

Hearing the noise Ryan stops and turns looking back at the room. Contemplating on turning around and going back. Every fiber wanted to go back, make sure he was ok, stay talk with him.

Letting out a heavy sigh though she reminds herself what would he learn if she came running back other than throw a fit get your way. No...she had to leave him for now. Maybe tomorrow she would be back.

Giving a nod to Trooper Ryan continues forward with the dog. Dropping him off at Jason's office she offers him the rest of the food in the bag. Losing her own appetite she didn't want the food to go to wast.

Finally heading out Ryan gets into her car and decides to head over to the shop. It was her day off today but maybe Leo was around so they could take his break together.

Leaning back in her chair Angelica thinks for a long moment. putting both hands behind her head for a long moment she looks over twords the wall just stairing and thinking. Trying to work words, actions, and pictures in the court room in her own head.

"Mmmmm...that could work. But what if Bree's parents have the claws into the judge already? If thats true than sympathy wouldn't work. It is worth a shot thought."

Thinking again for a long moment Angelica finally sits back up in her chair and than stands. Pacing the floor of her office she just walks back and forth back and forth something she always did when thinking hard. Stopping abruptly she looks to David.

"Do you think there is a way we could get a judge in that Bree's parents wouldn't even know about. Post our doubt, not state facts just we have a reason to believe that something isnt right. We can tell them that they dont even have to use US who the judge is but that we would like a new one. That really could give us the upper hand to make this whole thing fair."

Taking a small sip of her OJ Karla looks up at Kip. Seeing his one hand on the table she scooted her own hand over to it and slipped her fingers on top of his own. Just looking at there hands for a long moment Karla lets out a small breath before moving her hand.

"I know you mean good Kip and I am honored. I've just never had it so good ya know? And that dosnt have anything to do with anything but its...kind of intimidating."

Karla pokes at her eggs for a long moment. She new she would be safe here, and Kip was her friend. It was obvious that he cared. It felt different, she never had that before. It made her feel warm, and good inside.

"I'll stay as long as Erik's mom says its ok and if I can still work here to earn my keep...and...Thank you."

Karla looks down at her eggs again picking at the tomato. Her cheeks a soft red color.

Temper temper

Alec's stubbornness and pride forces him to simply sit and watch as his one chance at a different meal went to the dog. He really couldn't believe that Ryan had actually gone through with it. The dog, of all things. He knew he had reason to hate the stupid brute. But he only had himself to blame for this one. She'd been ready to stay and let him have the food, but he'd had to play the tough guy.

Scowling at the wall, he doesn't say another word to Ryan. Once he knows she's left, he gets to his feet to find his runaway tennis ball. Clutching it in his hand though, his anger gets the best of him. Yelling a curse at nothing, he whirls around and gives the metal chair a swift kick. It crashes into the corner, breaking nothing but making an awful ruckus.

Seething, Alec leaves it in a heap and flops back down on the cot to stare up at the ceiling and count the tiles.

"Oooh, temper, temper." Hal swivels in his chair as he watches the security monitors. Taking a bite of his apple, he contemplates a moment before jotting down a note for Reese. Alec hadn't displayed any strong emotions in quite a while, lapsing into a quiet, stubborn state. Hal didn't know what the young woman had said, but whatever happened sure had set Alec off. It was an interesting circumstance to take note of.

Trooper is still smacking his lips as he follows behind Ryan, but stops and turns his head at the yell and banging in Alec's room. Seeing no one appear though, he keeps on course and starts ahead again, looking to Ryan as if asking if she were still coming.

"Hmmm..." David makes a note and looks to Angelica thoughtfully. "That might be one route. From what JT has told me about Gunner though, you might have a hard time getting him to take that stance. He sounds more like the type to say, 'stick the rules, you're wrong, I'm right,
without letting emotional pain get in the way. However..."

He thinks a moment, chewing on the end of his pen. "...he did do it for love, no? What about playing on the judge's sympathy? I mean, who hasn't been in love? Who doesn't know the feeling of willingness to do anything just for the sake of that love? Gunner stormed the castle for the love of his life... it doesn't get much more romantic than that. A tortured man, seeing the woman of his dreams being abused in a mental hospital... Who wouldn't go after her?"

Kip bites his lip, wondering if maybe he'd come on too strongly. He didn't want Karla to feel uneasy about being here. But he knew all too well the feeling of not wanting to accept an offer like this. He'd been there.

"I won't... force you to stay, Karla. I won't even try to convince you. I just..."

He stirs his eggs, picking out a green pepper to stab with his fork. "...want you to be taken care of, that's all."

His Way

Shaking her head at Alec Ryan wouldn't give in nor let Alec bother her. She grew up with two older brothers and her dad most of her life. If there was a game she played it and learned fast through them not to give in.

"Nope it wasnt a wast. I got my card back."

Turning from Alec Ryan takes a few steps twords the door before stopping. Reaching into the bag Ryan pulls out one of the burgers and unwraps it. Taking a bit she holds to rest out to Trooper and smile at the dog.

"Can't let this go to wast here ya go boy."

Tossing the burger twords Trooper it was one swift gulp and it was gone. Laughing at the dog Ryan giving a laugh.

"I guess he was hungry shesh did you even taste that dog?"

Continuing her rout to the door Ryan gives Trooper a pat on the head as she pass. Glancing over her shoulder to look at Alec. She did feel sorry for him, seeing out stubborn and cold he was, but what would he ever learn if people always gave into him and played his game.


Every fiber in Alec's being wanted to sit up and tell Ryan to stay - that he really was hungry and he didn't want her to leave yet. But his facial expression did not show those deeper feelings. Instead, his eyes blazed with a cold fire.

"Fine. I guess it was your waste of time to come then."

Crossing his arms, he stares at the back wall stubbornly.

Trooper huffs a sigh and sits down in the doorway, yawning and looking to Ryan, a little bit of drool escaping to drip onto the floor. He'd smelled the food too, but knew well enough not to beg.

Alec sees the dog and knows that there's a chance Ryan's threat wasn't an empty one. A hunger pain shoots through his stomach, but he sets his jaw tightly. If she was gonna play this game, he wasn't going to lose.


Angelica thinks for a long moment. She'd thought about that option herself but she wasn't sure how that might play over. With Gunner's background but maybe there was a loophole somewhere. Than again if the right words were used, it was possable.

"Well I had thought of that myself but I wasnt to sure...You see Gunner has a past.."

Giving David the bref history on Gunner, his family what had happened recently and how he was in the hospetil she trys not to leave out details but doesn't go into to much depth on certain things.

"..So I had been thinking maybe we could see one of the reasons he broke Bree out was because of his own past with his family. He felt that it was his fault for what happened, that if he saved someone else it would in a way clean his past. I'd hate to dig up something painful like that with him but I think it might be a good opportunity if we word it just the right way. What do u think?"

Jotting a few things down Angelica pushes she pencil behind her eat and into her hair a little that was pulled back today to keep it out of her face. Looking up at David again she watchs him waiting to see what he thought as well.

Eye Alec for a long moment Ryan gives a little shake of her head hearing the comment about not needing company. He looked pretty bored, and lonely to her. But he was cocky as ever, maybe even more so now than before.

Taking a few steps forward Ryan stops at his mention to not being hungry and than his strong stomach growl that followed after signaling he was indeed hungry along with the color that gave him away. If he was going to lie though about something stupid like this than she wasn't going to give in to it.

"Well, since you dont need my company I might as well take this..."

Ryan steps forward to take the card from the nightstand.

"...and leave. AND since your not hungrey I might as well bring it with me. Maybe Jason would like the whopper and frys. Or better yet maybe Trooper will eat it for me."

Seeing Shirley Karla gives a small wave. Though she had only been working there a few weeks now she had become quite fond of the older lady not to mention her cooking was always so good. Receiving the hug and accepting the kind words Karla gives a small smile before finally sitting down at the table.

Picking at her food for a long moment she new she was hungry she just had no ambition to eat. But knowing it was best if she did Karla took a few slow bites before taking the ketchup and pouring some of that on her eggs.

Just consternating on her food Karla's head snaps up as Kip mentions her staying there. She though maybe a night or two at the most but the way Kip said it sounded like he was saying longer than that. She didnt have anything right now, and staying there just felt kind of strange maybe?

" I couldn't do that Kip. You have already been so kind to me, and I don't want to disturb anything. I would just feel..."

Karla picks at her plat. She new around these people she shouldn't feel strange. They were nice, and they would never think anything low of her. Well...Erik already had but he sounded genuinely sorry. She just felt...strange anyways.


Karla lets out a sigh looking down at her plate and than back up at Kip again studying his eyes that already showed he could wake her one for saying what she did.

"...know I cant argue with you, and you will say if it was ok you wouldn't ask and stuff I guess I just feel...odd. Even though I know I would like it here."

Not hungry?

Grinning, David's eyes sparkle just a little, bantering with Angelica. But sometime he needed to buckle down and work. Straightening in his chair and retrieving some paperwork and a notepad, he nods. "Yep. Talked with him just this morning. He and Bree are quite safe. He's gonna see if Bree is up to an evaluation by a counselor today and if they can do it, he'll have the statement faxed directly to you."

Sifting through some papers, he bites the end of his pen - a habit he'd never broken. "Now as far as Gunner goes...  it's gonna take some fancy footwork to justify his moves no matter how righteous they were. What do you think of a temporary insanity plea?"

Alec was in his own little world, and Ryan's sudden presence makes him jump enough to make the cot jolt. His head snaps to the door, his eyes a little wide until he realizes who it was. Ryan. She really had come back. Interesting.

He's ready to hide the card, but there was no need. She'd figured it out just like he thought she would. And she obviously knew he'd taken it on purpose as well. There was no point in trying to hide it now.

Giving Ryan a once-over, he eyes her with a certain amount of suspicion, especially when she produces the food. Fingering the card he still held, he then tosses it onto the little table where she could retrieve it herself.

"Who says I took the card so you'd come back?" he challenges. "I don't need your company."

Still slouched and not making a move to sit up, his eyes follow her. Her question of whether he's hungry brings a quirk to his eyebrow. The smell of the Burger King food wafts to his nostrils. "No," he answers flatly.

His stomach growls loudly.

Not blinking, he holds his gaze. Though try as he might, he can't stop his cheeks from growing just a little warm.

"Oh... wow." Axel chuckles. "You really aren't like other doctors are you? I thought you'd say in like three weeks or something. But hey, I said I was ready and I meant it. I'll be over this afternoon."

Hearing the invitation, a smile spreads on his face. "Carson told me it was gonna be soon but we got interrupted. I wouldn't miss it and I'll be sure to see if Jess can come too. Thanks, Misty... I'll see you in a few hours."

Kip nods and offers Karla his hand. "Come on."

It didn't take long to show Karla to Twila's room where she could find some clothes that fit well enough to wear. Then once both of them were cleaned up and changed, Kip took her to the familiar little table in the kitchen, instead of the dining room.

Shirley was always kind, but finding out about Karla's situation brings forth a hug, some sincere words and an extra special breakfast.

Kip eats slowly, not as hungry as usual this morning, worried about Karla. Taking a bite of omelet, he reaches for the hot sauce and sprinkles a little on. "I'm gonna talk to Erik later, but I know they'll let you stay here," he assures. "The room down next to the one Twila beds down in is hardly ever used, so... yeah."

Cocking his head, he studies Karla as he chews thoughtfully. "We'll go when we're done here, but we won't stay all day... I don't wanna make you go through everything all at once."


Angelica can't help but laugh at David leaning forward to give his arm a slap. Shaking her head humor danced in her eyes.

"I have dinner with you last night, this is a very important lady right here you know. I have to share my time with everyone. Anyways you might like having this office to yourself to work from for a little while. Not to mention we are going to have plenty of time together so you wont get lonely."

Shaking her head again the smile remains on her face. As she looks over the paper work, and a few other things till she finally looks up at David again.

"So, I got my friend digging a little deeper for us, text messages, phone call he is covering that. Did you happen to get a hold of JT?"

Seeing  the door was open like the last time Ryan steps into Alec's cell Trooper trustfully by her side. Just standing in the entrance as the lamp go crashing to the floor Ryan's arms are crossed. Her own saspition was comfermed seeing the card in Alec's hand.

Last night while her and Eli were playing cards she new right away something was off. Counting the cards about three times and than letting Eli count a card was indeed missing. Hunting around the house in a panic, and in the car trying to retrace all her steps. Finally Eli had calmed her down the best she could. It hadnt been till she was in bed, that she thought of the last place it could be, and she was right it was here.

"You know you didnt have to steal that to get me to come back. I would of done that on my own free will."

Entering the room a little more Ryan's arms fall to her side as she looks to the lamp on the ground and than back to Alec. She felt sorry for him that he thought he needed to take something from someone to get them back. Didnt he know she would of come on her own anyways?

"I told you I would be back and I ment it. Weather you took the card or not."

Looking down at Trooper and than back to Alec Ryan rolls her eyes a little bit. Digging into the bag that hung around her wrist she pulls out two bags of Burger King food.

"I brought us lunch this time like I promised I would. Are you hungry?"


Misty laughs at her own stupid joke rolling her eyes after it. Her humor was still dry even if she was picking some stuff up from Carson. More often than not her jokes made no sense at all.

"Ok, when don't you come by about three and we will start prepping you and what not. Bring a few personal items I want to keep you at least overnight if not longer to observe you."

Misty jots down on her calander when she told Axel to be there.

" Have a light lunch and make sure you drink lots of water too. Oh and Axel I dont know if Carson told you are not but your invited to our wedding in two weeks. Jess too!"

 Karla gives a little shake of her head looking up at Kip. Her face was tired, and you could see the stress and worry in her eyes even if she tried not to show it.

"The only other place to go now is the shelter and see if they have room since I am homeless now. I think I could rather be here with you though."

Standing Karla's tummy growls just a little. Wrapping her arms around herself she was ready to follow Kip. She could find the way herself she was sure, but this part she was unfamiliar with because she didn't clean it often.

"I guess I am a little hungry too."


"Um, ok... yeah... sure." Reese nods as his own smile surfaces. "I'm not going anywhere today so just... yeah... let me know."

Standing awkwardly for a moment, he glances at David once more then back to Angelica. "Have fun. Brown's looking for answers so the sooner we got something, the better."

David watches as Reese leaves the office before looking to Angelica again. "Nice guy," he muses. "For a chief I mean. Doesn't seem too hard-nosed, not even when it comes to dinner."

Quirking an eyebrow he cocks his head, looking her in the eye. There had been no kiss. No wink. Not even a flirty smile from Reese. So either Angelica was just as clueless as with him, or this thing between them wasn't all that serious. "Now I'm jealous," he teases. "Left all alone tonight, slaving away on files while you enjoy dinner with your boss. Tsk..." He feigns being distraught. "Woe is me!"

Alec tosses his tennis ball to the wall, letting it bounce back for him to catch it again. He'd seen Hal already this morning, but he'd only eaten part of his breakfast. It was just another day being stuck here and hardly worth getting excited over. He'd rather be tossed to the dogs than this, he'd decided. At  least the other way would be a quick death, where here, he was just rotting away behind cement walls where no one really cared. Oh, they said they did... Hal... Reese... Hope. But he didn't believe them.

Crash. The ball ricochets in the wrong direction, slamming into the nearby lamp and sending it to the floor. Alec cringes but doesn't get off his cot. He lacked motivation to retrieve the ball. Sighing, he leans back against the wall, then slips his hand to his back pocket to withdraw the single playing card. There wasn't much he could do with it, but it gave him a bit of pride. He hadn't lost his touch yet if he could still pull one over on his opponent.

"Hey, Misty, it's Axel." Pacing his kitchen, he holds his phone to his ear. "I got your message and... I'm ready whenever you are. Just say the word - my calendar is empty."

Once Karla is sitting up, Kip follows suit, bringing his legs together to sit cross-legged. "First off... don't be sorry. I'm not in trouble, and even if I was, it wouldn't be your fault. It's my own stupid fault Erik doesn't trust me."

He gives a little nod for emphasis, not wanting Karla to feel any worse than she already did. "And second, yes, I'll come with you. I can drive so we don't have to walk in the cold and... I won't leave you alone. It'll all be okay."

Sliding off the bed to stand, he stretches and scratches his head. "Let me go swipe another set of Twila's clothes just for today, alright? Then we can eat some breakfast then go. And then you're coming back here. I insist you stay here until things get settled, unless you got somewhere better or where you'd be more comfortable."

"Scott... you ever see Ryder?"

Scott tinkers under the table with all the wires and cords he'd originally hooked up for Mick. The dining room was almost empty as breakfast was over. He'd promised some play time with BJ though, so he was trying to get his work done. Trent had been sitting at a nearby table all morning, but now was the first time he'd spoken to Scott. "Um... once in a while he drops in. Reese uses him on occasion. He's got a job at the zoo now though so he's not in the office regularly. Why?"

"Oh... just curious." Trent fiddles with his paper and pen, staring out one of the windows. "How's that girl doing?"



"Fine, as far as I know. Smiling every time I see her, but I think that has to do with Ryder. She's working at Mom and Pop's now... so I think she's getting more exposure to the outside world."

"Good..." Trent nods slowly. "Good."