

Angelica thinks for a long moment. She'd thought about that option herself but she wasn't sure how that might play over. With Gunner's background but maybe there was a loophole somewhere. Than again if the right words were used, it was possable.

"Well I had thought of that myself but I wasnt to sure...You see Gunner has a past.."

Giving David the bref history on Gunner, his family what had happened recently and how he was in the hospetil she trys not to leave out details but doesn't go into to much depth on certain things.

"..So I had been thinking maybe we could see one of the reasons he broke Bree out was because of his own past with his family. He felt that it was his fault for what happened, that if he saved someone else it would in a way clean his past. I'd hate to dig up something painful like that with him but I think it might be a good opportunity if we word it just the right way. What do u think?"

Jotting a few things down Angelica pushes she pencil behind her eat and into her hair a little that was pulled back today to keep it out of her face. Looking up at David again she watchs him waiting to see what he thought as well.

Eye Alec for a long moment Ryan gives a little shake of her head hearing the comment about not needing company. He looked pretty bored, and lonely to her. But he was cocky as ever, maybe even more so now than before.

Taking a few steps forward Ryan stops at his mention to not being hungry and than his strong stomach growl that followed after signaling he was indeed hungry along with the color that gave him away. If he was going to lie though about something stupid like this than she wasn't going to give in to it.

"Well, since you dont need my company I might as well take this..."

Ryan steps forward to take the card from the nightstand.

"...and leave. AND since your not hungrey I might as well bring it with me. Maybe Jason would like the whopper and frys. Or better yet maybe Trooper will eat it for me."

Seeing Shirley Karla gives a small wave. Though she had only been working there a few weeks now she had become quite fond of the older lady not to mention her cooking was always so good. Receiving the hug and accepting the kind words Karla gives a small smile before finally sitting down at the table.

Picking at her food for a long moment she new she was hungry she just had no ambition to eat. But knowing it was best if she did Karla took a few slow bites before taking the ketchup and pouring some of that on her eggs.

Just consternating on her food Karla's head snaps up as Kip mentions her staying there. She though maybe a night or two at the most but the way Kip said it sounded like he was saying longer than that. She didnt have anything right now, and staying there just felt kind of strange maybe?

" I couldn't do that Kip. You have already been so kind to me, and I don't want to disturb anything. I would just feel..."

Karla picks at her plat. She new around these people she shouldn't feel strange. They were nice, and they would never think anything low of her. Well...Erik already had but he sounded genuinely sorry. She just felt...strange anyways.


Karla lets out a sigh looking down at her plate and than back up at Kip again studying his eyes that already showed he could wake her one for saying what she did.

"...know I cant argue with you, and you will say if it was ok you wouldn't ask and stuff I guess I just feel...odd. Even though I know I would like it here."

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