
What if

Michaela can't help the small smile that formed on her lips. Her mother had always warned her about what she put on the internet, but a picture and maybe a little information wasn't to bad right? An now it had seemed the Rockin liked it and a little conversation could be braught up.

Thundercat5: I'm here because I have no life lol. I've been to this web page many times and got to know the people who run it. So now they let me run the chat room. It's fun and a nice break from the day. Night time...thats the time I like to be awake the most.

Looking around the room for a moment Michaela couldn't help but think Rockin was pretty nice. He might be a nice addition to the little group of people that hung out online. They were always willing to have new people join.

Thundercat5: Ohh...a calico those are nice cats. Mine is a long hair siamese named Sassy. The name fits her well when she wants to be a brat. Do you only have the one?

Waiting in the car and trying her best to explain to Reese what was going on Ryan new she wasn't make much sence but she gone through a lot today and it was hard to try and explain everything thought she did her best.

Hanging up the phone with Reese as Carson comes back to the car Ryan just stairs at him and all the blood that was on him. It was alot but whos was it? Ryan couldn't help but feel sick to her stomach as Carson gives his explanation. Alec had been shot and he might not make it? With everything that had happened the last thing Ryan wanted was for Alec to die. It just wouldn't seem right.

As the car stars Ryan just wraps her arms around herself and she leans her head against the window of the car. What now? Life felt as if it would never be the same again. Everything had happened so far...and she felt so cold. Home....she just wanted to get home. but the image of Alec and how he looked at the hotel seemed burned into her mind. Would it ever go away?Would Alec be ok? What would she do if he died? What would she do if he didn't?

He wanted to

The urgency in Ryan's voice did not set well with Reese. What was really going on? What had happened? What did the situation really look like?

"It's alright, Ryan. If you're in a safe place, you just sit tight. Everything will be okay."

He'd already gotten several calls that something was happening, but no real details had come through yet. It sounded like an officer was down, but that's about all he knew. He decides to at least keep Ryan on the line and keep her calm while gaining information at the same time.

"So you're at the hotel then? You want to tell me exactly what happened?..."

Before Carson even reaches the hotel, he spots Alec sprinting from an emergency exit and into the adjoining parking garage. "Alec!"

Sweat pours down Alec's face as he skids into the parking garage. His stomach felt queezy again and his knees threatened to buckle. Hearing his name, he doesn't stop. Carson never should have come. Yvette was already down - Alec was alone and he wasn't going to be taken. Not now. Not like this. What had happened in the hotel had been chaos. The police had come, barged in... he and Yvette had battled out, she'd been shot but still managed to shove one of the cops out the window. Panicked, Alec had run. At least in here, he might be able to find a car and get out.

Carson reaches the parking garage just as a police officer does. Flashing his Elite badge, he lets the guy know he's safe, then points. "He went inside. He's still alone."

"Great. You take this entrance - I'll swing around the other side."

"Got it." Carson enters the garage carefully, gun drawn. "Alec... Alec just give yourself up. You know it's the only way."

A shot rings out, ricocheting against the concrete and Carson ducks. "Come on, Alec... don't be stupid." He sees a shadow and knows Alec is heading up to the next level. Spotting the officer, he waves to him and signals where Alec is going.

The chase continues for another ten minutes with Alec ducking in between cars and firing at both Carson and the officer. Once they're on the third level, Carson and the cop close in, boxing Alec into one of the corners.

"Just give it up," Carson calls to him. "Don't do this."

Alec crouches behind a vehicle, kicking himself for getting cornered. He shouldn't have come this way. Carson and the other guy were too fast though, not giving him enough time to break in and hotwire a car. He was trapped with no way out.

Breathing heavily, he peers around the back of the car, able to see the officer opposite him beside the column, and he knew what would happen if he stepped out from the shadows. Fingering his gun, he gazes at the weapon in his hand. This past week had been a nightmare. The things he'd done... who he'd been with... and today's earlier episode. There was no way he could redeem himself. No way he could make up for what had happened or the trust he had betrayed. This whole thing had been a mess from the beginning and he'd been stupid to try and maintain any kind of pride at all. And now if he gave up, he'd be put behind bars. There was no way out of this. But he could end it all. He could end it all on his terms right now and be done with it forever. No more pain. No more trials. No more running. No more heartache.

From his own position, Carson sees movement and swings his gaze in the direction of the parking garage corner. As he sees his brother rise with pointed gun, he instantly knows what he is doing.

Gun raised and aimed at the officer, Alec rises. Finger on the trigger, his sights line up with the officer's chest.
Carson's scream echoes through the basement. "Alec, no!"

The officer whose life was being threatened had no choice but to draw.
And sickening final shot rings out.

As the world spins and grows dim, the pain doesn't seem to penetrate. Alec's gun is dropped as he falls to his knees then slides to the ground. Muffled shouting was the last thing he heard. Feeling someone's hands putting pressure on his chest was the last thing he felt.

"Come on, Alec," Carson growls as he presses his hands to the chest wound. "You've got to be the stupidest..." He bites his tongue, not knowing why he was even trying to save his brother's life.

The police officer joins him and checks Alec's pulse. "He's still alive. He didn't give me any choice."

"I know. He didn't want to."

"What do you mean?"

"He wanted to die, don't you understand?" Carson glares at the policeman. "Just call for an ambulance."

...Since a call was already out for the officer who had been thrown through a window, the sirens come sooner than expected. More police arrive, along with two ambulances and the medics find their way to anyone who was hurt. It's all a blur and Carson tries to hand off Alec to the medics while explaining to the cops exactly what happened, and telling the Elite agents to report it all back to headquarters. By the time he's walking back to the car, his adrenaline rush was gone and he felt exhausted. Everything seemed to have taken forever, when in reality, it had gone down very quickly.

Arriving back to the car, he's relieved to see Ryan still there and still okay. He was sorry he'd had to leave her, and hoped she really was okay. Reaching for the door handle, its the first time Carson realizes all of the blood that was still on his hands. Standing a moment, all he can do is wipe them on his jeans, but his skin is still stained.

Slowly getting into the car, he sinks down behind the wheel, silent for a few moments as he tries to recover. Finally, he looks over to Ryan. She had a right to know.

"Alec took a bullet to the chest. They don't know if he's going to make it."

Starting up the engine yet again, Carson had a hard time not seeing Alec fall over and over in his mind. "They're going to try to stabilize him, and if they can, they'll fly him back to the hospital in North Springs where he'll be in the custody of the Elite."

He shakes his head. It never should have happened like this. Pulling away from the curb and making a u-turn, he steers back the way they had come in the first place. "I need to make a stop somewhere and clean up. Then we'll head home." He didn't mean to be so matter-of-fact... some might think him cold. But he really didn't know what else to say. He'd just watched his brother get shot and didn't know if he was going to survive. Ryan had just had her heart torn in two for sure, and now didn't even know if her ex would live. It was a bad day for both of them.

rockin_gts: Ten commandments... those are always good. Back to the basics.

Rocky looks down as he feels something on his leg and he smirks at Puzzle asking permission to come up again. "Okay, fine." He leans back and lets his cat hop up into his lap. "Lap is fine. Keyboard not." Petting him a moment, he realizes Thundercat has asked another question. He gives his computer screen a wry grin.

rockin_gts: Insomnia. Does wonders for one's social life.

He pauses.

rockin_gts: Nah, I've been to this site a few times. Just tonight realized there was a chat room so I decided to check it out. And viola... here I am. And you?

rockin_gts: (Saw your profile by the way - nice looking cat. Mine's a calico.)

Small talk? Him? He rolls his eyes. He really must have a bad case of insomnia tonight to be chatting it up with a stranger online.

So tonight

Going around the black Ryan could only guess Carson didn't think it was safe to go right to the car now. So just following him Ryan is silent as her mind wonders. Still there was no feeling though only thoughts. What Alec had said, what they said, and what just didn't add up.

Getting back into the car Ryan doesn't even look at Carson. She just wanted to get out of there. She just wanted to go home and move on leaving everything else behind.

Hearing the gun shot thought ring through the air Ryan's head snaps up and she looks twords the hotel. As the office comes flying through the window Ryan can't help but jump as it startles her.

Seeing Carson get out of the car and tell her to call Reese Ryan's mind just reels. What was going on? What was happening? Would Carson be ok? Taking her phone from her pockets Ryan fumbles for a moment before finding Reese number. Waiting for his voice on the other end Ryan wasnt sure what to do.

"Something happened Reese. Alec didn't want to come with us, the cops showed up, there was gun fire and now Carson went back in the hotel. I'm outside so I have no idea whats going on."

Once the room becomes a little more quiet and Michaela is left alone in the chat room with Rockin_gts she relaxes a little more. They seemed pretty nice, so now maybe she could chat with them a little more to get to know them like the others in the room.

Thundercat5: I was thinking about maybe starting with the ten commandments. Its something important everyone should understand. I think I'll open for suggestions too so that way we can get everyone into it.

Taking a drink of her water that sat to her right side Michaela cocks her head for a moment. She wondered about this new comer.

Thundercat5: So Rockin what brought you into this chat room tonight?

Once Wyatt was gone and Hope comes back into the living room to sit down she look over t the small dog. The note smelled like Scott and thats why Domino wanted it. Hope felt bad for the dog but if the little one could find comfort in the letter than she would let her be for now.


Carson wants to stay... he wants to stay and figure out where they'd gone wrong. But safety was more important this time. One last look to Alec, and his hurt, anger and confusion worsened. What had happened? He shakes his head and turns to walk with Ryan back down the hall. His training made him want to walk backwards and not turn his back on Alec, but he does anyway - even Alec would have to have gone pretty far to shoot them in the back.

As soon as they exit the hotel, Carson's eye catches sight of Yvette walking in the direction they needed to go. Swinging Ryan around the other way, he quickens his pace. "Lets go around the block," he suggests.

Alec stares down the empty hallway for a length of time he didn't know. It was empty. Carson was gone. Ryan was gone.

Slowly lowering his gun, he goes back into the room and locks the door. After going to throw up again, he finishes cleaning up and grabs his shirt and shoes, dressing quickly. With that accomplished, he hastily starts to pack up, ripping the computer cord from the wall and throwing it in a bag, then going for all their other equipment. Sliding their case of guns out from under the bed, he makes sure everything is put back in place.

"Hey, what's going on?" Yvette puts her hands on her hips and looks at him with irritation. "We're not leaving until tonight - or did you forget?"

"Shut up and pack," Alec growls. "They know we're here."


"The Elite, Stupid."

"Hey!" Yvette shoves him around to look at her as she glares at him. "How do you know?"

"For me to know. Just pack."

Yvette's eyes narrow and she slams a pack of cigarettes onto his chest. "You're welcome."

Alec takes them without a thank you. "Pack. Now. We're leaving."

Yvette turns to grab her things from the dresser. "How close are they?"

"Don't know. Don't care."

"What about our target."

"They don't know our target." Alec flips shut a gun case. He really didn't know that, but he wasn't going to tell her that. "All we do is relocate, hit and get out of dodge. That simple."

"And if we fail?"

"We won't fail," he snaps. "Just pack."

One time around the block and Carson felt safe to go back to the car. Making sure Ryan was still with him, he takes his time, trying to digest everything. It wasn't easy though. Sliding in behind the wheel, he sighs deeply. Just fiddling with his keys, he finally gives Ryan a short glance.

"I shouldn't ever have brought you here. I should have known better. I'm sorry. It's..."

His voice trails off as he sees movement on the other side of the block. One police cruiser. One black car that he recognized as Elite. They were here sooner than Reese thought they would be. Carson straightens in his seat as he sees two officers and two Elite agents get out and head inside the hotel. They were going in for Alec and Yvette.

He sighs once more. "Well... I guess we might as well get going back home. Looks like they've got everything under control." It would probably be best to not have Ryan witness them taking Alec away... especially if they had to use force.

Starting the engine of the car Carson still hesitates, feeling unable to pull away just yet. He felt stupid... defeated. It had been a long time since he'd felt that way, and he never had liked it. Just as he's finally ready to put the car in gear though, it's the sound of a muffled gunshot that snaps his head up and his eyes towards the hotel. He gives Ryan a worried glance then looks back to the hotel just in time to see a police officer being thrown through a second-story window, falling along with shattered glass all the way to the parking lot below. Carson had seen a lot of violence in his time, but this still makes him jump.

"They don't have control. They aren't going take them." Carson is out of his car in an instant, grabbing his gun. Looking back in at Ryan, he points at her. "Call Reese. Now. Tell him what just happened. Then you stay here," he orders. Spinning around, he sprints for the hotel.

Rocky chuckles again at Thundercat5.

rockin_gts: cat-lovers rule

rockin_gts: so do Bible studies.

sara4christ: ditto on the Bible studies but not the cats. Gotta get offline. Later gang.

rockin_gts: later - keep your brother in line.

sara4christ: Ha! I will.

Seeing a couple others sign out of the chat, Rocky realizes that he and Thundercat5 are the only ones left.

rockin_gts: Well, I guess it's just us an the cats. What's the game plan? Got a topic I should read up on before Wednesday?

Wyatt nods, wishing he had more to say to Hope, but he just didn't know that anything would help at this point. He did feel badly... very badly... and he wanted to see the life back in her eyes again.

Finishing his juice and giving her shoulder a little pat, he stands. "Yeah... I'll make sure you hear anything if something changes with Scott. You just concentrate on getting back on your feet, alright?" He smiles. "We all can't wait to see you back in the office again."

Once he's gone, Domino nuzzles into Hope's hands, enjoying the attention for a little while. Eventually though, she sniffs the air, seeming to be puzzled. Hopping down off Hope's lap, she trots around the room, still sniffing and searching. After a while, she ends up near Hope's desk, looking up, almost confused. Hopping up into the chair with just a little difficulty, she noses around the desk until she finds what she's looking for. Grabbing Scott's letter in her teeth, she pulls it off the desk and trots over to her bed. Spitting out the paper, she curls up in her bed with the letter tucked underneath her.


Staying close to Carson Ryan follows his eyes move and keeps with with him. It wasn't hard and she was able to keep up. The sound of her heart beating in her chest though almost made her deaf though. So if anything was said she didn't hear. Her mind seemed so far away yet on the task at hand.

Getting to the door and standing back a little bit Ryan throws at Carson as he goes to know on the door. So many things seemed to run through her mind at once that it was hard to have it land on any one thing. But as the door to the room opens and Carson is grabbed Ryan gives a little jump her guard up making sure she wasn't the next.

Wanting to help Carson Ryan knows better as she see the gun pointed to his head. If she tried anything he could be shot and that was the last thing she wanted. As her eyes look up a little higher and they meet Alec's own she could feel her heart pounding even louder and the words that wanted to come just wouldn't her mouth had gone dry.

The look on his face, the light in his eyes, it was gone. Now all that stood there was the shell of a man she once new. But even that was fading into someone she didn't know. All Ryan can do is stand there and watch Alec and Carson interact. The words that seemed to come from his mouth made her skin almost feel on fire. Than to be followed up by the name he had called her all Ryan can do is blink.

No emotions seemed to follow, no tears, no anger or words slung back at Alec. Everything was gone, all emotion seemed to sease from exsistince. And the light, the determination that had been found in Ryan's eyes, that had drawn here was gone with another blink. What was left was just...an emptiness.

As Carson's hand is placed on Ryan's shoulder she looks up at him for a moment. Her dull eyes searching his for a moment. They had been wrong....but everything seemed to have fallen into place. Hearing his words Ryan new they did have to go, she'd promised but surprising enough she didn't want to stay like she thought she would have. Letting her gaze go back to Alec for a long moment she searches his darkened face. Finally turning though Ryan says nothing only following the path that they had come from.

Seeing that Rockin_gts was getting into the whole conversation and seemed to like the idea of doing a little group along with a few other Michaela gives a small not to herself and a smile. She liked seeing people get excited like this even if it was over the computer.

Thundercat5: I think if it works for everyone Wednesdays at around eight sounds good to me. Most of the stuff I have to get done is done by than. Not to mention it will but a nice break in the week as well.

Linda_Mill1986: What about if we miss a week?

Michaela thinks for a moment leaning back in her chair before starting to type again.

Thundercat5: Well we could always have someone take notes and than post them on the forums so that way if you miss a week you will still know what was talked about.

Just now noticing what Rockin_gts has said Michaela can't help but really laugh out loud. She they had a cat too and it would seem them they wanted attachen they would get it as well. She new how that went all to well.

Thundercat5: Ahh..your a cat lover too Rochin_gts? Your gonna fit in just fine.

Letting out a small sigh and just continuing to pet Domino Hope wasn't upset with having Domino stay with her. She liked the little dog and right now it was the only thing she had left of Scott. Gentily patting her head and itching behind her eats Hope looks to Wyatt again.

"No no its ok. I don't mind Domino at all and I think she needs someone she knows and feels close to right now. She'd probably missing Scott alot herself."

Looking down at Domino again Hope new she couldn't let this get her down to much or it could hinder her recovery. It was just hard to take it all in and try to handle it. She'd be ok though, and Domino would be too she would make sure of that.

"I've just got to keep staying positive and moving a head. God's in contol of everything and thats just something I need to remember. Please though keep me posted if anything changed with Scott. We arnt dating but I still care."

First and final warning

Accepting the drink and sitting down on the edge of the couch, Wyatt wasn't used to socializing with Hope, but something told him that maybe today it was a good idea. She'd been through a lot... and everyone needed a friend.

Domino looks up as Hope scratches her head. She rises and climbs into Hope's lap, turning once and then sitting down with a sigh as if this was the place she owned. She licks Hope's hand then looks up at her once before setting her sights on the quiet front door.

Hearing Hope ask about Scott, Wyatt wasn't surprised - but the only thing his mind seemed to hear was "break up letter." He can't help it that his expression reflects his surprise. He was honestly stunned. Scott had broken up with her? But why? Obviously, things were a bit rough with him in Brookshire but... everyone had thought they'd hang on to each other until he was out again. And then now that Hope's life had been spared, it seemed even more unreal.

"I..." Wyatt knew he needed to answer Hope's question, but it was difficult. "Um... nothing more than the norm... I think Da... um, Reese got a routine report from the doctor there the other day that said Scott was doing about the same."

He continues to look at Hope, completely bypassing her comment about getting back to work. "I'm... I'm sorry, Hope. I had no idea that you two had... broken up." He glances to Domino then back to her again. "If I'd known, I wouldn't have put you in this position with taking care of Domino. Would you prefer a different arrangement?"

Rocky chuckles at Thundercat5's reference to his comment and about their kitty. He lets the conversation go for a moment, finding it interesting that Thundercat5 might start a weekly discussion. That sounded interesting. He had his own weekly Bible study with the guys, but he was always game for something more. Seeing Thundercat5 was looking for feedback, he shrugs before joining in again.

rockin_gts: I'd come back for some chat/discussions.

He stops, wondering about days and times and the conflict of band practice or concerts.

rockin_gts: I can usually show up later on a weeknight.

He thinks some more. He didn't want to give out too much information here, just to be on the safe side, but everyone here seemed alright. Thundercat5 seemed to be the leader. His guess would be that it was a girl, but were they? He decides to check out their profile. Sure enough, he brought up a picture of a young woman along with a cat. He grins. That must be the hungry critter. She was cute. The cat. He shakes his head and goes back to the chat. He was glad that all his profile had was his gender, age and that he played in a band. He wasn't big on sharing his picture or his real name.

sara4christ: I guess I might come back to chat on some topics. Might be kinda fun. Any time is good for me. I have no life, other than homework and keeping my brother out of my room.

Rocky cocks his head. Teenager? Probably. This might be a nice variety of perspectives if they got into any discussions.

rockin_gts: Maybe it aldkfejf lkj/..wo89icasklj;f

"Aw, Puzzle!" He smirks as his cat looks at him from his perch on the keyboard. "Yes, you. Off. Now." He has to pick him up and deposit him on the floor before turning back to his computer and seeing the mess.

rockin_gts: Sorry. That was my cat saying hello - I think he heard Thundercat had some kitty snacks.

He rolls his eyes.

rockin_gts: Anyway, I think you've got a good idea, Thundercat.

Eli wipes his hands with a rag and takes off his goggles, leaning back against the garage wall. He looks at his watch... again. Sighing, he sets aside the paint and looks at the car with the fixed fender. A little more work and no one would ever be able to tell the car had ever been hit. That's why he was here right? To fix other people's cars. To make other people happy. To get the job done, go home, then do it all over again. That was it. That was his life. His stupid, stinking...

He throws down his rag in frustration and folds his arms, ready to quit for the day now instead of waiting until closing time.

"Hey man... what's eating you?" Tal picks up the rag and hands it back to him.

"Nothing," Eli mutters. "Just a bad mood I guess."

Tal cocks his head. "Ryan still out of town?"

Eli looks down. "Yeah."

Tal furrows his brow. "I guess I wouldn't have pegged you for someone to fall apart when their sister took off for a while."

"She didn't just take off, Tal," Eli mutters and pushes off the wall to keep working. "I'm afraid she won't be coming back."

Tal still didn't understand. He leans on the car, trying to look at Eli's face. "You told me a few days ago that Ryan left town for a bit. Why wouldn't you think she was coming back?"

Eli sighs and wipes a dirty spot on the car. "I'm not supposed to talk about it." He wasn't. Reese had told him not to. Where the Agency was involved, silence was the policy. And though Eli had wanted to go after Carson and Ryan himself, Reese had convinced him that it would put them in more danger, and he needed to just sit back, wait and not spread it around what was really happening. The Agency had eyes and ears everywhere and talking it up could potentially make things worse.

"What do you mean you can't talk about it? She in some kind of trouble or what?"

"Just drop it." Eli turns his back and walks to the other end of the garage to wash his hands.

Tal just stares after him, confused and concerned. After a moment, he follows. "Is Ryan in danger?" he questions. "This have to do with Roth or anything like that?"

Eli scoffs. "I wish it was that easy."

"Look, if she's in trouble or something and you guys need help, just say the word."

Eli sighs again, leaning both hands on the sink. If he had to continue keeping quiet, he was going to go crazy. "The Elite is involved," he explains quietly. "It's not her, it's her boyfriend... or probably her ex as it were. He got in trouble, she went to try and figure it our or get him out or who knows what... and now no one can interfere for risk of somebody getting hurt... or worse."

"Man..." Tal's eyebrows rise. "So what's -"

"I can't say any more than that... not until she's back home."

"When is she supposed to get back?"

"I don't know." Eli looks at his friend grimly. "Nobody does. She's in good hands, but even the best hands can't do the impossible. Just pray she makes it back in one piece."

"Yeah, sure." Tal watches Eli walk away again and he lets out a slow breath. He knew Eli pretty well... he knew Ryan, sort of. Both seemed to have good heads on their shoulders, and Tal was sure that neither one would ever intentionally walk on the wrong side of the law. So whatever was happening was obviously not something they'd done on purpose or would be arrested for. It sounded like they'd gotten caught in the crossfire of something big, and with Ryan's reputation, she probably wasn't taking no for an answer about something. That was the most Tal could come up with anyway. It did worry him though. It wasn't like Eli to be this concerned or this moody... which meant Ryan really was in danger.

Rock music blared from the radio in the living room area. The curtains moved slightly in a cool breeze - a careless action to leave the window open. The scent of lilac drifts on the air as Yvette dabs on some perfume after putting her clothes back on. Behind the closed bathroom door though, Alec was in far worse shape as his stomach convulses and he throws up for the third time in a row. Just in his jeans, he leans back against the wall and tries to steady his breathing as sweat trickles down the sides of his face. The shower stood running even though he wasn't in it.

The doorknob rattles. "Mmm... locking me out now huh?" Yvette calls slyly. "Can't handle any more fun?"

Alec closes his eyes and remains on the floor. "Dang thing locked on its own," he lies gruffly, ignoring her second question.

"Well, I need my makeup."

"I'll be out in a few minutes." Alec stays seated a while longer until he felt he could stand without getting dizzy. He starts to clean up so it would look like he'd taken a shower, but he stops when Yvette comes to the door again.

"I'm gonna take a stroll down the block and check things out. Be back in fifteen."

That really meant that she needed a new pack of cigarettes. Alec responds before she questions him about anything. "Yeah, okay. Grab a bottle. If we're gonna be here another night, I need some booze."

Turning off the water in the shower, he rinses his mouth and puts a cool wet cloth to his face for several moments. Glancing to the little bottle on the sink, his eyes linger there. He knew something was different. He knew it was a higher dosage. Whether Yvette had done that intentionally, he wasn't sure. It didn't matter though... the deed had been done, and all it had taken was once. Taking the bottle, he deposits one pill in his palm before swallowing it. Already it was impossible to ignore the cravings.

Wandering back out into the living room area, he flips open the laptop to check on their status.

Carson nods to Ryan and heads across the street on foot. There were unanswered questions here... if Alec was truly alone, why wasn't he running himself if he really wanted to leave. But maybe he was being held captive. Maybe he couldn't escape, even if he wanted to. Carson only hoped they were still right about him.

Taking the stairs instead of the elevator, Carson remains on his guard. Intel said that it was only Alec and Yvette, but if there were any other Agency members here, he was sure to be recognized and that wouldn't be good. He hoped it was only Alec here though.

Making sure Ryan stayed close, they quietly make their way down the hallway of the third floor. Coming to the larger suites, they find the number they're looking for. So as not to draw attention to themselves if anyone walked past, Carson leaves his gun holstered - he shouldn't need it anyway if Alec was ready to get out of here. He looks over his shoulder at Ryan and nods. If everything went as planned, this should be quick, quiet and easy. He knocks on the door. "Room service."

Alec's head shoots up from the laptop and a chill runs down his spine. He'd recognize that voice anywhere. This wasn't good. Grabbing his gun, he wanders to the door, still in his jeans and bare feet. Setting his hand on the door handle, he waits a moment, calculating. He didn't know who was in the hall. Was Carson alone? Were there Elite agents? Reese? No matter - they hadn't barged in, which meant he still had the upper hand. Taking another moment to think through his next move, he opens the door.

Carson takes a step back, unsure what to expect, but he should have been on his guard. He should have known better than to stand vulnerable, no matter his and Ryan's theories. He should have been smarter. But he had been too trusting. And before he can even react, Alec has grabbed him, spun him around and put him in a chokehold with a gun to his head. He gropes at Alec's arms, gasping for air, but knowing if he struggled too much, he could be shot. Was this just a display of authority or would his brother really pull the trigger?

Alec's eyes are bloodshot and glaring, his face pale as beads of sweat outline his forehead. Holding Carson tightly, his gaze swings down the hall only to meet Ryan. And for a split second, surprise flashes in his sight. But just as quickly, he recovers, his eyes narrowing. "You shouldn't have come," he hisses. "And what did you bring her for, huh?"

"We came to stop you... to get you out." Carson struggles to breathe. "We know you were pulled back in against your will."

"You don't know anything," Alec growls. "I want to be here. I've wanted it ever since I got thrown into that stupid little cell at the Elite. I've been gathering information ever since and now I have a chance to use it."

"But what about the cards?" Carson couldn't have been that wrong... he just couldn't have. All the signs... all the clues... His eyes go to Ryan with confusion and urgency. This wasn't supposed to happen like this. Had he really been that wrong? Had all of this been a mistake? Had he and Ryan both misread the situation? "And the money? Everything you left behind... why did you leave behind all those clues?"

"Forget about the clues!" Alec gives him a jerk. "They mean nothing now. You're blind, Carson... you all are. Make no mistake... you get in my way, and I will blow your brains out."

"And Ryan?" Carson tries to lower Alec's arm from his throat without success. "You gonna blow her brains out too?"

Alec's eyes were dark and harsh as he looks back to Ryan. For a long moment, he stares at her with a lifelessness found in cold, hard steel. He lets Carson go, giving him a hefty shove towards Ryan. "Get out and take that tramp with you." He aims his gun at them. "If you or any more of your Elite friends try to interfere, I will shoot to kill. This is my first and final warning."

Carson catches his breath and stands in front of Ryan, shielding her. Alec looked terrible. For not having been gone that long, he had certainly gone downhill fast. But even worse were the words coming from his mouth. Carson felt sick to his stomach. He'd been so sure... he'd been so sure that he and Ryan would be able to get Alec out... that he'd take the chance and run back with them, away from the Agency. But it seemed as though his first theory had been right - Alec had been planning this from the get-go. "You know we came alone this time, Alec. But they know where you are, and they're going to take you down."

Even though Alec and Yvette had thought no one was tracing them, he grins cockily. "Bring it."

Carson didn't want to walk away - not now. With this change of events, he wanted to arrest Alec while they had him here - that was his duty, let alone what his anger wanted to do. The Elite was close behind, but not close enough that Alec couldn't slip away again. But at the same time, Alec was the one with the upper hand, and Carson wanted to get Ryan out of there before she got hurt. The look in Alec's eyes was a deadly one - and he was the one with a finger on the trigger. As long as they were being allowed to leave, they should, to avoid any bloodshed. He'd dwell later on the interesting fact that Alec hadn't killed them already. "Come on." He turns to put a hand on Ryan's shoulder, his eyes warning her that this had failed and they needed to get out of there while they could. He could draw on Alec, but someone was going to get hurt or worse if he did. "We need to go."