
Rosy Color

Hearing the judge start his ruling and not listen to anything else David had to say Angelica's head thumps hard in her chest. This was all wrapped up, how could they have gone wrong with this?

As Gunner stands up though Angelica quietly trys to prompt him to sit down but seeing he would not listen Angelica looks to David and gives a shrug. There was nothing else she could do.

Watching Gunner as he stood and asked to talk Bree's heart was thumping just from the judge seeming like he wasn't going to let him go, but now confused as to why he was speaking Bree looked to JT. Begging for comfort, begging for Gunner not to talk, scared of what would happen.

Sitting on the edge of her seat Bree listens to what Gunner was saying. If anyone looked at her they would be able to tell that she was the one he was talking about. The rosy color that came to her cheeks, and the smile the spread across her face at his words.

Inside Bree's heart thumped so hard she though for sure it would come right out of her chest. Gunner words ran through her like a warm water running over her skin. Leaving a tingle, leaving a new feeling...Love...Gunner had admitted to the world he loved her. This feeling was not something she could not explain.

Grabbing a cup of coffee and downing it quickly Dan heads out of the dinning hall and to the barn starting his days work. Taking in a deep breath as wind blows softly through Dan's hair a smile moves to his lips. Though the events of last night had been less than good, today seemed different and he felt good.

Entering the barn and getting to work Dan hopes it will go smoothly so he can spend more time with Jade again.

Continuing to look down at Scott Dalton gives a little nod. He could tell the sound of his friends voice was hurt and he felt bad. He wished he could take that pain away even though he new he couldn't.

"Hope loves you a lot, and I think she is just scared she is going to lose you I think. Thats only a guess though."

Letting out a small sigh Dalton takes another sip of the pop and leans back on the bed a little bit. He did understand where Scott was. So long ago he wanted to do things on his own too and in doing so he grew up to be quite bitter, and hate the world he lived in. But that had changed again slowly...and yet Dalton still understood where he was coming from.

"TJY is ok. We all miss you something terribly. You are a big part of the family there. Not to mention I miss having my buddy around to challenge my tiny mind. Not to mention no one appreciates the classical music like you did."

Dalton gives a small laugh at his comment hoping maybe Scott would find a little humor in it as well. Continuing on Daltion fills Scott in on a few more things that have been going on.

"Gunner's hearing is going on right now and Angelica thinks there case is pretty solid. With any luck they wont make it go any further. I think Bree will be happy for that. She miss him something horrible."


Scott looks down as Dalton talks, his thumb playing with the pop can tab. "Yeah... they treat me alright I guess." He shrugs. "Be better if they just let me be though. 'Cept they'll just keep hounding me 'til they think I'm better or something. Just like Hope."

He didn't mean for his last sentence to be as harsh as it came out, but it did sound cold after he'd said it. He takes another small sip of Mountain Dew. "I hate this whole thing, Dalton. Every last bit of it. I wish no one would come and see me. I'd rather be left alone in this miserable place. I want my life back but no one is willing to give it to me."

He taps a finger on the pop can. "How's TJY?"

Jade giggles at Dan and shakes her head as he leaves, letting her eyes follow him until he's out of sight. Flopping back onto one of the throw pillows, she curls up again and yawns. She wasn't quite ready to get up yet. But she'd get up soon. She wanted to help Dan with chores and then maybe they could at least go for a ride later if not get lost in the bushes.

A smile crosses her lips again.

Mick nods and offers the best smile he can. "Okay." Standing back up again, he leans down to give Rosetta a quick kiss. "I'll be in the barn probably, if you need me. I'll catch up to you again in a while."

Taking a last look at BJ, he finally turns to leave, even though a part of him wanted to stay and sit with Rosetta and look after the boy.

Once he's back outside again, Mick heads for the barns, but stops halfway. There was something nagging at him and he needed to resolve it. He wouldn't be able to stay sane throughout the day if he didn't get this issue taken care of. Maybe some would think he wasn't doing the right thing, but it's what he thought best and what he needed to do. The games were over.

Turning, Mick aims for the bunkhouses instead.

Dylan looks up as his bunkhouse door opens. He'd risen early, unable to sleep, and had been sitting on the floor by the window, not daring to leave, lest Mick see him. Apparently it didn't matter though - Mick had come to him. His face pales slightly. Last night his father would have taken him outside and beaten him to a pulp it if hadn't been for Luke. But Luke wasn't here right now.

Mick steps inside and looks down at his son grimly. "Stand up, please, Dylan." His tone was not angry or loud, but very firm.

Dylan swallows hard and stands up. He musters up the courage to look up at his father, searching for the reason why he was here.

Mick folds his arms across his chest and sighs. "I've been thinking a lot," he starts. "And I have come to a conclusion. I am finally ready to give up." He purses his lips, his eyes tired with the disappointment only a father knows. "I have done everything I can think of to help you, and nothing has worked. You continue to be rebellious, deceitful and lazy. And I can' take it anymore."

Dylan blinks. What was his father saying? "So you're... you're telling me to leave."

"No, I'm not. I'm not going to tell you what to do anymore." Mick shakes his head. "You don't listen to me anyway. So you're free, Dylan. You can stay, you can leave, you can do whatever you want. I wash my hands of you."

Dylan's mouth hangs open slightly. What did that mean? "I..."

"You're free. Just don't steal again or I'll be forced to call the police. You can leave whenever you want. But if you stay, I expect you to earn your keep by working around here just like anybody else. The choice is yours. I'm not going to stop you anymore." Mick shrugs lamely and turns to leave. "Just make up your mind quick so we know if this bunkhouse will be empty or not."

Dylan stares at the closed door for several minutes after his father had left. He wanted to get angry and go tell Mick were to go, but for some reason... it wasn't anger that he felt. For the first time since he'd gotten here, he felt utter defeat. His father had just given up on him. Just like everybody else. He really was no good.

Not even sure how to react, Dylan reaches under his bed to retrieve his backpack. It looked like this was it.

Gunner doesn't want to look away, but as the judge enters the room, the proceedings must begin. He breaks his gaze with Bree to look ahead and play his part. It was going to be a long hearing...

"I have viewed the surveillance videos myself and I'm sorry but everything about it says that the defendant was perfectly sane while breaking Miss Conner out of Northside. This leaves me no choice but to-"

"Your Honor!" David stands up, interrupting the judge, even though he knew it was completely unacceptable. If this thing went to trial, they'd be sunk. He and Angelica both had done their very best and had thought they'd gotten through to the judge. It had already taken way too long and people were tired of being in court. But the prosecutor had done a good job too. Now David was arguing, trying to buy time as it looked like the judge was not going to lean in their direction. "It's obvious that no one in their right mind would attempt such a thing. How can you-"

"Order!" Judge Bartowski raps his gavel on the stand. "I have made my decision. This case will be transferred to-"

"Your Honor, I'd like a chance to speak." Without warning, Gunner stands up from his chair, boldly addressing the judge for the first time.

The prosecutor's eyes widen. "Objection! The judge has already ruled. Your Honor, I insist that this be taken to trial before a jury."

David gives Angelica a quick glance of worry before laying a hand on Gunner's arm and whispering to him. "Gunner, what are you doing? Just play it cool. It'll be okay."

Gunner shrugs off David's hand and continues to look at the judge. "Please... let me speak."

"I say it's not right!" the prosecutor insists.

The judge sighs deeply and looks between the two. "Alright. But make it fast Mr. Franklin. I don't allow this for everyone. Speak your piece and be brief."

The prosecutor glares at them and sinks back down, muttering under his breath. David throws up his arms and shakes his head at Angelica, not able to believe Gunner was doing this. It would only make it worse for him once this thing did go to trial, even though they'd tried to avoid it. David sits down again, giving up. They'd done all they could.

Gunner moves around the table and approaches the bench, looking up at the judge. The bailiff stood nearby, keeping a close eye on him, even though he was in handcuffs.

Gunner doesn't blink. "My lawyers... they're right, Your Honor. I was crazy when I broke Bree out of that place. Crazy in love. And I still am." He looks the judge square in the eye. "There are people out there every day who get away with stealing other people's lives, all in the name of greed. Yet this court system is determined to put away a man who saved a life in the name of love. You tell me what went wrong."

He pauses for just a moment, letting his words sink in. "Yeah, I broke into Northside. I can't deny it - you have proof. But my lawyers have also provided proof of why Bree was in there in the first place. So I scared a few guards and I trespassed on the hospital property. The real injustice wasn't that - it was that an innocent woman was being kept there in the name of greed. Now her parents get a slap on the wrist and a restraining order. I'm not going to complain about my fate here. If I have to go to prison and serve time for what I did, then I'd still do it gladly because the woman I love is safe. But I just want to ask you... when you go home tonight, are you gonna feel good about sending a man to prison because he acted out of love? Who do you love, Your Honor? And how far would you go to save them?"

In the silence that follows, anyone in the courtroom could hear a pin drop.


Continuing to sit on the bed as Dalton holds the can of pop he just looks at it for a long moment before flipping his own open taking a sip. It was good to be sitting here with Scott again, he sure had missed it.

Turning his head a little to look at Scott Dalton gives a quick look of sympathy. He did feel bad for his little friend and wish there was something more to he could do.

"I was in the hospital once after the accident. I didn't like it much myself, though I didn't have anyone come to see me. I could never choose what was worse though being alone, or wishing I had friends to come and see me, than end up hating them seeing me like that."

Taking another sip of his pop Dalton is silent for a few moments. Just thinking about what he would say, and taking everything in. Looking around the room is wasn't shabby. It seemed much nicer than the hospital room's he had stayed in before that was for sure. Looking back to Scott Dalton gives a small smirk.

"It doesn't look to shabby here. I know home would be better but this could be worse to right? They treat you ok?"

Not wanting to break the kiss Dan couldn't help it as a small chuckle came from his lips as he hears Mick again. Dan couldn't help finding the humor in the whole thing.

Leaning into give Jade another kiss Dan retreats and swings around on the couch to stand up. Looking down at Jade the sorry shows in his eyes they he didn't want to go but he had to.

"I guess I should get more chores done. Maybe after we can get lost in the bushes."

Giving Jade a wink and one more kiss Dan takes his hat from the table and slaps it on his head, slipping on his shoes before he was out the door.

Feeling Mick's warm hand in her own and hearing his voice Rosetta opens her eyes slowly. There was a crick in her neck and for a moment she had a hard time remembering why or where she was.

Lifting her head to look around the room and realizing she was in Angel's office everything came back to Rosetta. Turning her head to look down on BJ's sleeping form she lets out a sigh before looking back to Mick and giving a smile.

"I'm ok. I just wanted to stay here in case BJ wakes up and is scared. I'll be ok and if anything new develops I'll let you know."

Giving another smile to Mick Rosetta reassures him she will be ok. Once Angel was awake a little later Rosetta would head back to the house to clean and get some work done. Just as long as someone was here with BJ.

Sitting on the hard bench close to the front with her Uncle Bree perks up a little when she see them lead Gunner into the court room. She hadn't seen him since the day she went to the jail cell and now even if he was so far away it was good to see him again.

Her eyes following Gunner as he sits Bree only looks away once to look at her uncle than turning back to Gunner and seeing him look at her. Feeling a smile form inside Bree lifts her hand to give a wave and mouth Hi. Oh how he made her heart thump in her own chest. Bree hopped so hard that today everything would be ok, and she could hold Gunner again.

Sitting down next to David Angelica gave a smile. The morning talking with Gunner had went well and everything seemed in order with what would go down. They had it lied out like a book and the victory was so close they could tast it.

The only two people

A little murmur escapes as Jade kisses Dan back. It didn't matter how often he kissed her - she never tired of his affection or how he made her feel. If anything, she loved it more every time. Wrapping her arm around him, she hugs him closer, just liking the feel of him that near to her. His warmth... his strength... his love.

Pulling away a little, Jade looks into Dan's eyes. They were so close still that her nose rubbed up against his and she grins. "I love you so much. I can't wait for the rest of my life... 'cause I get to spend it all with you."

Her fingers play with his hair and run up over his ear teasingly as she smiles again. Returning to kiss him once more, she didn't care if her father was still close or if they really needed to get up and start the day. At this point in her life, having Dan in her arms was the most important thing on earth to her.

Mick waits for the coffee, pouring himself a cup and taking a nice long drink. It was mornings like this that his body wanted more, but he knew to keep his mind occupied, lest he fall.

Wandering back through the dining room, he pauses at the window, watching as the sun just started peeking up over the horizon. Clouds were awaiting the light. Rain was on the way. He could feel it in his bones and all the injuries he'd accumulated over the years. The sunbeams were reddish gold, begging to be free to spread across the land in brilliant splendor. But the clouds would soon overtake them, hiding them from view. It kind of felt that way in Mick's heart too.

Sipping on his coffee some more, he ambles across the room, his eyes glancing into the living room again. If it would have been a few months back, he woulda tanned both their hides for making out on the living room couch. He hadn't trusted Dan's motives, or even his daughter's enthusiasm for attention, let alone how far they would go. But now... forcing himself to trust them wasn't as bad as it had seemed at one point. Dan was a good Christian man... and Jade was a good Christian woman. Both had good heads on their shoulders and Mick had to trust that they would be smart, lest he drive himself mad. At least his daughter was happy... how could he take that from her?

Walking past the door again as he wandered back to the kitchen, he hollers in at Dan. "Daylight's burnin', lover boy. You can kiss her when the chores are done."

Downing the rest of his coffee, he puts his mug in the sink and leaves the remaining coffee for anyone who would come after him. Yawning, he heads outside, taking a deep breath of the morning air that was quickly becoming damp. Trudging to Angel's office, he favors his bad knee a little bit, figuring later a hot shower would be in store.

Knocking quietly, he lets himself in, going to the back room to check on Rosetta and BJ. Finding both of them still asleep, he just watches them for several moments. He'd never understand how a person could love, and add on to that love, but he knew it was possible from the feelings in his own heart.

Mick walks quietly to the bedside chair and takes off his hat, kneeling down by Rosetta. Reaching up, he takes her hand in his and whispers. "Hey, Hon... just wanted to check on you before I started chores."

Scott hears the knock at the door, but as usual, he doesn't answer it, figuring it was Jenny or something. But then hearing Dalton's voice, his head snaps up. His eyes go wide in surprise as he spots both his big friend and Susanne.

"I..." He wasn't sure how to act now.

Susanne smiles, overcoming her discomfort and thankful that Dalton had made the entrance for them. "Hi, Scott. Dalton's right. We got some goodies for you." She sets the basket down on his dresser. "We were all thinking about you and so we just thought we'd stop by and say hi."

"Well, um..." Scott swallows hard and pulls himself to his feet, rubbing his aching eye. "Thanks... thank you."

Susanne moves over closer to Dalton, not really sure what to do now. Poor Scott. He was young enough to be her son and after enough years at TJY, she cared about him, just like she cared about everybody there. "It's awfully nice here," she comments kindly. "It looks like you have a nice view from your window too."

"Yeah... yeah, it's not bad." Scott runs a hand through his hair and tries to smile a little, more embarrassed for them seeing him here than anything. It would be better if he acted like he was doing alright. Less worry for them and less sympathizing for him to deal with. His gaze roams between Susanne and Dalton awkwardly.

"It's good to see you." Susanne nods. "We all miss you and folks have been asking about ya."

"And what have you told them?" When Scott sees Susanne doesn't know how to answer, he gives a little scoff and nod. "Yeah, I know. Guess I should like it I got some company, huh?"

Susanne musters up another smile and moves to give Scott a light hug. She knew that if she stayed any longer, the tension would just get worse. And she didn't mind - she hadn't really expected anything else. She just wished there was more she could do. "I'll leave you two boys. I better find the little girls room before we go anyway."

"Down the hall." Scott points.

"Thanks. Take care, Scott."

"Yeah." Scott watches Susanne leave, then turns back to Dalton. Studying him a moment, he walks over to the basket and grabs two of the cans of Mountain Dew. Handing one to Dalton, he sits down beside him on the bed and flips open his own can, taking a small sip. "You know I don't like people seeing me like this." His voice was quiet but irritation laced his tone. A part of him appreciated this but his embarrassment won out.

The courtroom was warm and stuffy. At least it felt that way to Gunner. He'd been brought in from the police station and met up with David and Angelica, brought down the aisle to sit in front of full view of the judge. More people were here than he thought. People from TJY, some he didn't know, and one in particular that he hadn't seen since her visit to the jail.

"You ready?" David asks, bringing Gunner's attention back around. "You know what we talked about, right?"

"Yeah... yeah, I went nuts and was totally stupid to break Bree outta there, I know." Gunner knew the plan. He'd grudgingly agreed to the plea of temporary insanity, figuring David and Angelica knew what they were doing. Even so, he wasn't so sure about the whole thing. Their goal for today was to get a ruling out of the judge without the case going to trial. If they could settle things today it would go a whole lot better for him. His job was to sit down, shut up and let the lawyers do the talking.

As Gunner's mind wanders, so do his eyes and he shifts in his seat to search the room and finally find Bree. His gaze locks with hers and for a moment, it feels as if all the noise in the courtroom is muted and they're the only two people there.


Just enjoying the moment Dan leans his head against Jade's drawing quiet just listing to the sound every breath she took made. Thinking about the day to come when Jade would be his wife. It seemed so far away, yet so close. With everyday that passed it was one day closer and that was enough to keep Dan happy.

Hearing Mick's voice Dan looks up for a moment shaking his head a little, before a grin forms on his lips. They had been caught but obviously Mick hadn't minded that much or he would of said something.

Bringing his hand to the back of Jade's head Dan press his lips to hers his own foot rubbing hers a little. Feeling her soft hair in his hand Dan's kiss deepens letting the passion wash over him as his heart raced. He wasn't ready just yet to wake up.

Arriving to Scott's room Dalton looks to Susanne and gives a smile. He had to admit he was kind of nervous himself. Not of Scott himself but that he would turn them away with out even visiting with them a little bit.

Finally after a few more moments he gives a nod to Susanne. They had come all this way not to see him. Even if it was only for a second at least Scott new they cared.

Giving a strong knock on the door and than opening it Dalton steps in letting Susanne follow after. Taking everything in and seeing his friend look so sad on the floor put a crack in Dalton's heart. He didn't like seeing Scott like this and it was enough to make him hate The Agency even more for him.

"Hey there Scott. Susanne and I though we would come and see you. She even put together a little care package for you. Though you might enjoy some MD and Jerky."

Dalton wanted to ask how Scott was doing, but he probably new the answer. He wanted to see if he was feeling better, but something told him the answer would be the same.

Moving over to the bed Dalton sits down before looking back at Susanne he new she probably wanted to say something too so he didnt want to fill the air with only his babble.


Chuckling, Susanne nods and waits for Dalton to head down the hall. "Okay, sounds good." She knew the drive was going to take a couple hours, and was glad Reese had allowed them without hesitation the time to visit Scott.

It was a nice day and that at least made the drive a pleasant one. It was a little odd that Susanne and Dalton would be going anywhere together, but both had a common goal - seeing their friend and spreading some cheer.

Eventually, Brookshire comes into view. "It's nicer than I thought," Susanne comments as they park. "It really does look like a nice place." She was trying to be positive. She'd been so worried about Scott that she had feared a horrid place. But this... it didn't seem half bad. Maybe Reese was right that it was nice after all.

Walking with Dalton inside, they are met with friendly smiles, then directed to where Scott was. He was in his room and hadn't had breakfast or lunch. Jenn stops by the bedroom door and smiles at Dalton and Susanne. "I don't know how much talking he'll feel up to but you can right on in. If you need anything, I'll be downstairs."

Left alone again, Susanne looks up at Dalton a little worriedly. She didn't know if Scott would want them there or not.

Inside, Scott was back on the floor under the window, letting the sun keep him warm. He hadn't seen Hope yet, but after a horrid session with Dr. Hawks this morning, maybe it was better that she was later today. His eyes were still red from the crying he'd done, alone after he'd escaped the office. He wraps his arms around his legs just a little tighter and closes his eyes, rocking slightly.

"Mmm." Jade smiles as Dan's hand brushes her face and snuggles a little closer to him, her foot rubbing up against his.

"Just think..." Her hand moves up to run over his shoulder, her fingers crawling up the back of his neck to meet his hair. "One day you can see my face every morning."

Kissing his lips lightly, her smile remains. "But don't think I'm gonna let you go that easy this morning."

Mick is still in the doorway and quirks an eyebrow as a wry grin creases his lips. Turning away from the snuggle scene, he calls back over his shoulder at them. "I'm making coffee if you guys want any."

Jade jumps at the sound of her father's voice, her cheeks growing warm. Looking at Dan though, she starts to giggle. "Rats."

This forever

Standing Dalton raises an eyebrow at Susanne's comment. Standing from his desk he says nothing at first but just continues to look at her. On might this he was upset but something in his eyes to those that new him would could see were iching to smile.

"To me, most everything is small so don't feel special."

Finally Dalton can't hold it in any longer and a smile pass across his face. His eyes twinkle with laughter as he really did think what Susanne said was funny. When it came to Dani or the people around work he new, Dalton didn't mind there teasing much knowing it was all in fun.

Heading twords the door Dalton gives a nod to Susanne he was ready. Going to see Scott was really the highlight of his day, he missed seeing his friend very much and it just seemed boring at work now without him.

"We can take my car. I just put a fresh tank of gas in her."

Feeling a warmth next to him Dan didn't want to open his eyes. He remembered it was Jade, and they had been snuggled so cute on the couch while watching the movie. Now though if he opened his eyes He'd have to get up.

"Tell me I don't have to wake up and I can stay like this forever."

Slowly though a smile forms on his lips knowing Jade was already awake. Shifting a little so Dan was now on his side he keeps his arm around Jade. Bringing his other hand to her face he brushes the hair out of her eyes. Opening his own slowly he looks back into her gaze.

"Opening my eyes and working a little to see you beautiful face is defiantly worth it."


It wasn't that he hadn't wanted to go to bed, or hadn't wanted to stay in Angel's office with Rosetta. But as the second half of the night had rolled around, he'd needed time to think. So he'd put a blanket around Rosetta's sleeping form in the chair, stroked BJ's hair once more, then had gone to the office. But now that small streaks of gray light were beginning to spread across the ground and peak into windows, Mick's mind began to rouse him. He gives a groan as he rolls his head over on his desk where he must have laid it several hours before. He'd been hunched over like this for too long and now was incredibly stiff.

Managing to sit up straight, he squints in the dark, trying to find the time. Five-thirty. He needed to get up and get going. He yawns and rubs a hand over his face, craving coffee. No one had alerted him, so he knew BJ was still asleep - he would go back to check on things once he'd made the coffee. Becky wouldn't be up for another half an hour so he'd beat her to it this morning.

Groggily, Mick slaps his had on his head and pulls on his jacket to trudge over to the dining hall. He needed a shower and some clean clothes, but that could wait a while longer. Getting inside, he wanders over to the kitchen, but is stopped partway as he looks into the cozy living room. Leaning on the doorway for a moment or two, he cocks his head, just watching. Maybe he had been wrong... the scene was so peaceful... he knew now that he couldn't take that away.

...Jade shifts a little bit on the couch and smacks her lips, her mouth feeling like cotton. Starting to roll over, she realizes she can't. What...? Moving her hand around, she realizes that she's not alone, then remembers. She and Dan had watched a movie. They must have fallen asleep. He was on his back now and she was wedged between him and the back of the couch, her head nestled against his chest. Mmm it was too comfortable to move.

Relaxing again, her arm falls back over him, her one leg wrapped around his. By the dim light coming in through the window, she knew he'd have to get up soon, but she'd soak up all she could while he was still here.

"Okay... I think I got everything." Susanne stands in Dalton's office, a pretty basket in her arm. It was arranged artistically with some tissue paper, several cans of Mountain Dew, some jerky and a few other odds and ends along with the staff-signed card and Sapphire's letter.

She grins at Dalton. "I'd offer to drive but... I got that tiny car and..." She bites her lip. "Yeah."