
Upsets and Insults

Tal's eyes widen, not having meant to get such a reaction from Ryan. He starts to respond, but only gets out a mumble before her lips are on his. Grinning as she pulls away, he shakes his head. "I guess I am being just a little paranoid."

Sighing, he reaches up and runs a finger through her soft hair, watching it reflect the night's natural light. A peaceful smile remains on his lips. "I was wrong about you, Ryan McKade. You're even more amazing than I imagined."

His hand stops near her face so it can rest against her cheek. His eyes hold a million unopened stories, locked deep inside, never shared. "See you tomorrow?"

A gig? What kind of gig? With who? Where? When? All those questions flash in Kip's eyes as he sits a little straighter. So many words wanted to come out. So many words sat a the very tip of his tongue, wanting so badly to leap forward and be spoken. But something held them back. Something still kept them at bay.

Without comment, he takes another bite of pizza, now realizing he was basically scarfing it down... maybe he'd been hungrier than he'd thought.

Karla's suggestion of a walk makes him quirk an eyebrow. "On a full stomach?" he mumbles with his mouth full. He shrugs. Leaning down, he reveals an empty Mountain Dew bottle. "I guess walking this off would probably be good if I want to sleep tonight." A wry grin emerges, despite his weary eyes.

Finishing off his pizza in just a few more bites, he stands up and brushes his hands on his jeans. He nods into the back yard where they could walk around the house and go back out to the sidewalk. It was dark, but she was right - it was nice out. Ambling through the grass, he uses his fingernail as a toothpick, keeping his eyes down. "So I'm supposed to call Kyle, huh?"

Cindy returns to her desk after putting in a load of laundry and checking on Kaylee. Fiddling online for a moment, she then checks her email again. She often did. Too much, in fact. But the hope was always there that she'd hear from Wes. And today, that wish was granted.

Her heart skips a beat as she sees his email and she opens it quickly. The emotions were always the same... She was thrilled to hear from him... relieved he was alive... sad he wasn't here... warm from his words of love. But each time she finished reading his messages, the tears stung her eyes and she felt the same anger burning deep down that she tried to snuff out. It wasn't Wes she was angry with, and she would never tell him she felt this way at all. She loved her country and knew that her husband was working hard to fight for it... but they still had taken him from her. Why had they needed him? Why now? And if God could work it out so they could read each other's emails the same day, why couldn't He work it out for Wes to come home?

Just letting the few hot tears run down her cheeks, Cindy doesn't bother wiping them away. Instead, she just blinks a few times, squares her shoulders and types her reply.

So happy to get your message so quickly. It was a nice little blessing.
Don't worry - not "everything" is going wrong.

Just her life. She sighs.

Things at the ranch are great and I'm so glad this is where I live. The only thing missing is you. Otherwise, it would be perfect. Kaylee is happy and healthy, the weather has been gorgeous, and we even have a new set of eyes, sent from the Elite, to help keep watch over the ranch.

Her typed words seemed so much more positive than the way she felt. But that's what she wanted. She wanted Wes to know about Jason and Trey and that she wasn't having the easiest of times... but she didn't want him to worry about her either. He had a job to focus on, and as much as she wanted him back, she didn't want him to feel guilty for being away.

I'll tell Jase you say hi - I'm sure he'll appreciate that. I know even though you two weren't close, he was beginning to look up to you. I will let you know how things progress. Thank you for your encouraging words. I love you with all my heart.

At some point, Dylan decides the ice has done just about as much as it was going to, and he abandons the living room area. Dumping the ice in the kitchen sink, he heads outside, planning to go to his bunk without running into anyone, and therefore avoiding any questions.

What made him think that today would be any different, he didn't know. Halfway to his bunk, he's joined by Mick who had just come from the house.

"Hey, Dylan. How you doing?"

Dylan keeps walking. "I'm fine."

"You sure? We could-"

"Just stop!" Dylan stops and whirls around to glare at his father. "You're as bad as Jade!" His yelling just makes his face hurt, but he ignores it. "Just... just cut it out! I'm fine. It's over. I just wanna go do my school for the day so I can give you your beloved 'A' you're always after."

Mick isn't sure whether he feels more hurt or angry, but he holds his tongue as his hands go to his hips. "Alright, fine," he answers calmly. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to make sure you were alright." Dylan starts to turn, but he stops him. "And... to come get you so we could go talk to Stacy." He saw Stacy approaching, but Dylan's back was to her, so Mick says nothing yet about her presence.

"Stacy? What for?"

"So we can discuss what's going to change around here."

Dylan's eyes narrow. "What are you talking about?"

"Well apparently the Agency is watching you more closely than I thought. Taking you away from the ranch today without someone else was my fault. I didn't think they were going to pounce that quickly." Mick rocks a little on his heels. "So, I think from now on, we just make it a habit that where you go, Stacy goes. We need the eyes."

"What?!" Dylan shakes his head. "No way. I was gonna-" He cuts himself off short.

"You were gonna what?"

Dylan rolls his eyes. "Go into town on the weekend with Sparky."

Mick's eyebrows rise. "What for?"

"It's none of your business!"

"It is too!"

"To get a saddle, alright? You know - one of those things you put on a horse to ride?"

"You've got enough money for your own saddle?"

"Sparky's gonna let me work with his horses to earn..." Dylan stops and shakes his head again. "What's it to you?"

Mick sighs. Sparky did have a few of his own horses that he cared for alone. If he'd worked out a deal with Dylan, that was between them. Mick guessed he didn't care. But what he did care about was his son's safety. "Can we try to have a conversation where one of us isn't yelling for once?"

Dylan quiets his tone, but he was no less upset. "I'm not gonna walk around with some shadow all the time. It's bad enough I got her watching my every move while you're still breathing down my neck. Agency or not, some stupid know-it-all Elite agent isn't gonna tag along like a mommy watching her toddler. I'd rather be a prisoner in my bunk." He pauses with a smirk. "Oh wait... I already am."

Spinning on his heel to aim for his bunkhouse again, he almost runs right into Stacy. Surprise is quickly replaced by embarrassment, which is quickly replaced with ire. Red-faced, he glares at her before shouldering past.

Mick sighs and runs a hand over his face, only now starting to feel the sore spots. He looks at Stacy with weary apology. "I'm sorry. He's, um... upset. He almost got nabbed today at the auction. I guess 'father-son' time just isn't gonna happen."