
Upsets and Insults

Tal's eyes widen, not having meant to get such a reaction from Ryan. He starts to respond, but only gets out a mumble before her lips are on his. Grinning as she pulls away, he shakes his head. "I guess I am being just a little paranoid."

Sighing, he reaches up and runs a finger through her soft hair, watching it reflect the night's natural light. A peaceful smile remains on his lips. "I was wrong about you, Ryan McKade. You're even more amazing than I imagined."

His hand stops near her face so it can rest against her cheek. His eyes hold a million unopened stories, locked deep inside, never shared. "See you tomorrow?"

A gig? What kind of gig? With who? Where? When? All those questions flash in Kip's eyes as he sits a little straighter. So many words wanted to come out. So many words sat a the very tip of his tongue, wanting so badly to leap forward and be spoken. But something held them back. Something still kept them at bay.

Without comment, he takes another bite of pizza, now realizing he was basically scarfing it down... maybe he'd been hungrier than he'd thought.

Karla's suggestion of a walk makes him quirk an eyebrow. "On a full stomach?" he mumbles with his mouth full. He shrugs. Leaning down, he reveals an empty Mountain Dew bottle. "I guess walking this off would probably be good if I want to sleep tonight." A wry grin emerges, despite his weary eyes.

Finishing off his pizza in just a few more bites, he stands up and brushes his hands on his jeans. He nods into the back yard where they could walk around the house and go back out to the sidewalk. It was dark, but she was right - it was nice out. Ambling through the grass, he uses his fingernail as a toothpick, keeping his eyes down. "So I'm supposed to call Kyle, huh?"

Cindy returns to her desk after putting in a load of laundry and checking on Kaylee. Fiddling online for a moment, she then checks her email again. She often did. Too much, in fact. But the hope was always there that she'd hear from Wes. And today, that wish was granted.

Her heart skips a beat as she sees his email and she opens it quickly. The emotions were always the same... She was thrilled to hear from him... relieved he was alive... sad he wasn't here... warm from his words of love. But each time she finished reading his messages, the tears stung her eyes and she felt the same anger burning deep down that she tried to snuff out. It wasn't Wes she was angry with, and she would never tell him she felt this way at all. She loved her country and knew that her husband was working hard to fight for it... but they still had taken him from her. Why had they needed him? Why now? And if God could work it out so they could read each other's emails the same day, why couldn't He work it out for Wes to come home?

Just letting the few hot tears run down her cheeks, Cindy doesn't bother wiping them away. Instead, she just blinks a few times, squares her shoulders and types her reply.

So happy to get your message so quickly. It was a nice little blessing.
Don't worry - not "everything" is going wrong.

Just her life. She sighs.

Things at the ranch are great and I'm so glad this is where I live. The only thing missing is you. Otherwise, it would be perfect. Kaylee is happy and healthy, the weather has been gorgeous, and we even have a new set of eyes, sent from the Elite, to help keep watch over the ranch.

Her typed words seemed so much more positive than the way she felt. But that's what she wanted. She wanted Wes to know about Jason and Trey and that she wasn't having the easiest of times... but she didn't want him to worry about her either. He had a job to focus on, and as much as she wanted him back, she didn't want him to feel guilty for being away.

I'll tell Jase you say hi - I'm sure he'll appreciate that. I know even though you two weren't close, he was beginning to look up to you. I will let you know how things progress. Thank you for your encouraging words. I love you with all my heart.

At some point, Dylan decides the ice has done just about as much as it was going to, and he abandons the living room area. Dumping the ice in the kitchen sink, he heads outside, planning to go to his bunk without running into anyone, and therefore avoiding any questions.

What made him think that today would be any different, he didn't know. Halfway to his bunk, he's joined by Mick who had just come from the house.

"Hey, Dylan. How you doing?"

Dylan keeps walking. "I'm fine."

"You sure? We could-"

"Just stop!" Dylan stops and whirls around to glare at his father. "You're as bad as Jade!" His yelling just makes his face hurt, but he ignores it. "Just... just cut it out! I'm fine. It's over. I just wanna go do my school for the day so I can give you your beloved 'A' you're always after."

Mick isn't sure whether he feels more hurt or angry, but he holds his tongue as his hands go to his hips. "Alright, fine," he answers calmly. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to make sure you were alright." Dylan starts to turn, but he stops him. "And... to come get you so we could go talk to Stacy." He saw Stacy approaching, but Dylan's back was to her, so Mick says nothing yet about her presence.

"Stacy? What for?"

"So we can discuss what's going to change around here."

Dylan's eyes narrow. "What are you talking about?"

"Well apparently the Agency is watching you more closely than I thought. Taking you away from the ranch today without someone else was my fault. I didn't think they were going to pounce that quickly." Mick rocks a little on his heels. "So, I think from now on, we just make it a habit that where you go, Stacy goes. We need the eyes."

"What?!" Dylan shakes his head. "No way. I was gonna-" He cuts himself off short.

"You were gonna what?"

Dylan rolls his eyes. "Go into town on the weekend with Sparky."

Mick's eyebrows rise. "What for?"

"It's none of your business!"

"It is too!"

"To get a saddle, alright? You know - one of those things you put on a horse to ride?"

"You've got enough money for your own saddle?"

"Sparky's gonna let me work with his horses to earn..." Dylan stops and shakes his head again. "What's it to you?"

Mick sighs. Sparky did have a few of his own horses that he cared for alone. If he'd worked out a deal with Dylan, that was between them. Mick guessed he didn't care. But what he did care about was his son's safety. "Can we try to have a conversation where one of us isn't yelling for once?"

Dylan quiets his tone, but he was no less upset. "I'm not gonna walk around with some shadow all the time. It's bad enough I got her watching my every move while you're still breathing down my neck. Agency or not, some stupid know-it-all Elite agent isn't gonna tag along like a mommy watching her toddler. I'd rather be a prisoner in my bunk." He pauses with a smirk. "Oh wait... I already am."

Spinning on his heel to aim for his bunkhouse again, he almost runs right into Stacy. Surprise is quickly replaced by embarrassment, which is quickly replaced with ire. Red-faced, he glares at her before shouldering past.

Mick sighs and runs a hand over his face, only now starting to feel the sore spots. He looks at Stacy with weary apology. "I'm sorry. He's, um... upset. He almost got nabbed today at the auction. I guess 'father-son' time just isn't gonna happen."



Squinting at the top of the TV than at Tal, than the TV again Ryan shakes her head a little bit before looking back at Tal squinting still. Her nose all scrunched up too made it that much cuter.

"My eyes...my eyes...I can't see anymore...my ey..."

Ryan stops talking for a moment and gives a blink of her eyes before opening them a little more to see better.

"Oh there we go I guess it helps when I open my eyes huh?"

Chuckling again Ryan moves a little so Tal can get up and put the movie in before leaning against him when he sits again. Drifting off to sleep here and there on Tal when he gets up to leave Ryan knows its probably a good idea. Tomorrow would come to early again and sleep really was a must.

Following him outside to his car Ryan stuffs her hands in her pockets as she walks down the sidewalk. It was a little chilly out, but really not to bad. The warm weather would be here soon on a non stop bases and she really couldn't wait.

Stopping at his car and just listing to Tal for a moment Ryan raises one of her eyebrows at him. He's said it before to her, and now he was saying it again didn't he get the point if it bothered her any she would of probably told him already?

"I swear to goodness Tal, if you say that one more time I am going to sock you."

Ryan gives a chuckle and a shake of her head.

"If it bothered me I would of told you like I said before, so stop saying it ok? I got the point, you got the point across lets move on and just be happy now ok?"

Moving a little closer Ryan places a kiss on Tal's lips before pulling away but not to far and just smile up at him. In the moonlight his eyes seemed to shine more than normal.

Finding a twig on the pouch Karla picks it up and toss it at Kip so it lands in his hair softly to get his attachen as she tilted her head and looked at him sternly.

"You know darn well that will never happen Kip. In fact the guys wanted me to let you know they have a gig lined up and they would really like there bass player to be there. So I think you should call Kyle and talk to him. Everyone does miss you Kip, even me."

Continuing to look at him Karla's heart went out to him, though she was at her wits end on what to do. Kip wasn't recovering and it was getting more frustrating. She would abandon him in the least, but she just missed the real Kip.

"So, its nice out today. We should take a walk."

Walking the grounds Stacy looks up hearing a car coming up the path. Seeing it was just Mick's truck she continues to walk for now. They had made it back ok thats good. Stacy had been worried about them leaving without her but she was not going to stand in Mick's way if he didn't want it. She was just happy seeing them return.

Going around on of the barns she figured later she would get a hold of Mick and talk to him about a few things. He was probably tired now and wanting to get any horses he go inside and ready for tomorrow. He'd find her or she would talk to him a little later.

Dearest Cindy,
What perfect timing. I just happened to be able to sit down to the computer and I got your email. Gotta love how amazing God is like that. I'm sorry to hear things with Jason arnt getting any better, and everything else is going wrong. It pains me to know I am not there for you. Your a strong woman my love I know you can get thought this. Please let Jason know I said I was rooting for him. I will pray for you even more my dear love, and not a moment goes by I don't think of you and Kali as well. I miss you guys to death and hope to be home soon. I love you Cindy.

Love Always,



Eli quirks an eyebrow at Ryan's response about Alec, but he doesn't comment. He wasn't too sure how she felt about all this - he just thought she should know about the court hearing. Even if Alec was her ex, it only seemed right that she know what happened to him.

Throwing her a smirk he gestures to the television where a DVD sat. "It's right there. Or have you gone blind?"

Tal grins and shakes his head. He could tell Ryan would rather move on from the subject of Alec right now, and he respected that. "Your brother is just lazy," he comments. Getting up from the couch, he puts the DVD in then comes back to his spot, flopping down a little harder than necessary, just to make Ryan bounce into him so he could "help" steady her by putting his arm around her. His grin remains as he retrieves his bowl of ice cream again and settles back with Ryan under his arm. "Ahh, now this is the life."

It was an enjoyable, peaceful evening. The movie was good and so was the company. Tal doesn't really want to leave when it's over - though that feeling wasn't new. He really did like hanging out over here. He liked Eli and he liked Ryan, and he never wanted to take their friendship for granted.

A little while later, he's ambling slowly to his car with Ryan walking him out. As he nears the parking lot, he gradually comes to a stop and slips his arm around her shoulders. "Ya know... I'm kinda growing fond of you."

He smiles down at her as they stand near the parking lot light. "Thanks for allowing me into your life. Getting to know you and Eli, it's... well, it's been a real blessing." Having started out with the intention of helping Ryan, he'd wound up with some unexpected benefits too.

He turns and lets his hand slide down her arm until his fingers reach hers. "I, um... I don't want you to ever feel pressured or that I want more out of this than you do..." He really meant it. He honestly didn't know where their relationship was going at this point, but he didn't want to seem like someone who had pounced as soon as Alec was out of the way. On the contrary, he just really wanted someone to treat Ryan right, so he'd decided to be that someone. "I mean, I know you and Alec are over, but I know it's not just as easy as saying that either." He shrugs. "I guess I just wanted to say that."

Kip glances up at Karla and eyes the pizza as his stomach rumbles. He'd skipped supper... it looked like she knew him too well.

Sitting up a little straighter, he accepts the slices and gives her a half a smile. "Thanks." Hearing everyone missed him, he shrugs and takes a bite of pizza. "I figure one of these days I won't show up and nobody'll notice."

He thumbs inside the house, moving on quickly since he knew Karla would chide him for that comment. "Looking at the paper today. Grocery store down a few blocks from here is hiring. Thought I might go check it out."

It didn't seem possible, how fast time went by. But without warning, a week was gone. The ranch was peaceful. There were ups and downs and daily trials, but nothing anyone could really complain about.

"Hey, Dylan?"

Dylan finishes tossing a shovelful of manure into the wheelbarrow before turning to see Mick in the stall doorway. They hadn't spoken much lately... Dylan really hadn't spoken much to anybody this last week or so. He'd been bored out of his mind while trying to recover from his fall, and finally yesterday Sparky let him back in the saddle - it had been a good ride without incident. That seemed to help his spirits some, and even if he said he hated cleaning stalls, he really didn't mind the job so much anymore, and he'd come to realize that it was better than sitting in his bunkhouse all day like he had been. He'd talked a little with Ashlee the last few days but it was mostly "hi" and "see you later" at mealtimes or in between. Now having Mick address him, Dylan's first thought was that he'd done something wrong. "Yeah?"

"I'm gonna go to a horse auction this afternoon." Mick leans on the doorway and shrugs. Though he was trying to be casual, he really wanted to find some kind of an open door to spend more time with his son. He wanted so badly to fix things between them, and apparently one or two family meals hadn't helped much. Or if they had, Dylan wasn't letting it show. "I... thought maybe since you were getting a little more interested in horses, you might like to tag along."

Dylan's eyebrows rise. His dad was inviting him to go with? Because of an interest in horses? Even after Mick found out he was riding, he'd made Sparky promise not to let Mick watch - he just liked it better that way. And yet Mick was still trying to spend time with him? Knowing his son didn't want him around hadn't thwarted him? Dylan finally shrugs. Actually, since he wasn't so scared anymore, going and seeing a whole bunch of horses was rather appealing. What would have terrified him a few months ago, now was something he thought he might actually like. "Maybe."

Mick gives him a little grin. "There's always a bunch of cute cowgirls," he prompts. "And besides, it'll get you out of here and out of work for half a day."

The first bribe was amusing and had definite appeal, but it was the second one that pushed Dylan over the edge. He hadn't been away from this place in how long? Yes, it would be nice to get away, even if it was with Mick and even if it was only for a few hours. "Okay." He turns back to cleaning the stall. "When are you going?"

"In about..." Mick looks at his watch. "Half an hour..."

...Dylan leans against the rail, watching another horse being brought into the ring and bid on. He and Mick had arrived about an hour ago and since then, Dylan had seen more horses than he had in his entire life. People were everywhere, horses were everywhere and the atmosphere was noisy and chaotic, yet almost exciting at the same time. He hadn't said a whole lot, but had simply tagged behind Mick, looking at horses and shrugging when asked his opinion. He had spotted a couple good looking horses, but hadn't said so - he'd rather just stand back and watch. Now looking around the milling crowd, he elbows Mick. "I'm gonna go get something to drink."

"Yeah, sure." Mick's eyes take a quick sweep of the indoor arena. "I'll either be here or up in that second row."

Dylan nods and heads through the mass of people towards the food stand he'd seen outside earlier. Once there, it seems to take forever to get through the line but he finally gets the Pepsi he really wanted. Taking a short swig, he aims back to the crowded entrance. Without warning, a big man seems to appear out of nowhere and Dylan runs right into him. His newly bought drink goes flying and spills out onto the ground.

Quickly getting over his surprise, he looks up with a glare, irritated that he'd wasted all that time and money and now he'd have to go right back again. But instead of just one man now, there are two. He's about to ask them what their problem is but is cut short as one of the men takes him by the shoulder.

"It's your dad," the man directs gruffly and steers Dylan towards the corner of the large barn. "He told us to come get you."

"Dad? But..." Dylan realizes now he's been pushed by both of them. Who were they? What was the hurry? Why would his dad send them anyway? He'd only been gone ten minutes. "He's inside," he argues. He tries to plant his feet, but continues to be pushed.

"No, no, he came out back. Something about a horse," the second man explains. "Just around this corner here."

Turning the corner of the barn, it's much quieter as there was no auction activity at this end right now. One could think no event was happening at all if it weren't for the grassy lot full of parked pickups and horse trailers. But it wasn't the trailers that Dylan saw. It was a van parked up by the road with the side door wide open. And immediately, fear courses through his veins.

Spinning around, he tries to bolt, but the men are too fast and grab him harder, becoming rougher with him. "Let me go!" he yells. Dragging his feet, he tries to kick or hit, but they are far stronger than he. A big hand is clamped over his mouth as he starts to scream and he winds up being dragged backward towards the road. In one last effort, he manages to rip himself loose, only to be tripped and wind up on the ground with a heavy boot pinning him down. Still fighting as he's yanked to his feet, the knuckles that slam into his face are enough to disorient him and the taste of blood enters his mouth. A blow to his eye would have sent him to the ground again had he not been caught and pulled again towards the van.

Back inside the barn, Mick takes his eyes off the arena to glance at his watch. He knew there'd been a line outside, but shouldn't Dylan have been back by now? If he left to look for him and Dylan came back, they could miss each other in this crowd. But then... Mick had a funny feeling that leaving his post would be the best option. He didn't think Dylan would run off from here but... maybe it would be better to be safe than sorry. Stacy hadn't wanted him to come with Dylan without anyone else, but he'd insisted on some alone time with his son. That didn't mean he wouldn't be cautions now though.

Making his way outside, he looks at the line to the food stand but doesn't find Dylan. Had he gone to the truck for something? Wandering around the corner of the barn to head for the pickup, Mick glances down the rows of vehicles, planning on going to the far side of the barn and then through the back to return to the arena. But halfway there, he stops dead in his tracks. Black van. Open door. Two thugs. And Dylan. Without even thinking, Mick breaks into a sprint. "Dylan!"

The two men look over their shoulders and pause, almost at the van. "Crap. It's Henson."

"What do we do?"

"Get the kid in the van. Finish the job."

Though they try to close the gap between them and the van, Dylan knew Mick was coming and he tries all the harder to break loose. Giving all he has, he kicks and yells and tries to rip his arms loose. Suddenly he's let go and he stumbles to his knees, realizing that Mick had just plowed into the larger of the two men. He really isn't sure what happens next, but looking up and squinting, he sees Mick giving the thugs a run for their money. Too weak to assist, all he can do is wait for the opportunity to trip one of the men and send him to the ground. It was enough to convince the men that this wasn't worth it anymore - they were creating a scene to which there were now many witnesses.

"Let's get out of here, come on!"

Holding himself on his hands and knees and trying just to breathe, Dylan sees the men make it to the van and speed off down the road.

Adrenaline still races through Mick's veins. He didn't even notice his cuts and bruises that he'd feel later. Heart pounding, he kneels next to Dylan, putting a hand on his back. "Dylan... Dylan, are you okay?"

Dylan isn't even sure. Turning so he could sit on the ground, it's only now that he realizes his hands are shaking. "I... I don't know. Who were those guys?"

Mick grits his teeth. Though he had no proof, he knew that this wasn't just some random kidnapping attempt. He could feel it to his very core. "Agency."

A chill runs down Dylan's spine and all of a sudden he starts to feel pain in his face and knees from where he'd been hit and had fallen. "I guess I'm an easy target," he mutters.

"Come on." Mick helps him to his feet. "Lets get out of here before anybody comes back and tries anything more stupid." There was no point in calling the police - not this time.

Dylan obeys and follows Mick closely until they reach the ranch truck. They'd be pulling home an empty trailer today and amongst everything else he was feeling, Dylan felt guilty. Sliding in the passenger side and buckling up, his eyes are downcast. "I'm sorry," he mumbles.

Mick lifts an eyebrow and starts the engine. "For what?"

"Ruining the day."

"Well it certainly wasn't your fault." Mick shakes his head in disgust. "It's the almighty, arrogant-" He bites his tongue from the names he was about to call the thugs. "You have nothing to be sorry for."

"You didn't get any horses."

"So?" Mick cocks his head and gives Dylan a once-over, noticing the grass-stained jeans, the bruises that were quickly forming on his face, and the split lip that was still bleeding. His tone softens a little. "Dylan..."

Dylan swallows hard but finally glances up. "What?"

"It's not. Your. Fault." Mick nods with emphasis. He wasn't really sure why Dylan was blaming himself for anything - it didn't seem to make much sense, but he didn't want his son to feel that way, no matter how silly it seemed to him. "I'm just glad I came when I did." He pulls a bandanna from his back pocket and gestures to Dylan's lip.

Dylan hadn't realized his lip was still bleeding until now when he licks it and tastes the blood. Accepting the bandanna, he puts it to his mouth before leaning his head against the window and turning his gaze away from Mick. Maybe it wasn't his fault. But there were far worse feelings than that... and he was feeling them now.

The lapse into silence makes Mick sigh but he pulls the pickup from their parking spot. Flexing his fingers, he knows they're going to be sore later, as would the rest of his body, probably. It used to be he could get in three brawls a day and hardly feel it. Not so anymore...

...Getting back to the ranch, Dylan insists he's fine and puts up such an argument that Mick doesn't make him go to Angel. The tension in the air was getting thicker and he really didn't want to make things worse. So he leaves Dylan to himself while he goes to the office to find Rosetta and let her know what happened, then to find Stacy.

Dylan trudges to the dining hall in search of some ice, not intending on seeing anyone, but it looked as though his bad luck was staying around.

"Dylan? Oh my goodness, what happened?" Jade had just come from cleaning one of the back rooms, and her eyes widen ad Dylan's appearance. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Dylan shoulders past her. "It was nothing."

"Nothing? You've got a huge black eye and your lip is all swollen... what happened?"

"What does it look like?"

"It looks like you've been in a fight."

Dylan keeps walking towards the kitchen and he waves a hand in the air. "Three points for the genius sister."

Jade's eyes narrow. "Very funny." She follows him, not yet giving up. "So how did it happen? Are you sure you're okay?"

Dylan stops in his tracks and spins around to glare his sister in the eye. "I said I was fine," he hisses. "Some guys thought they'd use me as a punching bag, alright? It doesn't matter how it happened - just leave me alone!"

Jade blinks as she watches Dylan go to the freezer and find some ice to put in a bag. She hadn't meant to nag... she only asked him questions because she cared. She bites her lip and turns to leave. She'd find out later, she guessed.

Dylan presses the cold pack to his eye and sighs deeply. Wandering into the living room area, he flops down on the couch and leans back, keeping the ice on his eye. He should go to his bunk, but he didn't feel like walking there right now.

A tear trickles down Cindy's face and she brushes it away angrily before setting her hands back on her keyboard. She hated this. She hated all of it.

My dearest Wes,
I'll soon be going to Nevada for a short while. I've received word from Rick at TJY that Jason is not improving - instead, it seems, he is growing worse. Rick and Misty are doing all they can, but it's not looking good. Unless they find a cure, Rick doesn't give Jason much more time to live. That is why I am going... to see my son for perhaps the last time. I will leave Kaylee at the ranch. I don't want to be separated from her, but I think it best for this trip. If you get this, please pray for me.
I love you and think of you every moment of every day.


Count on it

Letting out a long sigh Karla looks down at the paper for a long moment. She understood why the band would be moving forward with or without Kip. It wasn't like the band was trying to leave him in the dust, they were giving him a choose and he was just hanging in limbo. It made Karla sad because she new this was something Kip love. She could only hope telling him about the gig would get him motivated.

...Getting to Gram and Gramp's Karla enters without even knocking. She has learned quickly there was no need to knock anymore. Passing the living room she smiles and gives a little wave before heading up the steps a few slices of pizza from the brand practice in her hand.

Giving a knockComing to Kip's door Karla lets out a small sigh seeing it closed. It really didn't surprise her that it was. That was the normal now, the door wasn't locked but it was still closed to the world. on the door and than opening it Karla steps in.

"Hey Kip it's just me."

Entering and seeing Kip wasn't there Karla was a bit surprised but she new where else to look for him. Going back down the steps and heading out to the back porch Karla smile seeing him. Coming out and sitting on the top steps next to him she holds out the pizza.

"Figured I would bring you a few slices since there there was some extra. Everyone missed you today."

Taking the bowl of ice cream from Eli Ryan moves a little closer to Tal again folding her legs Indian style and leaning on him slightly. Hearing what Eli said about Alec she found it strange that Reese would call him, but Ryan figured it might be the only way a message about Alec would get to her.

"With any luck he wont be stupid that people are trying to help him and let them, but I wouldn't count on it."

Putting a spoon full of ice cream in her own mouth Ryan looks ahead at the TV. Nothing really good was on but it was something to focus on for the moment. She put up a good act of not caring to much what happened to Alec but deep down she really did wish he would smarten up. Not for her, but for himself. He really did have a lot to offer the world.

Finally looking to Eli and than to Tal she rolls her eyes a little bit. Maybe the conversation should move on? She wasn't sure if Tal and herself were more than friends but they have been spending lots of time together so talking about an ex was kind of strange.

"So, did you guys remember to pick up the movie or am I stuck watching one I've seen a million times?"


A right

Kyle sighs deeply, but he did respect Karla's response. "Yeah... I know it. It's just kinda hard when it's always a one-sided conversation." He purses his lips and shrugs. "I can try again though."

"And if he still doesn't give you an answer?" It was Erik who spoke this time.

Kyle looks his way, then back to Karla for a long moment, then back to Erik. "Then we continue with the forward momentum we've been provided."

Russ frowns. "I thought we weren't going to leave him behind."

"There's a difference between leaving a man behind when he's down, and moving on when a man refuses to make a choice." Kyle didn't want to be harsh, but to him, it was the truth. He was staring at a group of people whose futures were riding on this band's survival, and they were looking to him as their leader. If he held back because of Kip, he would potentially be holding back the futures of the entire band, and he couldn't do that.

"But if he doesn't come and we leave him in the dust, where's that leave us?" Russ shakes his head. "Where's the bass player then?"

"Well, it could be you, Erik or Twila, really. Or we find someone else. None of us want that, but Wayne and Jackie aren't gonna take "no" for an answer. If we back out of the gigs they line up because we don't have it together, they're gonna drop us. And if they drop us, then we all better start looking for jobs."

The final note is a grim one. Band meetings usually ended with laughter, so tonight, it felt strange. But as the gang splits up until the next day, not much more is said. Perhaps Kyle's own words didn't set right with him, but nobody argued or accused him of being too harsh. Tonight, they had begun to face reality.

Kip sits out on the back porch at Gram and Gramp's - his usual perch on the middle step with his legs stretched out across it. Leaning his head back against the railing, he could make out a few stars, and the moon shone brightly tonight. Things seemed a little dimmer than that in his soul though. If asked to describe the days lately, he might have said it was like wading through mud. It was slow... hard... and he seemed to be getting nowhere.

Readjusting his weight so his leg didn't fall asleep, he keeps his hands in his hoodie pocket and his hood up around his head to thwart the chilly night air. He didn't know what time it was, but he didn't really care. Time didn't seem to matter much lately.

An old man... Jason hadn't thought much about that until now when Katie mentioned it. He'd never had much use for looking that far into the future. Now though... it seemed ironic that he would want to become old.

Sighing, he lets his arms wrap around Katie and just hold her close. It was strange - it was almost as if he felt her tears more now than he could have when they were connected. Perhaps without feeling so many emotions all the time, his instincts had room to breathe again.

It was only a few more moments until Jason had drifted to sleep.

"Got a call from Reese today..." Eli hands a bowl of ice cream to Ryan and one to Tal on the couch. He picks up his own and settles into his chair before turning the movie back on. Scarlet was busy tonight, so it was the threesome again, which was growing more and more normal.

Eli eyes his sister but remains casual. "I guess Alec's got a hearing this week that'll probably help determine whether he'll walk or be put in the slammer for life."

Tal sucks on a spoonful of ice cream, remaining outside of the conversation, even though the corner of his eye kept watch on Ryan. Even if she and Alec weren't an item anymore, it probably didn't feel very good to her to hear about all this. Not that he blamed Eli - Ryan had a right to know.


Hearing that the band would be opening for another made Karla's heart race as she penciled them in one the little calendar they had to keep tract of practice, events, going to the recording studio. She felt excited for the band and couldn't wait. But as the attachen was reverted to her at the mention of Kip She could feel her cheeks turn a little warm. He was missing out on a lot, and no matter how hard she tried. She felt bad, and wished she could do more, but all she could do was just comfort him and be there.

"I'll let him know about the gig, and see if he is up for it, but really Kyle any more information than that you need to ask Kip yourself and not avoid it. He needs to tell you, not me and than have me relay it. I'd tell him the same thing too."

Karla really felt it was important for Kyle to go to Kip, or Kip to come to the band. To many lines could be crossed if there was a middle person and thats something she really didn't want out of respect for both of them. She just hope Kip would be ok, and he'd find his place again. There was so much talent there just waiting to burst forward it hurt to see him holding it all back.

Leaning her head into Jason's hand Katie just lets his skin drift over hers. The feeling of his soft finger tips brush over her skin. She loved the way his hands felt on her, the way let sent tingles all over her body. Looking deep into his eyes as his hands just seemed to sooth her Katie gave the best smile she could.

As Jason starts to talk again she could feel the tears automatically welling in her eyes a little. She tried to hold them at bay as much as she could. She didn't like thinking about life without Jason, and she wished he wasn't even talking like this right now.

"Well, you wont have to worry about it because Rick will find a cure, and you will be ok and go on to be an old man."

She new there was a chance Rick might now but Katie believed that he would, he had too. Rick couldn't let Jason give up, and couldn't give up on him either. There just had to be a cure...God couldn't let this be Jason's end.

Burying her head into Jason a little more so he couldn't see the tears that wanted to escape her eyes Katie held him close to her. They were right next to each other and she felt like she wasn't close enough to him. Time was to short and it just wasn't fair.



Kyle grins and gives Alice's hand a squeeze. He'd just brought her back to drop her off, but an impromptu trip for ice cream seemed to be a very good idea. "That sounds great."

He leans over and gives her lips a long, tender kiss. "You always have the great ideas... especially those involving sugar."

Laughing, he turns the engine back on again and pulls out once more. On the way, maybe he'd swing by the little park where he'd spent hours as a little kid, and where he'd received his first skinned knee after falling off a swing...

...It would be much later when the band would gather at Erik and Theo's apartment. On nights they couldn't actually practice because of the other tenants, they always wound up talking about new songs, what they would change about such-and-such song, how they'd arrange things onstage... the list went on. They couldn't help it - the band was their love... their lives.

"Oooh, we get to open for Skyline?" Theo's eyes widen. "That's awesome! I mean, we've had fun at these few little parties and charities, but this will be an actual concert!"

"Way cool." Russ nods his approval. "All we gotta do is impress the right person sometime and wham! We'll be outta here!"

Kyle grins and leans back in the corner of the couch with Alice. "Yeah, I thought it sounded pretty good myself. Wayne seemed pleased. Might not be huge to him, but it is for us."

Twila claps her hands. "Getting onstage is gonna feel great."

Kyle's fingers absentmindedly toy with Alice's on his lap. "There's just... one problem."

Erik was the first to know what he was talking about, and his shoulders drop a little. "Kip."

All eyes seem to automatically turn in Karla's direction. Kyle gives her the best kind of smile he can. He'd called her specifically tonight to come. He usually didn't... Wayne and Jackie were handling any engagements and business deals until they got a fuller schedule, and Karla didn't have a whole lot to do with managing, per say. Technically, it was Wayne and Jackie's job right now, though the whole band knew that once they started having an actual schedule, they'd be relying on Karla to keep them all straight and going in the right direction. So tonight, Kyle's reason for wanting her there was two-fold. First, he respected her and wanted her in on anything happening. And second, she was the open door to Kip.

"I... didn't bother calling Kip yet," Kyle admits to her. "He's been avoiding band meetings and I was pretty sure he'd turn down this one too. I... we... need to find out what Kip's plans really are. We all want him here, as you well know. But he won't talk to the rest of us about anything but the weather, it seems." He sighs, but retains his smile. "Would you mind letting him know we've got this gig coming up and... find out if he's on board or not?"

"I'm okay." Jason really was... he wasn't good, but he'd had worse days too. His eyes study Katie's, remembering what it felt like to see them, fall into them, and feel her little tugs on his emotions to make him laugh.

Lifting a hand, he brushes her hair aside and cradles her face tenderly. "Rick was here to check on me and make sure everything was alright." He was so tired right now... his body wanted to sleep so badly, but his mind fought against it.

"Katie..." His tone was soft, but serious. "If... if Rick can't find a cure in time..." He knew she wouldn't want him talking like this, but he had to. They had to face reality, and he needed to say things in case he didn't get another chance. "...I couldn't bear the thought of you giving up."

The back of his hand strokes her cheek softly. "I might be new to God's family... but if there's one thing I've learned... it's that we're here for more than just the people we meet along the way. I know you love me and I know you don't want me gone. But God didn't make you just so you could love me then lose out and quit. He made you for more than that."

Jason pauses as wave of pain spiders through his body and he tries not to let it show. "We're here for God's purpose, not ours. Joy can be found in any situation - even this one." His voice starts to crack and he swallows hard, trying to maintain control. "Please... promise me you won't give up... promise me that when I'm gone you won't stop living. The world needs you... God has a bigger plan for you. Please... don't give up."

Susanne nods thoughtfully. "Yeah. I know he did some bad things, but... I still thinks he deserves another chance. If he would just... let someone in." She sighs. "I guess we've given him a choice though, and if he chooses not to accept the help, then we just have to know we did everything we could."

She shrugs and turns to leave, knowing she had a lot of work to catch up on before she left at five. And she was leaving at five, for sure, since she had a date with Chuck tonight, and he was picking her up at her house at six. There was no way she was going to let Reese make her work late tonight.



Looking to Kyle Alice felt so bad for him. His heart was so big, and he worried about Kip she could just see it in his eyes when he talked about him. They were all worried but there was only so much they could do. Alice wished there was more, but what?

"Part of the adventure is not always seeing how clear the path is. But the comforting part is that God is hour tour guide as long as we let him be."

Reaching over and taking Kyle's hand in her own Alice just smiles looking over at him. Things were rough and the path was unclear, but it was one they would face together and things would work out.

"How about we grab some ice cream an than take it from there? The sugar might help."

Just cuddling even close to Jason soaking in his warmth trying to chase the small chill from her bones Katie gives a small smile to Jason as she runs one of her hands through his hair, the other still wrapped around him.

"Con and I went out to lunch this afternoon and I was missing you so I asked him to drop me off here. I just wanted to spend some time with you. "

Nuzzling her head into Jason a little Katie lifts her head and gives Jason a soft kiss on the lips before leaning her head down on the pillow again. Her own eyes felt so heavy but she forced them to stay open so she could continue to see Jason, and just study his face.

"So how are you feeling today?"

Looking up from her desk as Susanna enters again Misty's can't help he sly smile that spread across her face. She new she broke the rules, but it wouldn't be the first time she had done that and she was sure it wouldn't be the last.

"If all that came out of this was Alec being happy for a moment having those cookies and knowing we cared than I would say its a mission complete."

Misty leans her chin on her hands and looks at Susanne again before giving a laugh on her comment about the brothers. It was kind of funny to think how alike Alec and Carson really were.

"I hope they can keep him out of prison too. He really does deserve more than that."

Quite something

"Yeah... goodnight, Stacy." Eric gives her a little nod and even a little tip of his hat.

Left alone, he looks back up at the moon again, just standing there for several minutes. Finally though, he heads for his bunkhouse. The encounter with Stacy had been unexpected, but now that the ice was broken, maybe he had one less thing to be stressed about. And her daughter... well... Ashlee had done a good job at being a bright spot in his day, and he had to admit that.

Seeing Misty intentionally knock her coffee over, Susanne's eyes widen. Then she realizes what's going on and a scheming smile curls her lips. Following Misty out into the hall, she nonchalantly slips by as Misty stops to talk with Hal. Getting to the stairwell, she waits until she knows the coast is clear before going the rest of the way down.

Hal gives Misty a look that clearly states, "You've got to be kidding me," but he simply sighs. Rising from his chair, he shakes his head. "You know... one of these days nobody's gonna be allowed to have coffee at their desks and it will all be your fault." He shakes a finger at her. "The third time, I'm gonna say you gotta go clean that thing up yourself."

He smirks and heads for the infirmary. Though his tone was stern, it was obvious that he wasn't all that upset, and Misty had him wrapped around her little finger anyway.

Downstairs, Susanne makes her way quickly to he holding cell where Alec was still kept. Since he'd been put in there, he hadn't been out once that she knew of. Knowing the code to get in, she punches the numbers and waits for the door to unlock. When she slips inside, she finds Alec sitting back in the corner of his cot with his knees tucked up to his chest. The look in his eye would be one Susanne would interpret as forlorn... but he'd never admit to that. "Hi, Alec."

Alec's eyebrows rise. "Did they change tactics or what? Sending the woman to break the prisoner now?"

Susanne rolls her eyes. "Can you really see me interrogating someone?"


She gives him a wry grin, then approaches him slowly. "I, um... made some cookies. I thought you might like some." She holds out the bag.

Alec stares at it but doesn't take it yet. "What's the catch?"

"No catch. Just thought you might enjoy them. I know you probably still can't taste an awful lot, but they have quite a bit of chocolate in them so I think you'll be able to taste them. If not, you'll at least get a sugar high."

Alec blinks. Cookies? From Susanne? With no catch? "Nobody but Hal, Reese and Justin are allowed in here. If it wasn't their idea for some sort of bribe, how'd you get down here under the radar?"

Susanne chuckles. "Misty's providing Hal with a nice distraction."

"Misty is a distraction."

"Oh is that a fact?" Susanne bites her lip, trying not to laugh. "Is it her looks or the fact that she doesn't take crap from anybody?"

The corner of Alec's mouth twitches. "Yes." Sitting up a little straighter, he takes the bag of cookies and looks inside. There were way more than any one man needed to eat. Not that he was going to complain.

Susanne lets the quiet linger for a moment before clasping her hands and sighing. "She said to tell you she'd been thinking about you, too."

Alec's eyes shoot back up. His mouth opens for a smart remark, but for some reason, any comment failed to reach the surface. Maybe it was because knowing that meant too much to him for him to make a joke or disrespect it. "Oh."

Susanne smiles. "I gotta get out of here before Hal gets back to his post. Who knows... more goodies might come your way again sometime."

Only after she leaves does Alec try one of the cookies. He couldn't taste it in full, but the soft texture and gooey chocolate was enough to make him eat slowly, savoring the rare treat. Susanne and Misty, huh? Susanne always had a soft spot, and Misty... she was one of the few who had been kind to him. Surely none of that could ever be regained though, no matter if he tried to avoid prison or not... right?

Making it back upstairs without having been caught, Susanne goes back to her office until she knows Hal is back at his post. Then she returns to the infirmary. Going back over to Misty's desk, she gives her a thumbs up. "Thanks. I think Alec appreciated the cookies. Didn't get much out of him, other than he thinks you're quite something."

She grins. "Apparently brothers share tastes. At least we know now he's still human. I just hope Angelica and Reese can keep him out of prison."

Realizing it was Katie who was here, Jason tries to pry his eyes open all the way and at least look halfway alert for her. He didn't need to though... as she lies on the bed with him, he knows he's not expected to get up yet.

Shifting so he can put his arms around her too, he pulls her even closer and kisses the top of her head. "I missed you too. What are you doing back so early?"

"Maybe." Kyle wasn't convinced about any incentive for Kip. He really didn't know what to do with their younger friend. He was so good at what he did, but had had so many setbacks. Even so, the rest of the band really had expected him to bounce back by now... but he hadn't.

Kyle could understand the problems with concentrating - he could certainly relate. He knew it had been a bit embarrassing for Kip, but he also thought that problem had been solved - or at least under control. It would always plague Kip but it had really seemed he'd figured out how to get by and find what he needed to do in order to stick with the band. Kyle still believed that under the surface, Kip had a streak of musical genius, but it just hadn't blossomed yet.

Of course, then there was the whole thing with Kip's dad that really seemed to be the last straw. It was something that still sent pangs to Kyle's heart. Did Kip need some real help? Did he need someone to really talk to and help him through? Was the band enough? Was Karla enough? Or was he crying out for help but no one knew? Or did Kip just need a kick in the seat of his pants to snap out of it? It was hard to tell. Even Erik seemed at a loss for ideas.

Kyle sets his gaze back on Alice and forces a smile to the surface. "Thanks. I know it'll work out. I just wish I knew what that looked like. Having it work out might mean something completely different... not having this band make it at all. Or having it work out might mean we make it big." He shrugs. "I just wish I knew what God had in mind."

He gives a light laugh. "Though I guess knowing that would take the adventure out of it, huh?"


Keep Believing

Continuing to look at the sky Stacy lets out a small sigh. It was peaceful here and even more so at night. Though dangers did lurk, it was just like a simple soft blanket covered the ranch to keep it protected from the dangers outside.

Looking to Eric again Stacy just study's him for a long moment. There was a sadness about him, maybe it was a loneliness she noticed and it made her wonder. The words he spoke seemed to prove it even more, and listen even closer maybe to her they seemed to hit home as well.

" You didn't interrupt my rounds, you'er just keeping me on my toes. I want everyone to keep up what they normally do so don't think you need to stay out of my way. The last thing I want to do is change things around here. I am just over seeing and being another set of eyes when others are busy."

Straightening a little and letting out a long sigh Stacy give Eric one more glace and smiles to herself still thinking he was rather handsome. Turning a little she gives a nod before departing for the night.

"Thank you for the chat, it was nice. Hope to see you again soon Eric. Goodnight."

As they pull up to Jason's Katie looks to Con and does her best to smile. Things were hard, being on the antidote sucked but she did her best to just accept that it could be worse. So right now she really had no right to complain.

"Thanks Con, I will remember. Tell Jamie I said Hi and tomorrow I'll finish my work."

Reaching over and giving Con a hug Katie gives a nod before leaving the car and making her way up the sidewalk to Jason's. Getting to the door and finding it locked Katie pulls her keys out and unlocks it before stepping inside. Knowing Trooper was inside Kaite moves slow not watching to startle him.

"J, it's Katie. Hey Trooper where is Jason huh boy?"

Looking in the living room and not seeing him there Katie makes her way through the house looking for him before heading to his room. Entering and seeing Jason laying on the bed Katie just watchs him for a moment.

"Hey Babe."

Entering a little more and coming to the bed Katie sinks down on it without saying anything more. Crawling onto the bed and wrapping her arms around Jason Katie burys her head into his neck and gives it a soft kiss just holding him for a long moment.

"I missed you J."

Looking up as Susanne as she places the package on her desk Misty gives a small grin hearing what it was. She loved how big Susanne's heart was and that she cared so much. Misty had wanted to go see Alec herself but she new alone it just wouldn't work. But maybe even if she could get Susanne down there it would be enough to feel like she did something too.

"Mmm...I think I could help you out. But you'd have to move quick and not stay to long. Tell Alec said I've been thinking about him too."

Setting her coffee on the edge of her desk Misty bumps it with her arm to send it over the edge and onto her old printer. If she was frantic enough one might believe her story. Giving a wink to Susanne Misty stands and heads out of the infirmary.

"Crap, crap...this is not good. Hal...Hal."

Getting to the security room Misty knocks on the door and than opens it. Seeing Hal she enters a little ways before bringing her hands up a little.

"Hal I spilled Coffee on my printer and its all over the place. Can you come and dry it off, and take it apart to dry it off for me like you did the last time?"

Misty new this would keep Hal busy at least for a half hour so, so Susanne could go down chat, give Alec the cookies and come back up in good time.

Alice can't help but laugh as she hears Kyle's story about the ice cream. It was great being shown the places Kyle went as a kid and hearing story's about his past. It was something Alice really did enjoy it.

As Kyle's phone rang Alice just continued to look out the windows and enjoy the view. Though her ears perked up a little bit when hearing it was Wayne on the other end. The band had been practicing and everyone was being very pashent with Kip, now she wondered though how long would they wait for him. She new the band would wait, but the record company she wondered about.

Once Kyle hands up the phone Alice says nothing right away. She new in his time he would tell her she wasn't going to rush him..but the look on his face did say it was something important. As Kyle first speaks Alice can't help the little bit of her own joy well inside of her. Having there first gig was a good thing.

"Oh Kyle thats great."

Than hearing Kyle's worry about the bass Alice did understand some of his own fear. He was right, it had been a while since Kip had joined them and no one really heard from him either. It was sad, and it was hard to know there friend was slipping away from them. Alice was happy Karla was there for Kip. At least he had someone who could get through to him but still it made Alice sad.

"Maybe we could stop and see Kip and tell him about the gig. It would be a maybe an intensive for him, or at least something to motivate him. Maybe thats all he really needs?"

Letting out a sigh Alice turns to Kyle a little bit. She felt bad, and wish she had the answers, but all they could really do was pray about it. Kyle had the biggest heart of anyone she new so this had to be even harder on him.

"Its gonna work out Kyle. Some how its going to work out. We just have to keep believe it will."

More chances

"Mm." Eric nods thoughtfully, his eyes finally shifting towards the ground. "Yeah... having a good place to grow up... most people take things like that for granted."

Lifting his face, he looks up at the bright moon. "I guess we take a lot of things in this life for granted," he muses thoughtfully. His tone is quieter. "Maybe we get more chances at things than we even realize... if we just open our eyes to see them."

On a usual day, perhaps he would have found his words too deep. He would have laughed them off, and maybe even would have been embarrassed. But tonight... the still of the dark night and the melancholy he was feeling were enough to thwart his normal reaction. Tonight, his words rang with too much truth for his own heart that was seeking answers. A shooting star rockets across the sky and Eric sighs deeply.

Bringing his train of thought back on track, his eyes lower to Stacy again. "Sorry I disrupted your nightly rounds. I should be out of your way for the rest of the night."

Con refrains from another sigh, and he nods. He reaches over and brushes some of Katie's tears from her face. "Yeah, I can drop you off so you can be with him. I'll make sure your car gets to his place after work, too."

Moving back over to his side of the table, he picks at his food for a little while longer, trying to come up with some more cheerful things to talk about - church, the nice weather, the suspicion that Susanne had a boyfriend and the other day when Hope brought Domino who escaped and ran all over TJY just for the fun of it. The chitchat was a good time filler too, and only when Con is confident that Jason would be alone back at the house, does he get ready to leave.

Getting to Jason's house, Con pulls up to the curb and offers Katie a warm smile. "Hang in there, Kat. Don't hesitate to call me or Jamie if you need anything."

Inside, Jason was still in bed, still stuck between awake and asleep. He thinks he hears a familiar vehicle, and Trooper goes out of the room to investigate, but Jason doesn't bother getting up. He could act strong in front of people, but when he was alone... it seemed any strength he had left just fell apart. It just felt like fighting wasn't worth it anymore.

Rolling over onto his side, his hand lies open and he looks at his scarred palm. Is that all that would be left when this thing was over? Scars to remember the nightmares? Is that all Katie would have left? Just a mark that would forever be a reminder of the pain? He hates the Agency even more.

Susanne slips into the infirmary, making sure no one had seen her, or what she was carrying. Quietly going over to Misty's desk, she reveals a little paper bag. "I made some cookies... and I want to give some to Alec," she whispers. "How do I get past Hal? I know they said we can't see Alec or anything but..." The look in her eye was one of pity. "I just think if he knew someone still cared, he might..." She shrugs. "Maybe it's silly, but I want to do it anyway. I just don't know how without Hal confiscating these."

"So that... is the ice cream shop where I dropped my cone and screamed my fool head off." Kyle grins at Alice as he drives across town after having shown her two more placed he'd frequented when younger. "From what they tell me," he concludes. "I don't have any memory of the event and thankfully, I was only three at the time."

Turning right after stopping at an intersection, his grin widens. "Not that I wouldn't scream my fool head off now if the same thing happened today. I might just-" He's interrupted by his ringing cell phone and he fishes it from his pocket, glancing at the number while still watching the road. "Yeah, this is Kyle. Oh, hi, Wayne." He gives Alice a sidelong glance. "Really?" His eyebrows rise. "Well yeah, of course." He chuckles. "Yes, Karla holds the official calendar, but last I looked, it was empty."

Steering towards Alice's place, he continues to listen. "Mm-hmm. Um, well..." He taps the steering wheel as he thinks. "No, no, we'll do it. I'm sure he'll be on board. He just, um... it's..." Kyle sighs. "Yes, I understand. We all do. One way or another, we'll make it happen.... Yeah, thanks, Wayne. See you soon."

Flipping his phone shut and tucking it back in his pocket, he doesn't tell Alice what it was about just yet. Instead, he remains quiet until he's pulled into the parking lot at Alice's apartment. Cutting the engine, he doesn't get out right away but just plays with his keys. He gives a short laugh and shakes his head. "You'd think I'd be more excited to hear the band has its first gig."

He turns his gaze to Alice and lets his eyes join hers. "Wayne said we get to open for a band in two weeks - sounds like it'll be a good entrance for us... big enough to get some attention but small enough we can handle it. But..." He sighs again. "Without a bass player, we're not gonna get very far."

Kip hadn't been to a practice in weeks, and as far as anyone knew, he rarely got out of the Gram and Gramps, except a couple times with Karla - she was the only one he let close to him lately.

Kyle bites his lip. "What are we gonna do, Pepper? We all agreed we wouldn't move on without Kip, but... if we start saying no to gigs before we even have a lineup... we'll have wasted a lot of people's time... including all ours."



Feeling Con's arms around her Katie just sinks into him. He was a big fluffy teddy bear, and just feeling his strength around her just made her fell sheltered from the world that was pounding on her door. Con always had a way of doing that.

Giving a sniff and whipping away some of her tears Katie does her best to try and control herself. Everything just seemed to pile up and just the thought of losing and knowing it was coming close was just so hard for her.

"No, I don't think there is anything you can do Con. It's only about time right now, and waiting to see if Rick will find a cure or not."

Sitting up again and looking to her food again Katie's apatite seemed to be gone now. Looking to Con Katie does her best to give him a smile not wanting to make him to much more worried than she new he already was.

"Well, maybe there is one thing but its only something small. On the way back do you think you could drop me off at Jason's? I'd really like to spend some time with him for the rest of the day. I think Reese would understand too."

As Jade leans on him Dan can't help but wrap his arm over her shoulders and holds her close to him. It seemed so natural to do that now, like he had been for years, and years. It was such a good feeling too that Dan tried to keep her close whenever he could.

As Jade pops up thought and he hears about the ice Dan can't help but laugh. He found it rather amusing to say the least. Not to mention seeing Dylan and Jade joking around together was nice, and hearing about there old times even better.

"Well thanks for that tip Dylan. Now if Jade falls asleep on me while we are watching a movie I'll know what to do."

Dan gives Jade a sidelong glance and a wink showing he was kidding even if he did think it would be rather funny to see her reaction. He's never be that mean to poor Jade. Glancing back over to Dylan and Ashlee he can't help but smile himself. He liked hanging out with Dylan and being friends but it was nice to see someone a little closer to his age being around him too.

As Dylan skips over her Ashlee's eyes grow wide as she looks to him. A completely fake shocked look on her face not being able to believe he had just done that. Giving him a little shove with her shoulder Ashlee can't help the smile.

"Well than, next time we play so expect me to take it easy on you."

Giving another laugh Ashlee gives a stretch and a yawn to go along with it. It had been a long but fun night and it was slightly past her bed time but she had been having way to much fun to have called it quits yet. Just this last game, than she would head to bed.

Stacy a thoughtful nod as she turns a little bit and looks across the yard where the lights in the dinning hall were still on. Eric was right, this was a great place to be at and though Stacy had only been here a short while she could already feel the love these people had for each other, and everything around them.

"Well I am happy to be here and to help. Not to mention I think it was good Ashlee came here too. In a way I think she needed this, so she could remember what being a kid is, and able to live her childhood while she is still young."

Breaking her gaze from the building Stacy looks back to Eric again locking eyes with his. They seemed so deep and in the moonlight the took on another color, one that just seemed alluring. She hadn't noticed his eyes before but now that she had it was just to hard to look away.

Always nice

Eric glances down at Stacy's outstretched hand, then back up to her face. The way the light reflected of her cheeks was quite becoming - the shadows placed perfectly along each soft edge. His eyes meet hers for a moment. They'd already met. They'd already shook hands. But perhaps tonight they really were meeting each other for the first time.

Finally, he accepts her handshake. His rough palm envelopes her hand and he grips with a strong touch but not harsh. It was a grip that could be as hard as steel, trained to control a wild mustang... and it was a hand that could be as soft as silk, trained to soothe a horse's spirit.

Perhaps he allows the handshake to linger longer than necessary before he withdraws. "Eric Henson. Nice to meet you, Stacy." His eyes were still on hers. It wasn't a challenging stare, but it was one that he had chosen not to back down from first. There was depth in those moonlit eyes... there was a story behind the sparkling gaze that Eric couldn't quite see. But he knew now there was more than just a tough cop out to get anybody who she thought crossed the line.

"It's hard not to love it here," he agrees. His hands go back to his pockets. "A place like this... sorta just grows on a person." And yet he'd spent the majority of his time on the road. Perhaps he loved it here so much that he didn't want to be a detriment, so staying away had been his way of helping. He was just a dumb truck driver. What did he really have to offer here?

"I'm sure your presence has helped ease some minds around here," he concludes. "Always nice to have another someone on our side."

Being teased back by Ashlee felt different. Dylan wasn't sure why, but maybe it was just the simple fact that he hadn't had much good clean fun in a while. Being with his family... then being in this setting... he just wasn't used to it. But he had to admit to himself that it did feel kinda good. Sticking his tongue out at Ashlee, he finds he is in fact able to play the Draw 4 he'd been holding on to, as payback. While at times that move might make the battle more fierce, for some reason, this time it just serves to create more laughter at the table.

The evening carries on and one by one, players begin to drop out as they start to call it a night. Eventually, it's just Jeff, Jade and Dan, Dylan and Ashlee - though Jade begins to yawn.

"UNO." Jade stifles yet another yawn as she plays her next to the last card. She leans her head on Dan's shoulder, careful not to look at his cards.

"Whoa! No falling asleep on the job," Jeff chides.

"Won't do any good to tell her that." Dylan nods with authority on the subject. "Only way to keep her awake is to put ice down her shirt."

Jade's head snaps up. "One time! One time! And it's following me the rest of my life!"

Dylan comes close to a grin again as he looks at Jeff. "She fell asleep right in the middle of a board game. Couldn't believe it. So what else could a little brother do?" He shrugs. "The ice worked. She upset the whole board so we had to start over, but hey, it woke her up."

Jeff laughs and shakes his head. "I believe it." Lifting his cup, he sighs. "Aw... the coffee is gone. I said when I ran out, I'd go to bed."

"In your wired state?"

"I'm always wired." That was quite the opposite of the truth, but sometimes Jeff liked to ignore his poor health and just pretend he was invincible again. He taps his palm on the table. "Come on. Somebody win so this old man can go to bed."

Dylan tosses down a Skip. "Well, it isn't gonna be Ashlee. Sorry." His eyes give her a sidelong glance.

Watching Dylan and Ashlee, Jade can't help her little smile. Her brother was actually engaging in the activity and Ashlee was cute the way it seemed she'd taken to him. Jade could be mistaken, but it seemed to her that the younger girl might just have a bit of a crush on Dylan. At least Dylan didn't seem to mind, and, on the contrary, was responding well to the open friendship that was obviously being offered. And at this point, seeing Dylan interested in anything at all was an improvement.

Seeing Katie's tear broke Con's heart. He wished he had an answer. He wished he could fix things for his friends. He and Jason had been the best of friends for a long time... and reality was starting to hit him too... and he didn't like it either. Even so, he knew that what he was feeling was only a part of what Katie did. She was losing her love... a chunk of her life.

Abandoning his food, Con slides out from the table only to turn and slide back in to Katie's booth. Putting an arm around her, he envelopes her in a hug. "Jase is gonna be okay," he reasons softly. "One way or the other." Maybe that thought wasn't comforting to her, but it was to him. Whether Jason got well here, or whether God took him, he would be okay. It was just the thought of having a great big hole here that hurt so much.

As he can feel a burning behind his own eyes, Con gives Katie an extra little squeeze. "What can I do for you? How can I help?"

Rick knocks on the front door and hears a low bark but nothing else. "Hotshot?" he calls and knocks again. He tests the doorknob. Locked. He'd try to make his own way in if it weren't for the big dog he knew was waiting on the other side. He got along with Trooper, and the dog wasn't vicious but Rick didn't want to surprise him either. "Jase?" he calls again. Finally he hears foosteps and the door being unlocked.

Jason looks out at Rick a bit drowsily, his red eyes proving he'd been asleep. He pushes the screen door open, not even questioning why Rick was there. "Hey."

"Hi." Rick enters the house and gives Trooper some scratching behind the ears. "I, um... well, I heard that... it..."

"Con talked to you." Jason turns and limps back to the living room. It was all very obvious. He'd gotten quite sick earlier that morning and he knew that Con would tell Rick about it. Easing down on the couch, he puts his foot up on the coffee table, slaps the ice pack on his knee and leans back, closing his eyes. Hearing Rick join him, he doesn't open his eyes but simply holds out his arm, inside up, knowing that an injection was coming.

Rick sighs. "Am I that predictable?" Not receiving a response, he simply administers the antidote. He'd taught Katie how to do it so he wasn't needed every day, but today he wanted the opportunity to check out everything himself.

Jason doesn't even flinch as the needle pricks him. "Where's Katie?"

"At lunch with Con."


"Yeah." Rick knew he couldn't lie to Jason so there was no point in trying. He sits sideways on the couch and just looks at his young friend for several moments. "I didn't want her to know I was here and worry her."

"She'll know - you gave me the antidote."

"Yeah, but at least it will be after the fact." Rick picks up his bag and finds the pain medication. "How's the knee?"


"Anything else?"

Jason finally opens his eyes and lets his head turn to Rick. "Everything."

Rick had been afraid of that. "Like what?"

"I ache from my head to my toes. I have a splitting headache that won't go away. I got stomach cramps so bad that I don't even want to eat. Even my teeth seem to hurt." Jason shifts his gaze to the blank television. "Want me to go on?"

Rick hated hearing it, but he needed to know. "Yes."

"All my joints hurt... and this morning I woke up with chest pains."

Another sigh comes and Rick nods. It wasn't going to get any easier than all this. "Jase, I... we could make you more comfortable if you'd be willing to take a room up at the hospital."

Jason swallows hard. "No."

"But it might buy us some time and I could get you on an IV and something stronger to help with the pain and-"

"I don't want to die in a hospital." Though Jason's words were quiet, they were enough to cut Rick off. Jason fingers a loose thread on the couch cushion. "Please don't make me die in a hospital bed with white walls, loud doctors and people crying over me."

Rick holds his emotions in check. "You're not going to die."

"Rick, it's-"

"We're going to fight it. We're going to find the answer, and you're going to live." Rick grits his teeth. "If it's the last thing I do, Jason, I swear I'm going to find the cure."

Jason turns his head and gives him a defeated gaze. "You and I both know I don't have much time left. How about just letting me have some peace, huh?"

"But..." Rick's shoulders drop as he stares back at Jason's pale face. He really couldn't blame him and he knew it. If he was in Jason's position, he might argue for the very same reasons, and if he did, he would want others to treat him with enough respect to leave him be. But that didn't make this any easier. Rick hands Jason a thermometer. "At least let me check you over so I can document the progression."

That, he would do. Jason takes the thermometer and pops it in his mouth under his tongue. If Rick found a cure after he was gone, then maybe it would help someone else down the line or even help in some way with Katie...

...Left alone again in the quiet house, Jason lies in bed where Rick had convinced him to go. He'd managed to keep down a piece of toast and a little bit of juice but that was it. He did have a fever now, a sign that infection was spreading. The pain meds had kicked in and were helping a little bit, but not enough to help him stay comfortable. No matter which way he tossed or turned, the only thing he wanted was to curl up next to Katie... to feel her fingers run through his hair... to listen to her soft hum... to hear her soothing heartbeat. And yet it was Katie that this thing was hurting the most.

Tears sting Jason's eyes before he buries his face in his pillow. And for the millionth time, he asks God why.


I sure wouldn't

Seeing Eric give her his own once over she new she had been caught in doing the same thing and she can't help the little bit of color that crawled up her neck. But as fast as it came it went too and another smile was replaced on her face.

"If I thought that was your best than I sure wouldn't want to see you at your worst."

Humor dances in Stacy's eyes for a quick moment showing she was teasing him and rather enjoying it as well. Maybe there was something different about him and what she saw on the road was just a bad day. Time would tell if there was another softer side to this man.

Holding out her hand to Eric Stacy tilts her head a little into the moonlight just letting the rays wash over her. It was enough light to see but as the same time cast shadows that just seemed to accent everything in the right areas.

"I'm Stacy Cullen. New to the ranch, but so far loving it. It's nice to meet you."

Ashlee leans back in her chair and laughs again breathing in deep. Her side were starting to hurt but it just didn't seem to matter. There was to much fun going on to really care, even if it meant tomorrow being sore would be even worse.

"For an invalid you sure do know how to get around. I'll hand that to you. I've never broken anything but if I did I'm not to sure what I would do. I like being out and about to much to just sit."

Hearing Jeff call Uno Ashlee's eyes widen a little bit but a wave of releaf washes over her as Jade throws down the reverse and Jeff picks up. The game was still on, no one had one yet, though now she new that Dylan's draw four was coming her way not too.

"Yeah, good block Jade."

As Dylan blames her for the trouble being started Ashlee stops talking and just looks at him for a long moment. A grin toying at the side of her mouth as she tried her best to hide it. Not being able to hold it anymore the grin breaks forth as Ashlee gives a little wake to Dylan's shoulder.

"Me, start trouble. Look at this face, does it really look like I was capable of that?"

Ashlee gives a little bat of her eyes as she continues to look at Dylan. Ok maybe she had started it a little but it was still funny to pretend she hadn't. Looking back to the game she quick gives Dylan a glance followed by a wink and than plays a card.

Taking a sip of her drink and thinking for a long moment Katie ponders Con's question. She could give her normal I'm ok like she did everyone else but what was the point? Con new her better than that and it would be an insult to him. That was really something Katie didn't want to do. But how was she really feeling? That was a question Katie didn't even know the answer for sure.

"Oh, thats a loaded question I guess. I'm ok to an existent and than past that I'm stressed, tired, and just want everything to be ok again."

Katie lets out a long sigh as she picks up a fry and drags it through some ketchup. She new it would be a while till everything would be ok...if it ever would be. She didn't like thinking about it not being ok, and what would happened if Rick couldn't fix things. Katie new that if it was Jason's time than it was in God's will but still it was a hard thing to except.

"I just want him to be ok again ya know. Even if that meant being on the antidote for the rest of our lives I would be ok with that as long as Jason was ok."

A small tear formed in Katie's eye as it rolled down her cheek. She often wondered now if they had stayed on the antidote and not made Jason go off it, if things would be different. She couldn't blame herself and she new that but it was a what if she often though about anyways.

Not my best

Slightly startled by the female voice behind him, Eric turns, only to be met by the flashlight beam. He holds his hands out to the sides in submission and squints in the bright light until Stacy lowers it. His expression was one of wry amusement. No, he wouldn't want to be a real prowler around here - he'd be dead meat for sure.

If it had been a week prior, Stacy's comment about the ticket would have irritated him. But tonight it simply brings a sheepish grin to his lips, his nose scrunching a little as he cringes. "I suppose I deserved that," he muses ruefully. "As far as the sound of my walk goes, don't get too used to it. I like to change my rhythm every now and again just to throw people off." His eyes were the only thing that revealed he was teasing.

Studying Stacy for a moment, one of his eyebrows lifts a little. Had she just given him a once-over? Again, what would have been irritating not that long ago, now made him feel rather amused. She was going to be living here whether he liked it or not. She was a part of this ranch now, whether he liked it or not. And today... as the feeling of defeat continued to rise within him... it just wasn't worth the fight to try and be at odds. So she'd given him a ticket. Who cared? It had been his fault to begin with and she'd only been doing her job. Him trying to avoid her lately really was pretty childish now that he thought about it.

His mouth opens for an apology but instead, it seemed Stacy was pretty close to an apology herself. Folding his arms, he cocks his head, letting some moonlight below the brim of his hat. Purposefully giving her once-over, he makes it obvious that he's returning her own stare she'd given him. A low chuckle surfaces. "Yeah... I don't got a reason to want things awkward either."

Letting his arms fall so he could put his hands in his pockets, he shifts his weight a little. "I suppose a man ain't got a right to disrespect a woman - let alone a woman with authority." Let alone a woman who was attractive as she, though that was something he wouldn't dare voice. "I guess maybe we got started out on the wrong foot." His crooked grin returns. "But I think it was mostly my fault. You haven't exactly seen me at my best."

Looking to Ashlee, Dylan feigns shock that she would want to get back at him in the game. The twitch at the corner of his mouth evolves into almost a full grin before he hides it again and sends an elbow her way instead. "Be nice... I'm an invalid here, remember?"

"Invalid?!" Jade's jaw drops and she threatens to whack his ankle that sat up beside her.

Dylan automatically flinches, then throws her a smirk. "Watch it."

"Or what?"

"Or I'll..." He really wasn't in a position to be making threats at all. Swinging his gaze back over to Ashlee, he nods. "Or I'll sic this firecracker on you."

"UNO!" Jeff waves his single card in the air. "Does anybody care?"

Jade gasps and throws down a Reverse, which forces Jeff to draw cards instead of playing his last. "Blame it on Dylan. He's stirring up all the trouble."

"Me?!" He leans over and shoves Ashlee playfully with his shoulder. "It's all her, I'm telling ya."

Con smiles as Katie takes her arm, and he leads the way outside. He lets her pick where to go eat, and it doesn't take long to be sitting down and eating their lunch.

Munching on a frenchfry, and after some smalltalk about nothing very important, he cocks his head, just studying Katie. It was nice to spend some time with his "little sister." It seemed they rarely got to see each other anymore other than just saying hi at work. A benefit was her sensitivity to him not hearing well and he could always count on her speaking up and didn't get embarrassed when he had to have her repeat something.

Today though... this lunch was about her, not him. "So..." The thoughtfulness remains in his eyes. "How are you really doing, Kat?" He meant it... this whole thing with Jason had to be rough and he really did want to know how Katie was holding up under it all.