
What else to do...

Letting out another long sigh Ryan watches as Leo goes back inside. Though she doesn't follow right away still standing out in the rain. Turning back away from the entrance Ryan new for sure now she was crying. She could feel it in her eyes, and she could feel it in her heart as it seemed to break. Angry at her own self for the desition she had made. Leo had been a good guy she had hurt more than once now. But if she had stayed would that have been fair to him? Ryan didn't know the right or wrong answer anymore. She and Alec, had connected in more ways than one they seemed to just bond, but Leo...he was one in a million a really special guy.

Finally using her hand to whip her eyes Ryan was glad the rain was coming down. Someone wouldn't be able to tell she had been crying. Turning and heading back inside Ryan gives a shake to let the water drip off her and dry just a little.

Catching Axel's eyes again Ryan just shakes her head looking away. Everything was a mess and it was her fault, if only Alec really had run off with her maybe things would of been better off that way. She tried, tried talking to Leo and it hadn't of seemed to do any good. What else could she do? Disapearing to her work bench Ryan sits down with some paper work for the car she had been working on to fill it out.

If I could have

Maybe Leo really did want to yell at Ryan, but he knew he never would. He had been angry... hurt... maybe he still was. But perhaps he was now more upset with himself than Ryan. Maybe it was a mirror he needed to yell at, not her.

Ryan's final words strike down deep, and Leo stares at her through the rain, seeing that she was now getting soaked too. He hadn't meant to have this conversation... he hadn't meant to drag her out here in the rain, or upset her too.

"But if I could have changed who I was... I might not have lost you." His words were almost too quiet to hear through the rain. Holding up his arms, he lets them drop to his sides in defeat. He would never be the man Ryan wanted. They were just too different.

Turning around, Leo goes back into the garage, ignoring the strange looks from the other guys. Going to the car he'd been working on, he shuts the hood, done for the day. It wasn't scheduled to be done until tomorrow anyway.

Axel eyes the scene from his corner as he cleans a tool with his rag. He looks to Leo, then over to Ryan, wondering about the short confrontation. Nobody liked the tension that had been around the garage ever since those two had broken up, but Axel wished for their sake, more than for the others, that this issue would be resolved. Otherwise, he feared one of these days, Leo wouldn't be back to work here.


Continuing to watch and listen to Leo his words sting more than she would of thought. She new she had hurt Leo, and she new he probably still cared about her a lot but just having him confirm it seemed to put salt in the wound.

"Maybe yelling at me would make you feel a whole lot better?"

Ryan yelled to Leo through the rain, squinting to see him better as the rain feel only a tiny bit harder. Finally taking a few steps forward with a long sigh Ryan let the cool rain start to pelt her in the head too.

"Never stop and look before you jump Leo or your gonna let a lot of good better things pass you by. One of the best thinks about you is being spontaneous."

Feeling a warmth coming from her own eyes Ryan wasn't sure if it was the rain or maybe some of her own tears escaping. Not crying for herself but maybe for Leo because she still did care so much.

"Don't even change who you are Leo Barnsworth for anyone let alone a woman."

...and I can't.

Leo's eyes grow a little dim as Ryan speaks, as if hardening against the hurt he still felt. Some days he could easily forget the past, and others it seemed just like yesterday. How he wished he could turn back time and make different decisions than he had.

Lowering his head, he looks at a nearby puddle that rippled as raindrops pelted it. No, he couldn't help the way he felt. He did feel like Ryan had walked on him, and yes, it was crappy to say the least. But he hated not talking too. He hated coming in to work just to face the tension in the air. He knew the other guys felt it too, but no one had been bold enough to say anything. So they just went on with their days as if everything was fine. But it wasn't.

After a long pause, Leo finally speaks again. His tone was quiet... subdued... so unlike himself. "I'm sorry too... I'm sorry that I just can't seem to let you go." Looking up, he purses his lips grimly, finally having voiced what he was really feeling. He shrugs lamely. "Maybe I hate myself for not being able to let go, more than I hate this stupid tension between us. I guess that's what a guy gets though, for jumping without looking first though, huh?" His words weren't angry, just defeated.

Reaching out a hand, he catches some raindrops, letting them roll through his palm, then plummet to the ground, now marred by the grime and grease they took with them. But it wasn't enough. Though he was known for being a bit quirky, his next move is odd even for him.

Stepping out into the rain, he stretches his arms to the side and tilts his head back to feel the rain beat against his face.

"Leo!" Ron calls from inside. "What on earth are you doing?"

Jed turns around, his eyes widening. "You crazy?"

Leo ignores them and just lets the cool rain wash over him. Eventually, he straightens, letting his arms fall as he looks back at Ryan, now gazing at her through a veil of rain. "I wanna yell at you... and I can't."


Raising an eyebrow at Leo and his comment Ryan folds her arms across her chest turning to be facing him now too and look at him. Her yes giving a small flicker, was it anger or was it hurt it was hard to tell.

"If I didn't care Leo I wouldn't be standing here asking if you were ok and I never said I wanted to ignore you, nor did I say I liked it but its what I thought you wanted so you could make it through the day."

Letting out a sigh and lowering her hands again Ryan gives a shrug. Another look pass in her eyes that showed she really did miss her friendship with Leo and maybe if someone had bother asking she would of told them so.

"To be perfectly honest I hate we don't talk anymore even if I don't show it. Sorry you feel as though I walked all over you. Has to be a crappy way to feel, and I wish you didn't, but I guess we can't help our feelings."

Letting out another sigh Ryan turns back to the outside. The rain still coming down forming pools of water, washing everything clean. How easy it would be if life could be like that. The rain could wash away the mistakes one made, or the harden dirt that kept two people from at least saying hi. It seemed so easy yet so hard.

Pity parties

Leo sees Ryan out of the corner of his eye, and isn't sure if she's there for him or just to watch the rain too. Soon enough though, she breaks the silence.

Shifting his weight a little, he remains leaning against the door frame. It was strange to have her talk to him... they never talked anymore. There was always tension and Leo hated it, even though he pretended to ignore it.

"Yeah, I'm okay." He looks down at the ground and scuffs the toe of his boot on the edge of the concrete. He felt like he was lying.

"Maybe I'm just tired of feeling walked on... or maybe I'm tired of hating feeling walked on, I don't know." Sighing, he finally turns to lean his back against the frame and look Ryan square on. "I guess I don't even know who I am any more. Leonard Barnsworth, class clown, C student and klutz with a capital K. How far can someone like that go?" He shrugs. "Just feels like it isn't worth it anymore."

Giving a lame laugh, he shakes his head. "But you don't want to hear about that, do you? I think we got a handle on the whole 'ignore each other' thing pretty well, without me whining to you about my own pity parties."

Everything needed it

Working on her car it always seemed like there was more to do when it rained. There was little time for lunch today other than eating while working so she had let Alec know she would be by later for dinner.

Coming up from the engine Ryan gives a satisfied sigh. She just had to change the carburetor flued and than this car would be gone and ready for pick up.

Whiping her hands off on her rag Ryan's eyes roam the garage catching sight of Axel Ryan's eyes follow his to where Leo was standing. Looking back to Axel Ryan can see the question in his eyes. Giving a shrug was her reply. Leo and herself hardly said two words to each other since everything went down. Ryan missed talking to him sure but maybe staying away was better than causing a fight.

Hearing the door open to the bedroom Libby still felt way to exhausted to open her eyes, though her heart started to race wondering who it was, and if everything was ok. Finally opening her eyes just a little bit Libby can see Ty. He must have just gotten home from work. Closing her eyes again as he leaves the room Libby drifts off to sleep again.

Being completely relaxed and lost in sleep Libby dosnt even hear the door to the bedroom open again but can smell the soap Ty had used as the bed moved a little him climbing in. Feeling his arm drape over her though Libby moves just a little snuggling in close to Ty feeling so safe. Bringing her one had to his arm her other hand locks with his own her fingers intertwining with his. Bringing his hand to her lips she gives it a kiss whispering softly.

"Welcome home."

Moving his hand down around her wast again she keeps her fingers with his again feeling so comfortable it wasn't long before she drifted to sleep again.

Closing the hood of the car she had finally finished Ryan looks around the shop again taking note to Leo still standing by the door. He looked so deep in thought today it did make her wonder what was on his mind, but it really her business anymore.

Wiping her hands on her rag and walking over to the door standing in the middle she wasnt so close to Leo, but not to far away ether. Not saying anything for a moment Ryan keeps looking out at the rain before she finally spoke.

"Doesn't look like the rain is going to stop anytime soon. I guess thats not a bad thing, everything needed the water before it got to dry and died."

Letting out a sigh and than taking a deep breath of the fresh air Ryan puts her hands in her jean pockets before turning slightly to Leo. Before they dated they were good friends and could joke. They talked to each other back then and could laugh could things really never go back to they? Would they hate each other forever?

"You've been standing over here quite a long time...I guess I just wanted to make sure you were ok."


"Younger years..." Leo smirks a little with humor at Cassy as she mentions her cooking. He felt anything but old, let alone her.

Her question makes him shrug. "Um... how about supper? That way I can come do more work outside before hand. Hate to work afterward on a full stomach." He grins and polishes off his plate, sighing with satisfaction.

"Very good," he concludes. "Steve must've been crazier than I already thought."

Getting to his feet, he helps Cassy up too, then carries his plate to the counter. "I better get going... I'll swing by tomorrow about ten or so to work for a while. And... just for the record..." He makes sure all the tools are put away and he's got everything he needs to go home. "...you don't need to give me any form of payment, food or otherwise. I'm here 'cause I wanna help."

Aiming for the door, he turns a little though, giving her another grin. "Feel free to cook though - I won't complain." Then turning again, he heads out the door and to his car.

The next morning, the sun shone red behind the thin outskirts of a cloud bank, only to disappear soon after having risen over the horizon. It would remain hidden for the rest of the day as the clouds moved in, pouring rain as they passed slowly overhead. The cool wetness made for a damp chill in the air, a reminder that summer wasn't quite back yet.

Ty parks his bike in the garage and enters the house through the other door, dripping wet. It was no fun not being able to drive. He probably could have called someone, but he didn't like doing that either. Oh well, the bike ride felt good, even if he was soaking wet now.

Making his way down the hall, he enters his room then stops short, having completely forgotten that Libby was in here, and not out on the couch. Slowing down, he tries to be quiet, seeing she's still asleep. Then he heads to the bathroom to strip and shower. Throwing on some comfy sweatpants and a t-shirt, he runs a towel through his hair, though it's still a little damp. Back down the hall, he lets himself into his room quieter this time, and eases over to the bed, sitting down softly. He was glad Libby had gotten some sleep... she deserved it.

Totally exhausted from a very long night at work, Ty doesn't feel like making her move, nor does he want to go try and get comfortable on the couch either. He didn't want to startle Libby though.

Grabbing another blanket, he curls up behind Libby, pulling his own blanket up so he wouldn't invade her space under the covers. He does put his arm around her though and kisses the back of her head lightly before sighing deeply and closing his eyes.

Leo leans on the open garage door frame, looking out at the ran. The steady beat drummed on the metal roof of the auto shop, keeping a rhythm behind the clanking of tools and the periodic hum of engines.

He had been scheduled to have off today, but with the rain, he'd called and left Cassy a message - he couldn't work out in the rain, so he'd meet her later about six o'clock for supper. In the meantime, he had nothing to do, so he'd come in to work. Unfortunately, his mind was far from fixing cars.

Turning a little to look back over his shoulder, he sees Jed and Ron trying to figure out the problem with a pickup truck. In the other corner, Axel worked on another car - he'd been back to work more steadily lately, able to work more and more as his hand improved. And Ryan's bay was full this morning too. For a moment or two, Leo just watches her, until she comes up from the engine and he turns his gaze to look outside again, lest she see him watching her.

Darrel was gone today... Leo could get away with letting himself be pensive, though it was rare that he was, especially when here. When he was at home, sometimes he would take time to just sit and think... but not usually at work, or in public. Today though... something was different. Maybe it was just the rain. Maybe it was the gloom that made it feel like a raincloud was hanging over his heart. Maybe it was everything that had been on his mind since the evening before.

Axel glances up from his work to see Leo still standing at the open door. He'd been there for about fifteen minutes now, and he had yet to join in any laughter or joking with the others. It was very strange and it almost made Axel concerned.

Waiting to catch Ryan's eye, he gives her a look of question, glancing to Leo again, then back to Ryan, wondering if she knew what was up.

Cinnimon Twist

Seeing the gleam in Alec’s eye makes Ryan’s own grin grow a little. There was a change going on with him over the last few weeks. Not anything bad, or made him different than who he was now, but it was almost like he was becoming softer in some manors, yet he was the same Alec Ryan had grown and formed a close relationship with.

“You did say something that didn’t make sense, but that’s ok I thought it was kind of funny listing to you babble and tweaking Rick out.”

About to say something else Ryan can’t as she hears Alec words, and this his actions follow. The slight grin that had been on her face grows even more into the sassy smirk.

Wrapping her arms around Alec Ryan’s heart starts to race as she can feel her pulse moving faster than it had before being taken totally into the moment till Alec pulls away and she stands again. Shaking her head and looking down at him again Ryan cross her arms over her chest her eyes sparked with fire.

“And you think I’m the one trying to kill you? Ha! I think it goes both ways.”

Shaking her head again and regaining her composure Ryan is quiet for a few moments putting the straws into the cups and than handing Alec his and taking a sip of her own.

“Ok, yes food is good as well. Just don’t eat all the cinnamon twists on me.”

Watching Alec and Ryan from her desk Misty couldn’t help the smile that had formed on her own face. It was funny to see how they acted with each other knowing what seemed like forever ago now Carson and herself had been in that same position. It was different, but the same.

Looking down at the ring that was now on her finger Misty runs her thumb over it for a long moment. All the happy memories they had shared, and the sad that had lead to the good. Now they were married and happier than ever, Misty couldn’t think of life any different. Now she hoped Alec and Ryan would find the same happiness they looked so cute together.

Giving a smile and looking up at Ty Libby nods. She new she was safe here but still it couldn’t take away the feeling of nerves she felt in her stomach anyways. It would more than likely take a while for those feelings to go away.

“I’ll more than likely give you a call later just to say hi before I hit the sack or something.”

Standing and following Ty to the door Libby leans up to give him a kiss before he leaves. Giving a wave as he pulled out of the driveway Libby shuts the door behind her locking it before turning and heading into Ty’s room shutting that door behind her as well.

Looking around the room for a long moment Libby couldn’t help the small tear that escaped her eye. Going over to her bag Libby pulls out some paper and a pen bringing it over to the bed she curls up on it before starting to write some stuff down just anything to keep her mind busy. Soon though the emotions of the day take over, and being tired once again sets in as Libby was fast asleep curled under the blankets of Ty’s bed.

Sitting across from Leo Cassy was happy he was enjoying the meal. Sometimes her taste in cooking was different than most people adding spices that were different, so she wasn’t always sure if Leo would like it to not. But getting his conformation that he did made her feel good.

“I use to cook a lot in my younger years. Once I got into dancing heavy though I stopped not having much time. Not to mention Steve didn’t like my cooking all that much. Now though I have all the time in the world to cook, and a good reason because you can share it with me.”

Cassy’s eyes give a twinkle as she holds her own little plate looking up at Leo. It was nice cooking again.

“There is no point in making a meal like this when it’s only me eating it. I won’t eat it all, and I hate throwing food away. So knowing you will eat it and you like it, is a good reason. I think its one of the best ways to pay you for the work your doing anyways.”

Taking a sip of her water Cassy looks down at her plate again breaking her gaze from Leo. It was nice eating with someone again too, but she though it best to keep that one to herself. The last thing she wanted to do was make Leo uncomfortable like she had before when asking him to the movies.

Letting out a small sigh and whipping her mouth with her napkin Cassy looks back up at Leo again. Her eyes searching his face for a long moment as he sat enjoying his food. Just watching him enjoying the silence for a long moment before finally speaking again.

“So what time do you think we should do the food and movie? A lunch thing or a dinner thing? Either is fine with me.”