

Helping Scott back up into his bed Hope keeps close by sitting on the edge of the bed. She wasn't ready to go to back to her chair, staying close could be her only option for keeping Scott ok through the night.

Hearing his request to stay with him Hope was happy he had asked so she didn't have to make him feel worse by just doing it.

"Of course I will stay with you. As long as you need me to I will and than some."

Slipping onto the bed behind Scott Hope wraps her arm over top of him and than tucks her hand under the front of him so she had him in a nice hug close to her. Her other arm going under the pillow and her head just stroking Scott's hair still.

She was here for him, and would stay awake as long as she could for him, thought soon the night would take over and Hope's eyes would close still holding Scott the night would drone on.

As the skys start to grow dark Scarlet lets out a low sigh. If only the fire words could of last forever the moments now had been so preshies, and felt so nice to just enjoy them with someone else.

Looking over at Eli Scarlet gives a smile before standing and stretching her arms high into the sky. She had been sitting in one spot for so long everything had gone still though she wouldn't have tried it for anything.

"Parting is such sweet sarrow or so my friend Shakespeare likes to say, and..I think he got it right."

Smiling again Scarlet's eyes twinkle in the star light as she wraps her arms around herself again. Looking down to Eli again taking him in a few last moments before the parted ways.

"I'll see you again soon?"


Scott finally begins to relax with Hope's soothing touch and voice. His hand slowly releases hers from his vice grip and his pulse begins to slow. Tomorrow... Dr. Hawks... tomorrow...

His eyes snap open again. He was falling asleep but he had just enough sense left to know he was on the floor and that was no place to sleep. Shifting a little, he eventually musters up enough strength to pull himself back up onto his bed with Hope's help. Lying curled on his side in the dark though, he didn't want to face another nightmare... If he was alone, there was a chance he might not wake up again, and it was too terrifying for him to take that chance.

Finding Hope's hand, he whispers hoarsely. "Stay with me?" He knew she'd stay nearby anyway, but it was the empty half of the bed he was referring to. He needed her tonight and for the first time, he was willing to admit it. He didn't want her to let go of him.

Eli smiles and pulls Scarlet with him back over to the rock again. This time he stretches out on his side so Scarlet can sit in front of him and use his torso as a backrest, while his one arm could stay slightly tucked around her. His other elbow is kept busy propping himself up, his head resting in his hand as he faces the fireworks.

Red, blue, gold, green, purple... every color imaginable bursts through the night sky. Rockets whistled through the air and exploded in splendor. But all too soon, the finale was over, and the sky grows quiet once again. Now the only lights in the sky were stars, and the only sounds were distant motors and a faint chirp of a cricket.

Eli sighs deeply, wishing the show would have lasted a while longer. "Well..." his one hand pats Scarlet's arm. "Looks like the show's over. Guess this is where we say goodnight."


The smile growing a little on her face at his comment Scarlet leans her head into his hand again as he tucks her hair behind her ear. Turning her head just a little to place a soft kiss on his hand before looking up into his eyes again.

Feeling Eli's hand in her own Scarlet's fingers wrap around his. It was a perfect fit, not leaving any space, or cramping her hand, there fingers just connected perfect.

"As long as your going to stay too, I'd like very much to stay with you too."

Everything just seemed to come together, rough and soft Eli balanced them out well. Knowing when to have each show. Eli was special one of a kind, and Scarlet was happy to be here in this moment.

Eli's question going unanswered for now. There was more to her than anyone could really see on the outside but that could be left for another time. As of now, she just wanted to enjoy there moment.

Giving a small smile at Scott's direction about Domino she nodded in the dark. Even if she did know that she was happy Scott mentioned it. It was his Dog and that he was taking in interest in her was a great thing.

"I will deffintly remember a toy and a leash for her. She's going to be so excited to come and see you."

Leaning her head back on the bed Hope continues to hold Scott not minding at all as she hand her hand through his hair, and lightly over his eyes, and the side of his face in a soothing manor. Hearing his words of love put a smile on Hope's face, and she sent her heart flutter even with the events that had just happened it was nice to hear.

"I love you Scott."

His words that follow as well send another emotion though, almost like a releaf. Scott was finally admitting he needed help and Hope was happy for that. It would make helping him so much easier.

"Don't worry Scott, you wont have to deal with this much longer. Tomorrow I will talk to Dr. Hawks and let him know your ready. Everything is going to be ok, I promise."

Wanna stay?

Having the kiss returned, Eli enjoys it even more. Slow and gentle he continues the embrace, pleased that Scarlet lets him lead. He hadn't been sure after she'd taken the initiative on most everything else. But when they were this close, he was seeing more in her than someone who had had her eye on him, checked him out, then had been determined enough to chase after him. Right now, in this moment, there was something softer behind all that. Something that was tender and almost fragile.

As Scarlet pulls away a little and comments about taste, he grins, though doesn't have time to respond before she's kissing him again. He deepens the kiss a little but not too much, and eventually it's his turn to pull away.

"So do you," he mentions softly. A smile plays with just the corner of his mouth. "But I wanna save something for next time."

Drawing back a little more, he reaches to tuck her hair behind her ear and stares her in the eyes once again. He cocks his head, his expression gentle. "There's more to you than meets the eye, isn't there?" His thumb runs over her cheek, touching her lips again, his glove making his touch just a little more rough.

Finally he lets her go, taking a step back, though his hand had found hers. "I'm gonna stay and watch the rest of the fireworks... wanna stay with me?"

Scott hears Hope's words and clings to them - his only lifeline to stay focused. He cringes as he tries to get his brain to work and he writhes with discomfort. But he manages as nod.

"Mm-hmm..." She'd still be here tomorrow.... and then the next day bring Domino. He missed his dog too. "Domino," he murmurs.

His grip on Hope's hand tightens even more without him realizing it. He was grasping for reality as the room seems to spin. His breathing is shallow, his pulse still rapid.

"You have to... have to bring a toy... and.... and her leash." He knew Hope already knew these things, but it was the only thing he could think of to respond to. And each word that was uttered, each new thought that he formed, shoved the data back one step further.

Trying as hard as he could, it was almost like trying to wake up when in a state of half-sleep... where one could tell reality was just within reach, but it could be so hard to come into a state of awareness. The sensation was similar and Scott grits his teeth to fight it. He was scared. Exhausted. Angry. His emotions swirled within him. He needed what was real... what was real.

Letting go of Hope's hand, his palm slides up her arm to her neck, then her face. His fingers were trembling, but this was the most real thing he had - her voice... her presence.

"I love you," he whispers.

His body shudders as with a jolt, the data releases its hold. Gasping, Scott's eyes fly around the room, finding where he was and silently reciting what day it was, how he'd gotten here and who he was. His heart thumps in his chest and his hand drops from Hope's face, still leaning into her, his head near her shoulder. Though shaking all over, the brief storm had passed.

"I can't..." he gasps. "I can't... keep doing this. You're right... I can't do this anymore."


Eli's hand on her skin were rough from the work at the shop he did, but still they were so light, they have the soft tone to them. His touch so careful, being lentil like she might crumble in his hands. Rough on the outside she was, but inside being touch with such care, felling how gentile Eli was it made her feel good. Sending chills through her, knowing he wanted to be easy with her.

Closing her eyes and leaning her own head into Eli's hand the soft boom in the distinct seemed to go in rhythm of her own heart. How it pounded in her chest, her pulse quicking with every passing moment.

Feeling his lips brush against her own almost alone takes Scarlet's breath away. She anticipated the moment, but now it almost felt like the air had been sucked from her lungs felling his breath brush over her skin. As her heart beat inside her chest, she quivered just a little.

Keeping her one hand on his back as his lips returned to her own again Her fingers spread apart griping and hold him close. Feeling her knees grown weak she willed herself to stay standing. She had been waiting for this moment she wouldn't left it end so fast.

Removing her lips from Eli's for only a moment Scarlet cocks her head the other way but doesn't return right away her lips brushing his as she talked.

"You taste amazing."

Letting her hand slide from his face to the back of his head Scarlet continued the kiss again letting her own soft passion flow, not wanting to deepen it to much, just enjoying the moment and letting Eli lead. She didn't want to rush, she just wanted to take it as it came. As her heart beat inside her chest, she quivered just a little.

When to be gentle

Alec gives a deep sigh of content, his arm around Ryan and keeping her close to him. Nestling down further in the couch, he turns a little so they're facing each other on their sides. Her had on his back still felt oh so good.

Die happy? Happiness... was... that what this was?

All of a sudden, the coy glint disappears from his eyes, replaced by something different. Wonderment. Curiosity. Maybe even a little confused.

Happiness. He kisses her nose lightly. "You do make me happy," he whispers. His tone of voice wasn't that of simply telling her, but it was more as if he had just discovered this fact.

His foot strokes hers. "Thank you."

Eli tilts his head a little against Scarlet's hand, a little chill running through him at her touch. He closes his eyes for just a moment, feeling a tenderness in her hand. She was rough and tough on the outside, but he was catching a glimpse of what was on the inside... and it wasn't creepy at all.

Opening his eyes again, his own right hand comes up to cradle the side of her face. His thumb runs over her lips, and for several moments, he just mirrors her movements, mapping out the curves of her cheek, jaw and eyes and they hold each other, studying each other's gaze.

He knew he had more than permission to kiss her lips, but he takes his time, knowing when to be rough and when to be gentle. The soft breeze blows through the air while the distant booming of fireworks continues. Back at the bar, it had been a moment for stealing kisses and toying with sly intentions. Out here though, it was different, and he'd learned well enough over the years to recognize which was which.

Leaning in slowly, he cocks his head, his hand sliding down to her neck as his thumb rests on her cheek. His lips brush against hers lightly and he checks her eyes to make sure he still had her permission. Finding he did, he returns his lips to hers, venturing a little more passion this time as his grip around her waist tightens.

I told you

Feeling Eli's arms tighten around her a little Scarlet barrys her face into his chest a little more welcoming the feeling his arms brought and how safe it felt to be in there warmth. Getting a waif of his cologne she felt like she could just melt right there in his arms. His fingers running through her hair it was so nice, it made her heart thump even harder inside her chest.

As Eli pulls away just a little Scarlet looks up at him, trapped in his own eyes the grin was still on her lips her eyes soft, his eyes so bright. Giving a little bit of her lips before letting it go to form her full lips again Scarlet doesn't break gaze with him as he leans in a little closer, though there was a little bit of timidness.

"I told you at the shop this morning this wasn't a date because I didn't want to get you in trouble. So...I guess it worked out."

Moving her one hand from Eli's back Scarlet brings it to the side of his face. Letting her finger run over his cheek, and than his lips, before going back to the side of his face again, her finger tips finding the long bits of hair to play with.

As Alec sinks down next to her Ryan continues to rub his back leaning her head against his. The smile on her face as she felt so comfortable laying right there with Alec.

"Not that I want you to die, but at least you would die happy."

Leaning her head against Alec's Ryan's own eyes closed just taking in this sweet moment of cuddling. Letting the time pass she didn't care, knowing there was no time limit made it even better to just enjoy this moment.


Fighting for the upper hand with their kisses, Alec grins. "You didn't say anything.... about being fair." One of his hands slides out from underneath her to crawl, up to the side of her face, his rough fingertips seeming to soften as he touches her cheek.

Feeling her hands on his back, he sinks down a little more with a soft groan. Pulling away from her kiss, he nestles his head into her shoulder, just lying there as she rubs his back. "Talk about playing dirty," he murmurs. His eyes are closed, as he's gone from a little tense to totally relaxed. "Are you trying to kill me?"

This whole thing was just a little bit strange. Like everything was just a tad off-kilter. Not enough to make it feel like a dream, but enough to make it seem like it was teetering on the very edge of reality. Taking Scarlet's hand and standing from the rock, Eli looks down at her, feeling a little odd. Not really awkward, just... odd. A planned hug. There was just something strange about that. But at the same time, he couldn't help it that he wanted to wrap his arms around her.

Being pulled into the embrace, he lets Scarlet close, his strong arms sliding around her to hold her close. His face rests against her sweet-smelling hair and he closes his eyes, unintentionally rocking just a little. An odd feeling settled over him... one that almost made him feel like Scarlet had needed this hug more than had been admitted. She felt good in his arms... he couldn't deny that.

Though still having on his motorcycle gloves, his fingertips were free and he runs them through her hair a little before pulling back enough to see Scarlet's face. There were those eyes again... the ones that lured him in and made him feel like he had no control over how far he fell into them.

"You know," he whispers. "If we decide this wasn't really a date..." His face moves closer to hers. "I'd be free to kiss you."


Giving another soft chuckle Scarlet didn't feel offended by Eli's half statement, maybe a little disappointed but far from offended, or hurt. Everyone was entitled to there own feelings, and how they wanted to about things.

"Ha..who said anything about a commitment? I simply asked for a hug and another date. Than we would see what happened."

Continuing to just watch him though it was like she couldn't take her own eyes away from him. Maybe inside it made her feel a little nervous even if she didn't show it, but just...something she couldn't put her finger on about him.

A little more colors comes her her cheeks at his comment about her eyes. It made her feel good to knowing he was looking deeper. Most guys said something like that, but it was easy to see they didn't really take a closer look. Eli was different though, but his gaze alone it was just..different.

"I think..a guy is a good place to start."

Standing from the rock Scarlet brushes herself off a little and straightens out her jacket and shirt. Putting a hand under her hair to pull the little strands that had found there way into her jacket out.

Moving so she was a little ways in front of Eli she holds her hand out to him helping him off the rock. Some might feel awkward and even Eli himself might Scarlet really didn't. The tump in her chest though seemed to pick up a little though as she waited for Eli to stand as well.

Once Eli was up Scarlet just stood there for a moment looking up at him. Giving a little bit to her own lip Scarlet finally sets closer to Eli her eyes still locked with his before slipping her shoulder under his arm and drawing him to her as her arms wrapped tightly around him.

Feeling Alec run his foot on the bottom of her own Ryan can't help the laugh that escapes her lips through there kiss causing it to break for a moment.

"Now thats playing dirty."

Giving another laugh Ryan brings her lips back to Alec's again, taking his lips in her own she gives it a little nibble before pulling away and turning her head the other way bringing her lips back to his again.

Rubbing his back Ryan's fingers brush over the edge of his shirt being up a little higher than normal. Bringing her hand under his shirt was easier than if it had been lower. Liking the way his finger tips felt on his skin Ryan continued to rub his bare back.

Continuing to hold Scott Hope rocks back and forth running her hand softly through his hair. Hearing his words to keep talking to him Hope trys to think of a topic quick keeping it natural and calm.

"So tomorrow for breakfast I was thinking of driving over to an IHop that was close to here and getting us something to eat. I know the food here is good but the food there is even better."

Looking off into the dark corner of the room Hope leans her head down to rest on Scott's keeping him held close to her almost like she though if she loosened it just a little she might lose him forever.

"Than not tomorrow but the day after that I was thinking about bringing Domino up and makes we could all walk to the little part they have out back. She miss you something horrible and I promised her I'd let her come and see you. I think that will be nice don't you?"

Could always try...

As Scarlet's words hang in the air, Eli takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly. Part of him was thrilled that a girl like her was attracted to him enough to want more than one night. But her forwardness and speed did call for caution.

"Naw, I'm not creeped out." He tilts his head so he can see her face, a wry grin hanging at the very corners of his mouth. "Well... maybe a little."

His grin widens to show he was teasing her, even if there was a small bit of hesitation in his tone. "You're not too sassy," he muses. "I'm not sure there is such a thing... at least in my opinion." A wink is tossed in her direction. "Though I have to admit... I'm not used to the woman making the first moves." She'd been the first to try for a kiss, and now she was the one asking for more than one date.

Still not giving her an answer though, he just looks back at her, locking his eyes with hers. He was always looking for dates and a girl to hang out with. But more than that?

Finally sitting up himself, Eli crosses his ankles and leans back on his hands, still looking at Scarlet as the fireworks continue in the distance. "I'm not sure I'm ready for more than fireworks," he admits. He didn't realize that his voice had grown quieter. "It's not that I don't like you or anything, I just... commitment... and all... that..."

Eli's words trail off as he sees the sparkling lights reflected in her gaze. "You have the most amazing eyes," he whispers. His previous excuses were forgotten. "I'd really be stupid to refuse a second date, wouldn't I?"

Biting his lip, he finally looks away, clearing his throat as he remains propped back on his hands. "We could always try for that hug and... see what happens."

"Mmmm..." Alec tilts his head into Ryan's hand and keeps moving his foot now that she'd joined him. "I hate torture," he mumbles, going in for another kiss. "Don't stop..."

His hands slide under her head so his fingers can feel her hair as his thumbs run up and down her neck and throat. Wriggling his feet around, he slips his socks off so he can feel her bare feet with his, a grin forming as he runs his toe along her sole, knowing it would tickle.

Scott clings to Hope, trying to stay focused. He gasps for air, his pulse racing. Her voice helped.. it gave him something to concentrate on... something other than the data that was trying to yank him back into that abyss.

"Talk to me," he murmurs. "Please..." His hand puts hers in a vice grip. "Talk to me."

Creep Out

Giving a small chuckle Scarlet's cheeks turned a little red. She new what Eli meant but still what he said had sounded wrong and she could help my mind from taking a few steps to the wrong path before coming back quickly and trying to focus on what he was saying again.

Sitting up again and drawing her one leg up to her chest again and leans her chin on it still looking up as the fireworks went off just letting the question linger in the air. She new for Eli this might be way to fast. It was understandable completely, and if Eli wanted to stop right there she would never hold it against him.

"Do I want more than fireworks yes, do I expect more than fireworks no, because if I was in your shoes I'd be a little creeped out."

Letting out a chuckle Scarlet meant it, she would be creeped out to know someone though something like that of her already without actually knowing them well at all.

"I guess I would settle for a hug and a second date?! Than go from there. Unless I am way to sassy and forward for you, because thats just..come with who I am its not a tactic to draw attachen to myself."

Still leaning her head on her knee she turns her head, her own leather jacket crackling with her movement as she looks at Eli again. The grin was still on her face as her eyes danced in light of the fireworks. Her eyes searching Eli's the silence just continuing to fill the space. In a way Scarlet didn't find it uncomfortable at all, it felt peaceful.

Feeling Alec so close to her with nothing to worry about but just kissing, and being together it felt even better. Alec made her feel so special, just the way he touched her, and kissed her, the way he looked at her.

"Mmmm...this is much better...than...a movie."

Continuing the passionate moment Ryan lets out a low murmer as Alec's lips find her neck again. Her own foot that was free finding his leg and lifting his pant let up so her could run her own bear foot on his leg.

"Don't you know that drives me up a wall...I don't think your the only one being torchered."

Ryan's hand tighten in Alec's hair again before releasing and just running her hands thought it once again. Her other hand still on his back rubbing it lightly. Looking up into his eyes Ryan could get lost in them. So soft, and rough at the same time, over looked by a lot the warmth and fire that lingered it sent chills through Ryan.

Moving her one hand she brings it to the side of his face running her thumb over his cheek, than his jaw, softly over his lips as her eyes stay connected with his just taking them in.

Sleeping lightly in the chair over by the window Hope had fallen a sleep only a little while before after keeping a close eye on Scott while he was sleeping. But hearing the cry for the the sleep was short lived as she shop up from the chair and was over to Scott in a flash kneeling down next to him on the floor.

"Scott, Scott...I'm here Hun, I'm here with you its ok."

Pulling him twords her Hope wraps her arms around Scott knowing he must have had another nightmare. Rocking a little still holding Scott close and running her hand through his hair Hope does he best to bring him comfort letting him know it would be ok, she was there and he was safe.

More than...

Eli meets Scarlet's gaze head-on, searching for answers... answers as to how she had sized him up so quickly and how after only a couple brief meetings, he could have had such an impact. It took people a long time to get to know each other and to trust one another. But Scarlet... not only had she done her research before seeking him out, but something else had happened too. A connection. A spark. Something close to chemistry, but more in a way. She trusted him off the bat and in so short of a time, her own walls had begun to crack. For Eli, it drove home the fact that people were always watching, and his actions were always being observed. He could make or break a person's self-worth just by what he said and did. It was kind of scary to realize this, for he knew that it meant he always needed to watch his step and behave how he should, and not give people the wrong impression, lest he lead someone in the wrong direction without even realizing it.

He blinks. How many seconds had just passed? He didn't know, but he was still staring into those blue eyes that drew him into their depths and sent chills up and down his spine.

"I don't know what to say," he admits quietly. He remains lying on his back with his hands up behind his head, his face turned towards Scarlet. "I've done nothing to deserve that kind of credit, let alone gain your trust like that." Some of his actions today would have scared off some nice girls. But Scarlet was not only nice but daring at the same time. It was an irresistible combination.

She wanted to keep him around? What exactly did that mean? Question fills his gaze. "So you're, um... looking for more than just fireworks tonight?"

Once he'd said it, he realized his mistake. It had sounded so wrong. He had meant to ask if she was looking for a relationship that would last more than just these few hours, but once he'd spoken, he realized just how his words could be taken. And even after he'd promised to behave.

"'Ohhh, that's not what I meant." He tries to recover. "I... didn't mean... that."

Cringing, he turns his head to look back up at the sky. Smooth, Eli, real smooth. "I wasn't trying to seduce you - honest. I know you're not that kind of girl. It just... came out... wrong." It was official. He felt stupid. After she'd just admitted she trusted him, he hoped he hadn't totally blown it with his comment.

Alec falls totally into the moment, having missed Ryan the last couple days. This was definitely making up for it.

Kissing and cuddling and kissing some more, a grin emerges again. "Mmm... maybe you're right." His lips trace patterns around her cheeks before returning to her lips. "I wouldn't want... to miss out... on this..." He murmurs approval as her fingers comb through his hair, tilting his head and moving closer so she could reach it easier.

His arms slide down under her shoulders and head so he's resting on her, feeling her permission and she pulls him closer. It was nice not to have to worry about leaving yet. Time didn't really matter and it made this all the more enjoyable.

Deepening his kiss along with Ryan's, he lets passion take over. His foot runs along her lower leg and he moves his lips down to her neck again. "Were we gonna watch a movie?" He kisses her ear. "Or just... do this... all night?"

Teasing laced his voice, proving he was talking about nothing more than making out. Returning to her lips, he finally pulls away just enough to see her eyes. His own stare back at her with a bright fire.

It was late. Scott shoots up in bed, his cry tearing through the dark room. Sweat pours down the sides of his face and he holds his head in his hands, rocking. "No," he whimpers. "No.... no, not again, no..."

His dream had been so vivid. He'd seen faces again... faces that he remembered... faces that haunted him. There were pictures that stayed in his dreams before, but now even they acted as visual triggers, and like a slingshot, his mind is hurled towards an abyss of data that he couldn't control.

"No... no..." He remembered now. This is what it felt like before he'd lost track of time. Before he'd had no memory of what had happened and had fallen into that terrible dream-like state. He was on the verge of falling again and he didn't know how to stop it. What had Alec said? What had Hope said? Jumpstart? Distraction? He didn't know. But he had to think... he had to think about something else.

The data claws at his mind, dragging him back into the darkness.

Desperate, Scott fumbles for the light, knocking over his glass of water onto the floor. Trying to get out of bed, his legs buckle and he lands on his hands and knees. Everything was starting to spin. He couldn't let the data take over again... he couldn't. He needed something... anything to grab onto and pull himself back out.

Closing his eyes shut tight, he curls up on the floor. "Hope..." His feeble voice becomes a loud cry. "Hope!"

Broken Heart

Chuckling a little at Eli's comment Scarlet understood this was all new to him and he really didn't know what else to say. She hadnt been offended on bit and she new, Eli new she was talking about him.

Just letting the lights and colors continue to make there display in the sky as her mind was now reverted to Eli. Turning a little on the rather comfortable rock Scarlet brings her arm up so resat her head on it while she still looked at Eli.

Thinking about his question for a long moment Scarlet studied Eli's eyes more looking so deep into them she wondered if there even was a bottom. But brining herself up again she offers Eli a grin.

"Well....that guy just happened to be special enough to put a big crack in it, so now some sun light can poke in. A guy who can do that, is a guy good enough to keep around."

There was nothing to straight forward Scarlet had said that might scar Eli away though she seemed to worry anyways. It had always been hard to show her emotions, and shair her feelings. I just was not her strong side.

Giving a light and a tiny shreek as Alec stood Ryan's legs automatically warped around him. Her one hand still on the back of his head while her other arm was around his neck.

Being deposited onto the couch Ryan gives a chuckle as she looks up at Alec. Her firy eye dance with the spark that lied in his own. Feeling his lips on her cheek, and than making there way down her neck and lingering there for a moment Ryan's eyes fall shut and the hand in his hair make a slight fist just tugging on it slightly, a growl coming from her throat saying she liked it very much.

Opening them again and letting lose of Alec hair the grin was still on her lips shifting a tiny pit so she was father down on the couch and hear head was not cocked at an odd angle.

The one arm that had been wrapped around him to his back she gave a light pull bringing him closer to her not worried about him being on top. Looking into his eyes she grins, enjoying the moment. Her heart still racing her words seemed a little horse.

"I personally think, a little bit is better than nothing at all."

Bringing her lips to his once more in a soft mannor, she just like the slow soft kiss linger before starting to deeping it, a little more at a time, putting more passion in it as her heart raced in her chest.