
Keep Believing

Continuing to look at the sky Stacy lets out a small sigh. It was peaceful here and even more so at night. Though dangers did lurk, it was just like a simple soft blanket covered the ranch to keep it protected from the dangers outside.

Looking to Eric again Stacy just study's him for a long moment. There was a sadness about him, maybe it was a loneliness she noticed and it made her wonder. The words he spoke seemed to prove it even more, and listen even closer maybe to her they seemed to hit home as well.

" You didn't interrupt my rounds, you'er just keeping me on my toes. I want everyone to keep up what they normally do so don't think you need to stay out of my way. The last thing I want to do is change things around here. I am just over seeing and being another set of eyes when others are busy."

Straightening a little and letting out a long sigh Stacy give Eric one more glace and smiles to herself still thinking he was rather handsome. Turning a little she gives a nod before departing for the night.

"Thank you for the chat, it was nice. Hope to see you again soon Eric. Goodnight."

As they pull up to Jason's Katie looks to Con and does her best to smile. Things were hard, being on the antidote sucked but she did her best to just accept that it could be worse. So right now she really had no right to complain.

"Thanks Con, I will remember. Tell Jamie I said Hi and tomorrow I'll finish my work."

Reaching over and giving Con a hug Katie gives a nod before leaving the car and making her way up the sidewalk to Jason's. Getting to the door and finding it locked Katie pulls her keys out and unlocks it before stepping inside. Knowing Trooper was inside Kaite moves slow not watching to startle him.

"J, it's Katie. Hey Trooper where is Jason huh boy?"

Looking in the living room and not seeing him there Katie makes her way through the house looking for him before heading to his room. Entering and seeing Jason laying on the bed Katie just watchs him for a moment.

"Hey Babe."

Entering a little more and coming to the bed Katie sinks down on it without saying anything more. Crawling onto the bed and wrapping her arms around Jason Katie burys her head into his neck and gives it a soft kiss just holding him for a long moment.

"I missed you J."

Looking up as Susanne as she places the package on her desk Misty gives a small grin hearing what it was. She loved how big Susanne's heart was and that she cared so much. Misty had wanted to go see Alec herself but she new alone it just wouldn't work. But maybe even if she could get Susanne down there it would be enough to feel like she did something too.

"Mmm...I think I could help you out. But you'd have to move quick and not stay to long. Tell Alec said I've been thinking about him too."

Setting her coffee on the edge of her desk Misty bumps it with her arm to send it over the edge and onto her old printer. If she was frantic enough one might believe her story. Giving a wink to Susanne Misty stands and heads out of the infirmary.

"Crap, crap...this is not good. Hal...Hal."

Getting to the security room Misty knocks on the door and than opens it. Seeing Hal she enters a little ways before bringing her hands up a little.

"Hal I spilled Coffee on my printer and its all over the place. Can you come and dry it off, and take it apart to dry it off for me like you did the last time?"

Misty new this would keep Hal busy at least for a half hour so, so Susanne could go down chat, give Alec the cookies and come back up in good time.

Alice can't help but laugh as she hears Kyle's story about the ice cream. It was great being shown the places Kyle went as a kid and hearing story's about his past. It was something Alice really did enjoy it.

As Kyle's phone rang Alice just continued to look out the windows and enjoy the view. Though her ears perked up a little bit when hearing it was Wayne on the other end. The band had been practicing and everyone was being very pashent with Kip, now she wondered though how long would they wait for him. She new the band would wait, but the record company she wondered about.

Once Kyle hands up the phone Alice says nothing right away. She new in his time he would tell her she wasn't going to rush him..but the look on his face did say it was something important. As Kyle first speaks Alice can't help the little bit of her own joy well inside of her. Having there first gig was a good thing.

"Oh Kyle thats great."

Than hearing Kyle's worry about the bass Alice did understand some of his own fear. He was right, it had been a while since Kip had joined them and no one really heard from him either. It was sad, and it was hard to know there friend was slipping away from them. Alice was happy Karla was there for Kip. At least he had someone who could get through to him but still it made Alice sad.

"Maybe we could stop and see Kip and tell him about the gig. It would be a maybe an intensive for him, or at least something to motivate him. Maybe thats all he really needs?"

Letting out a sigh Alice turns to Kyle a little bit. She felt bad, and wish she had the answers, but all they could really do was pray about it. Kyle had the biggest heart of anyone she new so this had to be even harder on him.

"Its gonna work out Kyle. Some how its going to work out. We just have to keep believe it will."

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