way his eyes twinkled when he said them and looked at her added to the smile. She felt so loved, and it was a good warm feeling.

"You always make me feel so good you know that?"

Bringing her hand to the side of his face and just letting her fingers run over his skin her eyes search his. Leaning in and pushing her lips to his again for a few moments she pulls away. If she didn't start getting the snacks now she wouldn't and she'd sneak away to cuddle with Ryder.

"Can you start cutting the cheese for me while I grab the crackers babe?"

"Tomorrow sounds great. Someone should be home through out the day so no worry on that. Can't wait to see you again Uncle Eric. Drive safe."

Hanging up the phone Katie just looks at it for a long moment. She didn't know what to say, and didn't know what to think. It was odd to even thing of her Uncle with someone, not that he wasn't good enough but that he never mentioned it or even showed interest in being with someone.

Finally looking up Katie gives a blink before looking at each face that looked back at her. There own looks held confusion and wonder. Now she had to try and explain this all to them when she had no idea herself. Some of those feelings tugging on Jason's letting him know they were there.

"That was Eric...he's going to stop by tomorrow with...with his fiance. I..didn't even know he was seeing anyone."

Looking around the room Katie's own look held confusion though she felt excited for Eric. Though she already new the answer to her next question she asked it anyways not sure what else to say about the whole thing.

"Did any of you know he was seeing anyone?"

Letting her smile widen a little Rosetta was happy Mick still had his sense of humor. Leaning up and giving him a small kiss her eyes sparkled a little. They did have less time to spend a long together now a days with everything going on so what little time they did they had to take advantage of.

"Alright lets get going. I was thinking maybe that buffet sounded good today."

Grabbing her jacket as she gets pulled from the house Rosetta can't help but laugh. For a moment she felt young again trying to sneek away on a date or just simply to get away with Mick from there days work.

"Oh, and if you tell anyone I poped you, I'll tell them you deserved it."

Rosetta can't help the laugh that escaped her lips as she hopped into Mick's truck and buckled her seat belt. She was worried about Eric still and everything going on but this detraction would be nice, and the extra time with Mick would be as well.

Setting the try of food down her her mom and giving her a smile Nikki turns her attachen back to the phone where Pete was talking as she walked over to the sink.

"I don't think today will be to good. I have a lot I need to do around here for Mom and..."

Not being able to finish her sentience Carol can be heard yelling from the table where she had over heard Nikki.

"Don't you tell that boy no. The stuff around the house can't wait for a little bit. If you don't have a little bit of fun your going to grow old like me."

Turning to look at her mom and give a little smirk Nikki couldn't help but give a small laugh. Her mother some how new even though she had work on the inside she really did want to go with Pete. Maybe the extra prompt from her mom was what she needed.

"Ok, well Queen bee wont let me be a party pooper so yes I'd like to meet you for lunch and no I haven't had anything to eat."

Leaning on the counter and smiling even though Pete couldn't see her Nikki couldn't help it. She enjoyed spending her extra time with him, and it made her feel good just knowing he liked the same.

"Should I drive out there, or did you want to drive here and say Hi to Mom?"