
First and final warning

Accepting the drink and sitting down on the edge of the couch, Wyatt wasn't used to socializing with Hope, but something told him that maybe today it was a good idea. She'd been through a lot... and everyone needed a friend.

Domino looks up as Hope scratches her head. She rises and climbs into Hope's lap, turning once and then sitting down with a sigh as if this was the place she owned. She licks Hope's hand then looks up at her once before setting her sights on the quiet front door.

Hearing Hope ask about Scott, Wyatt wasn't surprised - but the only thing his mind seemed to hear was "break up letter." He can't help it that his expression reflects his surprise. He was honestly stunned. Scott had broken up with her? But why? Obviously, things were a bit rough with him in Brookshire but... everyone had thought they'd hang on to each other until he was out again. And then now that Hope's life had been spared, it seemed even more unreal.

"I..." Wyatt knew he needed to answer Hope's question, but it was difficult. "Um... nothing more than the norm... I think Da... um, Reese got a routine report from the doctor there the other day that said Scott was doing about the same."

He continues to look at Hope, completely bypassing her comment about getting back to work. "I'm... I'm sorry, Hope. I had no idea that you two had... broken up." He glances to Domino then back to her again. "If I'd known, I wouldn't have put you in this position with taking care of Domino. Would you prefer a different arrangement?"

Rocky chuckles at Thundercat5's reference to his comment and about their kitty. He lets the conversation go for a moment, finding it interesting that Thundercat5 might start a weekly discussion. That sounded interesting. He had his own weekly Bible study with the guys, but he was always game for something more. Seeing Thundercat5 was looking for feedback, he shrugs before joining in again.

rockin_gts: I'd come back for some chat/discussions.

He stops, wondering about days and times and the conflict of band practice or concerts.

rockin_gts: I can usually show up later on a weeknight.

He thinks some more. He didn't want to give out too much information here, just to be on the safe side, but everyone here seemed alright. Thundercat5 seemed to be the leader. His guess would be that it was a girl, but were they? He decides to check out their profile. Sure enough, he brought up a picture of a young woman along with a cat. He grins. That must be the hungry critter. She was cute. The cat. He shakes his head and goes back to the chat. He was glad that all his profile had was his gender, age and that he played in a band. He wasn't big on sharing his picture or his real name.

sara4christ: I guess I might come back to chat on some topics. Might be kinda fun. Any time is good for me. I have no life, other than homework and keeping my brother out of my room.

Rocky cocks his head. Teenager? Probably. This might be a nice variety of perspectives if they got into any discussions.

rockin_gts: Maybe it aldkfejf lkj/..wo89icasklj;f

"Aw, Puzzle!" He smirks as his cat looks at him from his perch on the keyboard. "Yes, you. Off. Now." He has to pick him up and deposit him on the floor before turning back to his computer and seeing the mess.

rockin_gts: Sorry. That was my cat saying hello - I think he heard Thundercat had some kitty snacks.

He rolls his eyes.

rockin_gts: Anyway, I think you've got a good idea, Thundercat.

Eli wipes his hands with a rag and takes off his goggles, leaning back against the garage wall. He looks at his watch... again. Sighing, he sets aside the paint and looks at the car with the fixed fender. A little more work and no one would ever be able to tell the car had ever been hit. That's why he was here right? To fix other people's cars. To make other people happy. To get the job done, go home, then do it all over again. That was it. That was his life. His stupid, stinking...

He throws down his rag in frustration and folds his arms, ready to quit for the day now instead of waiting until closing time.

"Hey man... what's eating you?" Tal picks up the rag and hands it back to him.

"Nothing," Eli mutters. "Just a bad mood I guess."

Tal cocks his head. "Ryan still out of town?"

Eli looks down. "Yeah."

Tal furrows his brow. "I guess I wouldn't have pegged you for someone to fall apart when their sister took off for a while."

"She didn't just take off, Tal," Eli mutters and pushes off the wall to keep working. "I'm afraid she won't be coming back."

Tal still didn't understand. He leans on the car, trying to look at Eli's face. "You told me a few days ago that Ryan left town for a bit. Why wouldn't you think she was coming back?"

Eli sighs and wipes a dirty spot on the car. "I'm not supposed to talk about it." He wasn't. Reese had told him not to. Where the Agency was involved, silence was the policy. And though Eli had wanted to go after Carson and Ryan himself, Reese had convinced him that it would put them in more danger, and he needed to just sit back, wait and not spread it around what was really happening. The Agency had eyes and ears everywhere and talking it up could potentially make things worse.

"What do you mean you can't talk about it? She in some kind of trouble or what?"

"Just drop it." Eli turns his back and walks to the other end of the garage to wash his hands.

Tal just stares after him, confused and concerned. After a moment, he follows. "Is Ryan in danger?" he questions. "This have to do with Roth or anything like that?"

Eli scoffs. "I wish it was that easy."

"Look, if she's in trouble or something and you guys need help, just say the word."

Eli sighs again, leaning both hands on the sink. If he had to continue keeping quiet, he was going to go crazy. "The Elite is involved," he explains quietly. "It's not her, it's her boyfriend... or probably her ex as it were. He got in trouble, she went to try and figure it our or get him out or who knows what... and now no one can interfere for risk of somebody getting hurt... or worse."

"Man..." Tal's eyebrows rise. "So what's -"

"I can't say any more than that... not until she's back home."

"When is she supposed to get back?"

"I don't know." Eli looks at his friend grimly. "Nobody does. She's in good hands, but even the best hands can't do the impossible. Just pray she makes it back in one piece."

"Yeah, sure." Tal watches Eli walk away again and he lets out a slow breath. He knew Eli pretty well... he knew Ryan, sort of. Both seemed to have good heads on their shoulders, and Tal was sure that neither one would ever intentionally walk on the wrong side of the law. So whatever was happening was obviously not something they'd done on purpose or would be arrested for. It sounded like they'd gotten caught in the crossfire of something big, and with Ryan's reputation, she probably wasn't taking no for an answer about something. That was the most Tal could come up with anyway. It did worry him though. It wasn't like Eli to be this concerned or this moody... which meant Ryan really was in danger.

Rock music blared from the radio in the living room area. The curtains moved slightly in a cool breeze - a careless action to leave the window open. The scent of lilac drifts on the air as Yvette dabs on some perfume after putting her clothes back on. Behind the closed bathroom door though, Alec was in far worse shape as his stomach convulses and he throws up for the third time in a row. Just in his jeans, he leans back against the wall and tries to steady his breathing as sweat trickles down the sides of his face. The shower stood running even though he wasn't in it.

The doorknob rattles. "Mmm... locking me out now huh?" Yvette calls slyly. "Can't handle any more fun?"

Alec closes his eyes and remains on the floor. "Dang thing locked on its own," he lies gruffly, ignoring her second question.

"Well, I need my makeup."

"I'll be out in a few minutes." Alec stays seated a while longer until he felt he could stand without getting dizzy. He starts to clean up so it would look like he'd taken a shower, but he stops when Yvette comes to the door again.

"I'm gonna take a stroll down the block and check things out. Be back in fifteen."

That really meant that she needed a new pack of cigarettes. Alec responds before she questions him about anything. "Yeah, okay. Grab a bottle. If we're gonna be here another night, I need some booze."

Turning off the water in the shower, he rinses his mouth and puts a cool wet cloth to his face for several moments. Glancing to the little bottle on the sink, his eyes linger there. He knew something was different. He knew it was a higher dosage. Whether Yvette had done that intentionally, he wasn't sure. It didn't matter though... the deed had been done, and all it had taken was once. Taking the bottle, he deposits one pill in his palm before swallowing it. Already it was impossible to ignore the cravings.

Wandering back out into the living room area, he flips open the laptop to check on their status.

Carson nods to Ryan and heads across the street on foot. There were unanswered questions here... if Alec was truly alone, why wasn't he running himself if he really wanted to leave. But maybe he was being held captive. Maybe he couldn't escape, even if he wanted to. Carson only hoped they were still right about him.

Taking the stairs instead of the elevator, Carson remains on his guard. Intel said that it was only Alec and Yvette, but if there were any other Agency members here, he was sure to be recognized and that wouldn't be good. He hoped it was only Alec here though.

Making sure Ryan stayed close, they quietly make their way down the hallway of the third floor. Coming to the larger suites, they find the number they're looking for. So as not to draw attention to themselves if anyone walked past, Carson leaves his gun holstered - he shouldn't need it anyway if Alec was ready to get out of here. He looks over his shoulder at Ryan and nods. If everything went as planned, this should be quick, quiet and easy. He knocks on the door. "Room service."

Alec's head shoots up from the laptop and a chill runs down his spine. He'd recognize that voice anywhere. This wasn't good. Grabbing his gun, he wanders to the door, still in his jeans and bare feet. Setting his hand on the door handle, he waits a moment, calculating. He didn't know who was in the hall. Was Carson alone? Were there Elite agents? Reese? No matter - they hadn't barged in, which meant he still had the upper hand. Taking another moment to think through his next move, he opens the door.

Carson takes a step back, unsure what to expect, but he should have been on his guard. He should have known better than to stand vulnerable, no matter his and Ryan's theories. He should have been smarter. But he had been too trusting. And before he can even react, Alec has grabbed him, spun him around and put him in a chokehold with a gun to his head. He gropes at Alec's arms, gasping for air, but knowing if he struggled too much, he could be shot. Was this just a display of authority or would his brother really pull the trigger?

Alec's eyes are bloodshot and glaring, his face pale as beads of sweat outline his forehead. Holding Carson tightly, his gaze swings down the hall only to meet Ryan. And for a split second, surprise flashes in his sight. But just as quickly, he recovers, his eyes narrowing. "You shouldn't have come," he hisses. "And what did you bring her for, huh?"

"We came to stop you... to get you out." Carson struggles to breathe. "We know you were pulled back in against your will."

"You don't know anything," Alec growls. "I want to be here. I've wanted it ever since I got thrown into that stupid little cell at the Elite. I've been gathering information ever since and now I have a chance to use it."

"But what about the cards?" Carson couldn't have been that wrong... he just couldn't have. All the signs... all the clues... His eyes go to Ryan with confusion and urgency. This wasn't supposed to happen like this. Had he really been that wrong? Had all of this been a mistake? Had he and Ryan both misread the situation? "And the money? Everything you left behind... why did you leave behind all those clues?"

"Forget about the clues!" Alec gives him a jerk. "They mean nothing now. You're blind, Carson... you all are. Make no mistake... you get in my way, and I will blow your brains out."

"And Ryan?" Carson tries to lower Alec's arm from his throat without success. "You gonna blow her brains out too?"

Alec's eyes were dark and harsh as he looks back to Ryan. For a long moment, he stares at her with a lifelessness found in cold, hard steel. He lets Carson go, giving him a hefty shove towards Ryan. "Get out and take that tramp with you." He aims his gun at them. "If you or any more of your Elite friends try to interfere, I will shoot to kill. This is my first and final warning."

Carson catches his breath and stands in front of Ryan, shielding her. Alec looked terrible. For not having been gone that long, he had certainly gone downhill fast. But even worse were the words coming from his mouth. Carson felt sick to his stomach. He'd been so sure... he'd been so sure that he and Ryan would be able to get Alec out... that he'd take the chance and run back with them, away from the Agency. But it seemed as though his first theory had been right - Alec had been planning this from the get-go. "You know we came alone this time, Alec. But they know where you are, and they're going to take you down."

Even though Alec and Yvette had thought no one was tracing them, he grins cockily. "Bring it."

Carson didn't want to walk away - not now. With this change of events, he wanted to arrest Alec while they had him here - that was his duty, let alone what his anger wanted to do. The Elite was close behind, but not close enough that Alec couldn't slip away again. But at the same time, Alec was the one with the upper hand, and Carson wanted to get Ryan out of there before she got hurt. The look in Alec's eyes was a deadly one - and he was the one with a finger on the trigger. As long as they were being allowed to leave, they should, to avoid any bloodshed. He'd dwell later on the interesting fact that Alec hadn't killed them already. "Come on." He turns to put a hand on Ryan's shoulder, his eyes warning her that this had failed and they needed to get out of there while they could. He could draw on Alec, but someone was going to get hurt or worse if he did. "We need to go."

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