

Carson wants to stay... he wants to stay and figure out where they'd gone wrong. But safety was more important this time. One last look to Alec, and his hurt, anger and confusion worsened. What had happened? He shakes his head and turns to walk with Ryan back down the hall. His training made him want to walk backwards and not turn his back on Alec, but he does anyway - even Alec would have to have gone pretty far to shoot them in the back.

As soon as they exit the hotel, Carson's eye catches sight of Yvette walking in the direction they needed to go. Swinging Ryan around the other way, he quickens his pace. "Lets go around the block," he suggests.

Alec stares down the empty hallway for a length of time he didn't know. It was empty. Carson was gone. Ryan was gone.

Slowly lowering his gun, he goes back into the room and locks the door. After going to throw up again, he finishes cleaning up and grabs his shirt and shoes, dressing quickly. With that accomplished, he hastily starts to pack up, ripping the computer cord from the wall and throwing it in a bag, then going for all their other equipment. Sliding their case of guns out from under the bed, he makes sure everything is put back in place.

"Hey, what's going on?" Yvette puts her hands on her hips and looks at him with irritation. "We're not leaving until tonight - or did you forget?"

"Shut up and pack," Alec growls. "They know we're here."


"The Elite, Stupid."

"Hey!" Yvette shoves him around to look at her as she glares at him. "How do you know?"

"For me to know. Just pack."

Yvette's eyes narrow and she slams a pack of cigarettes onto his chest. "You're welcome."

Alec takes them without a thank you. "Pack. Now. We're leaving."

Yvette turns to grab her things from the dresser. "How close are they?"

"Don't know. Don't care."

"What about our target."

"They don't know our target." Alec flips shut a gun case. He really didn't know that, but he wasn't going to tell her that. "All we do is relocate, hit and get out of dodge. That simple."

"And if we fail?"

"We won't fail," he snaps. "Just pack."

One time around the block and Carson felt safe to go back to the car. Making sure Ryan was still with him, he takes his time, trying to digest everything. It wasn't easy though. Sliding in behind the wheel, he sighs deeply. Just fiddling with his keys, he finally gives Ryan a short glance.

"I shouldn't ever have brought you here. I should have known better. I'm sorry. It's..."

His voice trails off as he sees movement on the other side of the block. One police cruiser. One black car that he recognized as Elite. They were here sooner than Reese thought they would be. Carson straightens in his seat as he sees two officers and two Elite agents get out and head inside the hotel. They were going in for Alec and Yvette.

He sighs once more. "Well... I guess we might as well get going back home. Looks like they've got everything under control." It would probably be best to not have Ryan witness them taking Alec away... especially if they had to use force.

Starting the engine of the car Carson still hesitates, feeling unable to pull away just yet. He felt stupid... defeated. It had been a long time since he'd felt that way, and he never had liked it. Just as he's finally ready to put the car in gear though, it's the sound of a muffled gunshot that snaps his head up and his eyes towards the hotel. He gives Ryan a worried glance then looks back to the hotel just in time to see a police officer being thrown through a second-story window, falling along with shattered glass all the way to the parking lot below. Carson had seen a lot of violence in his time, but this still makes him jump.

"They don't have control. They aren't going take them." Carson is out of his car in an instant, grabbing his gun. Looking back in at Ryan, he points at her. "Call Reese. Now. Tell him what just happened. Then you stay here," he orders. Spinning around, he sprints for the hotel.

Rocky chuckles again at Thundercat5.

rockin_gts: cat-lovers rule

rockin_gts: so do Bible studies.

sara4christ: ditto on the Bible studies but not the cats. Gotta get offline. Later gang.

rockin_gts: later - keep your brother in line.

sara4christ: Ha! I will.

Seeing a couple others sign out of the chat, Rocky realizes that he and Thundercat5 are the only ones left.

rockin_gts: Well, I guess it's just us an the cats. What's the game plan? Got a topic I should read up on before Wednesday?

Wyatt nods, wishing he had more to say to Hope, but he just didn't know that anything would help at this point. He did feel badly... very badly... and he wanted to see the life back in her eyes again.

Finishing his juice and giving her shoulder a little pat, he stands. "Yeah... I'll make sure you hear anything if something changes with Scott. You just concentrate on getting back on your feet, alright?" He smiles. "We all can't wait to see you back in the office again."

Once he's gone, Domino nuzzles into Hope's hands, enjoying the attention for a little while. Eventually though, she sniffs the air, seeming to be puzzled. Hopping down off Hope's lap, she trots around the room, still sniffing and searching. After a while, she ends up near Hope's desk, looking up, almost confused. Hopping up into the chair with just a little difficulty, she noses around the desk until she finds what she's looking for. Grabbing Scott's letter in her teeth, she pulls it off the desk and trots over to her bed. Spitting out the paper, she curls up in her bed with the letter tucked underneath her.

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