
Could always try...

As Scarlet's words hang in the air, Eli takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly. Part of him was thrilled that a girl like her was attracted to him enough to want more than one night. But her forwardness and speed did call for caution.

"Naw, I'm not creeped out." He tilts his head so he can see her face, a wry grin hanging at the very corners of his mouth. "Well... maybe a little."

His grin widens to show he was teasing her, even if there was a small bit of hesitation in his tone. "You're not too sassy," he muses. "I'm not sure there is such a thing... at least in my opinion." A wink is tossed in her direction. "Though I have to admit... I'm not used to the woman making the first moves." She'd been the first to try for a kiss, and now she was the one asking for more than one date.

Still not giving her an answer though, he just looks back at her, locking his eyes with hers. He was always looking for dates and a girl to hang out with. But more than that?

Finally sitting up himself, Eli crosses his ankles and leans back on his hands, still looking at Scarlet as the fireworks continue in the distance. "I'm not sure I'm ready for more than fireworks," he admits. He didn't realize that his voice had grown quieter. "It's not that I don't like you or anything, I just... commitment... and all... that..."

Eli's words trail off as he sees the sparkling lights reflected in her gaze. "You have the most amazing eyes," he whispers. His previous excuses were forgotten. "I'd really be stupid to refuse a second date, wouldn't I?"

Biting his lip, he finally looks away, clearing his throat as he remains propped back on his hands. "We could always try for that hug and... see what happens."

"Mmmm..." Alec tilts his head into Ryan's hand and keeps moving his foot now that she'd joined him. "I hate torture," he mumbles, going in for another kiss. "Don't stop..."

His hands slide under her head so his fingers can feel her hair as his thumbs run up and down her neck and throat. Wriggling his feet around, he slips his socks off so he can feel her bare feet with his, a grin forming as he runs his toe along her sole, knowing it would tickle.

Scott clings to Hope, trying to stay focused. He gasps for air, his pulse racing. Her voice helped.. it gave him something to concentrate on... something other than the data that was trying to yank him back into that abyss.

"Talk to me," he murmurs. "Please..." His hand puts hers in a vice grip. "Talk to me."

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